Masami Iwasawa Club
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Beautiful Iwasawa
Beautiful Iwasawa
I love Masami Iwasawa, she is one of my fave female characters. I think she is quite well written. She is very cool and pretty with a lovely and strong voice. Alchemy, Crow Song and My Song are some of the best anime songs. The way she sings and showcases her talent proves why she is the lead vocalist and also the leader of Girls Dead Monsters. She has a likable personality too which left an good first impression on me.

Her past is one of the saddest stories in the anime. Her parents always used to fight with each other, her father was an alcoholic. Both of her parents neglected her due to their problems, she was left alone on her own. But then she finds her passion, music. All she had was an old guitar left in a roadside and her dream. She gave her all, she worked hard, went to give auditions, played on streets for ongoing people. It looked hard, it was a hectic schedule, going back and forth, but she didn't mind at all, she was ready to give whatever it takes. Her life finally was looking good. After a long time, she felt happy.

But all that changed one day. She fell sick during her work. She got an several cerebral stroke from which she was unable to speak or move, paralyzing her. The reason was the head injury she suffered when her father hit her with a beer bottle when she tried to stop her parent's fight. Her whole life ends staying paralyzed in bed.

What is so bitter about Iwasawa's past is that first life gives her a taste of happiness and freedom and then brutally snatches it away from her. Her dream, her passion, everything was snatched away from her due to something that was not her fault to begin with. She did all she can but still didn't get to be happy in the end.

This made me love her and sympathize with her more. Even though she was there for a short period of time, she became my fave character.