L,Beyond Birthday,Buck,and fan characters Club
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posted by PUNKMUNK
"And here we go,let day 4 begin!"I shouted in enthusiasm.My past 3 days were great,and I now intended on living here!!"You are?!"chorused Buck and Nikoli."Ya,I like it!Adventure,danger,its all so amazing!"I said proudly."Ive already made a place to stay,up by a river!""I knew it.Noone ever wants a log."Nikoli mumbled.Buck said,"Are you pluckin' my wiskers?!Its dangerous out here!"Buck?If its so dangerous,wy do you 2 stay?"I asked them."Well,I...im not...sure.But I wont have you be a dinosuars meal,atleast stay 'til you know wat to do,and how!"Buck implied on me."Ok,I will stay.But no funny business like taking me to wrestle a raptor,and I end up gone any way!"I said playfully.I was glad.Because wether or not Buck likes me,he asked me to stay!We walked with Nikoli back to his home,and we left.My mind was overflowing with questions for Buck,but 1 kept its place at the top of my mind-"Buck?Can I ask you something?""Well,you just did!"Buck replied,almost instantly.I laughed a bit and got back to it."Buck,how did you get your eyepatch?"was my question."It starts like this:I was outside,but a storm was buildin' up.It started to rain,and he came!There I was,staring into the eye,of the great,wite,beast!Rudy brougt his claw down,and blinded me!I climbed a tree,waitin',all of a sudden-SNAP!-Rudy swallowed me halfway,but before I was a goner,I grabbed that gross,pink thing in the back of your throat!I swung back and forth,and back and forth,and back-and forth until finally I let go and shot rite out of his mouth!I lost an eye that day,but I got this!"Buck said,and threw the tooth into the air and caugt it."Wow!Amazing!"Then Buck told me one more thing,"And your not the first to hear it!"He told me."Buck,whoelse knows?"I couldt keep from asking."O,well,a wile before you came around,I was gettin' a herd back up there!"Buck gestured,pointing to the ice tunnel.He told me everything,from the jungle of misery,casm of death,and the plains of woe!And it went on,on to savind Sid,and him asking the pterodactyl,"Wat about you?Ever thougt 'bout havin' kids?"And I cut him off by saying,"Ive thougt about it."We looked at eachother,and I swear,I saw Buck blush,and smile!"Well,I should go make my bed-up at my new place,up by the river,between those 2 trees...bye...good nite."Stay.Stay with me."I nearly passed out.I knew now-Buck loved me too!
added by PUNKMUNK