Meg Masters Club
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“I called her a slut and told her I never wanted to see her again. Then I left the house. She followed me into the alley. I took a shorter way home. I had taken a cab, but I didn’t want to wait for another one. I wanted to get away from her as soon as possible. So, I took a shortcut via the alley and she followed me. She cried and tried to talk to me. I didn’t want to listen and got angry. She grabbed my arm and tried to stop me from walking away. I slapped her and she fell on the ground. I walked towards her and checked on her. She was awake and she was only hurt a little” Andy said....
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Zoey tapped Daphne’s arm reassuring. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t take you there” she promised. She took Daphne’s face in her hands. “I won’t take you there. Listen, why don’t you go take a nap? I’ll stay here to let Cas in. Gerard’s home, he can take care of Alex”
“Yeah, alright” Daphne said and she sniffed.
“Now, come one, away with those tears” Zoey said motherly. Daphne dried her eyes and smiled weak.
“I’m so lucky to have you” she sobbed.

Cas and Alexia were gone and Zoey was sitting at the kitchen table. Daphne’s handwritten book was lying open on a blank...
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Cas walked outside and saw Zoey standing against the wall.
“I’m glad you’re not gone yet” Cas said.
“I waited for you” Zoey said. “Listen, Cas, what Daphne did is unforgivable, but if it helps, I had a very good conversation with her and I think she’s really sorry”
Cas shook his head. “It doesn’t help. I thought Daphne trusted me”
“She was upset about the annulment for your wedding” Zoey explained. “She’d expected or actually hoped you’d rip the pages into pieces and come home with her. But when you didn’t she was really hurt and she’s been looking for a way...
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The first witness was the mother of the seven year old boy Cas had healed from a life threatening fever.
“I went to the kitchen and when I came back Mr. Allen, as he presented himself, had his hands all over my son. I…I think he was taking advantage of my son’s weakness”
“Objection!” Craig said. “I think everyone in Castle Rock knows about my client’s special abilities? Castiel can heal people with his bare hands, which is why Mrs. Jones had him come over in the first place. But to do his job he needs to touch his patient. He doesn’t even charge them”
“Of course he wouldn’t” Evan Trumble, Daphne’s attorney, said. “That’s because he knows that what he’s doing is wrong”
While Craig and Evan where quibbling, Cas looked sharp at Mrs. Jones.
“I never touched your son and you know it. I saved your son and this is not the right way to thank me”
Mrs. Jones seemed to cringe and looked around to find support or a way out.
“Get me out of here! Guard!” Meg yelled, though she knew it was no use. The only reason Anna and Balthazar had been able to chat with her without being disturbed, was because they were able to make humans unconscious. So they were all probably fast asleep.
“Stop yelling” Zoey hissed. She was carrying a big book, which Meg recognized as Daphne’s ‘The Lake’, a diary hidden behind fictional character names.
“What are you doing here?” Meg frowned. She didn’t want to have anything to do with the Allen sisters.
“Cas’ trial started an hour ago” Zoey started. “I have to prepare...
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Evening fell and the gang was having dinner. They had agreed to stay in the motel. While Jo and Dean had had their private conversation, Sam and Cas had been looking for takeaway Chinese. It wasn’t what Dean would’ve chosen.
“This tastes weird” he complained.
“That’s because you’re only used to cheeseburgers” Cas said dead serious. “You need to eat more different kinds of food or you’ll burnout”
They all stared at him.
“I read that in a magazine” Cas said, while his cheeks turned red.
“Well, thanks, doc” Dean said sarcastic. “I’ll try keep it in mind”
He swallowed...
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Everything was a blur. The police was searching her house looking for things comparable to what Daphne had shown them on the dvd.
Daphne was sitting on the couch, staring at the black screen. She failed to erase the images in her head.
“Do you own a computer, Miss Allen?” Isabel asked. She had insisted to do this case. There was something about this man and she was going to find out what it was.
