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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 2
***Esme's POV***

"The poor thing." I said, my heart breaking as I understood wanting to have a place in this world. A place where no one judged you, where your worth was measured in what you do for others not who you surround yourself with or where you come from.
"She isn't going to betray us?"

"Not that I can find, and not that Alice has noticed either." He said as he took a step closer to where Bella was, as if it hurt him to be away from her. "Esme, we are making the correct decision...we just need to trust her."

"And that is part of my fear." I said softly as I went back to where Carlisle was talking to Tallulah.

"We must be going." Alice said as she walked over.

"Emmett," Carlisle said as he turned and faced the rest of our family. "Emmet and will go at the front, followed by Esme and Tallulah. Bella and Jasper will be next, followed by Rosalie, Alie and finally Edward. Please be extra cautious."

"We all nodded as we got into order, and were about to exit the room when a soft voice caught all of our attention.

"The time is now, the time to trust in what you don't know. Thank you for believing in me, I will prove my worth." Tallula said as she opened the door and Emmett and Carlisle disappeared into the darkness.

Chapter 3
***Emmett's POV***

We walked out into the hallway, Carlisle and I leading the family out into the dark..trusting the words of a young girl, a girl none of us knew but all of us were willing to trust. I had a second where I wondered if this was all some big mistake, why were we risking everything on this one girl..was she tricking us, were we walking into a trap?

"Emmett." Edwards voice not even a whisper, but loud enough that I could hear. "We have to trust."

I wanted to turn around and ask him exactly why, to stop all of this and find out what was going on...but now wasn't the time...but would we have the time..would we all make it safe? Is Rosalie alright?

"Emmett." Edward whispered, the tone of his voice enough to tell me to stop worrying and focus on what we were doing.

I nodded as Carlisle and I started leading the others down the hallway, Tallulah was behind us walking with Esme. I knew that she must have been checking out what was going to happen, but she would quietly tell us which way to turn as we started through the mazes that were below the city.

I knew that the Volturi must have been catching on to us, and that meant that they must be realizing that we were gone..which made me want to move a little bit faster. I new that once they found we were gone that they would be after us with a whole new level of aggression and vengeance that we needed to be ready for at any second. We came around the corner of one wall when I felt a tiny hand rest on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You want to go left here, and move fast if possible..they have a patrol that walked this hall often. Go Now." Tallulah said, and in that one moment I knew that she wasn't trying to trick us..that she wanted us all to get out safe.

I looked over at Carlisle who nodded slightly as he stepped out into the hallway, moving carefully but trusting Tallulah. He quickly looked around the corner, his head coming back quickly as he nodded, all of us fallowing him around the corner and through another tunnel on the left.

We ran in silence, the only sound that of Tallulah as she quietly whispered the turns that we needed to take. I'm positive that the Volturi had built this in the idea that if anyone were stupid enough to try and escape that the poor soul would be lost in these tunnels for God knows how long until they got cornered and either captured or killed...and in this moment I was sure glad to have Tallulah with us, even though I wasn't sure she could or should be trusted.
added by just_bella
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pink. sober
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who knew
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 14


I hope that when you read this that the other group of men have come back safely to their families. I wish I could say that about the group I was with, but I believe that they all have perished by now. I'm sorry father, it was a trap we tried to fight back but it was useless. I wish I could tell you everything, but my time is coming to an end. Please know that I take all the blame for the others being hurt, I should have taken the warning to heart. I should have listened to his warning and maybe everyone else would be coming home. I can only hope that someday God can...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 24
***Edward's POV***

"I saw the girl you met, with two people who I would assume are her parents. They were walking along an alley when they hear something, the mother wants to go investigate. They go down the alley and are attacked. I can't tell you anything else, I don't know her, it's hard to get a lock on her future." Alice said quickly, blurring her sentences together because of her anxiety.

"An alley?" I asked as I thought of the size of this town.

"Yes, I'm sorry I can't narrow it down anymore."

