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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hank and Paul arranged the double date with Charity and Maeve. When the boys arrived at the restaurant, Hank asked, "Are you nervous, Paul?" Paul said, "A little." Hank said, "It'll be all right. You'll see." Once they made it inside the restaurant, they found that Charity and Maeve were already waiting for them. Before the boys could say anything, Charity said to Paul, "You must be Paul. I feel like I know so much about you because of how much Hank talks about you." Paul blushed. "Hank talks about me? What does he say?" She said, "He talks about how you've helped him so many times over the years. It sounds like you're a good brother." Paul said, "I try to be." Similarly, Maeve said to Hank, "You must be Hank. Paul talks about you a lot. He says that you're brave and strong." Hank laughed. "That's me!" After they ordered their food Hank asked, "Maeve, can I ask you something?" She said, "Sure, Hank, anything." He asked, "Is it true that you eat dog treats?" She said, "Not voluntarily." He asked, "What do you mean?" She said, "When I came here last year, I was telling some people about how I make human-grade dog treats for my German Shepherd. Since they're human-grade, people could eat them, but if you have a major sweet-tooth, you probably wouldn't like them. They're not very sweet at all. Anyway, that was taken out of context. There were these punks who apparently have a grudge against everyone because they weren't allowed on the football team because they cheated." Hank said, "I know them. They beat up Paul two years ago." Charity said, "That's awful." Paul said, "The good news is Hank and I became close again after we had drifted apart." Maeve said, "Anyway, those punks brought some dog treats the next day, and they told me to eat them, or they would make their girlfriends drown me." Hank said, "Damn those sons of bitches!" She said, "Tell me about it! It was awful. I puked in the trash can, because I couldn't make it to the bathroom. They filmed me, and they posted the video on social media. Thankfully, it was taken down." Charity said, "You're welcome." Maeve asked, "What do you mean?" Charity said, "I saw the video, and I couldn't believe how they were treating you, so I sent a message to the moderators, demanding them to take it down. That's why the video was taken down." Maeve said, "Thanks for that." Paul marveled at this. It turns out that pretty people can be nice. Hank listened to Maeve's story with sympathy. He said, "If those punks bother you again, let me know. I'll have a chat with them." Maeve smiled. "Thank you, Hank." During the rest of the double date, the foursome laughed and talked. They really enjoyed each other's company. Once the date ended, Charity said, "That was fun. We'll have to do this again sometime." Maeve said, "Indeed." Paul said, "I think we can arrange that." Hank said, "I agree." Charity said, "I think it's safe to say that I have already made new friends." Paul said, "I think we all have, Charity."
added by Roldan13
Source: Birthday Greetings for Friends
added by RetroRock64
Source: Google Images
added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Google Images
A few hours later, Una and Everett were comfortably snuggled up together on the couch, sharing the last of Una's chocolates which lay in the open box between them, as the credits rolled on the movie.
"That was so good," murmured Una, her head resting on Everett's shoulder. "You know - I was looking forward to your plans, whatever they were going to be, but I was really hoping we'd be able to watch this."
Everett gave a small laugh and shook his head. "I wish I'd known. I could have saved myself all this trouble."
Una grinned. "This year, our Valentine's Day plans were on me," she said. "Next year I expect it to be your turn."
Everett felt a warm rush at the thought of next year, that Una was so certain they would be celebrating Valentine's Day together next year. But then... of course, Everett though. He wouldn't have considered anything different.
"I love you, Una," he said.
"I love you too, Everett," she said.
added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Google Images
posted by Peaceandlove67
Valentine's Day had finally arrived. Everett still had nothing special for Una. He felt ashamed of himself. A part of him wanted to tell Una that he was sick but lying to her wouldn't solve his problem. He had to tell her the truth. He proceeded to get ready, and he went to Una's house. He said to himself, "She's going to be so disappointed. What if she decides to break up with me?" He then said, "It's a risk you'll have to take, Everett. Honesty is the best policy." He then rang the doorbell.

Una had just finished getting ready when she heard the doorbell ring. She said, "I'll get it." She...
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posted by Rubyrings
“You don't have any tables for that night? Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir.” The gentleman's voice on the other end of Everett's phone was polite but firm. “Most people book weeks in advance for a popular time like Valentine's Day.”
Everett sighed, thanked the man anyway, and hung up the phone. His chin dropped into his arms on the table. That was the fifth fancy restaurant he had called, and every one had told him the same thing. No one had any space for him to make a reservation, even really early or really late.
No special necklace... no fancy dinner... What was he going to do? Una was...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Everett went to the mall the next day, trying to figure out what to do for Una for their first Valentine's Day. He then noticed the jewelry store. "That's it!" he said to himself. "I'll get Una a beautiful necklace. I know she likes necklaces. She has so many of them. She never wears the same one every day." He then saw a sign advertising a beautiful necklace on sale. It was fourteen karat gold, and it had a star on it. Una was sure to love it! He went to talk to the woman at the front desk. She said, "I'm so sorry. We just sold out." He said, "Oh, that's too bad." She said, "I could special...
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posted by Rubyrings
Everett flipped the calendar page from January to February one mild winter morning, wondering why something felt more significant about February than it did every other year. Then his eye wandered down the page to the fourteenth, and he laughed and shook his head. Of course, he reminded himself. Most years, he didn't think too much about Valentine's Day beyond giving his parents a call and wishing them a happy one. But this year was different. This would be the first Valentine's Day that he and Una would spend together.
Everett's heartbeat quickened. He had to do something big for Una - something...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone. Antonia here, and I found this list of fun questions for anyone. I thought I'd answer some of them. I'd love to see your answers. Without further ado, let's get started.

