Personality Test Club
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Made it myself! Hope you like it~!

Same old question. What's your favorite color?
A. Tan
B. Black
C. Bright red
D. No preference

What's your favorite food?
A. Potato chips
B. Apples
C. Strawberries
D. Anything so sugary it gives you a cavity just looking at it

Which one most resembles your views on killing and murder?
A. It's fine, as long as the victims are criminals that deserve to die
B. Couldn't care less, leave that up to the killers
C. If it brings bad guys pain, keep on killing!
D. Killing is just wrong, no matter who the victim is, and killers must be brought to justice

Which one is closest to your fear?
A. Getting caught while doing something bad(e.g. stealing, sneaking food at night, etc.)
B. Being bored
C. Losing your true love, stalkers and perverts
D. Losing a friend, not getting enough sweets

What's your ambition?
A. To be renowned as the God of a new world
B. To manipulate lives and have fun doing it
C. To become a famous model
D. To catch a criminal and bring him/her to justice

Which sounds more appealing?
A. Power
B. Fun
C. Fame
D. Justice

What superpower would you want?
A. The ability to kill anyone, anywhere, at any time or from any distance
B. To travel between two worlds
C. To be able to see people's names and destined death dates just by seeing their face
D. Amazing intelligence and investigation skills

Which job appeals to you most?
A. Police officer
B. Death god
C. Model
D. Detective

Which one is closest to your biggest flaw?
A. A strong desire for power
B. Sadism
C. Stupidity
D. Insomnia

If you chose mostly A's, you are Light Yagami!
You are a strong willed person with incredible potential. You have a strong sense of justice, no matter how inaccurate your idea of justice may be. You believe that criminals deserve to die, and wish they would. You hate feeling guilty. When confronted with an obstacle, your first thought is to eliminate it by any means necessary.

If you chose mostly B's, you are Ryuk!
You are a slightly sadistic person. You enjoy pulling the strings from behind, kicking around a hornet's nest. You just adore starting arguments, then stepping back and watching everything explode. You try to stay neutral in most things, but you enjoy manipulating one side.

If you chose mostly C's, you are Misa Amane!
You're a sweet, slightly ditzy person. You are extremely loyal and love having fun. You're well known, at least among friends, for your looks. You're energetic, kind hearted, and are a wonderful person. You stay true to your love, no matter how wrong the object of your affection is. You would sacrifice your life for your crush, and are often so loyal in that way that you are either oblivious to being used, or are aware of being used, but your love is so strong you're okay with it.

If you chose mostly D's, you are L!
You are a determined person shrouded in mystery. Not many people know much about you, but, when they get to know you, they often find that you're not the person they thought you were. You are very unique and are seen as the oddball in the group. You have some odd habits, but you have reasons for all of them. You are extremely calm and intelligent, with combat skills to boot. You are extremely strong, but you only fight in retaliation. You are very sarcastic at most times, but you don't intend to be. Once you set your mind on something, you'll drive yourself to exhaustion trying to get it done.