Ni-Hao, Kai-Lan Club
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Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures
Season 2, Episode 8

[The episode begins with Hoho and Rintoo in the backyard, playing a game of catch.]

Rintoo: Hey Hoho, try to catch this. [throws the ball]
Hoho: Oh, I got it [starts running after it] I think I'm gonna get it. Almost, almost...and [catches it] Got it.
Rintoo: Whoa. That was an awesome catch, Hoho.
Hoho: Xie xie. Now let's see if you can catch it.
Rintoo: [laughs] Okay, but I'll have to warn you. The way I might catch this ball might be silly.
Hoho: Just get ready to catch the ball.
Rintoo: Show me what you got.

[Hoho throws the ball. Rintoo runs to catch it.]

Rintoo: Alright Hoho, watch this.

[Rintoo opens up the front of his pants and aims for the direction of where he thinks the ball will fall. Quickly running, he manages to catch it with ease.]

Rintoo: Ha! Whatcha think?
Hoho: I didn't think you were gonna pull that off. What made you do that?
Rintoo: It's what Wendell would've done. You saw how he caught those balls in his pants.
Hoho: [laughs] You're kinda right on that one.
Rintoo: Anyhow, I topped off what you thought wouldn't happen.
Hoho: Yeah right.

[Kai-Lan walks outside.]

Kai-Lan: Hey guys, whatcha up to?
Rintoo: Nothing much, except that I topped Hoho off in catch.
Hoho: He just catched the ball in his pants to amuse me.
Kai-Lan: [laughs] Sounds like someone was doing what Wendell did when we met him.
Rintoo: That's what I said.
Hoho: Okay, I'll give you credit on that one, but I'll top off the next one.
Rintoo: So Kai-Lan, what did you want to tell us?
Kai-Lan: There's something that you guys might wanna say.
Rintoo and Kai-Lan: Really? What is it?
Kai-Lan: [laughs] You'll have to come with me to find out.

[Rintoo and Hoho come along with Kai-Lan. The scene then changes to the palace living room, where the three kids are seeing a very special package from a very special someone.]

Rintoo: Is this what we came here to see?
Kai-Lan: Maybe. But you'll have to read it to find out.

[Rintoo picks up the letter.]

Hoho: What does it say?
Rintoo: Dear royal friends: I have been hearing about you guys and the wonderful things you be doing. I have decided to come down and pay a visit. I'm pretty sure what you guys have in store for me will be the most awesomest thing I will do. See you soon. Best wishes, Howie the Sugar Glider.
Hoho: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You mean stuntman Howie the Sugar Glider?
Rintoo: [excited] Yes I am!
Kai-Lan: Howie's coming back? I'm surprised he would be able to come back. Especially since he's been traveling across the country.
Rintoo: Me too. The last thing Howie did before he left was give us a lesson on balancing to a wooden board.
Hoho: [laughs] I still have his picture hanging in my room. I look at him every day and wish that I was him.
Rintoo: Hey, that's what I do, too.
Kai-Lan: Really? I haven't noticed you doing it.
Rintoo: Well, I kinda do it in one of the rooms.
Kai-Lan: Which one?
Rintoo: Um, the playroom.
Kai-Lan: Really? I was wondering what you was doing in there a lot.
Rintoo: It's pretty hard to say what I do be doing. It could be something secret. Or it could be something that no one knows about.
Hoho: Um, Rintoo. Is there a way that someone could get overwhelmed with excitement?
Rintoo: Yeah, why?
Hoho: Because I think I might do that.
Rintoo: Um, I don't it's the time to do that now.
Hoho: And why not?
Rintoo: Because we have to get this place ready. I hear that Howie enjoys stunts, but he also likes it when he knows that wherever he goes to is spotless.
Hoho: He likes things that are in order, but not too much in order. Especially when he does his stunts.
Kai-Lan: I sure hope he has something new to show us.
Hoho: That's what I've been thinking too.
Kai-Lan: [laughs] You guys are starting to be like each other.
Rintoo: What can I say? We both like Howie, and hope to get the chance to do a real stunt in front of a bunch of people.
Kai-Lan: Speaking of a bunch of people, we better get this place ready for when the others get here.
Rintoo and Hoho: Yeah.