1. What is your favorite sleeping position of all time? My favorite is flat on my back, sprawled out.

2. What are the three scents you like? I like pine, lilac, and peach.

3. What’s your favorite board game? I don't like board games. I called them "bored games".

4. Would you rather stay in or go out on a Friday night? It depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to stay in. Sometimes I want to go out.

5. What is the weirdest...
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Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and as I type this, today is the last day of 2021! I can't believe this year is almost over. It has gone by so fast. Where has all the time gone?

The past two years have been challenging for many people for many reasons. Just remember: crap storms suck, but they don't last forever. I don't know what the future holds for any of us, but I do know that it is best to live in the moment and take each day as it comes.

Despite everything going on in the world, it didn't slow me and my friends now. Some exciting things happened for us this year. In January, I brought my dog,...
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added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Google Images
posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and this is what you've all been waiting for: this year's holiday message. Without further ado, let's get started, shall we?

We are now in the holiday season. I can't believe it's already here. It seems like we should only be halfway through the year, but here we are, heading to the finish line of 2021. This holiday season consists of quite a few firsts for me and my family.

This is Joplin's first Christmas with us. Technically, this is her second Christmas, but last Christmas, she was too young to leave her mother. We brought her home in January this year. She will...
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The doctors did keep Una in the hospital a couple more days just to make sure she was okay, but to Everett and Una it was already clear she'd recovered. She started feeling impatient to get out and start doing things again, though Everett suggested they maybe not try hiking in the snow anymore, at least not this year. Instead they discussed a trip to the skating rink for later in the winter. Everett stayed with Una in the hospital as much as he was able to, and they entertained themselves with the movies Una had brought.
The only thing worrying Una is when she decided she really should call...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
"Una! Where are you?!" Everett had been searching for Una for what seemed like hours. The wind almost knocked him over several times. Still, he wasn't about to give up. He had to find Una. Everett had not eaten since breakfast. Although he had plenty of food to eat, he couldn't eat a thing. He was too worried about Una. She hadn't dressed as warmly as he did. If he didn't find her soon, she'd be done for. Soon, the snow stopped, much to his relief. Finding Una would be easier now. It was getting dark. Everett reached for his flashlight and turned it on. It was so bright, he could see everything....
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posted by Rubyrings
The wind and the snow were bitterly cold. Una didn't know how long she had been out there, with no shelter and very little to keep her warm. Her shoes were soaked through, she could hardly feel her toes, and her fingers were frozen stiff. She could feel tear tracks hardened on her face as the wind stung her cheeks.
She had to do something to stay warm. She'd tried to keep moving, something telling her that to stop and rest in this weather could be fatal. But she was exhausted, each step more and more of a struggle as the snow rose higher and higher. And who knew where she was going, if she was...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The snowfall began to get heavier and heavier. Una and Everett tried to stay together, but the blizzard kept blinding them. Without realizing it, they became separated. Although the snow was blinding, there was no shelter. The young couple knew they had to get back to civilization and find a warm place. They pressed on for what seemed like hours. Finally, Everett saw a familiar sight. It was the town near the mountains. The hotel where he and Una were staying was in sight. Everett breathed a sigh of relief. He exclaimed, "We made it, Una! We made it!" There was no response. "Una," he called...
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posted by Rubyrings
"Everett, watch this!" Una leaped off the hiking trail and slid gracefully into the light snow covering the ground on either side, kicking up a light spray.
He laughed. "Careful there, Una."
"Aren't I always?" She grinned at him teasingly before tossing a handful of snow up in the air. "I love this. It's so beautiful up here." She sighed. "My family never really took vacations like this."
"Well, we can take lots," Everett replied without thinking. Wait, what had he said?? He and Una were officially together now, yes, but they hadn't talked at all about how "serious" they were, whether they was...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It had been nine months since Una and Everett first met. Though they didn't really need a break from anything at this point, with the both of them pursuing their dreams, they decided to go on a winter trip near the mountains. That morning, Mrs. Stratton had fixed a hearty breakfast for Una. Mrs. Stratton asked, "Are you excited for your trip, dear?" Una said, "You bet! I've never been so close to the mountains before. I can't wait to go hiking in the snow." Mrs. Stratton said, "You be careful when you go. I've heard it can be very cold there." Una said, "Don't worry, Mother. I won't be going...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone. Antonia here, and today, I am sharing some exciting news! My second Gerberian Shepsky, Joplin is no longer a little pup. She is one year old.

That's right. Joplin turned one today (November 12). It seems like just yesterday when I brought her home. She was just an eight-week-old puppy. She is now a young adult. Basically, she's a teenager. Joplin was a bit of a handful when she was younger. She's still a handful to an extent, but she is calmer than she was when I first got her.

Joplin still gets into things, but not like she used to. She still gnaws on things, but she's much more...
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