Jack and Kate Club
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posted by LowriLorenza89
1. Since the very first scene opened on a close-up of Jack's eye, it was obvious that he would be the main character. It was therefore also obvious that he would be the winner in any love triangle where he was one of the rivals.

2. Jack and Kate were the first characters shown meeting outside the chaos of the plane wreck. This highlights the importance of their relationship.

3. They were also the first couple shown introducing themselves to each other.

4. Kate gave Jack her real name, despite her having lived using aliases for several years beforehand.

5. Jack taught Kate to stop running, while Kate taught Jack that he didn't have to fix everything.

6. A doctor and a fugitive is a more interesting story for a couple than 2 criminals or 2 doctors.

7. Kate sewing up Jack's wound.

8. Jack telling Kate the "count to five story".

9. Kate screaming Jack's name, and not Charlie's, when they were being pursued by the smoke monster.

10. Kate counting to five while hiding in the tree.

11. Jack telling Kate to run if she hears anything in the jungle.

12. Kate wanting to tell Jack what she did, and Jack offering her a clean slate.

13. Jack being concerned about Kate going on the boar hunt.

14. Jack touching Kate's face in Walkabout.

15. Jack telling Kate about his father's recent death.

16. Kate teasing Jack about his tattoos.

17. Charlie describing their flirting as "verbally copulating".

18. Jack and Kate shirtless in the caves.

19. "You checking me out?" "Trust me, if I was checking you out, you'd know it."

20. Hurley asking Jack if he and Kate were going to move into a cave together.

21. Jack and Kate sitting in their separate camps with "are you sure that this is where you want to me?" playing in the background.

22. Jack looking at Kate's mugshot. Kate commenting that she takes better and smaller photos, should he want something for his wallet.

23."Are you actually comparing yourself to Jack?"

24. Kate's reaction when she learns that Jack has been buried in a cave-in.

25. The mother of all hugs.

26. Kate making Jack a sling.

27. "I almost didn't recognise you. You're smiling."

28. Kate betting on Jack when he's playing golf.

29. The scene of Kate "sinking" and Jack joking that she'd try to sink her way off the island.

30. Kate touching Jack's face after Ethan beats him up.

31. Saving Charlie together.

32. Kate admitting to Jack that the toy plane had belonged to "the man I loved... the man I killed".

33. Jack watching Kate in Hearts & Minds.

34. Kate showing Jack the garden she and Sun had planted.

35. The guava seed scene.

36. Jack not wanting Kate to ask Sawyer for the gun because he doesn't want her to owe him anything.

37. Jack helping Sawyer with his headaches because Kate had asked him to do so.

38. Kate drugging Jack to force him to rest.

39. Kate offering Jack soup.

40. Jack swapping their packs so that Kate doesn't have to risk carrying the dynamite.

41. "I got your back."

42. Hurley referring to Kate as "your girl" to Jack.

43. Kate thanking Jack for keeping up people's hopes, and quoting "live together, die alone" back to him.

44. Kate counting to five while being lowered into the hatch.

45. Jack walking in on Kate in the shower.

46. Jack and Kate eating together at the end of Everybody Hates Hugo.

47. Jack and Kate playing golf together and teasing each other.

48. Kate's breakdown and Jack trying to calm her.

49. Their first kiss.

50. Jack turning the hunting party around and surrendering their guns because the Others threatened Kate.

51. Ana Lucia asking about Jack and Kate.

52. Kate being the only poker player Jack couldn't read, and teasing Jack about having fun.

53. "I'm glad you beat Sawyer."

54. Jack offering to walk Kate back to the beach.

55. Kate's little smile when Jack approaches to ask her to accompany him.

56. Jack and Kate caught in a net.

57. "I'm sorry I kissed you." "I'm not."

58. Sawyer misunderstanding "we got caught in a net" as a sexual euphemism and using the expression himself.

59. Jack carrying Kate when they are attacked by the Others.

60. Jack and Kate looking at each other as they're taken captive.

61. Jack shouting for Kate when he regains consciousness, and Kate saying that she won't work for the Others until she sees Jack.

62. Kate recognising Jack and shouting for him when he's taken past her cage.

63. Kate quoting Jack's "live together, die alone" to Sawyer.

64. Jack's reaction when Kate is brought into the room.

65. The glass wall scene.

66. Jack asking if she's OK and if the Others hurt her, asking what they did to have her wanting him to save Ben.

67. Jack's reaction upon seeing that Kate and Sawyer slept together.

68. Ben saying that he'd have bet on Kate and Jack.

69. Jack sabotaging Ben's surgery to save Kate and Sawyer.

70. Jack using the opportunity to enable Kate and Sawyer to escape, and not to escape himself, even though his actions would further alienate Ben and the Others.