Daphne nodded numb.
“You mind if I take a look?” Isabel asked.
Daphne shook her head and stood up. She walked to the kitchen and conjured her laptop. She put it on and typed in the password. She...
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Anna materialized in Meg’s cell. Meg jumped up and crawled backwards. There was no evil bone in her host’s body that was considering on even trying to take the angel down.
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you. I have strict orders and when I’m done I’ll be gone” Anna said.
“Strict orders by who?” Meg asked.
Anna conjured her sword and Meg’s eyes widened in fear. But Anna cut her own arm and put the sword away again. She elevated to the ceiling and drew the Key of Solomon.
“Not again, come on!” Meg exclaimed. “I already promised Sam I wouldn’t get out until they’re...
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The door of Meg’s motel room opened and Meg stared at the door way. She was still stuck under the Key of Solomon.
“Anna told me you were innocent for a change” Sam said.
“Well, now that you’ve discovered I’m actually a saint, could you get me out of here?” Meg suggested. Sam shook his head and walked towards her, though kept a safe distance. “First I want to set a few things straight. Castiel is not going to leave prison, unless you do something. Personally, I don’t care if you killed that man or not. What I do care about is that you’re the only one who can get him out of there” Sam said.
“Why would I help him? What’s in it for me?” Meg wanted to know.
“If you do the right thing, then I guarantee you Dean and I will never try to kill you again. You’ll be off our radar for good” Sam said.
That was a tempting offer. “What do you want me to do?” she asked.
Anna returned to Rufus’ cabin, where she found Sam alone.
“We have a problem” she said.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked.
“Inspector Roberts is convinced that Cas killed her colleague Jack and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get him behind bars” Anna said.
“But she can’t prove anything” Sam said.
“I’m not done yet” Anna said. “Apparently a very reliable witness told her that Cas did the killing. My guess is that it was a demon who was possessing a human body and I know for a fact that it wasn’t Meg”
“Okay, so let’s say he gets convicted. Why can’t he...
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Thirty minutes later Cas and Dean arrived back at Rufus’ cabin. Dean had cheered up a lot and even Cas didn’t seem so uptight as usual.
“The lost sheep has returned!” Dean said loud. He walked to the fridge and took out two beers. He gave one to Cas, who reluctantly accepted. Before he could drink, Sam swiped the bottle and drank it himself.
“You don’t drink anyway” Sam shrugged.
“I don’t know about that’ Dean said. “Cas isn’t who we thought he was. Not anymore”
“Dean? You’re acting kind of weird. Whatever the hell happened, just get it over with” Sam said.
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Crowley was furious. He rarely lost his temper, but when he did things got ugly. He already killed a dozen of his best demons, but it didn’t take any of his anger away. He had Meg, he had the angel, but he’d let them slip right through his fingers. It was true what they said. If you want something to be done good, you have to do it yourself.
He was torturing another demon, when he sensed someone was summoning him.
“ ‘s Your lucky day” Crowley said, before he vanished. “This better be very good” he said to the brunette woman.
“I want to make a deal” the woman said. She...
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Cas was sitting on the couch of an unfamiliar house. The people who lived there were out. He looked at a box with blue pills.
Cas landed on the street and in his anger he didn’t see where he was walking. He bumped into a man, older than his vessel, who was carrying paper bags. The man dropped the bags. The content fell on the pavers and Cas kneeled to help the man collect them. When everything, except for one small box, was put back in the bags, the man turned around. In any other circumstances he would’ve thanked Cas, but he’s was a little embarrassed and wanted to leave as fast as possible....
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Dean was outside, leaning against the cabin, when Jo came standing next to him.
“You look happy” she said sarcastic.
“It sounds weird, but right now I wish Dick Roman was still alive” Dean said. “I have too much time to think”
“You want me to call mom? I think she knows a few ways to fix that” Jo commented.
“Where is she?” Dean asked.
