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posted by firequeen
jac with fringe
jac with fringe
my god today's the day. i am to meet the parents. i am seriously nervous about this. i mean if their anything like jac and Becker. i roll up at 12 dressed in a tartan top and jeans. by now i have my own set of keys. i enter and find Ryan and a young girl chatting while cooking. jac is hovering watching them carefully. she's dressed in grey camouflage pants and green tank.

she hugged and kissed me when i approached but kept an eye on the pair cooking. "before we leave i have to get Trent keep an eye on Ryan" she ran off coming back with the blonde. "don't you dare let them burn down my house okay we won't be back till late." Trent nodded and jac went to pull on her trade mark black boots and leather jacket. she then grabbed her holster from the cabinet and holstered her gun handing me a holster and gun i did the same.

on the way down to the car park she explained "my parents live in Boston and we have to go through a couple of shady towns. i am sorry it won't be a comfortable ride" stopped at a red land rover and turned the key. she jumped in and i got in the passenger seat. it smelled musty inside. "sorry about the stench i only use the car when camping or going home it's old but trusty. it was the car i used when i moved back to new York." it was a long and dusty ride. after about an hour i got used to the smell.

we kept driving till we reached Boston i expected to stop but she drove through the and took a long winding country road. "my parents work in Boston but have always liked tranquillity my father was born and raised in Alaska. so they live in a small village known locally as Avalon it's not on any maps. population 250. now you see why i like new York.""sounds urm lovely" i really wasn't sure what to expect from the town jac was raised. i was trying to imagine it when a bright orange 4x4 nearly runs of the road. jac has the window down and so does the other car. "damn it Leon you maniac." she shakes her head i give her a questioning look. "twat has always been the same fast cars revving engines"

we leave the tree's and enter into a small village and people wave as we drive past. seems everyone knows everyone. we pull into a car park alongside other land rovers. "can you get my sunnies out the glove compartment." i open the glove compartment and find several hand sketched maps car sweets and a box of bullets. and finally the sunglasses. i hand them over and jac puts them on. and jumps out. "out he there's less car fumes and high rises so UV is higher" i guessed "hole in one" she walks on and i follow she winds round market stalls and then stops at a pretty large house Victorian in appearance. "the village was built around house Avalon" she says pointing at the mansion.

she bounds up to the door and twist the ornate handle the door swings straight open. we enter into a grand circular hallway doors lead off in all directions with a swiping staircase in front of us. "anyone home" no reply came. jac walked over to a table near the base of the stairs mahogany i notice same as the doors and banisters. a phone and notepad sit on it reminding me of jac's house. i read over her shoulder. ""just popped out will be back soon"". i get the guided tour.

the first door is the living room. it has a grand fire walls place, corner sofa, large flat screen and display cabinet. the next door is the library all four are covered in high bookshelves with a moveable ladder. a large antique table sits in the middle. the next door before the staircase is a office a Mac sits on a table with a fax machine and a set of chest of drawers. on the other side the first door is a large kitchen with a breakfast bar. a wall had been knocked down as it lead to a large dining room with the next door. the last door on this level is a utility and cloak room.

at the top of the stairs sits a grandfather clock. with the landing wrapping round in a square. the first door is the master bedroom, the next belongs to Sam then Becker, cam and finally jac. it huge with a walk in wardrobe and en suite. she has a four poster bed and fireplace. a elder box sits at the end of the bed with a matching dresser and chest of drawers. a love seat sits facing a small TV and a laptop sits on a small bedside table. we head up some iron stairs that winds upwards at the end of the corridor. to what used to be the maids floor. up there is a state of the gym, games room and a small armoury.

we go and sit in the front room. a cat sits purring on the sofa. "hey nala sweetie missed you" a scopes up the black cat. nala sits on her lap purring while we swap childhood stories. jac then says something that scares me. "i never used to have to knock at a friend's door i would just walk in we don't lock doors round here we don't need to. she had just finished the sentence when i call comes from the hallway jac you back i saw your car in the lot just wondering in juniors with you. jac gets up brushing cat hairs off her i follow her she walks out. a young dark haired women in jeans and a chequered shirt her hair is cut short. jac crosses to her gives her hug and replies "no he's doing well breaking in his new patrol partner." the women looks concerned you left NYPD why. "i joined SRU and anywhere Laura's a great replacement." that cheered the women up and she left.

