Meg Masters Club
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The nurse opened the door and pushed the wheelchair into the room. Daphne was sitting on the bed and at the table there was an officer standing.
“I would like to ask your patient a few questions” he cut to the chase.
“I’m not sure my patient is physically or mentally strong enough to answer any” the doctor said, while entering the room.
“I feel fine” Cas mumbled.
“Well, you heard him. He’s peachy. Please leave the room” the officer said with a wave of his hand.
“I’m not going anywhere” Daphne said stubborn.
“That’s okay” the officer said with a smug look. He rotated his head to the doctor. “Is there some place where we can talk privately?”
Daphne let out a dramatic sigh and threw her arms in the air. “Alright, I’ll leave, but I’ll be right outside, so if you try to do anything to him…”
“Miss, I only want to ask him a few questions” the officer said. Daphne gave him a warning glance and shut the door behind her, after following the doctor and the nurse. “Nut job” the officer said. Cas quickly looked up. “It is not nice to speak evil about other people”
The officer ignored that and took a little notebook. “I had a nice little chat with Miss Allen while you were out. She told me some very interesting things” The officer looked up to see Cas’ face, but it looked straight. “But maybe you could tell me in your own words what happened?”
Cas coughed. “I was walking by the lake” he started, trying to sound convincing. “when two men came up to me and threatened me with…a gun”
“What did they want?” the officer asked while writing down.
“They wanted me to give them my money…and my clothes…and shoes” Cas said while his eyes flashed around the room.
“So you were robbed?” the officer asked.
“Yes” Cas sighed, relieved that the officer seemed to believe his story. “I was robbed” he said in confirmation.
“Then what happened?” the officer asked. “After they ordered you to give up all you had on you, what happened?”
“I did what they said” Cas said obvious. “I was…afraid”
“Okay” the officer said. “They just left you naked and robbed? No fight? No beating up?”
“Well, they did push me into the lake” Cas said. He frowned. “Is it over now? Will you now leave?”
“One more question” the officer lifted his index. “How does Miss Allen fit in here?”
“She saw what was happening and came to my assistance” Cas quickly improvised. “But the robbers had run off already, so she doesn’t know who they were”
“Okay” the officer said. “I’ll leave it here. Next time I see you you better have some ID on you or I’ll arrest you”
Cas swallowed and the officer left. Cas walked to the bed and crawled in it. The door went open and Daphne appeared. “How did it go?”
“I think he believed me” Cas said. “But I am not a hundred percent sure”
Daphne sat down on the bed. “I taxed my sister what she has to say to the police in case they want to talk to her”
Cas shook his head. “This isn’t right. I wasn’t robbed. You and your sister have nothing to do with this. I don’t want to involve you into something I don’t even understand myself” he said, sounding upset. Daphne leaned forward and pressed her lips on his, something she had wanted to do ever since she had seen him.
meg masters
rachel miner
season 6
added by jtp
added by jtp
Jimmy closed the door of the hospital behind him. He was lucky it was dark. His hospital apron would’ve been very noticeable in broad daylight. Nevertheless he needed clothes. He couldn’t travel in hospital clothes. People might think he’s some nutcase who escaped. He started window shopping, staying in the shadows.
After a while he came across a clothing shop. He looked around to make sure no one was looking his direction. Then he grabbed a flowerpot from the window-ledge and threw it through the window. The glass shattered and Jimmy jumped inside, while the alarm was howling. He quickly...
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added by jtp
Zoey was furious. She couldn’t believe that demon slut got to be the first woman Cas had ever slept with.
“You think that’s funny?” she asked trembling.
“I think it’s hilarious” Cas admitted.
“You want to know what’s funny?” Zoey said. “While you’re here making fun of me, your precious Meg is going through the same pain you are”
“What?” Cas asked confused.
“Yeah, I gave Daphne a syringe with your blood and told her to stab Meg with it. I told her Meg was going to hurt you. As long as your blood stays in her system, everything that happens to you, happens to her in...