“To the city, doing groceries” Jo answered. She looked up. “Did you hear from Cas? I mean, that’s why you’re so neurotic, right?”
Dean shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about it. He’s had his chance, he blew it. I’m done with him”
“Have you tried talking to him?” Jo asked.
Dean leaned forward and kissed her. “No talking about Cas” he said.
“Okay” Jo agreed. She threw her arms around Dean’s neck and kissed him back. Dean lifted her in his arms and carried her inside the cabin.
Meg opened the door of a motel room and helped Cas inside. She guided him to the single bed and put him down. She gently pushed him down and he opened his eyes a little. She walked to the bathroom and dampened a towel.
She walked back into the room and sank down on the bed. Unlike Meg’s Cas’ clothes hadn’t been restored. Meg opened the ruined and bloodstained hospital shirt and dabbed his wounds with the towel.
Cas groaned from pain.
“You don’t have to do this” he said weak. “I will heal eventually”
“I know” Meg said absent-minded. She stared at Cas’ body. Even with all the cuts he still looked…jumpable.
“But thanks for the gesture” Cas said with a weak smile.
Meg continued nursing his injuries. “You know” she said. “If I was still human, I’d fall for you”
Cas gave her another weak smile, before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Isabel was sitting in her office, doing some paperwork, when the door opened and a cop appeared in the doorway. “Chief wants a word with you”
Isabel nodded and the cop went away. She sighed and stood up. She walked out of her office and walked to the head bureau. She knocked and waited for her employer to say yes before she entered.
“You wanted to see me, chief?” Isabel said.
Chief Barnes signed at the chair opposite his desk.
“I was wondering how your search for Jack is going?” he asked.
Isabel bit her lip. “Not so good, to be honest” she started careful. “You know Jack. If...
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The curtains in the living room of Meg’s house were shoved aside. A man with light brown hair, blue eyes and a long black coat was looking through the field glass Meg had left behind. Without turning around he said: “Get him”
Three demons, two with brown hair and a checked shirt and one with no hair, but a beard, a grey sweater and a brown vest vanished into thin air.
“Now let’s go give Mrs. Allen a friendly visit” he said to himself.
Daphne was cleaning the breakfast table, when someone knocked the door. She looked up, uncertain of what to do. But Emmanuel had told her to stay inside,...
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“Everyone’s looking for you” Cas said reproaching.
“Please, don’t tell them where I am” Daphne begged.
Cas shook his head and sighed. “Let’s get you inside” he said and he opened the front door. He gave Daphne a little push and she entered the house. He closed the door and turned to Daphne who was trying to rip off her bandage again. The nurse had changed it.
“Stop doing that” Cas said sharp.
“But it itches! It’s driving me totally insane!” Daphne exclaimed. Cas raised his eyebrows. “Don’t look at me like that. I know what you’re thinking”
“Come here” Cas...
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Zoey got in her car and drove away. She was going to check all places Daphne went. While she drove she dialed a number.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Gerard asked when he picked up.
“Nothing, eh, I’m just calling to say I’ll be home late” Zoey said.
“It’s 10:30 pm. How late is late?” Gerard asked grumpy.
Zoey sighed. “Look, something happened. Daphne escaped. She’s now wandering around somewhere. I need to find her before she hurts herself” she explained.
“Well, at least you’ll be free of her then” Gerard said annoyed.
“Gerard!” Zoey snapped shocked.
“What?” he snapped...
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Daphne’s eyes flashed open. She felt how someone was staring at her and she looked aside. It was a woman with short, ginger hair which she had seemed to cut herself.
Daphne let out a shriek and jumped back. “Get away from me! Freak!”
The woman’s eyes bulged as they glided over Daphne’s inducted body. She reached out her hand and touched the bandage, when Daphne waved her hand and slapped her.
The woman touched her cheek and shrieked. She raced to a corner and began to cry like a baby.
The door opened and two nurses came in. One was rather tall and robust while the other one could’ve...
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