MTCN Review Team Club
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The principal at Michael's college, Abacus Cinch, was getting tired of Michael's immaturity. Now she's talking to Michael's teacher, Ms. Cheerliee. Principal Abacus Cinch said "Ms. Cheerliee Michael is out of control and has shown that he'll never grow up. I think we should suspend him."

Ms. Cheerliee said "But Michael does have some maturity. He runs a review show where he judges films seriously."

Michael said "I'm pretty mature. Ask Grant."

Grant said "Michael is silly sometimes, but he's a good person."

Ms. Cheerliee said "That's nice."

Principal Abacus Cinch said "Listening to Michael's sidekick is a foolish idea."

Grant said "I'm his best friend, not his sidekick."

Michael said "Whatever." Grant left.

Principal Abacus Cinch said "Michael I can't think of any reason why you should stay at this school."

Michael said I'll review your college. I'll give it a great review. It'll help promote Crystal Prep. Plus I'll review Friendship Games and give it a great review. "

Principal Abacus Cinch said "Well that is tempting. However you should be ashamed that you have to use a bribe to stay here."

Michael said "I'm not ashamed. Dignity is overrated."

Later on Michael saw Grant again. Michael said "I'm not getting suspended."

Grant said "That's surprising."

Michael said "Thank you for the trust that you lack."

The end.
Shredder said "Krang the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys are on sale. I'm going to get all the toys of myself."

Krang said "Get me a toy of myself."

Shredder said "I will."

Krang said "Hurry up."

Shredder went to Toys R Us. Shredder realized that he forgot to bring his wallet. Shredder said "What am I supposed to do? I'll steal money."

Michael was at Toys R Us too. Michael said "Where are the Marvel toys?"

Shredder said "Hello Comic Nerd. I need money to buy evil toys."

Michael said "Whatever."

Shredder said "Give me some money."

Michael said "No."

Shredder said "I'll get your money by force."...
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Shredder said "I did what you told me to do Krang."

Krang said "Great."

Shredder said "I sent the Foot to battle Michael the Comic Nerd and his friends."

Krang said "I told you to have the Foot to battle the turtles you moron."

Shredder said "Oh."

Shredder's sidekicks called the Foot tried to find Michael and his friends. Later they found Michael, Grant, Ron, and Mahan.

Michael said "Those guys look like troublemakers."

Grant said "They're coming after us."

Ron said "What should we do?"

Mahan said "I'm going to get their autographs." 1 of the Foot kicked Mahan.

Michael said "Are you okay?"...
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Michael woke up realized he was tied up. Michael said "What's going on?"

Shredder said "I captured you Comic Nerd."

Michael said "Why?"

Shredder said "Krang will explain."

Krang said "I finally got to be in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and the critics disliked it so much that there's not going to be a sequel. I had Shredder capture you to show Earth what will happen if I don't get the movies that I deserve."

Michael said "But I liked the movie."

Krang said "But you didn't like me."

Michael said "But the Cinema Snob hated the movie. You should of captured him."

Shredder said "I did....
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Mahan got some costumes of April O'Neil from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Mahan said "Here you go Karina and Amarisa."

Karina said "Um thank you."

Amarissa said "I guess it's cool."

Mahan said "Have fun."

Karina said "Wanna go to the aquarium and become friends with the turtles?"

Amarissa said "Maybe later."

Shredder saw Karina and Amarissa, but thought they were April O'Neil.

Karina said "That guy looks like Shredder."

Amarissa said "I think he's the real Shredder."

Shredder said "I'm going to capture you april O'Neil."

Karina said "We're not April O'Neil. I'm Youtube star Karina."

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Michael was hanging out with Grant and Ron. Mahan showed up. Michael said "What's going on?"

Mahan said "Because Halloween is over the Halloween costumes are on sale so I bought us all costumes."

Michael said "What costumes did you get?"

Mahan said "I got us Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costumes."

Michael said "I don't wanna dress up as a turtle."

Mahan pretnded to start crying.

Michael said "Fine. We'll dress up like turtles."

Grant said "I can't believe Mahan cried."

Ron said "I wanted to cry after I watched the 2016 Ghostbusters movie."

Mahan said "Since you're the leader Michael you get...
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Michael and Grant went to a theater to watch Dr. Strange, but Michael didn't want to buy the tickets. Michael said "I know how to save money."

Grant said "How?"

Michael said "Look for movie tickets on the ground."

Grant said "Why would their be movie tickets on the ground?"