[The scene cuts to where Kai-Lan, Rintoo and Hoho are just about to start cleaning up the palace.]

Rintoo: Alright. Do we have everything we need to clean this place up?
Kai-Lan: Let's see: sponges.
Rintoo: Check.
Kai-Lan: Soap.
Hoho: Check.
Rintoo: Positive attitudes.
Kai-Lan and Hoho: Check.
Kai-Lan: Alright then. Let's get started.

[Rintoo throws Hoho a sponge, which he has just dipped in water.]

Hoho: I think we might be able to impress Howie with the way this palace will be once we're done.
Rintoo: Yeah. I'll bet he'll be thrilled.
Kai-Lan: [giggles] You guys are just starting to become each other.
Hoho: What can we say? When it comes to our favorite people, you know you can't get through us.
Kai-Lan: That's pretty amusing. Now can you guys stop talking and start cleaning.
Rintoo and Hoho: [laughs]

[The gang continues cleaning the palace. The scene changes to after they get finished.]

Kai-Lan: Guys, I gotta say we did one heck of a job.
Rintoo: You said it. You know, I think we did an even better job than when we cleaned up the last time.
Kai-Lan: Rintoo, that was only a couple of weeks ago.
Rintoo: Oh yeah. Silly me.
Hoho: Now all we have to do is light up the runway for Howie.
Rintoo: Yeah. He likes his big entrances.

[Hoho hops over to the palace runway and lights it up. The runway expands to the palace porch.]

Rintoo: That's awesome.
Hoho: It always is.
Kai-Lan: Hey, let's call the rest of the guys and see if they wanna see Howie.
Rintoo: Awesome idea, Kai-Lan. Maybe they'll be interested in seeing how awesome Howie is.

[The scene cuts back to the front porch, where we find everyone awaiting Howie's arrival.]

Tolee: Do you think Howie will teach me some of his stunts?
Hoho: I hope so, because I've been asking myself that myself.
Kai-Lan: Hey, do you think that's him?
Rintoo: I don't know. I need a better look. [goes over to another window] Hey, do you guys see what's up in the sky?
Kai-Lan: What is it?
Rintoo: I don't know, but it looks
Hoho: Like what, like what?!
Rintoo: It looks like...a big blimp, and someone is trying to come out.

[There is someone trying to parachute from the blimp. It turns out to be Howie.]

Howie: Look out below! [jumps out of the blimp and opens his parachute]
Rintoo and Hoho: It's Howie! It's Howie!

[Howie laughs as he jumps out the blimp.]

Howie: Howdy, friends. Interested to see me?
Rintoo: You bet. We've bee waiting for you all day.
Howie: I know you have. I've been wanting to get here all day, and I've been counting the minutes as well. That way, I can arrive with style.
Kai-Lan: It's good to see you again, Howie.
Howie: It's good to see you guys, too. The last time I think I was here I was showing my two most favorite people my wooden board stand.
Hoho: You bet. Each time I do it, I think about you.
Howie: Really. You know, being a sugar glider, everything I do is technically to get everyone excited about. Just something that I know anyone can talk about.
Tolee: I think I might have to try a couple more tricks. If you're willing to take that chance.
Howie: Tolee, you know that I will do anything to make sure everyone learns my tricks. I'll be happy to share some of them with you. But I only ask for one small favor.
Tolee: What's that?
Howie: Do you think you can tell me where the keys are to the royal van? I need to make a little run. If you know whhat I mean.
Rintoo: Um Howie, the van is getting detailed. It won't be back here for a while.
Howie: Oh, that's too bad, because I wanted to show you guys a little something I learned from the last time I was over here.
Rintoo: Oh, well in that case you can use one of our other vehicles. Might I suggest the royal speedster.
Howie: Ooh. I would like to see that.
Rintoo: Be right back. [runs off]
Howie: So, this speedster of yours. Is it, how should I say, fast?
Hoho: Oh, it's real fast. As soon as you get in the car and start it up, you're going at a pace that you wish you could stay in.
Howie: Alrighty then. It's starting to sound like my type of car already.
Tolee: You'll like it the minute you see it.
Howie: Gee, I hope it's as good as it sounds.

