Nat Wolff Club
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posted by Stelena-Finchel
As fans of Nat Wolff, I’m sure we can all agree we’re proud of where he is now. He’s come so far since his Nickelodeon days and it’s great to see him grow. For those of us who grew up with The Naked Brothers Band it’s extra special to see how he’s grown.

On the topic of NBB, this is what I want to talk about. I’m getting tired of seeing people compare who Nat is now to who he was in that show. It’s been years since them days and he has matured greatly. I’m sure he appreciates the people who are genuine fans of The Naked Brothers Band but I doubt he wants to sit and listen/read comments about how he’s changed. Yes, he’s changed, he’s grown up – everyone does. Stop living in the past when you talk to him, engage in conversations about his new projects, his new music. Yes, it’s okay to talk about The Naked Brothers Band but please don’t make it all about that.

The same goes for his brother Alex. They were both young, they had a different sense of humour back then and they’ve definitely matured. Speaking of Alex, it also annoys me profoundly when people ignore him to focus on Nat. Alex is extremely talented too and he deserves to be noticed. I’ve seen people say that they wish they didn’t share a twitter and they believe they only do because otherwise Alex “would be pushed aside and have no followers.” First of all – no. That is completely unfair because it basically sounds like you’re saying Nat is the only reason for their fame. They are both equally talented but Nat gets more noticed since he’s in bigger things. Also, do people take into consideration Alex’s feelings when they reply to his tweets with “Where’s Nat?” or with a constant flow of questions about his brother. I’m certain he adores his brother and is proud of the achievements he’s making but he does things too! He has songs too! ALEX WOLFF MATTERS!

To sum things up: you’re allowed to like The Naked Brothers Band, you’re allowed to still listen to the songs and watch the videos but please do not make everything about that. People grow up and they mature – do not live in the past, let the boys talk about their current projects and their hopes for the future, don’t hit them with questions about some of the things they did as kids. The Naked Brothers Band does not define them – it’s a part of their journey. Let them grow up and enjoy experiencing new things. Appreciate their new music as well as they’re old stuff. Balance it out; show you love both The Naked Brothers Band and them as people. Appreciate both of them and support everything they do, because if that’s not love, then what is?