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posted by firequeen
me and jac got in about five from a tough day at work. some teenager had taken his class hostage. we were lucky that jac was there as Greg struggled to reach out to the suspect. and things were escalading after 4 hours of negotiations we had got nowhere when jac made a connection. she picked up on the scent of the guy after. nearly 50 years as a tracker she knew the scent of newly marked humans well. and he was nearly marked and struggling with the mental change she began talking to him reassuring him and she deescalated the situation to the point the suspect gave himself up. she offered to send a friend of hers Zoëy to help and mentor him. afterwards jac said to the team while we were packing up " a friend once told me kids don't even need to look for trouble to find it that certainly is true for my kind"

we were exhausted and i was not to happy to spend the evening with Ryan as we would have to be quiet. then i saw the not on the counter. "sorry sis i borrowed the bike becks returned to go see jess don't wait up i probably be late back." well that was a lift. i went to tell jac about the note she was by the phone. she raised her finger in the keep quiet motion. she scribbled something down on the pad by the phone then stood up straight and looked at me. inviting me to talk. i told her about the note and she smiles. "so their still going strong after time she spent abroad."

she looked at me " fancy going out with me tonight to meet up with flack. to talk about funny cases we handled together". her voice was the one that gave me now choice. she went to get changed returning in her jewelled jeans and blue tartan top over a turquoise vest top. her hair was curled with blue beads in it. she had smoky brown eye shadow and looked drop dead gorgeous. we headed out the door her in her black heels and signature leather jacket.

we meet flack at a bar in new York. he had a beer in his hand and a young women sat next to him. jac went and sat opposite. "i didn't think you'd show. oh you brought company. "i sit down next to jac. flack continued "jac you remember Laura my sister don't you" the young women gave a weak smile clearly looking uncomfortable. she stands kisses flack on the cheek "sorry i can't stop I've gota work nice seeing you again jac."

we get beers and don suddenly comes out with "you never guess how the guy who's death i was working yesterday died." we shake our head "a crapsicle" we are suddenly consumed by laughter "seriously a lump shit from a aircraft toilet was frozen as came through the atmosphere struck him on the head causing blunt force trauma. i have know idea what was written on the death certificate." i just couldn't believe it.

jac controlled her laughter said "that reminds me of the surgeon who had his college throw acid over his hands for insurance. do you remember that one" yeah flack says "sheldon got the idea while watching beyonce shake her booty." i was like "really acid the things people will do for insurance these days." then jac said "do you remember what you said at the crime scene." don said "no no i really don't" jac "seriously we don't forget anything it was and i quote ""we got some wackadoo running around throwing acid in people's faces." i laughed "did he really say wackadoo" "he did2

flack "that reminds me of the time the mounted cop was shot" "shit that was bad i mean i was all the way on sixth avenue and heard the shot it shook the windows of my squad car." "yeah the eyewitness were next to useless i mean i talked to loads i got everything spike everything he was shot from a tree, he fell of his horse and shot himself and one lady said aliens came down. this city's full of nuts" that was hilarious.

i then said "we were working a hostage situation in a shopping mall and i got all different descriptions. 3 girls, 4 girls, 3 girls and a boy. i told greg it could be 7 orang-utans." jac and don nodded in agreement. jac laughed "when does anyone see anything" don added "it's typical when working a night club 200 people inside and none of them saw anything every time."

we ordered our third beers and don pointed at jac and said "first day on the job i told mac don't worry i'll look after her she turned to me and said ""don't patronize me i am armed" she stalked out and mac added and dangerous" "two weeks on the job she was in trouble for ruffling feathers he response was "i wasn't getting any cooperation so i thought i would rattle a few cages" rattle a few cages i didn't realise that meant the chief of police."

she laughed in a sarcastic way and looked at me "seriously there is something you should know about don he's the cooler head during a cop killer case you know you've blown it."
i then suddenly remembered something i saw in a restaurant a while back. "do you remember talking to a waiter in a steak house who said "i didn't do anything man and you were like yeah? you got steak sauce on my shoes"
"how do you know about that" "i was sitting a few tables over with my late mentor having steak and you NYPD guys come storming in making a hell of a attention taker."

don's sister comes back with a coke "apparently i don't start till 10 hey jac do you remember when you and flacky went to a butterfly party"
"which one there was several" " the one where the women was oh you're the NYPD guys i expected two burly guys and don was like if you look in this direction your see one." we all laughed expect don who looked upset. laughing "oh that one the one with the bat mobile i forgot you were there."

i liked laura she was funny and jac seemed to be getting to know her to. on the way home she let me drive it was great. i asked her "so how long have you known laura" jac paused for a while "i first meet her while working in Miami during my rookie years. i busted her for drunk and disorderly but she sparked a distant memory from a time in which lots of piece's are missing. then don introduced us a year ago when she graduated out of the academy."

she took a deep breath. "there is something you should know i'm married i mean i was. jessop was my soul mate and we married exactly a month after 17 birthday he was murdered that night. i was out at a party. i have severe retrograde amnesia from that time and am missing a lot of memories to do with jessop. at the funeral a guy a barely remembered came up to me. i was crying heavily he caught me when i my legs gave way. he introduced himself as jesse. a memory popped up and i realised jesse was jessop's little bother. they had an argument just before jesse changed and he walked out. ever since he has been there for me and recently became my oath bond warrior. meaning it's his duty to protect me. he works as CSI in Miami but with his gifts he could be here if i needed him in a second. he's also laura's mate."

i spent the rest of the drive in shock. jac had loved and lost that is the worst. just as i was pulling in she wiped away tears i didn't realise she had been crying and said. "i'm sorry i should have told you earlier but well it hurts." then she swears "shit i am so bad at this." "no you're not it's a private thing that is up to you if you tell and when "came my reply. she laughs and lays her hand on my leg. "i wasn't talking about that we have been dating for several months and you still haven't meet my parents. i need to call them"

when we got back in she went to call her parents and i went to grab some food i was starving that's when i saw the clothes trailed through the house. i called jac and she is taken aback. "i don't believe it he wouldn't dare" she walks to the spare room and opens the door and her face relaxes "he didn't looks like he just changed. she collected ryan's clothes that were covered in beer and ditched them in the basket then went to take her shoes off. i poked my head throw the door to the bedroom. the bed was made military style. and a kit back lay on the floor but the room was strewn in discarded clothing clearly jessica had a certain taste in clothes on her men.
jessica bird
jessica bird
laura flack
laura flack