71. Kate refusing to leave - "I can't leave without you! Jack, I can't! I can't!"

72. "Kate, damn it, run!"

73. Kate reciting the count to five story back to Jack - "you fixed her, you saved her".

74. Sawyer and Juliet's reactions while listening to her tell the story.

75. Jack asking Kate to promise never to come back for him, because he doesn't want her risking himself.

76. Kate wanting to return for Jack and later recruiting Danielle to help rescue him.

77. Kate admitting to Danielle when questioned that she cares for Jack.

78. Kate wanting to trade Mikhail for Jack.

79. Kate's reaction when she sees Jack with the Others.

80. Kate watching Jack play piano.

81. Their reunion.

82. Kate taking Jack's hand in the breakroom scene.

83. Jack whispering in Kate's ear.

84. "I asked you not to come back here for me, and I wish.. I wish that you hadn't... but I will come back here for you."

85. "The reason Jack told you not to come back wasn't because he didn't want you to get hurt. It was because you broke his heart."

86. Kate apologising to Jack and helping him down the hallway.

87. Kate licking her spoon before lending it to Jack.

88. Kate replying "why wouldn't I?" when Sun asks if she trusts Jack, and denying the possibility of him working with the Others.

89. Jack's phone calls to Kate.

90. Jack and Kate looking at each other before leaving the beach camp.

91. Jack confirming that he asked Kate not to come back for him to protect her.

92. "Because I love you" - I like how Jack confessed this as just a simple answer to Kate's question, with no demand or expectation for her to reciprocate.

93. Kate's little smile in reaction to Jack's love confession.

94. Kate wiping blood off Jack's knuckles.

95. Jack telling Kate about Ben's threat to kill Sayid, Bernard and Jin.

96. The "we have to go back" scene.

97. Jack and Kate being the first characters in a flash-forward.

98. Kate hugging Jack to steal his phone.

99. "Be careful, OK?"

100. "Does that mean I should wait twenty minutes and go anyway?" "Touché"

101. Jack committing perjury to help Kate at her trial.

102. The DA asking Jack if he loves Kate, because his testimony had made it so obvious.

103. Kate thanking Jack for helping her.

104. Jack telling Kate that he didn't mean it when he denied still being in love with her.

105. Kate asking Jack to come over to her house to see Aaron, and Jack asking Kate out for coffee.

106. Jack looking after Kate after Charlotte knocked her out.

107. Kate waving at Jack on the beach.

108. Kate joking about Jack needing a prescription for his antibiotics and recommending crackers.

109. Jack kissing Kate as she emerges from the shower.

110. Kate watching Jack read to Aaron.

111. Kate calling Jack a natural.

112. "I'm so glad you changed your mind. I'm so glad that you're here."

113. The hallway kiss and sex scene.

114. Kate running to Jack's side when she hears that he collapsed.

115. Kate touching Jack's face.

116. Jack wanting Kate to help with his surgery.

117. "Living with Kate, taking care of Aaron, it all seemed so perfect, just like heaven."

118. Kate helping Jack to walk.

119. Kate reassuring Jack that he really is good at being a father.

120, The proposal.

121. Kate answering with "yes, yes, of course I will, yes!" because just one yes wasn't enough.

122. Kate during Jack's surgery.

123. Kate kissing Jack in the kitchen.

124. Juliet telling Kate that Jack kissed her to try to prove to himself that he doesn't love someone else.

125. Kate noticing that Jack is bleeding from his stitches.

126. Kate not wanting Jack to go after the chopper by himself.

127. Kate accompanying Jack to his father's funeral.

128. Jack revealing that he believed Jeremy Bentham about returning to the island because it'd be the only way to keep Kate and Aaron safe.

129. Kate rushing to Jack's side when both he and Sawyer return.

130. "Are you OK?" "I am now."

131. Jack pulling Kate towards the chopper - "I'm not leaving without you".

132. Kate almost phoning Jack.

133. "I have always been with you."

134. Kate commenting on Jack having shaved his beard.

135. Jack trying to help Kate keep Aaron.

136. Jack threatening to kill Ben if Sun doesn't because of what he did to Kate.

137. Jack finding Kate unconscious near the water and reviving her.

138. Jack's grandfather asking about Kate.

139. The kiss in 316.

140. Jack offering coffee and orange juice to Kate.

141. Jack seeing Kate at the airport.

142. Jack asking Kate for her opinion on Sawyer's plan.

143. Kate saying that she preferred the old Jack.

144. Kate being an universal donor too - both Jack and Kate being the same blood type.

145. "We were engaged. Does that count?"

