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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 7

I heard someone call my name, but i didn't care..I was tired. So tired and my body was starting to body. I knew that I was in the accident, but until this point I hadn't realized that I was hurt.

It started in my fingers, the searing pain that dropped me flat to the ground. It grew and burned until it took over my entire body, the pain so bad that I couldn't breath. I knew that I needed to breath but it felt like someone was standing on my chest and I couldn't move them. I started to freak out, not breathing was the scariest thing I had ever experienced. I gasped and clawed at my throat, wishing that I could get a deep breath of air, or that it all would stop.

"Breath Alex." I heard, the voice one I had heard once before..but..wait...

"Elizabeth?" I whispered, using the rest of my air and loosing the grip I had on reality.

Chapter 7

I slept..slept like I have never slept before, and when I finally woke up my entire body felt heavy. I tried opening my eyes, but they wouldn't open which freaked me out. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing happened, I couldn't control my own body anymore..what the hell was going on?

"Alexandra?" I heard my mother ask.

I tried to respond, to say that I heard her but was trapped..but nothing happened.

"Alex," I heard her whisper, she sounded sad. "Please Alex, please come back."

Come back? What does that mean? I was getting upset, I was here and I tried screaming it at her so that she would hear me, but like each other time nothing happened.

"Any change?" A voice asked, a voice I didn't recognize.

"No, she's still non-responsive." My mother said softly, and I felt pressure on my hand as if someone were holding it but I couldn't squeeze it back.

"Alex?" The male voice said as I heard him move around the bed I was laying on. "Alex? If you can hear me move your toes."

I tried and tried, knowing that I could move my was something that I had done millions of times throughout my life..but for some reason I could not move my toes. I wanted them to move, I prayed they would but nothing would happen.

"Don't give up." The male voice said. "I'm sure she can hear you, she's 17 and for what you've told me she's a fighter. She won't give up."

I tired to move my fingers or my toes again, anything that would let my mother know that I was here but nothing would happen..I was trapped..trapped inside myself and no one knew I was here.

I felt myself getting more and more anxious, my heart beating against my chest so hard that I found it hard to believe that my mom or anyone else wouldn't hear it. But at that moment the machines in the room started going crazy, alarms were going off and the beeping that I guessed was my heart beat sped up and started to set off more alarms.

I heard my mother gasp as all of this happened and the other person move quickly to the machines, checking something I guess. I heard a few other voices enter into the room, each of them saying different things about the readouts or about what was happening.

I realized that this was all because of my response, because of my freaking out. I did my best to calm myself, noticing that the heartbeat would slow down when I wasn't upset and that I could make it speed up and set off alarms when I got anxious.

"Alex?" My mother said, and I knew the tone of her voice. It was the tone I would hear when I was younger and causing trouble. "Alexandra Sofia, I know you can hear me."

"Oh crap." I thought to myself. I knew that she didn't use my full name, not unless I was in deep trouble. I tried again to move something but just like each time before nothing happened.

"I think we need to calm her down." Someone said, then I heard drawers opening and felt the weirdest sensation that my body was getting heavy..then I slept..again.
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added by just_bella
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