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What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic Nutrition is an integral part of Holistic Healing. When you eat mindfully, the mind, body, and soul are nourished thoroughly. In this blog, let’s look at What is Holistic Nutrition, it’s benefits and ways you can keep a tab on it.

What Is Holistic Nutrition?
Holistic nutrition is all about eating healthy food as close to its natural state as possible for optimum health and wellbeing. Hallmarks of holistic nutrition include unrefined, unprocessed, organic and locally grown whole foods. It's an approach to eating that very consciously considers everything that's consumed and focuses on eating for health above all else.

Holistic Nutrition: Eat for Mind, Body, and Soul
In today's fast-paced world, like hunger strikes, we open a can, unwrap a package or pop a lid than preparing a fresh meal. But according to renowned holistic nutritionists, this habit has a hazardous impact on your health. With the phenomenal rise in obesity and diabetes, the link to your food and health has taken center stage, and more and more people are seeking a solution in holistic nutrition.

Top Health Benefits of a Holistic Diet:
•    Weight Loss and Weight Management
•    Disease Prevention
•    Increased Energy Levels
•    Improved Mood
•    Better Sleep
•    Improved Skin Tone and Texture
•    Strengthened Immune System
•    Balanced Blood Sugar Levels
•    Reduced Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Levels
•    Improved Digestion and Relief from Constipation

Additionally, holistic nutritionists believe that many chronic illnesses can be prevented or improved through diet, and promote the use of holistic nutrition to manage conditions such as:
•    Diabetes
•    Obesity
•    Arthritis
•    Heart disease
•    High blood pressure
•    Cancer
•    Colitis
•    Gout

Principles for Healthier Eating
•    Eat Whole, Raw and Unprocessed Foods
•    Go Organic
•    Kill the Sweet Tooth
•    Drink Lots of Water
•    Curb the Sodium Intake
•    Buy Local Produce
•    Say No to White Flour
•    Eat Healthy and Nourishing Fats
•    Watch Your Food Portions
•    Eat Everything in Moderation

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