Inazuma YOUR Eleven + Inazuma YOUR Eleven GO Club
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Part15- the second to last game

For the rest of the week, Raimon soccer club practiced till they dropped. Gouenji, especially worked the hardest. Satsuki's determination to win the game for Yuuka had given him strength. He was still worried about facing his old team in which he had let down, but Satsuki had told him not to worry. In the end, he would feel better. This game was for Yuuka. He wanted to win it, then win the last game to win the FF tournament. Everything was for Yuuka...

The night before the game, Satsuki lay on her bed in the room next to Aki's. She had ended up staying with Aki since she didn't have money to live anywhere else. Satsuki laid there in the dark thinking of what the next day would bring. (Her eyes adjusted to the dark.) She turned and looked at the picture that was on the bedside table.
Satsuki couldn't help feeling a strange vibe in the air as she looked at the picture. She had, long ago, lost the connection between her two friends, but she had lately felt a strange pull to it. She shook her head and looked up at the ceiling. 
Satsuki: "I hope we win tomorrow, for the team and Gouenji."

Announcer: "today is the game between Raimon and Kidokawashashu! Let's see who wins to get to the final round of the tournament FOOTBALL FRONTIER!!!"

The team was in the locker room getting ready for the game. Satsuki gripped her necklace, breathed in, and gave a little prayer for luck. She flipped her necklace inside her shirt and looked at Gouenji. He was looking at a pendant around his neck. She went over to him as he put it in his shirt.
Satsuki: *whisper* "We'll win today."
He looked up with an anxious look, but then gave a slight smile.
Just then, Natsumi, the head manager, came into the room.
Natsumi: "minna! The game's about to start!"
Endou stood up, "minna! Shiai katsuzo!"
All: "OHH!" everyone put their fists in the air.

Announcer: "Iyo iyo shiai kaishi!"

The whistle blew and the game started. One Mukata brother passed the ball to the other, then all three  brothers started moving up. They ran past Someoka and Gouenji. 
Three brothers: "we'll show you real power."
The three of them dodged Max and Satsuki as they ran toward the goal. Then one of the brothers kicked the ball into the air and another jumped after it. 
Endou: "No!"
Mukata brother: "BACK TORNADO"
Endou got into a defending stance...
"BAKUNETSU PUNCH!" He punched and punched the ball as best he could, but the shot was a lot stronger than the one he had experienced before.


Announcer: "GOAL! Kidokawasaishu took the leading point in the game!"

Endou looked at his hand, "I was able to stop it last time..."
Mukata brother 1: "You thought we would..."
Brother 2: "do a real shot before the game..."
Brother 3: "pathetic"
The three brothers turned around, at the same time, and pointed at Gouenji.
Mukata brothers: "GOUENJI SHUUYA! your next..."

Gouenji and Someoka ran down the field with Satsuki and Kidou in toll. The Mukata brothers blocked Gouenji as he passed the ball back to Kidou, then he passed it to Someoka. Just as he got the ball, Nishigaki ran up to him and did a hissatsu waza. 
Nishigaki: "SPINNING CUT!!!"
The ball flew out of Someoka's reach as he was hit backwards. Nishigaki ran and got the ball, but was cut off with Satsuki's waza, "LIGHTNING BOLT!!!"
Nishigaki fell to the ground as Satsuki got the ball. 
Satsuki: "GOUENJI, SOMEOKA, make the shot!"
She passed the ball to Someoka as he did his hissatsu shot, Dragon Crash, then Gouenji went after the ball and did his hissatsu waza, Fire Tornado. 
Announcer: "It went in! Raimon and Kidokawasaishu is now tied!"

*whistle, whistle-----*
Announcer: "there's the half time mark! Half of the game has ended with a tie! Hatashite shiyai wo katsu no wa Raimon ka? Kidokawashaishu?"

Endou: "good job out there everyone!"
Ichinose: "Endou, I think we should try the waza in the second half."
Endou: "okay, as soon as you get the ball I'll run up to you and Domon and we'll do it."
Satsuki smiled, then looked at Gouenji. He was staring at the other team.
Satsuki: "do you still feel responsible for that game?"
He nodded
Satsuki: *sigh* "Come on Gouenji lets win this game!"
He looked at her, smiled, then nodded.

Announcer: "the players of both sides go to their positions on the field. Hatashite dochi no team ga katsun desho!?"
Someoka passed the ball to Gouenji, who automatically passed it back to Ichinose.

Announcer: "Gouenji passes the ball back to Ichinose and... Wait a minute! Goalkeeper, Endou leaves the goal unprotected and runs up to Ichinose, followed by Domon!"

Ichinose: "Ikuzo!"
The three players cross the ball and made it fly up into the air. Then it turned into a pegasus as they jumped after the ball. All at once the three players kicked the ball toward the opposite teams goal.
Ichinose, Domon, and Endou: "TRI-PEGASUS!!!"
It went in... *whistle*
Announcer: "GOAL! Raimon and Kidokawasaishu 2-1! Raimon takes the leading point!"
Mukata brother 1: "us losing to Raimon?"
Brother2: "yeah right!"
Brother 3: "Kidokawashaishu is the best!!!"
The other players passed each other the ball, but a strange thing happened. One of the brothers charged his own team mate and took the ball away. 
Brother 1: "we're going to defeat Raimon!"
The three brothers went through the whole defense line, all the way to the goal box. Endou got into a defensive position.
Mukata brothers: "This is our strongest hissatsu waza!!!"
Each brother kicked the ball to each other, making the ball go higher into the air. After the last brother kicked the ball toward the goal, he spun and made a triangle with his other brothers saying,"TRIANGLE Z!!!"
Endou got his hand out,"GOD HAND!!!"
The intensity of the shot was so great that the ball broke through the hand barrier and went into the goal.
Announcer: "Goal!!! The teams are now tied again!! With only a few minutes left on the clock, who will win this match!?"