146. Jack defending Kate when Roger suggests she might be involved in Ben's disappearance.

147. Jack looking at Kate when Daniel points out any of them can die.

148. Kate pulling Jack away to prevent the Others from shooting him too, and trying to interfere when Widmore hits him.

149. Jack telling the Others to take it easy on Kate.

150. "It was not all misery." "Enough of it was."

151. Jack shielding Kate when the Others were threatening to shoot her.

152. Kate not wanting Jack to detonate the bomb in case it doesn't work and he dies. Kate not wanting to change the future because it would erase their relationship.

153. Jack being so hurt by the way their relationship ended that he'd rather change the future to prevent them from ever meeting.

154. Jack and Kate looking at each other as he goes to talk with Sawyer.

155. "I had her. I had her, and I lost her."

156. "Well, damn, Doc, she's standing right on the other side of those trees. You want her back, just go and ask her!" - even Sawyer ships Jate at this point!

157. "If it's meant to be, it's meant to be."

158. Kate wiping blood off Jack's face.

159. "Remember when I sewed you up, when we first got here?"

160. Jack asking Kate about Aaron and Kate admitting that she returned to the island to find Claire.

161. "Are you with me on this?" "Yes"

162. Jack looking at Kate before he leaves.

163 Jack and Kate looking at each other before he drops the bomb.

164. Kate running to Jack's side when he's knocked out by debris.

165. Kate rushing to Jack when she sees both him and Sawyer unconscious.

166. Kate defending Jack from Sawyer.

167. Kate bumping into Jack in the flash-sideways and stealing his pen.

168. Kate using the pen she stole from Jack to help her escape.

169. Jack and Kate seeing each other at the airport.

170. Jack telling Kate to be careful as they say goodbye to each other.

171. Jack startling Kate so that she almost shoots him.

172. Jack inviting Kate to come with them to the Lighthouse even though Hurley said it should just be them both.

173. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

174. "Whatever happened to you guys? I thought you would get married and have like a thousand kids."

175. Kate smiling when Jack walks into their camp.

176. Jack and Kate talking about whether they trust Locke.

177. Kate looking back at Jack before they leave.

178. Kate's reaction after Jack jumped off the boat. Kate wanting to go back for him.

179. Jack rescuing Kate from the cage.

180. Jack carrying Kate after she was shot.

181. Jack pulling Kate out of the water, and telling Hurley to take her to safety.

182. "I couldn't find you!"

183. Jack treating Kate's gunshot wound.

184. Kate's reaction when Jack volunteers to become the island's next protector.

185. Kate watching Jack in the river.

186. Kate choosing to go with Jack to the heart of the island rather than getting Desmond with Sawyer.

187. "You haven't ruined anything. Nothing is irreversible."

188. "I saved you a bullet!"

189. Kate helping Jack to walk and supporting him when he falls.

190. Kate trying to persuade Jack to come with them and let the island sink.

191. "Tell me I'm gonna see you again."

192. Their last kiss.

193. "I love you." "I love you."

194. Kate crying as she watches him walk away.

195. "I'm sorry, where do I remember you from?" "I stole your pen. Oceanic 815 from Sydney. I bumped into you coming out of the bathroom. I stole your pen." "And that's how I know you?" "No, that's not how you know me."

196. Kate touching Jack's face.

197. Flashbacks of their relationship.

198. "I missed you so much."

199. Jack and Kate smiling at each other and holding hands in the church.

200. Jack watching Kate's plane fly away until he dies.

201. I don't ship Jacket because I never really warmed to Juliet. I spent too long being suspicious of her motives and intentions.

202. It was also just too obvious that Jack was trying to force himself to move on with Juliet and wasn't really interested in her.

203. I don't ship Skate because so many of their significant moments are based on negative reasons rather than love or even attraction. Kate claimed that she loved Sawyer to stop Pickett from beating him. She slept with him for the first time out of pity, a kind of last request, because they believed the Others would kill him. She slept with him the second time out of jealousy because Jack was spending time with Juliet.

204. I don't like how Skate's first kiss was a result of him blackmailing her, when he didn't even have what she believed he was offering. It could be argued that this kiss was sexual assault. He even joked about the possibility of being greedy and asking for more than a kiss.

205. I don't like how Skate slept together in an unhygienic old bear cage, out in the open where anyone could walk past, and where they were unknowingly being filmed by the cameras.

206. Sawyer revealed Kate's criminal past to the entire camp as soon as doing so became useful to him. Jack, on the other hand, treated the knowledge as confidential.

207. I can't really see how Kate went from seeming disgusted by Sawyer to supposedly loving him, without much change in his behaviour.

208. Jack and Kate are the only 2 characters, other than the married couples, shown in flashback weddings. It's almost like the writers were trying to give us material to manipulate for fanart and videos.

209. J and K are next to each other in the alphabet.

210. Jate is fate.
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