Milly & Becky Rosso Club
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
- CALLIE (STARDOLL) - Hi Stardolls! Get your questions ready for Milly & Becky Rosso. They will be visiting us today at 3 PM PST/6 PM EST for a live chat.

- CALLIE (STARDOLL) - Hi everyone - We're just 30 minutes away from our chat with Milly & Becky. Keep those questions coming!

- CALLIE (STARDOLL) - Hi there! Milly & Becky are just about ready to start the chat. They'll begin answering your questions in a couple of minutes.

- FAN - I'm a huge fan! :) What was you favorite part about being in a movie?

- MILLY & BECKY - My favorite part about being in a movie is filming at different locations. We got to film on Rodeo Drive, the famous shopping street in Beverly Hills, the Queen Mary ship, and the Hollywood Hills!

- FAN - Hey Milly and Becky!!! I love you!! What's your favorite food?

- MILLY & BECKY - I love Italian food! Especially Baked Ziti and lasanga!

- FAN - How did u begin your acting career?

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi! We were discovered in the audience of a live taping of 'The Suite Life' by the producer!

- FAN - Do you really have accents?

- MILLY & BECKY - Yes! We were born in Aylesbury, England and we lived in Buckingham!

- FAN - Where do you like to shop at?

- MILLY & BECKY - We love Forever 21, H&M, Topshop, and Wet Seal!

- FAN - Hey Rosso Twins! Whats up? Me? I am such a big fan on your behalf. You both are amazingly pretty.

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi! Thank you very much for your really nice comments!!

- FAN - How was it like working with dogs?

- MILLY & BECKY - We worked with two chihuahuas called Moonie and Gigit! One of them is the original Bruiser from the first movie! They were so sweet:)

- FAN - Hey Milly and Becky! I love you guys in 'Legally Blondes'! Your outfits and acting is so great! Just wanted to ask you too two questions!
1. What are both of your's favorite candies?
2. Who is your favorite singers?
:] Thanks you guys!

- MILLY & BECKY - Becky: Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers, and Belinda.
Milly: Taylor Swift and the Jonas Brothers!!

- FAN - Hi Milly.Becky. How many outfits do you wear in 'Legally Blondes'? Whats kinds of shampoo do you use? These are my 2 questions. Please answer. Bye. Love, Bay_watch11.

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi! We love pantene! We wore SOOOOOOO many outfits!! There was a lot of pink!

- FAN - Hey, where can I get your movie?

- MILLY & BECKY - You can get Walmart, Target,, anywhere they sell dvds!

- FAN - Do you play tricks on people ? I think I would if I had a twin.

- MILLY & BECKY - Lots of people ask us this! The people who know us well can tell us apart, but we did switch places when we were younger! Our teacher didn't know!

- FAN - I love the clothes you wear! Do you wear any designer brands like Chanel, or Gucci??

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi there! We wish! We love Chanel, Matthew Williamson, and Dolce and Gabanna, but we can't exactly afford them right now, so we love to shop in Forever 21 and Wet Seal!

- FAN - Hey guys, what is it like 2 b twins?

- MILLY & BECKY - We LOVE being twins! Its like having a built in best friend with you all the time! :)

- FAN - I want to see 'Legally Blondes'. It looks like it will be a really good movie.

- MILLY & BECKY - Thank you!! We hope you have as much fun watching it as we did filming it!

- FAN - Hi Milly.Becky, wat's your fav color?

- MILLY & BECKY - We love pink, purple, turquiose, pale yellow, and coral!

- FAN - Do you 2 like to dress alike?

- MILLY & BECKY - We used to dress exactly the same, then we started wearing exactly the same in different colours, but now we like to coordinate our clothes so they have a similar look!

- FAN - What was the funniest moment you remember on the set of 'Legally Blondes'?

- MILLY & BECKY - This is Milly: I was rushing out of my trailer because I was a bit late, and I tripped on the top step and landed on the hair lady that was walking past! Thankfully, I didn't get hurt and the hair lady found it really funny! So did Becky!

- FAN - Hi! Have you ever thought about a singing career?

- MILLY & BECKY - We love singing and dancing! We actually recorded a song called Lucky Girl, which plays at the end of 'Legally Blondes', so we hope you like it! Right now we're just taking lots of lessons.

- FAN - Have you ever had short hair?

- MILLY & BECKY - When we were born we had short hair! Before 'Suite Life', we had longer hair than we do now! We've always had our hair long!

- FAN - Hey guys! Ya'll rock! What are some of your favorite books?

- MILLY & BECKY - We like the Gallagher Girls series of books by Ally Carter. It's about a girl spy!

- FAN - I saw your movie and it was great! And I was wondering, is there going to be a 'Legally Blonds' TWO???

- MILLY & BECKY - If the audience likes 'Legally Blondes' enough, we'd love to do a sequel!

- FAN - Hey, will you guys be playing in any of the episodes on 'The Suite Life On Deck'?

- MILLY & BECKY - We've been told we're going to be on an episode, but we don't know which one yet. Maybe the ship will dock in London and Jessica and Janice will show Zack and Cody around.

