Meg Masters Club
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Isabel got in her car and started the engines.
“Hello, Isabel”
Isabel jumped up and screamed. She looked behind, over her shoulder, but there was no one to see.
“I’m going crazy” she mumbled and she rubbed her eyes. She hadn’t been sleeping very well, not with everything that was going on.
“You’re not going crazy” the voice commented. “You can’t see me, but you can obviously hear me. My name is Anna and I’m an angel”
Isabel shook her head. This was impossible.
“I see you have trouble believing so” Anna noted. “However, I need you to get over the shock and listen carefully. You want to find Cas. I can help you with that. Take a look in your rear view”
Isabel checked her rear view mirror and saw Heather lying on a table, dozens of syringes pierced in her naked body. Cas and Meg were standing by her.
Isabel looked behind her again, but again there was nothing and no one to see.
“Before you go you need to call Dean and Sam Winchester. And one more thing, do not touch Castiel. Take the girl, but leave Cas to me. The most important thing is that you separate them”
Jo and Anna where walking at the mall. Jo needed some distraction and Anna needed companion. Jo walked into a clothing shop and dragged Anna inside. Her eyes fell on a long, purple dress and she walked towards it.
“You should try it on” Anna encouraged her. Jo took the dress and walked to the fitting rooms. “Thanks for taking me with you”
“You’re welcome” Jo said, when she came out of the room. “What do you think?”
“I like it, but it’s not really your color” Anna said honest. “Plus it’s two inches short”
Jo got back in the room and while she took off the dress and...
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For the third time that day someone was ringing the bell. Cas walked in the hallway and stared at the door. “Daphne and Zoey are not here. Maybe you should come back at a more appropriate time”
“Emmanuel, open the door”
It was Meg and she sounded scared to death. Cas quickly opened the door and looked at a terrified Meg. Before he could ask what was going on she threw herself in his arms and started crying. Cas, not knowing what else to do, tapped her on her back.
“This feels rather uncomfortable” Cas said difficult. “Perhaps you could let go of me?”
Meg let go and took a step...
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Anna materialized in the ICU. The doctors had brought Cas here. There was nothing they could do as long as they didn’t have the donors they needed.
Anna, holding a pair of kidneys in her left hand and a liver in her right hand, quickly walked to the bed. She removed the sheets with her mind and cut open Cas’ belly. While blood streamed alongside Cas’ unconscious body and on the matrass, Anna put the organs in their rightful place.
The monitor started beeping and Anna vanished, when a team of doctor’s came rushing into the intensive care.
“I need to talk to security” the doctor said, when he’d fixed up Cas’ properly. “Someone was here. Someone attempted to kill this man”
“Someone who gave him the organs he needed?” his assistant frowned. “Why would anyone do that?”
“I don’t know” the doctor said. “But I want someone to keep an eye on him, as long as he’s here”
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added by jtp
“Cas?” Meg called from the living room in the mansion. She was standing next to the corpse of the owner of the mansion.
Cas stumbled upstairs and came into the living room. He fell backwards against the wall and sank down on the carpet.
Meg quickly ran towards him and bent through her knees. She took his hands and noticed the blood on his hands. “Are you hurt?”
Cas shook his head. “No” he said out of breath. “It’s not my blood. It’s Frederik’s and Marcus’s” He looked at Meg, terrified.
Meg swallowed. “Did you kill them?” she asked, though she already knew the answer....
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Meg was walking down some unknown street. It was dark and she squeezed her eyes to see where she was heading. What the hell was wrong with her sight? She passed a turn and arrived at a parking lot. There were no cars, but there was someone standing on the other side of the parking lot. The streetlights were on and so she recognized him.
“Kevin” Meg said slowly. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you scared? All alone, in the dark? Shouldn’t you go run back to Daddy Crowley?” she scoffed.
“Funny you mention Crowley” Kevin said with a faint smile. “He gave me a present. To thank...
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“The defense wants to summon Alexia Moore” Craig said.
The door opened and both Zoey and Alexia entered the courtroom. Zoey walked Alexia to the judge and then found herself a seat.
Alexia took the oath and then waited with held breath for the questions.