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The next morning.
Daphne’s upper body and arms were taped in with bandage, so she couldn’t move very well. She opened her eyes and when she saw her wrapped body her breath went faster and irregular. She tried to pull the bandages off, but they were too tight.
The door opened and Cas and Zoey ran towards her.
“No, don’t take it off, Daphne” Zoey said, as she grabbed Daphne’s hands.
“What happened? Why am I here?” she said panicking. Zoey and Cas traded a quick glance. “You don’t remember?” Zoey asked. Daphne shook her head. “You cut yourself, all over your body” Zoey...
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meg masters
season 6
rachel miner
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
added by Bibi69
Source: Bibi69
As she walked outside she bumped into Dean. “Oh, you’re back” she noticed indifferent. “He’s awake” she filled the brothers in. “He’s your problem now. I’m out” She pushed Sam aside and walked away.
“Are we allowed to go in?” Sam wondered, pointing at the door. “I mean, all of us?”
“Why don’t you two go first, then I’ll go find Meg” Jo suggested.
“Why?” Dean asked.
“Because she seems upset” Jo answered obvious.
“So?” Dean shrugged uncaring. Jo rolled her eyes. “Some guys…” she muttered between her teeth, before taking off.
Dean opened the door...
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Meg was browsing through the pages of Daphne’s book, hoping to find something that could prove Cas’ innocence. While she read she listened carefully to hear if Zoey was on her back yet.
Maybe everyone was awake again. After all, the building was full of staff. Meg wasn’t in prison, she was being held custody, until someone told her how long she’d be convicted.
So it was very assumable Zoey had been caught and thrown out. Or maybe she’s been arrested for trying to help Meg escape.
“Hello?!” Meg shouted to be sure.
No respond.
“Is anyone there?” Meg yelled.
Again no answer.
“Zoey!” Meg yelled again.
Complete silence.
“Okay, stay calm” Meg told herself. “Zoey’s just very confused and upset about the trial. She can only think about Alexia, so she forgot about me”
The other theory was that Zoey got killed, because she tried to help Cas.
Isabel opened hearing two where inspector Anderson was still sitting with Andy. She signed and Anderson walked towards. She mumbled something to him and she and Anderson looked at Andy. Andy took a deep breath. He had a bad feeling about this.
Anderson walked behind Andy and ordered him to stand up. He cuffed him. “Andy Baker, I arrest you for the murder on Shannen White”
“What? But I didn’t kill her! I’m innocent!” Andy shouted. Anderson motioned at the guard who walked to them. He took Andy’s arm with a firm grip and forced him out of the room. When they were on the hallway, Andy saw Zoey and Cas standing a few yards further.
“He’s the one! He killed her! He’s the one you’re looking for!” he yelled.
“Mr. Allen has an alibi” Isabel said.
“No! He’s lying! He lies about everything! Emmanuel is not even his real name!” Andy yelled, while the guard dragged him along.
Half an hour passed by where Cas stared at the ceiling and Dean tried to talk to him. The door opened and Meg entered.
“It’s my turn” she said difficult. Dean pretended not to hear her and stayed where he was. But Cas had heard Meg’s voice and lifted up his head. He cast Dean a begging look and tried to free his hand again. But it was as if their hands were glued on to each other’s. Sam grabbed Dean’s wrist and separated the two.
“Come on, we’ll wait outside” he said and he dragged Dean out of the room.
Meg walked towards the bed and crawled next to Cas. Cas searched for her...
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Anna walked towards a blonde angel, who stared ahead of her.
“You failed” she said when Anna came standing next to her.
“I asked Meg if she wanted me to wipe her memories of Cas, but she refused” Anna defended herself. “What was I supposed to do? Just take them?”
The blonde angel turned to her. “Yes” she replied cold. “Unfortunately, there’s no time for that anymore” she continued, looking back upfront. “We have to prepare. Castiel’s body will shortly return to the Heavens where it belongs”
“Did we have to let it get that far?” Anna asked careful.
The blonde...
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