Michael said "People drop movie tickets. I've dropped several movie tickets."

Michael and Grant looked on the lobby floor for movie tickets.

10 minutes later Grant said "We didn't find any movie tickets."

Michael said "I know a good place to find movie tickets." Michael and Grant went to the males' restroom.

Grant said "I...
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Michael's friends went to Michael's house to set up a birthday party for Michael. Grant and Jasmine put up a Happy Birthday Michael banner.

Michael came home. Michael said "What's going on?"

Michael's friends said "Happy birthday Michael the Comic Nerd."

Michael said "Thank you. I forgot that today is my birthday."

Grant said "I got you a Batman birthday cake."

Michael said "Thank you."

Grant said "Me and the others got you a present. Here you go."

Michael said "What did you get me?"

Grant said "The Simpsons season 1 DVD set."

Michael said "Thank you."

Grant said "I could get you the season...
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posted by Windrises
In Michael and Grant's "The Accountant" film review Michael mentioned that his 25th birthday is soon. Happy birthday to Michael the Comic Nerd.

I started watching Michael's film reviews show in late 2013 and I used to be a casual fan, but later on I became a big fan. Michael's film reviews show is very good. It's 1 of the best film reviews shows and Michael is 1 of the best film reviewers.

Thank you Michael for constantly making very entertaining and funny film reviews. You and your friends are very fun people. I hope your film reviews show becomes more popular. You deserve at least a couple...
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Michael and Ron finished reviewing another Luke Cage episode. Michael said "That was fun."

Ron said "It sure was."

Michael said "Halloween is coming up soon. To be honest I still like trick or treating."

Ron said "Me too."

Michael said "Do you have a costume yet?"

Ron said "No."

Michael said "I don't have a costume yet too."

Ron said "I know a costume store we can go to."

Michael said "Okay."

Michael and Ron went to a costume store.

Michael said "I like this costume."

Ron said "But that's a Mabel Pines costume."

Michael said "Fine. You can have it Karina."

Karina said "I'm going to be Mabel...
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Michael and Matthew went to the film theater and saw a film.

Michael said "That film was good."

Matthew said "Yep. I'll see you later." Matthew forgot his coat.

Michael said "I need to go to the bathroom." The bathroom was full. Michael said "What am I supposed to do? I got a sneaky idea." Michael pooped on the theater floor. To avoid getting into trouble Michael put a sign saying that Matthew did it.

Matthew returned to get his coat. Matthew said "Hi. I'm Matthew. I'm looking for my coat."

A theater worker said "You're the guy who pooped on the floor. Clean it up."

Matthew cleaned the theater floor.

Michael said "Oh no. I gotta pee. I'll pee on the theater floor." Michael put up another sign saying Matthew did it.

The theater worker made Matthew clean up the floor again.

After Michael and Matthew left Mahan showed up and accidentally dropped a 80 ounce soda on the theater floor.

The end.
Karina got home and noticed that Michael and Grant were sleeping on her couch. She said "What's going on?"

Michael said "King Michael was bored and tired so me and Grant decided to come here."

Karina said "Why are you calling yourself a king?"

Michael said "Because I'm cool. I'm a king and Grant is second in charge."

Karina said 'Why does Grant get that honor?"

Grant said 'Because I'm on the show so much."

Karina said "Can you 2 pretend to be royality somewhere else? Me and Amarissa are going to watch Frozen and I don't want you 2 to ruin the fun."

Michael said "King Michael never ruins fun....
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This is about the main personality that Michael and his co-stars have in their Youtube film reviews show. If you want to know more about Michael and his friends please read this info.

Michael: The leader and protagonist

Grant: The voice of reason and deuteragonist

Sarah: The 1 girl (In 2013 and 2014)

Wes: The trickster

Mahan: The fun dude

Patrick: The loveable troublemaker

Matthew: The everyman

Ron: The fanboy

Karina: The girly girl

Amarissa: The tomboy

Raj: The nice guy
Michael said "I got a new swimming pool. You should of gotten a swimming pool."

Grant said "No. If I got a swimming pool you'd break it."

Michael said "Not true."

Grant said "A majority of these Fan Stories are about me getting a thing that you break."

Michael said "Fair enough. I'm going to swim."

Grant said "Have fun."

Michael started filling his pool with water. While the pool was getting filled with water Michael swam and fell asleep. The pool kept getting filled with water. The pool overflowed. The pool broke apart and Michael and the pool floated around the city.

Matthew said "Michael's floating on the street."

Wes said "Not again."

Tony Jay said "The city is getting covered with pool water."

Wes said "Cool."

Later Michael woke up and said "What happened?"

The end.
Michael said "What's up Mahan?"

Mahan said "I got a turtle."

Michael said "Why?"

Mahan said "I really like turtles."

Michael said "Why?"

Mahan said "Because of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

Michael said "Is the turtle your pet?"

Mahan said "Yes. I keep the turtle in a tank of water."

Michael tripped and accidentally smashed the tank. The turtle ran away. Michael said "I'm sorry."

Mahan said "We gotta save the turtle."

Meanwhile Elmer Fudd said "I'm sick of twying to get a wabbit. I should twy to get a diffewent animal." Elmer saw the turtle and tried to capture the turtle. The turtle ran....
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Tony Jay said "And here they are. The most silly group of film reviewer drivers in the Wacky Races. First up is Grant in his Turbo Cellphone mobile. Next is inventor Mahan in his converter car. There's the lovely Karina Pitstop, the glamor gal of the gas paddle. Using a airplane instead of a car is the sneaky Matthew. And lastly is the antagonists Dick Dastardly and his dog, Michael. And they're off on the way out Wacky Races."

After the drivers drove around for a while Tony Jay said "Dick Dastardly is ahead of the others, but he seems to be doing something. What's going on?"

Dick Dastardly...
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Michael said "What's up Ron?"

Ron said "Your film review show doesn't have a theme song so I wrote a theme song."

Michael said "Sing it."

Ron sang "When there's a terrible film in town who ya gonna call? The Film-Busters. When there's a remake of a classic 1984 film and it don't look good who ya gonna call? The Film-Busters! I aint afraid of no film."

Michael said "What do you think Grant?"

Grant said "It would work for Ron, but not for us."

Tony Jay said "I agree."

Ron said "Darnit."

Michael said "I have a idea for a theme song."

Tony Jay said "Oh no."

Michael sang "Comic Nerd, Comic Nerd,...
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Michael and his friends got invited to a dance party.

Michael said "I got a problem Grant."

Grant said "What's your problem?"

Michael said "I have nobody to dance with."

Grant said "I'm glad I don't have that problem. I'm going to dance with Jasmine."

Michael said "Won't Aladdin get jealous?"

Grant said "Not funny Comic Nerd."

Jasmine said "Are you ready to dance Grant?"

Grant said "Yes."

Michael said "Who am I supposed to dance with?"

Wes said "I don't know."

Michael said "Thank you for nothing."

Wes said "You're welcome."

Karina said "Do you wanna dance with me Amarissa?"

Amarissa said "Of...
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Michael said "Amarissa became a teacher."

Mahan said "Sweet."

Michael said "Wanna prank her at school?"

Mahan said "Of course."

Michael and Mahan went to Amarissa's school and hid in the hedges near the school.

Michael said "I got some great pranks ready."

Mahan said "Cool."

Michael said "Here's a stink bomb."

Mahan said "How does it work?"

Michael said "By pressing the button." Michael pressed the button and the stink bomb exploded with bad smell on Michael and Mahan.

Mahan said "Why does the stink bomb smell so terrible?"

Meanwhile Amarissa was teaching her students. Amarissa said "What's...
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Michael Wayne and Grant Grayson were hanging out at their house.

Michael Wayne said "These bat cookies taste weird."

Grant Grayson said "Those aren't cookies. That's a baseball bat."

Michael and Grant's butler, Tony Jay said "The bat signal is up."

Michael said "Really?"

Tony Jay said "The signal has been shining brightly in front of you for over 20 minutes. I'm not sure how you didn't notice that."

Grant said "We better get ready."

Michael said "That's for sure."

Michael put on his Bat-Michael costume and Grant put on his Grobin costume. Michael and Grant went to Commissioner Mahan.

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Note: This fan story is meant for comedy. It's not meant to force Michael to see Alice Through the Looking Glass.

Michael said "Hello Grant. What's up?"

Grant said "I have a idea."

Michael said "It better not involve Alice Through the Looking Glass."

Grant said "Don't worry. My new idea is about something else."

Alice said "But you should see Alice Through the Looking Glass."

Michael said "Tell the author of these fan stories that I'm not going to see it."

Alice said "This isn't about him. You're lucky that you don't have to listen to him compare every film to The Wind Rises."

Grant said "We...
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