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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 24

"Michael?" I whispered. "Michael I feel like someone....or something is watching me."

"Maija?" Michael's voice called. "Maija!" He said a bit louder then I though he should since we were suppose to be sneaking.

"Stop yelling," I said as I turned in the saddle to glare at him...but stopping my frown when I realized he was gone.

"Michael?" I whispered, doing my best to jeep myself calm. "MICHAEL!!" I screamed, not caring who heard me.

I spun Piper around, kicking harder then necessary as we ran back to where I had last seen him, or so I thought. I felt my heart pounding against my chest, my head swimming as a panic attack ripped through my body. I did my best to fight it, to search for Michael and Concho but before I knew what happened I saw my mother. The look on her face was one I knew anywhere...she was unhappy and disappointed...a combination I knew was never good.

Chapter 25

"Maija," She said as her hands went to her hips and she gave me the 'mom look.' "You must control yourself better then this."

"What?" I asked as I looked around.

I looked over and saw my mother sitting on the edge of a bubbling brook, her toes hanging into the water. I sat up slowly and saw that we were alone, no sign of the other two that were constantly with her.

"They're off taking care of a few little things." My mother said as she saw me look around, she laughed and patted the spot next to her. "You need to control yourself better Maija. This is just the beginning of your journey...a test. You are showing that you are not ready for all of this."

"Mom," I said as I grabbed her hand in mine, feeling instantly better when she wrapped her fingers around mine. "I don't know if I am ready for all of this."

"You were chosen for this journey love, they wouldn't have chosen you if they thought you would fail."

"But I don't know how to do this." I whispered.

"You will learn, you must learn. don't understand how much is riding on you. I wish I could tell you everything but it has been forbidden." She said sadly.

"Why?" I pouted. "Why is it forbidden?"

"I can't tell you, that's why it is forbidden." My mom said as she grinned at me, knowing that I was trying to get something out of her. "You are wearing the necklace I gave you."

"Yes." I said as I reached up and held the tiny rose that hung at my neck.

"Don't loose that, it is how I can find you." She said as she reached over and held the necklace delicately in her hands and spoke words so soft I didn't understand. "When you need me just hold this and think of me. I will do what I can to help, but Maijalissa you must remember that this is only to be done in dire emergencies."

"Alright." I said as I worried about what was going to happen to me on this journey that would be so bad that I would need my mother the goddess to intercede. " I was in need before I got transported or whatever."

"You were?" She asked, her tone raising a few bars in surprise.

"Yes, I felt like something was watching me..and I went to tell Michael about it but he was gone. I was all alone and afraid, I started to freak out and the next thing I knew I was here." I said quickly.

"Something was watching you love." My mother said so matter of fact like this happened every day. "You must trust your instincts. Its goal was to separate you and Michael and it sounds like it was successful. I must get you back to him before something happens."

"What? What could happen?" I asked as I stood up quickly.

"Any number of thingss are possible..most of which I am.." She said.

"Forbidden." We both said at the same time..ya know...this forbidden to talk about stuff was getting old quickly.

"Yes." She said as she laughed. "We must get you on your way. I am sure he is worried about you, much like you are worried about him."

"Well..him and Concho." I laughed, trying to fool my mom about my feelings.

"You fool no one Maija. Please remember to trust your instincts, trust yourself, trust Michael and when needed ask for help." She said as she hugged me fiercely. "I love you my angel." She whispered before everything started to fade again.

I blinked a few times, realizing that I was still on Piper's back. I felt the eyes again watching me, but ignored them as I looked around for Michael or Concho. I whistled loudly quickly, knowing that Concho was trained to come when he heard the whistle.

Nothing happened for a few minute4s but then I heard the sound I had been hoping and praying to hear. I heard Concho running as fast as he could towards me and Piper, Michael holding on for dear life.

"Where were you?" He asked as he frowned but then smiled at me as he rode up next to me, his hand held out for mine.

I wrapped my hand in his and instantly felt calm and whole again. I wanted to tell him what I was feeling..but my body wouldn't allow it. I just smiled coyly at him, hoping he would understand what I was feeling in my heart.
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
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