“Alexia, how long have you known Castiel?” Craig asked kind.
“For a few months now” Alexia answered.
“How would you describe his personality?” Craig asked.
“He’s sweet” Alexia said. “He’s a little shy and quite clueless. But he’s the only one who treats me like an adult”
“And does he do adult things with you?” Craig...
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Zoey opened her front door. She had to pick up some stuff she had left behind. Now that the divorce was completed she didn’t have to come here anymore. Except this one time.
“Gerard? Are you home?” she called.
Gerard didn’t answer. Maybe he was sleeping. Zoey walked upstairs when she heard a crack. Apparently Gerard wasn’t sleeping.
“I’ll be as quick as possible. I’m out before you know it” Zoey promised, even though Gerard didn’t come out. She walked into the spare room, where Gerard had stored her stuff in one box. She picked up the box and walked out of the room. She walked...
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meg masters
nicki aycox
Kevin and Alexia were lying asleep on the mattress Anna had provided them, when Cas entered the building. The two teenagers, both having a sixth sense, felt someone was staring down at them and so they opened their eyes.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to wake you” Cas said, not sounding remorseful at all.
“Cas?” Kevin said strange, squeezing his eyes to make sure it really was him. He stood and so did Alexia. They realized how they must’ve looked like, but it really wasn’t like that. “What are you doing here? No one comes here, except for Anna”
Cas nodded distract. “I’m not here to see...
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Cas was finished cutting letters out of Frederik’s chest. He conjured a needle and thread and pushed it through the letters, combining them and making some sort of necklace. He walked to Frederik and hung the necklace around his neck.
He noticed how Frederik was losing conscience. His head hung down, drool came out of his mouth and he was deathly pale.
“Hey, stay up! Don’t fall asleep. We’re not done yet” Cas snarled and he punched Frederik in the face. Frederik opened his eyes, forgot for a second where he was, then remembered by seeing Cas.
“What are you still doing here? That...
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Dean drove full speed ahead, crossing a few red lights. Cas was lying on the backseat, unconscious.
“Dean, slow down, you’re getting us all killed” Sam said accenting his words. Dean chose to ignore him and parked the Impala in front of the hospital. He pulled the key out and stepped out. He opened the door to the backseat and dragged Cas out. With Sam’s help he carried him inside the hospital. Since Dean was too much in shock, Sam explained to the doctor what happened.
About an hour later, the doctor came to them and they could tell from his expression that he didn’t have good news....
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Meg was lying asleep in a bed in one of the many bedrooms in the house. She had found something to sleep in; Anna really had taken care of it.
The door of the room opened slowly and Cas appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a dressing-gown and he walked slowly to the bed. He took of the dressing-gown and removed the sheets. The sudden change of temperature woke Meg up. She blinked and opened her eyes and widened them. Though it wasn’t the first time she’d seen it, it still took her by surprise.
“What are you doing here?” she asked aggressive.
“I think you know that” Cas answered...
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Sam opened the door to the men’s room and saw Cas sitting on the cold stony floor. Sam rolled his eyes, thinking Cas was being dramatic again, and he walked towards him. But when he’d reached him he noticed Cas’ eyes were closed.
Sam bent through his knees and touched Cas’ shoulder. “Cas? Wake up, dude” he said.
Cas slowly opened his eyes and looked at Sam. “I passed out, I think”
“Yeah” Sam replied. He threw Cas’ arm over his shoulder and helped him stand up. But the moment Sam let go of Cas, Cas grabbed his stomach and gasped for air. He bent through his knees and collapsed....
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Ellen and Jo, who had been told the guys were back in Colorado, were staying in a different motel. They didn’t know where Dean, Sam and Cas exactly were.
Someone knocked and Ellen, who didn’t know how Zoey looked like or that she was on the loose, opened the door and looked straight into a gun.
“Where is Cas?” Zoey asked cold.
“You must be Zoey” Ellen concluded. She took a few steps back and Zoey came in.
“Where is Cas?” Zoey repeated her question a little sharper.
“He’s not here” Ellen said. “You better put that gun down. You don’t really want to do this”
Zoey looked...
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