[The scene changes to Rintoo bringing the royal speedster out.]

Howie: Oh, my God. You guys weren't kidding when you said, I'll like it the minute I first see it.

[Rintoo steps out of the car.]

Rintoo: So Howie, how do you like it?
Howie: Like it. Ha, I love it! How did you guys manage to get this?
Rintoo: It wasn't hard. All I had to do was find it in a little room during one of my many visits to our neighboring empire.
Howie: That is so amazing. I would've pulled that same stunt myself if I had the chance.
Rintoo: [laughs] Well, why don't you get in and I'll show you what it can do.
Howie: Why not?

[Howie walks over to the car and gets in it. That is when Rintoo takes off once again. Howie is already enticed with the way Rintoo took off.]

Howie: Oh, my God. I'm already loving this car!
Rintoo: Thanks. Out of the many cars we have at the palace, this one is my personal favorite.
Howie: Oh, and why's that?
Rintoo: I don't know. Maybe because of the way it goes.
Howie: [laughs] I see what you mean. I have some personal favorite cars myself.
Rintoo: Really, what's that?
Howie: Well, for starters, I have a Lamborghini sitting in my garage.
Rintoo: [gasps] No way! That is so awesome! What do you like about it?
Howie: I don't know. I just like it!
Rintoo: [giggles] I know you do. It's gotta be sweet to have cars like that.
Howie: It is. Especially if you have the money to pay for it, which I have.
Rintoo: Sweet. Hey, I just had an idea.
Howie: Oh really. What's that?
Rintoo: Why don't we get the rest of the gang together and you can show us some of the tricks you learned.
Howie: Spoken like a true learner, huh? Okay, tell you what. If I get everyone together, do you think you can do me a couple of solids?
Rintoo: Sure. Anything you ask for.
Howie: Alright then. You guys won't be disappointed.

[The scene cuts back to the palace.]

Hoho: Rintoo, do you think that Howie would get the chance to show us some of his tricks?
Rintoo: He said he would.
Tolee: The only thing I'm looking for is his super finale.
Kai-Lan: I hope he has that special trick bag from the last time he was over here.
Rintoo: I hope he does. Because I can't wait to see what he has in store for us this time.

[Howie walks out.]

Howie: Well, guess what. You don't have to, my friend. Because what I have in here will get you in shocks of amazement.
Rintoo: Oh, I can't wait.
Howie: [clears his throat] Ladies and gentlemen, what I have in here is so amazing, so astounding, and so lifelike, that you will never be able to see the face of the Earth again. Something that people haven't been able to get used to, and something that got me through my last few shows. I present...[pulls out a red hankerchief] A very special hankerchief that was given to me by my father.
Hoho: What's so special about it?
Howie: Ah, you might think it's just a regular old hankerchief, but there's a little something it can do.
Tolee: What's that?
Howie: It has the ability to change things into whatever you think of. Say for example, let's take this log over here. If I were to change it into a lawn chair, I just take the hankerchief over to the log, say the magic words, "Changeth a la hanketh", and now we wait.

[A few seconds past, and the log magically changes into a lawn chair. Everyone is in awe and excitement.]

Rintoo: That's awesome. Where did you say it came from?
Howie: Well, my father was a magician, and he though of an idea to make stuff magically change. That's when he came up with the idea of this hankerchief. He secretly found some special cloth and he sprinkled some magic dust over it. And with the help of some special words, he made magic happen.
Kai-Lan: That's so cool. Say, do you think we could try it out?
Howie: Why not. Who wants to go first?

[Everyone is reluctant to go first, especially Hoho.]