- FAN - Do u go to public school or privite school???

- MILLY & BECKY - Right now, we're homeschooled, but before that we were in public school in California! And when we were in England we went to state school, which is public school in America!

- FAN - Do you guys ever say the same thing at the same time, or have weird "twin moments" like that?

- MILLY & BECKY - We've never experienced twin telepathy!! That would be cool if we did though! We do sometimes finish each other's sentences though!!

- FAN - Did ya'll get to meet Reese Witherspoon?

- MILLY & BECKY - Yes, we had lunch with her before started filming the movie! She was so nice and chatty! It's such an honor that she is producing and presenting the movie! She has always been one of our favourite actresses!

- FAN - What are your favourite sports? (If any).

- MILLY & BECKY - Yes, we're very sporty! We love tennis, swimming, dancing, and running!

- FAN - Do you have any other siblings beside each other?

- MILLY & BECKY - Yes, we have 3 other sisters! Their names are Georgina, Bianca, and Lola! We're very close!! But of course, we do argue!

- FAN - What were u two's fave outfit from the movie???

- MILLY & BECKY - Milly: In the movie, our characters embellish our school uniforms with pink accessories! They were so cool!
Becky: I loved the two pink party dresses at the end of the movie! You can even dress up our dolls in them!

- FAN - Do you think that you are more like your characters in 'Legally Blondes' or in Zack and Cody?

- MILLY & BECKY - We're more like Izzy and Annie than Jessica and Janice!
Becky: I'm similar to Izzy because I also love pink and fashion!
Milly: Yes, I'm similar to Annie because I love dogs and try hard with my schoolwork, and I also love pink!
Jessica and Janice repeated everything the other said and were very giggly. We don't actually say REALLY, REALLY as much in real life! LOL.

- FAN - Do you guys ever get swarmed by fans? He he!

- MILLY & BECKY - Yes, in places where they're lots of children who watch 'The Suite Life', we do get recognized a lot! If you ever see us, come up to us because we love meeting fans!

- FAN - What was it like working with Dylan and Cole?

- MILLY & BECKY - Dylan and Cole were so funny and friendly! They were really nice to us from the first moment on the set! We would hang out in their dressing room and play games with the other guest stars at lunch!

- FAN - Who was born first? Milly or Becky? BTW: I am a HUGE fan! :D

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi there! Thank you for your nice comment! Becky is older by less than one minute!

- FAN - You were SO funny on 'The Sweet Life'! Will 'Legally Blondes' be as funny?

- MILLY & BECKY - We're happy you found us funny on 'The Suite Life'! We think 'Legally Blondes' is very funny and sweet! We'd love to know what you think about the movie when you watch it, so we'd love for you to tell us in our GB! Bye for now, Milly and Becky xoxo.

- FAN - Hey, what would you recommend to someone wanting to act in Hollywood? I wouldn't even know were to start?!

- MILLY & BECKY - Actually we got into acting in an unusual way because we were discovered in the audience of 'The Suite Life'! But we would say to start with local and school plays and talent shows, work really hard, and always be prepared and professional when you're on a set! Good luck with your acting, we hope to see you on TV one day! Love from, M & B xoxo.

- FAN - Do you get along with everyone in the cast of both 'The Suite Life' and 'Legally Blondes'? How was the mean girl in 'Legally Blondes' is she nice? I have seen her in many different movies playing the mean girl so its like wow!

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi there! Yes, the whole cast and crew on 'The Suite Life' and on 'Legally Blondes' was so friendly and nice! Brittany Curran plays the mean girl in the movie! She's actually really nice, so she did a good job of acting as the mean girl!

- FAN - How is your personality different from eachothers? I'm a big fan too!

- MILLY & BECKY - Thank you!
M: I'm a lot more organized and tidy!
B: Yes, I get distracted easily by the TV! I'm always rushing to get out on time!

- FAN - Hey, what was your reaction when you first got the leading roll in 'Legally Blondes'??

- MILLY & BECKY - We were so thrilled when we found out we were going to be in the third 'Legally Blonde' movie! We loved the first two movies so we were so excited!

- FAN - Hey, what do u guys do in ur free time?

- MILLY & BECKY - We love playing tennis, shopping, going to cinema, and going to the beach with our friends! We also love going on Stardoll! We change our outfits every few days and we love shopping in the Starplaza!

- FAN - Do you sometimes wish that you could just go back to your normal life? Or do you just love your life as it is? You guys are great btw :).

- MILLY & BECKY - Thanks for your really nice message! We do sometimes miss going to regular school, but we see our friends at the weekend! We have a lot of fun acting and we really like our homeschooling program! Love from M & B xoxo.

- FAN - Were you guys worried about anything before you started filming?

- MILLY & BECKY - Yes, we were really nervous to start filming because it was our first movie, but the whole cast and crew were so nice and friendly, so they made us feel less nervous!

- FAN - Did people on the set of 'Legally Blondes' sometimes mix you up?