"flack's mother" " oh that explains it " just as she left a small black haired women comes in and hugs jac and a shy young guy comes in. "spike i would like you to meet my mum nikki and my dad Chris" we shake hands and i am immediately accepted. " so how long have you been with SRU spike?" the question was put to me by nikki in a nice restaurant where we were eating. "urm a few years." that satisfied her "it's nice to see her finally settling down again and with a police officer brilliant" Chris piped up i was glad they accepted me and happy to carry on the family tradition.

i liked nikki she was shorter than me about the same height as Jules. her dad was about my height. Chris was extremely quiet to start with while nikki is the chatty one. she was wearing a black tank and light coloured jeans. he's wearing a white t shirt and a leather jacket and jeans. she clearly gets her obsession from her dad. the later the day got the more Chris opened up.

it was a long drive down so we slept at the house. i felt strange sleeping in the same bed jac grew up sleeping in. man she looks hilarious in her skull and cross bone pyjamas. it seems being back home brought out the teenager side to her. as to begin with she swiped a torch from the kitchen and we sat under the covers watching movies on her laptop. but her mother came in and reminded us we had a long drive ahead of us and jac stuck her tongue out at her. we then made sweet love.

in the morning she woke me up by bouncing on the bed next to me. it was side splitting seeing the 150 year old jump up and down swing her arms hair flying around. then when i was awake she back flipped of landing with a gently bend of the knee. she phoned Greg on loudspeaker and told him that we were the other side of Boston and there was absolutely no way we would be back in time even if she went flat out. she is such a liar but hey if i got to spend time with her i didn't care.

we walked around the town her parents joined us for awhile. i was shown the high school, church, gym, pub, library, coffee shop, restaurant we ate at last night, bakery, butchers, book shop, pharmacist, petrol station, pet shop, supermarket, photography studio, fire station, A&E, and a tiny police station, bank, mechanics, furniture store, newsagents and a estate agents, bike shop, night club, camping store, allotments, stationers, park, playground, duck pond boating lake and boat hire along with a river. it may be small but it has everything. probably because few people know where it is.

and a stables we took a couple of horses out for a ride. my god it's invigorating cantering through the woods. "your a natural i've never seen anyone take to horse riding so quick. you should come meet thor some time you two would get along famously. " jac yelled as we raced along. "thor who" came my reply. "my black pecheron he has nothing on these horses. he may be big and heavy but is hell of a jumper and has the fastest canter ever . he's the one who won me the medals. he's lovely. " "you you have a horse" came my spluttered reply. " she pulled back gently on the reins and the horse came to a halt. as i stopped next to her she patted the horse. "why does that surprise you. you know that day we fell out i spent the night with him. " "what is that dangerous he sounds huge" "no he may be tall but he's a gentle giant. i strung a hammock up along one end. the stall is big enough for him to lay and sleep on the opposite side. i did it for a month when i was first marked in the stables here."

we returned about 1 un-tacked and groomed. we then headed back to the house. when we were there we arranged for her parents to come up to see us some time. "you know what you should meet my mother soon. warning she's Italian." with that we holstered our weapons and her parents walked us to the car. i was embraced in a huge hug by Chris who whispered in my ear "look after yourself and her for me" i said i would and he released me then i noticed jac wore sunnies but her parents didn't. curiosity got the better of me "so how come jac wears sunnies out here but you don't" i addressed the question to nikki but Chris jumped in with the answer. "because we are used to the sun. if she were to ever move back out here or somewhere like this she would eventually get used to it again."

jac laughed "dad you know that's likely not going to happen it's to quiet round here any way i'm happy living where i am." she hugged her parents. "you promise to visit soon the others would love to see you." "we promise we haven't seen the hurricane for a while spike the hurricane is our nickname for Becker who leaves a trail of mess behind him where ever he goes" i laughed and nodded. "fitting i saw his locker at the club it's a hovel." with that we went to climb in the land rover when flack's mother comes running over. "can i grab a lift please." "of course Linda" we all pile in and make the drive home.

it took a long time and we arrived back after night and dumped the car in the outside parking lot. the front was well lit. i take it this parking outside the front thing was for Linda. we walk in the front and jac stops at the front desk. "evening George i'll move the hunk of metal in the morning" with a nod from George we head for the stairs. on the way up jac tells Linda to stay back for a moment. she knocks on the door to flack's apartment. a ruffled looking flack opens the door it's clear we have woken him up over his shoulder i see Laura. "do you have any idea what time it is jac seriously i have work tomorrow" "urm what time is it (she checks my watch) 3 in the morning" "i think i should sue for harassment i've only just got to sleep what with the racket from your flat." "what racket don i've just got back home. anyway you won't want to sue when you see the present i brought you and Laura." we step aside and Linda steps forward we watch the recognition register on his face. then we left the dective and the rookie hugging their mother.

we let our self into jac's flat to find a movie on full volume. jac yells in a frightful way. "what the hell are you doing turn that down it's 3 in the morning" it worked as Ryan fumbled for the remote and turned it down. sorry he muttered. i took control "if your sorry you can go round the neighbours tomorrow and apologise to them. flack is threatening to sue." he went to bed and then he turned round and said " tomorrow i'm meeting Jessica's parents" we headed to bed. and fell straight asleep fully dressed guns just thrown on the floor.