"It's ok, thanks Alice." I said as I remembered something Jasper had mentioned....
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added by just_bella
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added by just_bella
just bella
katie perry
added by just_bella
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true colors
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lily allen
love this song
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 11

I cleaned up my plate, putting it in the sink with intentions to clean it later that day when I returned. I made my way to my room, finding some clothes that I wouldn't mind getting getting dirty in the sewer system. Once I was dressed I dropped to my knees next to my bed, bowing my head as I prayed to a God that I was now questioning.

'Father, please watch out for everyone. We need your guidance and your assistance, this is going to be difficult...possibly the most difficult thing we've done. Please watch over us, guide us on the correct path, the path that will send these...
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just bella
moulan rounge
nichole kidman
jude law
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 22
***Edward's POV***

I didn't realize I was at the forest edge until I saw Jasper sitting on a rock about 200 feet into the forest. She stood up and walked quickly over to me, his mind racing as he searched the forest around us. I was about to look into his thoughts when my phone rang in my pocket.

"Edward." Alice's voice called, sounding a bit panicked.

"Alice? What's wrong?" I asked, my eyes searching the woods now along with Jasper's.

"Edward you have to find her, someone's after her."

"After who?" I asked as I listened to Alice and started probing Jasper's mind at the same time....
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 6

We had just got in the house when the phone started ringing, my father beating me to it. I listened as he apologized for the fires, stating that it was just a bunch of kids who were celebrating. He waited a few minutes while Charlie said something but when he finished my father promised to keep an eye on the fires and tell the kids to keep it down. He wished Charlie a good night before hanging up and turning to face me.

"Apparently Sam's fire can be seen from Forks. Someone called to report them." He said as he grinned.

"Celebrating." I said as I shook my head.

"Someday you will...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 24
***Edward's POV***

"Tallulah," Aro said, sounding bored with the entire thing. "Is Edward going to turn on us?"

She closed her eyes and stared off into deep space, the same way that Alice did when she looked for something to happen. While she was searching, Demetri moved forward to block her from any prying eyes.

"Interesting." I said, smirking at Demetri who's eyes narrowed.

"They will be here tomorrow. Four of them...wait." She said as her eyes snapped open. "No. Seven of them...wait. Six of them and another." I didn't realize that I had gasped until Aro's head snapped to the...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 21
***Jasper's POV***

"No, I am not ready to leave here yet. Give me more time Alice, I am not ready yet. Please tell everyone hi for me, and ask Esme not to worry I am fine. I'll send Jasper home after we hunt." Edward said as he hit the end button cutting her off...I'm sure she was upset about that and looking for changes in our path at this very moment.

We were almost to the doors when Edward noticed her, she was climbing into a cab with her parents. She kept looking back over her shoulder, and when her mother got upset she sighed as she got in.

"They're leaving?" Edward asked,...
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just bella
pussycat dolls
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 22
***Edward's POV***

I crossed my arms and thought of the family that Aro had just mentioned. About the values that Calirsle and Esme had worked to install into each of us. They always taught us that we were all individuals, and yet at the same time we were all a family. We all had to be there for each other, had to rely one our siblings to help us through the times where we couldn't help ourselves.

"Ahhh my dear." Aro said as he stood up with a flourish. "I was wondering what was keeping you?"

"I saw a problem." A tiny voice replied.

"What could be so horrible that you would be...
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added by just_bella
just bella
added by just_bella
just bella
fix you
posted by just_bella
Ok...this one might be fun ;) hope you all like it!!!!

End of Chapter 22
***Edward's POV***

I walked forward slowly, listening to everyone's thoughts as I walked. Most people were thinking about things other then this girl who I was about to meet, except for Alec who was thinking about me..and how shocked I was going to be when I found out about their 'secret weapon.'

"No listening, everyone OUT." Aro demanded as he watched me focusing on Alec. "That's cheating Edward, I thought your 'family' was all about morals?"

I crossed my arms and thought of the family that Aro had just mentioned. About the...
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