Brother 1: "of course..."
Brother 2: "it's us..."
Brother 3: "that'll win."
All three: "we'll win and beat Gouenji!"
Gouenji turned and gritted his teeth. He was starting to feel denial.
"What's wrong with you three!!!!"
Everybody looked at the person who had just spoken.
Satsuki: "Is that all you think about? To beat Gouenji just because he missed the game last year! YOU THREE should have been more prepared for the match! The three of you and the rest of your team shouldn't have put everything on Gouenji. If anything, it was all of your faults for losing that game. Gouenji's sis..."
She stopped as a hand was placed on her shoulder. Gouenji looked at her and shook his head. "But," she protested. Again, he shook his head, but this time with a smile.
"let's win this game!"
Satsuki: "Gouenji..." she gave an apologetic smile. She hadn't taken any notice to what she had been saying. Everybody looked at her with a surprised expression. 
Satsuki: "minna! Let's win!!!"
Raimon: "OOOOOO!!!"

Both teams players got into their positions on the field. Raimon only had a few more minutes to get the leading point to win the game. 
As Someoka passed the ball to Gouenji, one of the Mukata brothers zoomed in and took the ball away. They went through Kazemaru and Domon, which led the three right to the goal box. 
"I'll stop it this time," said Endou.
The brothers did their waza Triangle Z.   What Satsuki had angered them. To them, nothing was their fault. They just couldn't get past their selfishness.
Mukata brothers: "a pathetic keeper like you could never stop our shot!"
"GOD HAND!!!" 
The ball hit the hand barrier with a deafening impact. It pushed and pushed to get past Endou. He knew he couldn't stop it... Until.
"push Captain, push!"
The two people behind him were Kurimatsu and Kabeyama. They were helping him push the ball away!
Mukata brothers: "what!?"

Announcer: "Goalkeeper, Endou Mamoru, stopped the shot with the help of Kurimatsu and Kabeyama!"

Endou: "Kazemaru!" He passed him the ball. 
Kazemaru: "Kidou!" 
Kidou: "Satsuki!"
The ball was passed to Satsuki, who caught it with her foot. She then turned around and did a triple back flip. The ball was flung into the air and kicked on several times as Satsuki got to it. Then, she jumped higher and fell toward the ball in a Lightning pattern. "KAMINARI OTTOSHI!!!"

Announcer: "Satsuki does her hissatsu shot, Kaminari Ottoshi, but shoots it the wrong way...wait!!!! It was a pass to Gouenji!"

Gouenji ran toward the ball, then turned around and jumped.
Announcer: "This time Gouenji shoots, but it again is going the wrong direction!!!"
Just then, the Mukata brothers ran toward the flying ball and tried to get it, but all three were blown away. Then, Ichinose, Domon, and Endou came running toward the ball.

Announcer: "Amazing!!! Gouenji's Fire Tornado was just a pass!!!"

Nishigaki: "I won't let another shot go in!" "SPINNING SHOT!!!"
Ichinose, Domon, and Endou were momentarily cut off by a wall of fire, but they easily cut through it.
The three crossed the ball on each side making it fly into the air, but instead of a Pegasus, the ball was engulfed in a fiery red bird. The three jumped up and kicked the ball toward the goal.
Announcer: "it went in!!! Raimon's new hissatsu shot, the Phoenix, made the leading point!!!"
*whistle whistle whistle-----"
Announcer: "And that marks the end of this match! 3-2 and Raimon chu wins the game!!! They will be going into the championship game against Zeus chu! Find out and see who wins the FF tournament!!!"

Endou: "we won! We're going to the championships!"
Everyone gathered into a group hug. There was laughing and happiness.
Mukata brothers: "we lost... Kidokawasaishu lost." 
Gouenji approach them.
"it's not all about winning, soccer is supposed to be fun."
Mukata brothers: "you still left us that day."
Kidokawa's coach: "that's because his sister got in a car accident..."
Mukata brothers: "WHAT!?"
The coach told them about the day of the accident. Afterwards the three brothers begged Gouenji for forgiveness, even though he had said that he forgave them. Gouenji looked at Satsuki who was giving Aki, Ichinose, and Domon a hug. Then she turned and gave Kazemaru a big hug. He turned bright red.
He smiled,"fushigi na hitto..."

Endou: "Minna! On to the next match! We're going to win the FF tournament!!!"

Later that day.....
Gouenji: "she's in this room..."
After the game Gouenji and Satsuki went to the hospital. Satsuki was sooo eager to tell Yuuka the news, that she couldn't wait. As they walked in, she saw a small, adorable girl sleeping in the bed. 
Satsuki: "So this is Yuuka... You were right, she is adorable."
Gouenji smiled. Satsuki really was a sister figure to him. Especially because she acted similar to Yuuka.
"I can't wait for the day she wakes up."
Satsuki nodded. "Yuuka, I'm Satsuki, I'll watch over your brother for you, okay? You have nothing to worry about. He won the preliminary game today. We're going onto the championships. We're going to come back and see you as winners!"
She looked at Gouenji, smiled, then looked out the window.
"Zeus chu..."
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