Howie: Woah, woah, people. One at a time. This thing can't support this many volunteers at a time. Let's see...uh...Hoho, why don't you be the first volunteer.
Hoho: [gasps] Really?!
Howie: Uh, yeah. By the way, you're basically the only one around here that is reluctant to try this stuff out. Also, I was pretty sure that this type of contraption can support you in any ways necessary.
Hoho: That is so awesome. I know just what to use.

[Hoho walks over to the shed and grabs one of his towels.]

Hoho: Here you go.
Kai-Lan: Hoho, you're gonna use one of your special towels?
Hoho: Don't worry, I got plenty more at my house. They're really selling like hotcakes. Speaking of which, that's what I'm gonna turn my blanket into.
Rintoo: I should know, I've seen them once.
Hoho: Alright. I just put the handkerchief over the towel, say the words, "Changeth a la hanketh", and then I just pull it off and it changes.
All: [in awe]
Howie: [claps] I'm impressed. You really can outdo yourself, Hoho.
Hoho: Well. I have my ways.
Howie: I see that. Okay, who wants to go next?
Tolee: I'd like to give it a try.
Howie: Go for it, Tolee. I know you can do it.
Tolee: Okay. What should I change? Oh, I know. [runs over to a small rock and picks it up] Guys, be prepared to be super amazed as I manage to change this rock into something really amazing.
Hoho: What's that gonna be?
Tolee: I don't know. You'll just have to wait and see. Now, cover your eyes.

[Tolee puts the handkerchief on top of the rock.]

Tolee: Okay, here we go. Changeth a la hanketh. [pulls the handkerchief off of the rock, which has turned into a pedal car] Okay, you guys can look now.

[Everyone uncovers their eyes.]

All: [in awe again]
Tolee: You like it?
Rintoo: Like it?! It's awesome! I mean, look at it. It even has cupholders the size of a boulder.
Tolee: I figured you would say that. Wanna take it for a spin?
Hoho: You bet.
Rintoo: But wait a minute. How are all of us gonna fit in that one tiny car? It barely has enough room for us.
Tolee: That's where the fun part comes. Watch this.

[Tolee pushes one of the car's buttons and it converts into a small SUV.]

All: Woah.
Tolee: Now we can all fit into it.
Rintoo: Okay Tolee, I'll give you that one.
Tolee: [laughs] Thanks, Rintoo. That's pretty much all I wanted to hear from you. So, what do you guys say? Are you getting in or what?

[With enough said, everyone hops into the car. The scene then changes to the main road.]

Rintoo: I gotta hand it to you, Tolee. Changing a small rock into a car was the most awesome thing you've ever done.
Tolee: You know, Rintoo, there is one thing that you and everyone else might want to know about this car.
Rintoo: Really, what's that?
Tolee: This car has a very special feel whenever you push this button, right here.
Hoho: Where?
Tolee: [points to a button right near the ignition] Over here.
Hoho: Oh. Why don't we try it.
Kai-Lan: That's a super idea, Hoho.
Howie: You know what. I think I would like to see what happens. Go ahead and push the button.
Tolee: Okay.

[Tolee pushes the button and a roof pops up. This gets everybody in awe.]

Howie: Woah. You never told us it was a convertible.
Tolee: That was just one surprise. Now here's the fun part.

[Tolee pushes another button. Only this time, a radio comes out, and to top it all off, an air conditioner with hot and cold settings.]

Howie: This thing has air conditioning too? This is so crazy.
Tolee: You better believe it.
Howie: Tolee, this might be the most absolutely, astounding car I have ever ridden in. And I'm being upfront about it, too.
Tolee: Wow, I never thought that you would be saying that in front of everyone. That really makes my day.
Hoho: [thinking] How is this possible? Tolee was able to get a rock turned into a car. I wonder if I can do something even better. I know, I could try to turn one of my toys into something really awesome. Yeah, maybe I could do that. I can also make it so that everyone could get a chance to see what's it about and how to have a good time. That's exactly what I'll do. [out loud] Uh, Tolee, do you think we can make a stop at my house?
Tolee: Of course. Hoho. What's up?
Hoho: Oh, I just to do a little something.
Tolee: Well, okay.

[Tolee drives the car over to Hoho's house. There, Hoho is planning the big surprise he was talking about.]

Rintoo: I don't know what kind of something Hoho said he was going to do, but whatever it is, it probably won't go very well.
Kai-Lan: Don't be sure of it. Who knows, it could be something he forgot. Like he forgot to clean his room, or he could be fixing something in the bathroom.
Howie: I would like to know what he would want to do that would keep him from having that much fun.
Hoho: [comes outside] Hey guys, do you think you could come in here for a second?
Kai-Lan: Come on, guys. Maybe Hoho could use a hand.

[Everyone walks out of the car and into Hoho's house. They then enter his room, where they see a miniature model of an amusement park.]

Hoho: Okay guys, you like what you see?
Rintoo: Um, what is it?
Hoho: It's something that will make you guys wish that this will make you come back for more. Introducing...Hoholand.
Tolee: Uh, Hoholand? We never thought you would pull that one off in a matter of seconds.
Hoho: And in that matter of seconds came a place where people can go to express their true feelings, and to have all the fun they could get.
Howie: Now, hold on a minute. Judging from the looks of this idea, Hoho could actually be up to something.
Rintoo: Really, how?
Howie: Not only did Hoho figure out a way to get people to have fun, but he also did it so that we could come back anytime we wanted.
Hoho: Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking.
Kai-Lan: Well, there is no wrong way of saying it.
Tolee: But the real question is: How are we suppose to get into there? It's just a model.
Hoho: That's where the fun part comes in. Let me introduce you to my handy...dandy...shrink ray.
Howie: Uh Hoho, are you sure you should consider doing this. I mean, we could always pitch this idea to the construction crew.
Hoho: Why bother. It's easier this way. Besides, I already made plans to check out the project for ourselves.
Howie: Okay, I hope your plan works. If not, I don't know what will.
Hoho: Sweet. Everyone come near the beam.

[Everybody, including Hoho, walks in front of the shrinking ray.]

Tolee: This ray won't hurt us, will it?
Hoho: Oh no. It'll probably have some minor effects on us, but it won't be that bad. Okay, here we go.

[Hoho presses the button on the remote that turns on the ray and shrinks everybody down to miniscopic size.]

Hoho: [laughs] See, it worked. Now not only are we small, but we see tons of little things that happen around these parts.
Rintoo: That's awesome. I've always wanted to be this small. Hey, check me out. [laughs] I'm swinging on this little rope.
Hoho: Uh Rintoo, that's actually had glue on it.
Rintoo: Glue? [pulls his hand away from the rope.] What were you doing, Hoho?
Hoho: I was using part of that to use for the support beam of the roller coaster.
Rintoo: Did you have to leave part of it on the floor?
Hoho: Do you really wanna know?
Rintoo: No, I'm pretty much good just seeing it there.
Hoho: [laughs] Alright everybody. Let's not stand around and let the day go to waste. I just made a new miniature amusement park and we're going to have a lot of fun. So, come on.

[Everyone makes their way to the miniature amusement park.]

Hoho: Come on guys, this way.
Rintoo: Boy, I would have thought that an amusement park this small would have big excitement, but I didn't think that it would be this far. Even if it's on the floor. I mean, who can blame someone for it?
Kai-Lan: Apparently someone who took that short amount of time to put everything together.
Hoho: Well, you gotta admit, I do build fast.
Rintoo: We see.
Hoho: Alright guys, there it is.

[The gang becomes excited with the way Hoho's miniature amusement park looks from a small height.]

Rintoo: Woah. From down here, it looks like a real amusement park. Sorry if I doubted you, Hoho.
Hoho: I'm not worried about that. All I wanted to do is something that would impress Howie.
Howie: Really? I really didn't see that one coming.
Hoho: You know, I was hoping that you would say that. It kinda reminded me of a little something that I did a little while ago.
Howie: Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it was as good as this amusement park will be once we step foot into it.
Hoho: [laughs] Hey, I was gonna say that. But, I will say this: let's have some fun!

[Everyone cheers and heads for the amusement park.]

Howie: I hope this doesn't effect the way I Look out amusement park, 'cause here I come! Woooo.

[The scene changes to the front entrance of the amusement park, where everyone is trying to decide which ride they should go on first.]

Hoho: Guys, welcome to Hoholand, the happiest, and yet tiniest, place in the world. Here you will witness some rides and games you may not find anywhere else. Life for instance, this twisty roller coaster.
Rintoo: Um Hoho, I think they already have those at regular amusement parks.
Hoho: True, but do they have one with changeable lights in each of the cars?

[Hoho lights up one of the cars. Everyone is in awe.]

Rintoo: I really need to check what I have to say. Oh, well. I might as well enjoy the fun. Here I come, roller coaster!
Tolee: I'm gonna go for the merry-go-round.
Kai-Lan: I'm coming with you, Tolee.
Howie: I'll take the roller coaster.
Lulu: And I'll have a turn on the ferris wheel.

[The scene changes to various locations around the amusement park. The first scene shows Hoho and Rintoo in one of the bumper cars. The second scene shows Kai-Lan and Tolee on the ferris wheel, the third scene shows Howie on the roller coaster, and the final scene shows Lulu on the ferris wheel.]

Hoho: I knew this would be a good idea when I decided to build this amusement park with my own two hands, and with record time, too.
Rintoo: Yeah, I didn't think you could do an amusement park in that length of time. Besides, I kinda figured you would do something different. By the way, what made you do an amusement park this small?
Hoho: When I saw you guys were interested in Tolee's car, it got me wondering what should I do to impress Howie? And then I thought of a tiny amusement park. And that's when Hoholand was born.
Rintoo: That's seems reasonable, but don't you think you were taking this a little too far?
Hoho: No, why?
Rintoo: How about the fact that the effects of that shrink ray won't last long.
Hoho: Well, that could be one reason. Anything else?
Rintoo: Let's see: There would be a possibility that pieces would go missing if someone were to move it.
Hoho: I'll make sure that nothing happens to it.
Rintoo: Okay, I'll give you another one. How about the fact that we're about to be blown away by a gust of wind.
Hoho: What?

[A big gust of wind starts gathering up. What they don't know is that it's just wind from Hoho's fan.]

Hoho: Ah man, I completely forgot to turn that fan off.
Rintoo: What?! You mean to tell me that all the wind is just coming from your fan?
Hoho: Hmm, kinda. But I didn't think it was gonna be a big problem. But the only problem is how am I suppose to get everyone out, turn off the fan and save the park before the fans ruins it?
Rintoo: I don't know. It's your amusement park. You figure it out. And fast, because I think the shrink ray is wearing off.
Hoho: Okay, here's what we'll do. Get everyone off the rides and try to get them out of the amusement park before something bad happens.
Rintoo: Gotcha.

[The boys run off to try to find the others.]

Rintoo: Okay, how are we gonna stay in touch?
Hoho: Lucky for you, I managed to grab some walkie talkies for the trip. You know, just in case if anything were to happen.
Rintoo: I didn't think you would keep these.
Hoho: So am I. Now come on.

[Rintoo runs for a megaphone and quickly gives out an announcement.]

Rintoo: Attention, everyone. For some reason, there is a wind storm coming, and it looks like this amusement park won't make it!
Tolee: [through megaphone] What are you trying to say?
Rintoo: I'm saying get off the rides before this entire place goes into shambles.

[Everyone starts looking confused.]

Rintoo: That means get off before the rides get destroyed.

[Suddenly, the others feel the amusement park shaking.]

Kai-Lan: Guys, I think Rintoo might be right. We better get out of here!

[Everyone gets off the rides and try their best to quickly evacuate the amusement park.]

Hoho: Come on guys, there's not much time to lose!
Lulu: Hoho, how do we get out of here?
Hoho: The exit isn't that far! It should be somewhere near that clearing.
Rintoo: What clearing?
Hoho: The way we came in.

[Hoho quickly spots the exit.]

Hoho: There it is. Come on, we don't have any time to lose.

[The wind from the fan builds up stronger and stronger.]

Tolee: Ugh. This wind is just too strong! I'm not even sure we can get outta here!
Rintoo: We have to! Otherwise, this entire place will fall down to the ground. Not to mention we'll be included in it!

[As they approach the exit, a big piece of wood begins falling off, causing everyone to panic.]

Howie: Come on, let's hurry and get outta here! I have a feeling that this piece of wood isn't the beginning!
Kai-Lan: What other choice do we have?!
Howie: Just run!

[All of a sudden, the shrink ray's effects start wearing off.]

Rintoo: Uh, guys, I think Howie might have a point, because I think the shrink ray is starting to wear off.
Hoho: Rintoo's right. We need to get out of here fast.

[As the gang gets closer and closer to the gate, more pieces of wood begin to fall off. But they manage to escape before anything else happens. The effects of the shrink ray completely wear off and Hoho rushes to the fan and turns it off.]

Hoho: Whew. That was so close. I thought we'd never make it outta there.
Rintoo: Me too.
Kai-Lan: It was a good thing too, because it looks like this place could use a bit of a touch-up.

[Everyone walks up to the amusement park and sees the little damage that happened.]

Tolee: Woah. Who knew that one little fan can cause this much damage
Howie: Even I didn't see that. And I'm known for seeing just everything. I never missed anything that came my way. Never.
Rintoo: Uh, Hoho. Is there anything that you might want to say to everyone.
Hoho: Is there?
Rintoo: [quietly to Hoho] It's about what happened.
Hoho: [quietly] Oh, that. [to everyone else] Uh, guys. I have something to say.
Kai-Lan: What is it, Hoho?
Hoho: Uh, it's kinda hard to say this, but...the reason Hoholand fell apart was because of...because...
Tolee: Because of what?
Rintoo: Go on, Hoho.
Hoho: It was because of...[sighs] that fan.
Kai-Lan: A fan?
Hoho: Yes. I know it's hard to believe how such a little fan could cause this much destruction, but that's exactly how it happened. I thought I had turned it off when I shrunk us all down, but it turns out I didn't.
Howie: Wait a minute. You're telling me that the entire time we were in that amusement park, this fan was running, and you didn't think to turn it off before you shrunk us all down?
Hoho: I know, and I'm sorry. If I knew about this fan, none of this would have ever happened.
Howie: Oh Hoho, we knew you didn't do this on purpose. It just came out of excitement. I mean, how do you think I managed to make it as a stunt maniac? And believe me, you don't wanna know how much I had to go through just to become one. [laughs]
Hoho: Really?
Howie: Hoho, what I'm trying to say is everyone can make one flawless mistake from time to time. It's just part of life, and it's part of what makes us who we are.
Hoho: Hey, you're right, Howie.
Rintoo: Of course he is. He's known for that, especially since everyone knows about it.
Howie: They do?

[Rintoo stares at him for a second.]

Howie: Uh, I mean, they do. They certainly do.
Rintoo: Hoho, no matter what mistake happens to you, we can always make sure you don't feel bad about it.
Kai-Lan: And no matter what happens, we'll always be there for you.
Hoho: Thanks, guys. I think I'm starting to feel a lot better about this. I don't know how to say this, but...bao bao.

[Everyone gets together for a hug.]

Rintoo: There's just one thing we have to figure out.
Kai-Lan: What's that?
Rintoo: How are we suppose to fix the damage to the amusement park?
Hoho: Just leave that to me. [grabs a couple of brushes and small boards] This should help with the damages. If we all help out and work together, we should get the park back and running.
Rintoo: And the faster we get things done, the faster we can get back to having fun.
Howie: Well guys, what are we waiting? Let's get going. Hoho, would you do the honors?
Hoho: I would love to. Everyone in front of the shrink ray.

[Everyone, including Hoho, walks in front of the shrink ray.]

Hoho: Alright everyone, ready?
All: Ready.
Hoho: Okay, here we go.

[Hoho presses the button that activates the shrink ray. The beam strikes them and they start shrinking down.]

Hoho: Guys, I have one more thing to say.
Kai-Lan: What's that?
Hoho: Let's head to Hoholand!

[Everyone cheers and heads for the small amusement park. The scene changes once they arrive and fades to black.]

End of episode.

Copyright © 2015
Sony Pictures Television, Inc. and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
All Rights Reserved
added by caesar213
Source: PokemonMaster04 on deviantART
Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures
Season 1, Episode 10
"The Great White Trophy"

[[The episode begins with Rintoo and Lulu in the living room.]]

Rintoo: Hey guys, I have an announcement to make.
Hoho: What is it?
Rintoo: Well, as you know, there's this competition to see who can make the best invention in China. First place gets this big trophy with a white crown on it. I'm telling you, this is gonna be an awesome contest.
Kai-Lan: Well, that's really good. What do you think you're gonna invent?
Rintoo: Well, I haven't thought about it yet. But when it comes to me, it'll be the scoop of the century.
continue reading...
so i turned away for a long time and even though i want to say that i do not have much time to post anything more, i will make a new series and ill be off and on because i turned away from Ni-Hao Kai-Lan this year. i hope you will comment, and not pull up arguments. i am a new person, but i still will rememer this clu, and Ni Hao Kai-Lan in my heart. i am not saying goodbye, im saying ill see you next december! This Is Kenleyfox, signing off.
added by caesar213
Source: Tsuchiichi on deviantART
added by caesar213
Source: bandotaku on deviantART
As you know, season 2 of Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures will be what fans of Ni Hao, Kai-Lan will be talking about for days. Recently, I announced that the season will premiere in April. In addition to that, there will be lots of magic and hilarious elements between the characters. Plus, there will be a surprise visit from a very special someone.

Also this season, there will be lots of music featured from hot artists such as:

Kendrick Lamar
Mike Will Made It
Lil Wayne

and lots more.

The first episode of the season, titled "The Royal Pain" will be a biggie. Not only will it be a game-changer, but it will also have a surprise in store for Kai-Lan and the gang. There will be a surprise in store for each of the characters.

But in order to find out what will happen this season, you'll have to tune it and find out.
added by caesar213
Source: TanjatheBat on deviantART
added by hornean
added by caesar213
posted by Ian16545
"Starting Off On A Blue Note": When the Blue Jay Babies, Kai-Lan's favorite rock band, comes to town, she elects to be their roadie at their next gig.

"Parts of the Whole": Hoho experiments with simple machines.

"Slowing Brains and Growing Pains": Kai-Lan discovers one of her long-lost family members has autism.

"Quilt As You Go": Hoho rounds up friends and family to make a "100-wish quilt".

"Variations On A Theme Park": The ladybugs try to make themselves taller to ride their new ride.

"Swizzle Stickup": Wong-Dic makes a new kind of soda.

"Hand Over Water": Lao-Tsu-Fun Village is having a heatwave....
continue reading...
Hello everyone. I have an announcement to make. This is about the continuation of Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures. I know it's been a year since the last episode was posted, but I have a few things to get out there.

The first one is that the show is still going on, but I haven't been working on it like I used to. I've had a lot of things going on, and it's kept me from working on them, mainly computer issues. But I have managed to start the next episode before that happened, and it is in Google Drive, so I can go in and finish. I am expecting to post more episodes before the end of the year, and it will be the biggest return I have ever made. Stay tuned for updates as they come along.

Thank you for understanding.
added by caesar213
for caesar213 Oh Jenell Brook Slack as Jelly. and the cast is not the full cast. hee hee sorry.
added by caesar213
added by caesar213
added by hornean
added by caesar213
Source: Ignatz20xx on deviantART