Irish Hunters Club
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*This is suppose to be a story that Rift is telling to a five year old Kat and Susie as a bedtime story*

Part 1: Will you?
Snake: Are you sure you want to do this Rift?
Rift: Yes, I love Fluttershy very much and I want to be with her. *Walks into Animal Clinic that Fluttershy works at*
Frontdesk pony: May I help you?
Rift: I'm looking for Fluttershy, is she free right now?
Frontdesk pony: Oh you must be her boyfriend, I'll let her know you are here. *calls Fluttershy over P.A. system* Dr. Fluttershy to front desk, front desk to Dr. Fluttershy.
Fluttershy: *gasp* Rift!!!!!! 
Rift: Hey there Fluttershy *kisses Fluttershy*
Fluttershy: So what brings you here? Is Angel Bunny ok?
Rift: Angle Bunny's fine I left him with Two-Bit.
*at cottage*
Two-Bit: So… wanna play a card game?
*back at clinic*
Rift: Anyway, I wanted to ask you something.
Fluttershy: What is it?
Rift: *kneels down and pulls out ring* Fluttershy, will you marry me?
Fluttershy: Yes, I will marry you Rift!!!! *hugs and kisses Rift*
Part 2: Getting ready
3 months later* 
Rift: Ok evey thing needs to be perfect. 
Sonic Dash: Relax man, it's gonna be fine.
Rift: I know it's just pre-wedding anxiety.
Fluttershy: Are you gonna be fine Big Boy?
Rift: Yeah, I have some stuff to do and let Macintosh know I gotta get of work early.
Fluttershy: I let the manager know I was getting married so I have today off. I'll be gone all day though, you know getting ready for tomarrow.
Rift: Rift: Ok Rarity I need you to…
Rarity: Ok Opal, hold right there.
Rift: Uh Rarity?
Rarity: Ummm, you didn't see this.
Rift: Right, so anyway I need you to tailor me a tux.
Rarity: But why me darling?
Rift: Well because you are the best seamstress in all of Equestria, and my current tux doesn't fit me. 
Rarity: What do you mean?
Rift: Well, I put it on and it just won't reach the 2 1/2 mark of my hoof.
Rarity: Oh, ok Rift. 
Rift: So, uh, how much do I need to pay for it?
Rarity: Nothing darling it's free.
Rift: Thanks Rarity.
5 min. later*
Rarity: How does it feel?
Rift: It feels gerat. It's loose enough to fit me but not to loose that I falls off. Thanks Rarity.
Part 3: The cockatrice. 
Two-Bit: Come on Rift, it's over here.
Rift: What's over… oh my Celestia!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!! *running* Tell me again why you brought me to see the cockatrice.
Two-Bit: *running next to Rift* I thought you could kill it with your guitar!!!!
Rift: Are you kidding me?!?! My guitar isn't even that strong!!
Two- Bit: But you hit Scribe with it.
Rift: Yeah and broke, that's why I have the Roman numeral for two painted on the side of it.
Two- Bit: Ahhh, gotcha. 
*out of the ever free forrest* 
Rift: Gezz Two-Bit. *gets call from Fluttershy* Oh, hi babe. What no, we aren't messing around. Ok I'll see you tomarow. Love you, bye. 
Part 4:Imminent Danger
Snake: *outside on balcony* So, you and Fluttershy get married tomarow. Dang, it's really snuck up on us huh?
Rift: Eeyup, *takes a sip of cider* tomarow I'm no longer single. So *balcony shakes* nopony... move... a muscle...
Snake: *moves a little bit* Gahhh!!!
Rift/Snake: *hanging on ledge*
Snake: Ok, Rift buddy, if we don't make it I want to let you know… I saw Fluttershy in the shower yesterday.
Rift: Wait, you wha?
Snake: Uhhhh…
Rift: I'm gonna kill you for that *tries to grab snake*
Rift/Snake: *fall* Gahhh!! *smash into pile of hay*
Rift: Owwwwww...
Part 5: Oh dear…
*the next morning*
Sonic Dash/Rainbow Dash: Wake up Rift!!!
Rift: Ahhhh, Wha.... What time is it?
Rainbow Dash: You know it's your wedding day right?
Rift: Sweet Celestia, come on let's go. SNAKE COME ON DUDE LET'S MOVE!!!!
Snake: *kissing applejack*
Sonic Dash: Ok this is ridiculous. 
Rift: Snake common man let's go!! 
