Lubasakura Club
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Mizuki: Starting of a new chapter~

Tazuki: who knows what awaits us here…

Yuuto: *winks* if u wanna know-

Miyu: Then u have to read chapter 4 of Melancholy Reverse Season 2.

Everyone: Well then~ hope u enjoy~


The wind kept on blowing that night. Everyone was sleeping in Yuuto and Miyu’s house. And from the outside of the house, Setsura was floating on the sky. Her eyes kept on looking at everyone. A smirk came on her face.

“Hmm just look at how they are sleeping peacefully… Well I can attack them now but I’ll just spare them now… After all this is the last night they’ll be enjoying…” After saying this Setsura vanished again into thin air.

After some hours the sun started to rise again and morning came. Everyone woke up except Miyu who was still sleeping peacefully. Yuuto went to Miyu’s room to wake her up since it was time to leave for school.

“Miyu”, Yuuto said while trying to wake her up, “it’s time to leave. If u don’t wake up you’ll be late for school.”

“Mmhm”, Miyu rubbed her eyes, “Yuuto nii?”

Yuuto smiles and Miyu, “hurry up or you’ll be late.”

“Eh?” Miyu finally woke up and looked at the clock and then she screamed, “EH?? It’s this late already???”

“So u finally woke up from ur sleep huh? You’ve really been sleeping for some time now”, Yuuto said while chuckling a bit.

Miyu’s face became totally red, “hey!!! Stop making fun of me!!!”
“Okay ~ okay!” Yuuto said while shutting the door behind him, “don’t be late.”

“I know that already”, Miyu said that and started to think and pout, “Geez he is always treating me like a little kid. I’m not a little kid anymore…” and then a sad expression comes on her face and she kept on holding her pillow, “and I don’t wanna be just a lil sis to him.”

Meanwhile, after Yuuto shut the door behind him, he made a deep sigh and while doing so, he caught both Mizuki and Tazuki’s eyes.

“Look what we’ve found. A boy in love”, Mizuki chuckled.

“Eh?” Yuuto face became totally hot and red, “It’s not what u think it is!!!”

“Yes Yes~!” Tazuki chuckled a bit too.

Yuuto sighed a bit again, “Well I have nothing to hide from u guys… So there u have it~! You guys already know why I sighed a bit.”

Mizuki smiled a bit and whispered, “Don’t push yourself too hard,” and walked away to the kitchen.

Tazuki smiled a bit, “I never would have thought I’d say this to an idiot like you but anyway best of luck!”

Yuuto’s eyes widened. It was totally obvious he was shocked and happy at the same time. “Yea,” he said with a smile.

Tazuki patted on his shoulder and went away.

Yuuto’s face brightened and he thought, “I was about to forget that I’ve got such nice friends who always supports me till the end.”

After a while Miyu came outside of her room all dressed up. And she went to the kitchen thinking that she can help Mizuki with the cooking.

“Ah Miyu chan”, Mizuki saw Miyu as she came into the kitchen and smiled at her.

“Good morning Mizuki nee”, Miyu smiled at her but for some reason she didn’t look as happy as before.

Mizuki noticed the sudden change in Miyu’s smile but she ignored it thinking, “It must be just becuz of losing against that girl… I think she’ll get over it soon” and so she smiled at Miyu and said, “breakfast is ready so u should eat it soon. We have to hurry or we’ll be late.”

Miyu had an exhausted smile on her face while looking at Mizuki, “Okay.”

Although Miyu loved Mizuki as a sister really dearly, it was hard for her to face Mizuki while her brother, the person she loves, loves Mizuki!

“I know!” Miyu thought while eating breakfast, “I know it’s not Mizuki nee’s fault that Yuuto nii likes her… But still why can’t I remove this feelings from me… why?”

After a while, Miyu finished breakfast and saw everyone was ready to leave. So she ran to them and they all started heading off to school.

While walking to school, she always kept on staring at Mizuki and thinking more and more weird things… She didn’t know but she felt jealous… More and more jealous, “Mizuki nee is so strong and pretty where I’m just a weak girl and I’m not as pretty as her… It’s obvious for Yuuto nii to think of me as a lil sis”, she sighed for a moment.

Yuuto noticed that Miyu was sighing a bit too much from morning so he got a bit worried about her, “Hey are u alright Miyu? You’ve been kinda quiet now…”

“I’m fine… You don’t have to worry about me as if I’m a lil kid anymore”, Miyu said bitterly.

“Eh?” Before Yuuto could respond to Miyu’s reply, Miyu bit her lips and ran away to school.

“Miyu wait!” Yuuto called out to her but she didn’t stop.

As Miyu came running to school, she was the first to arrive. She went to her classroom. All the girls were chatting about their daily lives. Miyu put her bag on her table and sat down on her chair. She sighed for a bit and started thinking about what she had done. She just ran off without any explanations at all… And she knew she had to explain about it sooner or later.

“Oh well who cares,” Miyu said while looking at the empty board and all the people around it. Her eyes kept on staring at the couples of her class. “How lucky they are”, she thought while getting a glimpse of them.

After 2 minutes Mizuki and the others reached school. Mizuki and Tazuki looked at each other and then looked at the worried Yuuto.

Tazuki patted on his shoulder, “don’t worry too much. I think she is just depressed over that match where she lost…”

“Yep agreed,” Mizuki said trying to make sure that Yuuto wasn’t that worried anymore.

“I guess u guys are right…” Yuuto tried to put a smile on his face again. But deep down he was still worried.

The bell rang and everyone went to their classes. The classes went on like usual… And as time passed by, Yuuto became more and more worried about Miyu.

And then the final bell rang. Yuuto went running to Miyu’s class followed by Mizuki and Tazuki. They skipped club activities today.

While running to Miyu’s class which was 1 floor below, they saw Miyu coming out of her class alone. The three of them went close to Miyu making her a bit shocked.

“W-what are u guys doing here? Don’t u have club activities??” Miyu asked still being shocked

“Ah we just skipped it”, said Mizuki with a smile.

“Eh? B-but why?” Miyu asked.

“For now let’s head home”, Yuuto smiled at Miyu as he thought it wouldn’t be nice to ask her about the morning.
Miyu looked at Yuuto for some time. And then she closed her eyes for some time and then finally opened with a smile, “okay,” and started to move forward.

“Well for now… I guess I’ll just be a little sister. But someday… I’ll really become more than a sister to Yuuto nii”, this thought came to flow on her mind while she kept on walking.

The wind blew on as the four of them were walking home. And then appeared Setsura out of nowhere.

“Well well well~ we meet again don’t we? Mi-yu chan”, Setsura said with a smile that hid an evil smirk.

Miyu stopped for a bit and she looked at Setsura both shocked and angry, “Setsura?”

“Well now~ Mizuki Amane its time for u to say bye bye to ur life”, Setsura said again with her common evil smile.


Miyu: and so that’s the end of chapter 4~ hope u liked it everyone.

Mizuki: the girl who once injured Miyu chan finally reappears again!

Tazuki: Wat will happen?

Yuuto: can we defeat her?

Miyu: *smiles* if u wanna know than please wait for chapter 5.

Everyone: *bows* hope u liked it