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posted by just_bella
Here we go, hope you enjoy!!

End of Chapter 40

I found a small clothing store in the airport, I walked in and started looking for things that would fit Edward. I ended up finding a pair of black pants, and a light Grey button down shirt that would fit him nicely.

I took the clothes and ran back to Edward, shoving the bags into his chest. "Go change please." I said impatiently.

He looked from me to Bella and back, unsure if he could or would leave her.

"I'll keep her safe. The faster you go, the faster you will be back." I said as I shook my head.

He snickered softly as he ran into the mens room. He returned a minute later looking like the clothes were made for him, slowing down by a garbage can to place the cloak on top. Bella's drooping eyes bulged a bit..I knew I had done good.

We all were laughing when we heard our flight being announced over head.

"That's us." Edward said as he wrapped his arms around Bella, towing her along.

"Thank goodness, we're going home." I said.

"Yes, thank goodness we are all going home." Edward said as he kissed the top of her head.

Bella and Edward were sitting in the row in front of me on the plane. Luckily no one had sat next to me because what I had to do next might be the most difficult part of the day...I had to call Jasper.

Chapter 41

I sighed as I took the phone off the wall, cradling it in my hands..noticing that they were shaking. I shook my head at myself, how could I be scared to call Jasper?

I opened my bag, digging around until I found my wallet. I opened the snap and pulled out a shiny gold credit card. I swiped the card down the slot on the back of the phone, laughing quietly when the phone said. "Thank you Sarah Brown."

I dialed the number from memory, taking a deep breath as it started ringing.

"Alice?" Jasper asked, answering the phone on the first ring.

"Jasper." I said, choking up. The sound of his voice broke my facade that I had built while in Volterra.

"Where are you?"

"On a plane." I said as my sobs became louder.

"Where..oh, oh no....Edward?" He wondered.

"No Jazz, Edward is fine. He and Bella are in front of me." I explained.

I heard him tell someone else that we were on our way home, then the sound of footsteps. I was sure that who ever was in the room with him was now going to tell everyone else that we were on our way home.

"Alice, what's wrong?" He asked.

I couldn't answer, my entire body shaking with the sobs that made no sounds. I sniffed so he knew I was still on the phone, but was unable to form any words at that point. The only thing I wanted..no...needed was Jasper. I needed him to hold me, to tell me that it would be alright, to know he would protect me...but he wasn't here.

"Oh Alice, love? Are you there?" He asked. I knew that the look on his face would be crushing, he most likely wanted the same thing I wanted right now..and he couldn't change it either.

"Yes." I said between sobs.

"I have to know, are you alright? Did anyone hurt you?" His voice was no more then a growl.

"No, no one laid a hand on me. I swear, we are all uninjured. I think that Edward and Bella are doing better then me."

"I knew I should have come with you. It killed me to be away from you, knowing that you might be in danger." He admitted.

I laughed quietly, he was thinking the same thing I was. I would not be apart from him again..ever.

"Where are you flying into love?" Jasper wondered.

"Seattle..the Sea-Tac. The flight is due to land at 3:00." I said.

"Hmmm 5 hours. We'll be there, all of us." He said as I heard other people enter the room.

"Seattle...3:00." Esme said.

"Are they alright?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes they're all...they are all fine." Jasper said.

"I'll be better when I get there." I said quietly into the phone.

"Me too love, I can't wait. I just want to hold you...and I'm not letting you go." He said quietly into the phone.

"I can't wait." The idea sounded like the best thing in the world, Jasper's arms wrapped around me...never letting me go. "I should go, we have to catch a connecting flight." I said sadly, I didn't want to hang up.

"Don't worry my love, I will be there. I will be waiting for you. I love you." Jasper said.

"I can't wait, I love you too. I will call if we have any problems."

"Alright, we'll all be there..waiting for you all. I love you."

"I love you too Jazz, bye." I said sadly.

"Goodbye my love." He said as the line went dead.

I brought my legs up to rest on the seat in front of me, my head leaning on my knees. The captain came on the speaker announcing that we were making our way into Atlanta, that we all needed to prepare for landing.

We landed without any problems, and had to jog to reach our connecting flight to Seattle. Edward and I pulled Bella along, one of us on either side of her, supporting her weight.

When we got on the final flight Bella was barely conscious. I knew that she had been awake for too long, her body wouldn't take much more. Edward was watching her very closely, concern and adoration written all over his face. He was hopelessly in love with her, and even though she might be too tired to notice...doesn't mean I didn't notice the look.

"You shouldn't talk. I'm sure you're look will be much the same." Edward thought.

I smiled, he was right. I would see Jasper and the rest of the family in just a few minutes. It seemed like forever before the pain began making it's way down. Down to the family that was waiting to welcome back everyone. Down to the man who I needed...to the only thing I needed.
added by just_bella
added by Brysis
Source: Twilight Edward & Bella
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella