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posted by Peaceandlove67
Una had lunch with her mother. As they ate, Una asked, "Mother, what was your wedding like?" Mrs. Stratton smiled. She said, "It was nothing fancy, but it was beautiful. Our wedding just had family and close friends, so it was small. Still, the flowers were beautiful and blue, since blue is my favorite color. It was also your father's favorite color. Anyway, before we got started, my father asked if I was sure this was what I wanted, because if I wasn't, I didn't have to do it. I said that I wanted to get married, so once the music started, he walked me down the aisle. Your father and I got married, and just like any other wedding, we had cake, and we went on our honeymoon." Una said, "That's lovely." Her voice then trailed off, as she started feeling sad. She just realized that her father wouldn't be there to walk her down the aisle. She wanted to cry, but she didn't want her mother to worry about her. Mrs. Stratton noticed Una's sudden silence and asked, "Are you all right, dear?" Una said, "Yes, Mother. I'm fine." Mrs. Stratton asked, "What's wrong?" Una said, "I just have a lot on my mind. There's a lot to do before Everett and I get married." Mrs. Stratton said, "I understand. Don't worry, though. I'm sure everything will work out, no matter what." Una said, "Thanks, Mother." Once they finished eating, she said, "I'm going to see if Everett's had any luck finding a wedding venue." Mrs. Stratton said, "Okay, Una. I'll see you later." Una said, "Bye, Mother." Una then went off to be alone, so that she could find a place to cry where no one would hear her. She then headed back to Everett's apartment, hoping he wouldn't notice her looking sad.
posted by Peaceandlove67
After settling on a name and a mascot, the Radiant Terriers started working on their YouTube channel. For their first video, the played their song, "We are the Radiant Terriers". Once the video was uploaded, Abigail said, "I think we have a hit." Greeley said, "I don't know about that." Leila said, "Come on, Greeley. Have some faith. New Religion didn't think their first song they wrote together would be a hit, and it was." Sammy said, "But we ain't New Religion." Abigail said, "No, we're the Radiant Terriers. However, we can still make a hit. If this isn't a hit, we'll get it next time." Leila...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The next day, Leila and Greeley talked with some of their classmates about starting a band. Just when it seemed like none of them were interested, two of their classmates mentioned that they would like to be part of a band. Leila asked, "What are your names?" The boy replied, "I'm Sammy." The girl said, "And I'm his friend, Abigail." Leila then said, "That's great. What instruments do you play?" Sammy replied, "I play bass." Abigail said, "And I play drums." Greeley said, "Brilliant! That's just what we need!" After the foursome talked for a while, Greeley gave Sammy and Abigail his address....
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was August. Leila and Greeley had just started back at their college. After their classes, they met at Greeley's house to do their homework together. After they finished their homework, they played their instruments together. Leila played her guitar, and Greeley played his bass. After a moment, Leila said, "Greeley, I feel like our little band is missing something." He said, "Yes, it's missing a name. The first thing a band needs is a name." She said, "No, the first thing a band needs is members. You can't exactly call two people a band." He said, "There was Simon and Garfunkel." She said,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone. Antonia here, and as most of you know, my dog, Roscoe, had surgery to be fully neutered. If you want more details on this, read the previous article.

My aunt dropped Roscoe off at the veterinary clinic. After my classes, they called me to come pick him up. They said that he had to have some gentle persuasion to wake up, but he was wide awake once he woke up. I'm the same way when I've been put under anesthesia. Roscoe's surgery went well, and there were no complications.

Roscoe has eaten since he came home. The vet said that I should only feed him a little bit at a time for the...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone. Antonia here, and don't be alarmed by the title. Roscoe is not sick or injured. He's just being fully neutered.

I didn't clarify when I stated that Roscoe is neutered in the first article about him that what he went through was different from a normal neutering. Basically, what he went through was similar to a vasectomy in humans. Roscoe cannot get any female dogs pregnant, but he still has his testicles.

We weren't originally going to have them removed, but he likes to jump up on the rock in our garden, and I noticed that he scraped his testicles against the rock one day. He's...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
This is a special request from Antonia, so here I go.

I'm sorry that you've been feeling down recently. Losing a friend is hard, and I know what it's like to go through this. However, I want to let you know that I'm here for you. I'll be a shoulder to cry on, and you can talk with me anytime you like.

You are never alone, Antonia. All of your current friends care for you deeply. Don't ever change, buddy. It would be heartbreaking if you did. I know I would be. Also, your old friend would want you to be happy. She's in a better place now, and you'll eventually see her again someday. I just know it.

In closing this, remember the lyrics to one of my all-time favorite Beatles songs: "Any time at all, all you gotta do is call, and we'll be there."

Peace and love,
~Kelly 🌟🌟🌟
posted by Peaceandlove67
After everyone left the New Religion household, Carl asked, "Did you have a good birthday, Paul?" Paul said, "It was the best. I had no idea you were doing all this for me." Erin said, "We thought it would be nice to throw a surprise party for you, since you've never had one." Lola said, "Yeah. You really surprised me on my twenty-first birthday, Paul. I had to return the favor." Paul smiled at his mates, and they smiled back. He offered to help his mates clean up, but Erin insisted that he go on to bed. She said, "You look tired. I think you deserve a rest." Paul proceeded to get ready for...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
As Erin and Paul walked up to the door, Paul said, "Thanks again for taking me out for dinner." Erin smiled and said, "Don't mention it, Paul. I was happy to do it." The two friends smiled at each other. When Paul opened the door, his other friends and his mother jumped out and shouted, "Surprise!" Lola lit the candles on Paul's cake. John and his mates played and sang a bit of the Beatles song, "Birthday". After Paul blew out the candles, Lola said, "Since it's Paul's birthday, he gets the first piece." After everyone ate the cake, it was time for presents. Paul's mother was the first to give...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
As Erin and Paul ate at the burger joint, Paul said, "Thanks for taking me out for dinner, Erin." She said, "You're welcome, Paul." He said, "This is nice. I can't remember the last time we went out, just the two of us." She said, "I can. It was just after we graduated high school." He said, "That's right. We ate at that pizza place that's now a gym." She said, "Yeah, we did. It was nice." As Erin and Paul ate, a couple of fans came up and talked to them. One of the fans asked, "Where are Carl and Lola?" Paul said, "They decided to stay in tonight." Erin thought, He still has no clue what they're...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The big day finally arrived. It was October 4, Paul's birthday. Paul was still sleeping in bed. Erin, Carl, and Lola started fixing breakfast. Lola said, "Breakfast is almost ready. Why don't you wake up Paul, Erin?" Erin said, "I'll go wake him." She went into his bedroom, and he stirred a little. She said, "Good morning, Paul!" He sat up and said, "Good morning, Erin!" She said, "Breakfast is almost ready." He said, "Okay." He followed Erin to the dining room. He saw some omelettes and said, "Wow! You fixed omelettes for breakfast?!" Lola said, "They're your favorite, right?" He said, "Yes,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The next day, while Paul was walking the dogs, Carl called John. Carl said, "Listen, John, Paul's birthday is in three days, and we're having a surprise party for him. Will you and your mates be able to come?" John said, "Yeah, I think we can make it. We'll be glad to sing for him, too." Carl said, "Great. He really likes the Beatles song, 'Birthday'. Do you think you can do that one?" John said, "We're not the Beatles, but we'll do our best." Carl said, "I'm sure Paul will still appreciate it." John said, "Well, I guess I better talk to my mates and get plane tickets to get to Tennessee."...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The members of New Religion had just finished another tour. The next morning, they talked during breakfast. Carl said, "Paul, your birthday is coming up in a few days." Paul said, "That's right. It's this Friday, October 4." Lola said, "I can't believe it, Paul. You're going to be twenty-three in a few days." Erin said, "That's right. It's all happening so fast." Carl asked, "What would you like to do for your birthday, Paul?" Paul said, "I would like to have a gathering with all my friends." Erin said, "We can do that. What kind of cake would you like?" He said, "Chocolate. What else is there?"...
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added by Peaceandlove67
Source: Google Images
posted by Peaceandlove67
The next morning, John woke up to a delicious smell. Caryn was cooking French toast and sausage for breakfast. He put on his glasses, stretched, and sat up. He then said, "Good morning, Caryn. Something smells good." She said, "Good morning, John. I hope you like French toast and sausage." He said, "I love them. It's been a long time since I've had French toast and sausage." She smiled and said, "I'm glad to fix it for you." After a pause, she said, "Good news! I heard on the news this morning that the interviewer who mocked your relationship with me and your facial scar got fired." John said,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
John and Caryn were tired from crying for so long. John was particularly tired. After she fed her dog, Georgia, Caryn said, "John, you look too tired to drive. Why don't you stay the night?" He said, "I can't. Someone has to feed Thunder." She said, "I could drive you home in your car." He asked, "But how are you going to get home?" She said, "That's a good point, but you shouldn't drive if you're tired." He said, "I'll ask Peter to feed Thunder for me. He has the spare key to my house, and he lives the closest. I'm sure he won't mind." John called Peter on his cellphone. Peter asked, "John,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
John thought about what Caryn said. He then said, "You know, Caryn, that got me thinking about the time you told me that you were raised by your grandparents. What happened to your parents?" She sighed and said, "Honestly, John, I don't know where my parents are." He said, "Really?" She said, "Yes. They went out for a drive one evening and just disappeared without a trace. We had several people searching for them, and they found the vehicle, but there was no sign of my parents anywhere." John said, "I'm so sorry, Caryn." She said, "Thanks, John. It's just awful not knowing what happened to...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
John made it to Caryn's house and knocked on her door. She answered the door and said, "John! What a surprise! I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow." He said, "I just thought I'd come say hello." She said, "You couldn't have done that over the phone?" He said, "I thought you'd rather see me in person." She laughed and said, "Always." John laughed and then sighed sadly. Caryn asked, "Is something wrong, John?" He said, "Yes. When I gave an interview with my mates, the interviewer was very rude. He mocked our relationship, saying that no woman would want to date a guy with a scar on his face."...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The Devil Wants Peace were in the midst of recording another album, following their thirtieth anniversary tour. They were asked to give an interview. The interviewer, however, was very rude. He said, "So, John, your band has been writing more love songs lately. What's up with that?" John replied, "Well, I have a girlfriend now. We've been together since February." The interviewer asked, "What's her name?" John said, "This goes to show how much you don't pay attention. True fans know I only talk about her all the time. Her name is Caryn." The interviewer sneered, "You're making this up." John...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and I decided to write this blog, as I have been thinking about this since the beginning of this month. Here it goes.

We are now in September, and I can't help thinking how two very important things happened in my life in September. Those two things are meeting and befriending my best friend, Paul, and adopting my Gerberian Shepsky, Roscoe. Those two things make September so special.

I first met Paul what will be eight years ago on September 24. I'll never forget it. He moved in across the street. I introduced myself, and we talked for a bit. The next day, we rode...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Leila and Greeley arrived at Greeley's house at 10:00 pm. Greeley said, "Thanks for an unforgettable eighteenth birthday. I really enjoyed it." Leila replied, "You're welcome, Greeley. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He said, "This is the best birthday I've ever had." She said, "I'm glad to know that." Just when Greeley was about to go inside, Leila said, "Wait, Greeley. You have one more present." He asked, "Did you get me another present?" She said, "Well, it's not technically from me." It was the picture of the two friends with the members of New Religion. On the back was written, "Happy...
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