Naruto Couples ♥ Club
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posted by makifiki
Just before I start, you should know that everything that is written between ** is what they are thinking and having in mind. Enjoy:

It’s a beautiful spring morning in Konoha. The air smells like flowers and grass. It’s time of love and joy. And it’s also a weekend, which means it’s time for break! Naruto, Shikamaru and Kiba are hanging outside…
Kiba: I love spring! It’s smells the best of all seasons! – said Kiba sniffing.
Naruto: Me too, but I don’t feel the smell. – he said trying to sense spring smell too.
Shika: Are you guys high? – Shikamaru raised his left eyebrow.
Kiba: Ha-ha, good one. – Said Kiba ironically, while patting Shika’s shoulder.
Naruto: Oh, boy, I cant wait to train with Hinata! – Said Naruto lifting his fist I the air.
Kiba: Train WHAT exactly? – Kiba teased Naruto smiling.
Naruto: Really train!
Shika: Can you beat her? – He also teased him and smiled
Naruto just made his grumpy face.- Like you don’t like pretty girls SHIKAMARU!
Shika: W-whaat?
Kiba: Aaaah, yes, I almost forgot you girlfriend is coming! – Now they started teasing Shikamaru.
Shika: My…what?
Naruto: Khm! Temari! You know, the girl that’s making you crazy about her?? Ring a bell?
Shika: T-Temari? She is so troublesome! Hmph!
Naruto: But she is still coming!
Shika: So what? We are assigned to prepare chunin exams together.
Kiba: Like that is a coincidence. Tsunade, knows what she’s doing- Kiba said winking.
Shika: Jeez! For the last time, she is not my girlfriend! She is so troublesome and bossy!
Naruto: But you like that, admit it!
Kiba: He does, he is just pretending! Chemistry between them is just too obvious!
Naruto: Yeah! Speaking of chemistry… My lady Hinata is waiting for me at the park for our training! And I don’t want to end up with Juken if I’m late!
Kiba and Shika both laughs.
Kiba: Go then, and say hi to her.- He said waving to Naruto as he was running towards park.
Naruto waved and disappeared in alley.
Kiba: I have to go too. I have to feed Akamaru.
Shika: See you tonight then! Bye!
Kiba: Bye
They split up and everyone went their side.

Shikamaru went for a walk down the street. He was thinking about what they said.
Shika to himself *Temari… Why would I like her? She is so troublesome and annoying!*
He left to his office…

*** In Office
Shikamaru entering the room…
Temari: Well, well, well… Long time no see, Shikamaru Nara! – Temari already got there, and was sitting in his chair.
Shikamaru: Temari….Nice to see you – He smiled. A million things went through his mind. *Why do I feel like this? Crap! My heart is beating so fast! Pull yourself together Shikamaru! That is just freaking-bossy Temari! But, she looks pretty today! GOD, SHUT UP JACKASS!* he was yelling at himself in his mind.
Temari: Lets get down on business now, shall we? – Temari felt the same way. She hasn’t seen Shikamaru in long time. She felt joy and happiness when she saw him. A thrill passed through her body. *Jeez, what is wrong with me?! I hate this!*
And so they started working on preparations, all until 3pm.
*** Afternoon, the same day. Ino and Temari went out on a drink to relax. They met Sakura, Tenten and Hinata there.
Hinata: Hey girls! – Hinata waved to them as they entered café.
Ino, Temari: Heyyy! – They approached their table.
Sakura: Come join us!
Ino: Hinn, how did your training go? – Asked Ino while sitting in chair.
Hinata: It went well! Naruto actually gave me a flower! He was sweet!
Ino: I know, I helped him pick it up! At first he picked one with root!
All the girls laughed.
Temari: So are you two dating?
Hinata: Yeah – Blushes
Sakura: Finally!
Temari: And what about the rest of you?
Tenten: I’m with Neji.
Ino: I’m with Kiba! He is the dog of my life! – Ino said smiling, and girls chuckled.
Temari: And you Sakura?
Sakura: Sasuke! – She said smiling and proud of herself.
Hinata: As excepted…
Temari: Ummm, what about… the rest of the boys? *Omg I can’t believe I’m asking this! It’ just came out of me!*
Ino: I know you are into Shikamaru, Temari! Don’t be so shy!
Temari: W-what? NO! I’m not! I’m just curious.
Hinata: Yeah, Tenten was just “curious” when she asked me is Neji seeing anybody. – She and Tenten smiled.
Temari: I’m telling you. I don’t like him! He is just a lazy brat!
Sakura: C’mon, you don’t have to act so tough with us. You are a girl. Felling in love is natural.
Temari: But…
Ino: Yeah, show that temper with boys! – Ino interrupted - We won’t tell anybody that you have an actual heart too!
Hinata: Ino…
Ino: What? She has to have some emotions for Kage’s sake!
Tenten: What they meant is that you don’t have to hide your secrets around us! We won’t let you down.
Temari: Jeez, you are so… girly… How do you do that? I DO NOT LOVE SHIKAMARU!
Ino: OMG! You sad LOVE!- Ino screamed enthusiastically.
Tenten: YEAH! We only said LIKE, but – She said jumping of the chair
Hinata: You said LOVE -Hinata continued.
Sakura: So you LOVE him! I knew it! Stop pretending to be all boyish! And admit it!
Temari: WOW! It’s really hard to argue with you guys! You wont give up, huh?- She said that, making bored face.
Ino: No freaking way!- Ino yelled and jumped of the chair.
Temari’s face melted, and was filled with warm and joy: Fine… I admit it… When I saw him this morning… Something happened. I hate this feeling! I feel so weak. And powerless… And I just can’t believe what I am saying right now! – As said that, she make her serious face again! *Why on earth would I say all of this?!*
Hinata: Aaaw! You are in love!
Temari: No, I am NOT! Hmph! – Grumpy face.
Ino: Agh, please, stop acting like that! You are in love! And that is good! Don’t worry. Even that way, you will still be tough and crazy like always!
Sakura: Ino, will you please shut up already!
Ino: Sorry, forehead girl!
Hinata: Hey, stop it you two! Today is about Temari.
Ino, Sakura: Sorry.
Tenten: Now Temari, you will have makeover! You are going on a barbecue with us tonight!
Temari: WHAA…?
Ino: Agh, cut it out already!

That same night at barbecue. Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba, Shikamaru, Neji, Choji and Shino, were waiting for girls at the double table.
Naruto: Jeez, they are slowpokes!
Shikamaru: They are girls. What did you expect?
Kiba: Somebody is looking forward seeing Temari, huh?
Shika: Jeez, you are still all about that…? She probably isn’t coming at all.
Neji: Speaking of which… Here come the ladies…
Kiba: Shika, isn’t that you girlfriend that probably isn’t coming? – he teased him.
But Shikamaru didn’t answer. He was stunned by Temari’s beauty. She kept her hair style, she put only a little bit of make up, on her eyelashes, so it underlined her gorgeous eyes. She was wearing a swaying, light blue dress, a knee-length with drawings of white flowers. Shikamaru was occupied with her! He stared at her legs and body. When he looked at her eyes something hit him. He felt the way he never did before. Thrills were all over his body. He was filled with a strange feeling.
Naruto: My, my… Aren’t you gorgeous Hinata! – She blushed. He stood up, to make a place for her to sit.
Kiba: Ino… You look like a princess, as always.
Ino: You dog! – she smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
Sasuke: Sakura, honey. – he patted the chair next to him, calling her to sit.
Neji: Tenten. Neji stood up and kissed her arm
Tenten: You don’t have to suck up, you know you will get it later. – She said joking and everybody laughed!
Shika: Temari, ummmm, I… - he was out of words
Temari: May I sit next to you?
Shika: Yes, of course. *Holy crap! She is H O T. Oh, sweet, dear God! She is driving me crazy! What the hell is wrong with me?! I can’t hold it!*
Temari set on a chair next to Shikamaru’s.
Shika: Umm, a, you look…Gorgeous! – He said that looking at her, with his mouth opened, like he is in shock.
Temari: Thank you. – She blushed, and everybody couldn’t believe what is going on.
Shika: Would you… umm… ahhh…
Temari: Yes…??? – She was waiting for him to spit it out already.
Shika: Forget it. I’m sorry. – He grabbed his forehead and closed his eyes. *Now I can’t even talk?! Nice job! Why is she so hot?! She was never like this! Okay, fine she was always hot and troublesome, but why do I like it? Jeez…*

Barbecue arrived. They ate, drank, laughed and talked.

Naruto: Cheers to chunin exam! I can’t wait to see some action!
Everybody: Cheers!
Ino: I bet Temari and Shika prepared something HOT for us! Am I right Temari?! – Looking at Temari, implying her to make her make a move on Shikamaru.
Shika: Umm, I, I’m gonna go get some more drink. I’ll be right back. He said standing up, and heading towards bar. Shikamaru started thinking and torturing himself. *I can’t stand this. I just want to… I just want HER! Agh! Jeez! This is not like me! I have to get this out of me, immediately*

Back at the table, while Shika is at the bar:

Ino: What are you waiting for slowpoke! Go get it girl!
Temari: What, now?
Ino: No, yesterday!
Temari stood up and looked at the bar. She saw Shikamaru standing there and talking to some other girl. She saw they were flirting. She made angry face, but filled with sadness. She just wanted to punch him hard! Squeezed her fists hard, trying to control herself. At that moment everybody looked towards the bar and saw what’s going on themselves. Shikamaru was flirting to unknown girl! They saw she tripped and almost fell, but Shika, caught her in time. And it was a good, steamy catch. You could almost see the sparkles between them. She kissed his cheek as a thank you. As Temari saw that, she ran out of the place, filled with anger and sadness! Everybody just stared at Shikamaru as he was coming back at table.
Shika: What?
Kiba: That was a douche move man. Seriously. – Said Kiba, looking at him for a while, and then continued eating his meal.
Ino jumped: Jackass! Now you find it interesting flirting with girls, when the woman you love is here! And don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about! You chased her away!
Shika: Love?What? Temari! Oh, shit! This is so troublesome! SHIT! – He ran out of the restaurant looking for her.
Ino: Yes it is shit! I will kick his ass if this doesn’t end well! Hmph!

Shika tried to follow Temari, but he couldn’t find her! *Why the hell did I do that?! Why am I acting all useless?! God! I’m a jackass!*
X: YOU! –Somebody yelled – Stop right there!
Shika: Who is that? – he asked looking around.
X: You are not leaving without a fight! – Somebody jumped in front of him.
Shika: Don’ really have time for that now, buddy! If you’ll excuse me…- He tried to continue looking for Tema. But…
X: Find time! Or your friend dies! – he said pointing on a net that hanged on the tree with Temari in it.
Shika: What?! Temari! What the hell did you do to her?! Temari, are you okay?! -A million awful stuff went through his mind. *What the hell did he do to her?! I will kill him!* Shika was in rage.
Temari: This shitty net is eating my chakra! I’m NOT okay!
Shika: What the hell do you want?! – He asked that guy.
X: Because of you, I failed to pass chunin exam 5 times in a row! You are the only one that wouldn’t let me pass! Now, you’ll pay the price!
Shika: Let her go! NOW! – He yelled at him.
X: Nobody but me can release her out of it! If you win, I will let her go and won’t bother you anymore. Then again, if you kill me, she stays in there forever! But if I win, you will allow me to pass this year, or she is dead! I will release her as soon as we make a deal!
Shika: How the hell did you let him caught you? He is weak! – Shika asked referring to Temari.
Temari: Shut the fuck up!
X: A girl who is crying is a weak girl!
Temari: He got me from my back.
Shika *Crying…Temari…She was crying… Bcs of me…?*: You son of a bitch! – As he said that he took out his kunai and started a fight.
He used his shadow imitation jutsu, and made X guy release Temari from net. She fell on ground week. Shikamaru released the shadow, and beat that guy’s ass. When he finished him up he ran towards Temari who was lying down on ground.
Shika: Temari! Are you okay?! – He sat next to her, holding her not to fall.
Temari: He is no match for me. I don’t know how could I not notice him sneaking behind my back.
Shika: It’s fine, you were upset.
Temari: Thank you.
Shika: Did he…did he do anything to you? – He said that and his eyes clearly showed his anger.
Temari: No. He just put me in stupid net.
Shikamaru sighed and looked down.
Temari: You know… I thought… I thought you liked me!
Shika: I…
Temari wouldn’t let him finish and started yelling at him: I thought you wanted me! But I guess I’m too troublesome for you! Or I’m just not good enough! – She jumped on her feet when said that and Shikamaru did too. He caught her arm, pulling her so close to him!
Shika: Woman, will you let me say what I want!? – He said looking deeply in her eyes. Temari zipped her mouth.
Shika: You… It’s not that you are not good enough. I am the one that is not good enough!
Temari: Wha… - She tried to yell.
Shika: Jeez Temari, you are so freaking troublesome! When I saw you tonight, I just wanted to grab you without thinking! I was nervous and so I flirted with that girl because I didn’t want to screw it up with you! You are driving me crazy girl! And when I saw you in that net, so weak… I thought, he did something to you! And I swear, the jealousy ate me up so bad that I wanted to kill him!
Temari: Shikam…- She tried to say something
Shika: You are so troublesome! And that makes me want you so bad, that all I can think about is YOU! – Shikamaru yelled, and they continued yelling and screaming at each other.

Temari: I hate you! I freaking hate you because you made me love you and want you so bad!
Shika: Oh, yeah?! Well guess what! I love you too! -After saying these words, he grabbed her around her waist strongly, pulled her to him, and kissed her passionately! It was long and soft, but at the same time hot and strong.
Temari was stunned. After he kissed her, she just stared at him.
Shika: Yeah, that’s right! I kissed you! And get used to it! I’ll be doing it again!

Shikamaru lifted her, because she was to weak to walk, and he took her to his home. He gently put her in his bed and then left to make her something to eat. He fed her, and then he lied next to her, hugged her and they fall asleep.

Soon Temari moved in Konoha and left the Sand village. She lived together with Shikamaru in his house. Gaara and Kankuro often came to visit. Shikamaru and Temari went on a countless of missions together. They decided to get married and have a family, so they could live happily ever after.

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posted by makifiki
As I promised, NejiTen love story is done now! Enjoy everybody. And especially nejiten2! :)
Btw, you know that everything between ** is their thoughts and what they are thinking.

It’s hot summer morning in Konoha. Team Guy has just finished with their training in the woods.
Guy: Yuss! That’s enough for today! – He said smiling and showing his thumb up!
Lee: Yes! Guy sensei! – Lee replied
Guy: Now, since it is Neji’s birthday, it’s time to give him presents! – Sensei gave Neji tight green tux smiling. – Happy birthday Neji!
Neji: Thank you, sensei – He said taking his gift unwillingly...
continue reading...
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