Two-Bit: Snake if you don't move your caboose I'm breaking your guitar. 
Snake: Well I better go. 
Rift: I hope we're not to late!!!
*at alter*
Fluttershy: I hope Rift makes it...
Twilight: Relax Fluttershy, he'll be here.
Fluttershy's dad: Hey there Fluttershy.
Fluttershy: *gasp* Daddy!!!!! 
Fluttershy's dad: You look beautiful honey.
*back to where Rift is*
Rift: *putting on his army medals*
Two-Bit: Wow, you got the Medal of Honor?
Rift: Yes, I risked my hide to save Cole's bum.
Part 6: I do...
Rift: Ok, let's do this.
Octavia and Piano pony: *play here come's the bride*
Fluttershy/Fluttershy's dad: *walk up to where Rift is standing*
Fluttershy's dad: Boy...
Rift: Yes sir?
Fluttershy's dad: *smiles* Fluttershy made the right choice with you. 
Fluttershy's dad:*Whispers to Fluttershy* He's a keeper.
Fluttershy: How do I look Big Boy?
Rift: Like an angel.
Twilight: Friends, familiy, we are gathered here today to witness the wedding of Rift Jones and Fluttershy. Rift, do you take Fluttershy to be your lawful wedded wife, to love and to hold, to comfort and... Just gimme a sec here... *flips though note cards* Ah ha, here we go. To comfort and to cherish?
Rift: I do.
Twilight: Fluttershy, do you take Rift to be lawful wedded husband, to love and to hold, to comfort and to cherish?
Fluttershy: I do.
Twilight: I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.
Fluttershy: *kisses Rift*
Big Macintosh: I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry.
Two-Bit: Just fight back the tears buddy, just fight back the tears.
Rift: So what do we do next?
Fluttershy: Let's have a foal.
Rift: Sure Fluttershy. 
*back to present time*
Kat: Wow, so what happened next?
Rift: What happened next? Well, we had you and Susie *pulls blanket over Kat and Susie* I quit my Applebuckin' for a while to be a business pony, then I just fell back into Applebuckin'.
Susie: Interesting... *yawn*
Rift: Do you girls want a lullaby?
Kat/Susie: Yes.
Rift: *chuckles to self* Ok, hey Fluttershy!!!
Fluttershy: Yes?
Rift: You think you can sing to these girls to help them sleep?
Fluttershy: Hush now, quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy heads, hush now quiet now it's time to go to bed.
Rift: Good night Kat, good night Susie.
Kat/Susie: Good night daddy.
added by ricoiswsome
Source: Me
Chapter 1: Good news
Rift: *reading*
Fluttershy: *walks in from work* Whew, it was a busy day today. I'm home every one.
Rift: *hugs Fluttershy* How's you day?
Fluttershy: It was great. Where are the others?
Rift: They're playing in Calvin's room. *sits down on couch*
Fluttershy: So what would you like for dinner?
Rift: I'm not sure. How about Tacos?
Fluttershy: Ok, oh and I have some news I would like to share with you tonight.
Later that night...*
Rift: *taking off shirt* 
Fluttershy: Uh Rift, could you help me with my bra?
Rift: You need me to help you take it off?
Fluttershy: I can't reach the latch...
continue reading...
added by ricoiswsome
Source: Me
added by ricoiswsome
added by ricoiswsome
added by ricoiswsome
added by ricoiswsome
added by ricoiswsome
added by fluttershyrocx
I love this song
added by ricoiswsome
added by ricoiswsome
added by ricoiswsome
posted by ricoiswsome
Chapter 1: Hair cuts
Fluttershy: Dinner's ready every pony!!!
Rift: Coming Fluttershy.
Calvin: Coming *trips and falls down the stairs* Ow.
Dewdrop: Um, Calvin are you ok?
Calvin: Mmmfph.
Dewdrop: What?
Calvin: *lifts head up* Yeah, I'm fine.
Rift: So Kat what did you do today?
Kat: Me and Donatello were dissecting a frog in class, he accedentaly hit the tray with his hoof and sent it on Susie's hair. She ran out screaming.
Susie: That was not funny.
Kat: Yes it was.
Rift: Don't fight you two.
Fluttershy: What did you do Calvin?
Calvin: Uh, nothing.
Dewdrop: He and Stacy kissed.
Calvin: Did not.
Rift: Calvin,...
continue reading...
added by ricoiswsome
added by ricoiswsome