Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil Club
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posted by yoyo98
It was noon, and the party was finally over. Gunther was still fast asleep in the fruit punch bowl. He was snoring very loud. After Kick fell asleep on the dance floor 3 hours ago, Gunther's loud snoring woke him up.
"Uuuuuuuuuggggggghhhhh! I hate when he snores." Kick said. He went over and knocked Gunther out of the bowl. He screamed, unaware of what was going on around him.
"What's going on, Kick? Why is my butt wet?"
"You fell asleep in a bowl of fruit punch from that party last night."
"Oh...... Wait.... PARTY! KICK, EVERYONE LEFT THE HOTEL! THERE GONE! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW?! HOW WILL WE GET BACK HOME?!" Gunther screamed, while shaking Kick.
"I'm sure Mom was just joking."
"I don't think she was, Kick."
"Let's go up there and see if they're still sleeping."
While running to their hotel room, Gunther mumbled "I don't think they're gonna be there."
Kick and Gunther opened the door, and what do you think they saw? That's right, an empty hotel room.
"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Gunther screamed.
"I know Mom wouldn't leave us for real....... Oh no..... the decoys!......
they're gone." Kick said. Gunther fainted.
"Wake up everyone!" Denise announced. After waking up and being out of bed for a few minutes, Brad noticed that Kick and Gunther used their decoys. He rushed down stairs, putting the decoys in the car, and strapping them in. He brought down their luggage and put it in the car. He raced back up stairs getting his luggage.
"Where's Kick and Gunther?" Denise asked Brad.
"They're down stairs in the car, waiting already. I helped them with their luggage." Brad lied.
"Hurry up, kids and get in the car." Denise said.