- MILLY & BECKY - Yes, they did, especially at the beginning! At one point in the film, our characters switch places, so that got the cast and crew even more confused! We found it really funny!

- FAN - Who is your role model?
And who would u trade places with for one day?

- MILLY & BECKY - Milly: We really like Heidi Klum! She's so fashionable, she works really hard, and she's a great mum! We'd love to trade places with her for a day and host Project Runway! LOL!
Becky: We also look up to Reese Witherspoon!

- FAN - What's up, what is ur favorite type of music?

- MILLY & BECKY - We love really catchy dancey music that we can sing along to with our friends! We love listening to the Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift, and Belinda, a Mexican singer!

- FAN - Have you ever thought of dying your hair black? I think that would look awesome!

- MILLY & BECKY - Haha! Thanks for your question! We've never thought of that, but maybe one day! Or maybe we'll just try a wig for a day!

- FAN - Hi! I wanted to ask when was your first crush?

- MILLY & BECKY - Becky: I think my first crush was on my friend's older brother! Whenever I went to her house, I would get all dressed up and try and look nice, but I don't think he even noticed me! So I gave up in the end! LOL:)

- FAN - Hey, what upcomming plans do u have as far as acting goes?

- MILLY & BECKY - Yes, we're filming a pilot for our own series on the Disney Channel! We're keeping our fingers crossed that it gets picked up because that would be a dream come true!

- FAN - Hii, What is ur movie about??

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi:), 'Legally Blondes' is about Elle Woods' British twin cousins, Izzy and Annie Woods (who we play) who move from England to a posh prep school in California with their dad on a scholarship! There's a mean girl who tries to make our lives miserable! She even frames us for something we didn't do, so we have to try and prove our innocence in the academic court! Throughout the film, we use the lawyer skills we've inherited to get clothes and shoes for bargain prices!

- CALLIE (STARDOLL) - Hi Everyone! Milly and Becky can chat for another 10 minutes. So, make sure you get your questions submitted!

- FAN - Hey! I wanted to ask you guys, what are your favorite movies?

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi, thanks for your question!
Milly: I love 'The Parent Trap' and 'Legally Blonde'!
Becky: Me too! I also love 'A Cinderella Story'! :)

- FAN - Milly.Becky - How does it feel to be known all over the world?

- MILLY & BECKY - It's so much fun being recognized! We can't believe that 'The Suite Life' airs in so many countries! It's so cool to think people know Jessica and Janice all over the world :)

- FAN - Milly And Becky, How old are you guys and are u dating? U guys are my role models.

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi! We're 14 years old, we'll be 15 on July 6! We haven't started dating yet. We're waiting for two 14 year old Johnny Depp look-a-likes to come along! We're so happy to read that we're your role models! Love from, Milly and Becky xoxo.

- FAN - So Milly and Becky, do you have any beauty secrets or beauty tips?

- MILLY & BECKY - Milly: I would say that less is more. We like to wear natural-looking makeup. I especially love lip gloss, because even if you're wearing no makeup, just a little bit of lip gloss can make you look really nice! We don't have those lovely long eyelashes like Zac Efron, so we especially like wear mascara!

- FAN - How can people tell y'all apart?
?I'm a twin too! Do you like being a twin?

- MILLY & BECKY - Milly: That's so cool that you're a twin too! My face is slightly longer than Becky's. I also have slightly smaller eyes than Becky, but normally, people can only see it if we point it out!

- FAN - Hey, I can't wait to c the movie.

- MILLY & BECKY - Thanks!! We really hope you like it! We'd love for you to tell us what you think in our GB or in our club, 'Legally Blondes'! We made it a couple of days ago and we'd love for all of you to join! :)

- FAN - I really want to watch 'Legally Blondes'. What was your fave and your funniest part of the movie?

- MILLY & BECKY - Becky: My favourite part of the film is the ending scene, the party! It was beautifully decorated with pink twinkle lights and everyone was in their party outfits! It was really fun to film and the scene came out well! We hope you like it :)
Milly: I love the trampoline scene! I think it was really funny!

- FAN - Hi Milly and Becky. Wat's up? What country do you guys live in?

- MILLY & BECKY - Hi! Thanks for your question! We now live in California! We love living here, but we do miss our family and friends in England sometimes! We also miss Topshop! Everytime we go back, we load up on lots of clothes from there!

- FAN - Do u guys like any horror movies ? Very scary?

- MILLY & BECKY - AHHH! We find them too scary! Our younger sister loves them though!

- CALLIE (STARDOLL) - Hi again, Stardolls! That's all the time we have for today's chat. That you all for attending and submitting your questions. We'd like to say a great, big "thank you" to Milly and Becky for chatting with us. They are going to answer one last question and then say good-bye.

- MILLY & BECKY - We love getting recognized and meeting fans! So far, they've all been so nice! Thank you SO much to everyone who participated in the Live Chat! We had a lot of fun!! We're sorry if we didn't get to your question, but really appreciate you sending them in! :) We really hope you enjoy watching 'Legally Blondes' as much as we enjoyed filming it! Bye for now, Milly and Becky xoxo.