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Scene: School
Mom: We know this is unusual.
Dad: We know children can be spirited.
Mom: We expect the rebellious phase... But Damian is completely out of control!
Dad: Pushing friends into tar pits...
Mom: Rewiring all the appliances...
Dad: We don't know what to do. Can you help us?
Tune: I'm sorry... you're elves, right?
Parents: Yes?
Tune: Don't you have schools for elves?
Mom: "Schools?"
Dad: What's this... "school"?
Tune: A place where your young can learn how to behave, develop a talent and proper manners.
Dad: "Manners"?
Mom: "Talent"?
Tune: There's a proper way to behave in every social setting. Oh! Today is Talent Day and I have to get ready. Hm...
Damian suddenly enters*
Dad: Hey! Come meet Ms. Tune!
Tune: Hello, Damian, a pleasure to meet you. Now before your parents leave, there are a few ground rules... we should... uhm... Where are your parents?
Mom: I told you I'd find a babysitter!
Tune: Let's get started.
Dad: Elf Island, here we come!
Tune: Good morning everyone! Now, as you all know, today is a special day that only comes once a year - Talent Day! I know that some of you are a little nervous, but don't be because we're all going to have lots of fun, as long as we remember the rules and don't get out of line.
Damian puts a scorpion on his classmate's head*
Tune: I've asked three of my friends to join us today, Ms. Chatta, Ms. Lockette and Mr. Fixit. They are all very accomplished Pixies. Now, are there any questions?
That classmate raises his hand*
Tune: Yes?
Pixie #1: Is he the new kid?
Tune: Yes, this is Damian's first day at our school, so I hope you'll all make him feel welcome.
He raises his hand again*
Tune: Yes?
Pixie #1: Why is he covering my leg with volcano ant honey?
Tune: Damian!
Damian blows the whistle and the ants appear and attack that poor classmate*
Tune: We do not feed our friends to volcanic fire ants! Wonderful! Now, let's get out there and see who needs help! Let Talent Day begin!
Pixie #1: Today I get my MagicPop!
Pixie #2: You said that after today we'll all be PopPixies! Right, Camilla?
Camilla: I don't know guys, my talent isn't all that... helpful.
Pixie #2: Camilla, everybody's talent is helpful to somebody. You just have to find out who.
Piff: Right!

Scene: Pixieville
Gnome #1: Mooky, come on! Let's go!
Fixit: What's the problem, sir?
Gnome #1: My driver won't move. I don't know what the problem is. He's just sitting there like a big fat purple carpet!
Mooky says something*
Gnome #1: How many times do I have to tell you? I don't understand your language, you flea bag!
Pixie #1: Hey! Mr. Fixit, I think I can help! I can understand magical creature language!
Fixit nods. The pixie starts using his powers*
Pixie #1: Hey there, Mooky! What seems to be the problem?
Mooky answers him in his language*
Pixie #1: He doesn't feel respected. He says you're a mean boss and he's not going anywhere until you're nicer to him.
Gnome #1: But... he... grrrr... I... OK! Tell him I'm s---s---sorry!
The pixie translates what the boss say to Mooky*
Pixie #1: He accepts your apology. Now where would you like to go?
Gnome #1: Well, I'd like to go to Molly Moo for some sweets!
When the pixie is about to translate it to Mooky, Damien does a trick to mess things up*
Pixie #1: He says okay, but first you need a shower because you smell like a pig and look like one too.
Mooky and the boss fight*
Pixie #1: I don't know what happened. I was speaking his language one minute, and the next I'm saying something awful.
Camilla: I'll try to do something.
Camilla tries using her powers but nothing works*
Lockette: Oooh... lemonade. Could we have two glasses, sir?
Damien messes the lemonade pitcher*
Gnome #2: Sorry, I'm afraid I can't. The lemonade is frozen solid.
He tries all possible methods but nothing changes*
Pixie #2: I hope I can help. That lemonade looks delicious!
She uses her powers*
Animal #1: That's great, you melted it! Yay!
Gnome #2: You're a life saver. How did you do that?
Damien messes the lemonade pitcher again*
Pixie #2: It was easy, I can melt things. I put my finger in... and then I pull my finger out... Uh! Then I take... my... finger... OUT! Ahh!!!
Pixie #3: Now... is the lemonade okay?
The vendor drinks it*
Gnome #2: That's not lemonade, it's lemon-lava!
Pixie #2: Camilla! Help!
Camilla: But... I can't!
Pixie #2: Please!
Everyone tries to help her, but the pitcher then covers the vendor's head.*
Gnome #2: Get this off of my head!
It then explodes and he's deliquesced*
Lockette: We can fix this... I hope!
Damien then jumps into the vendor and the liquid splashes everywhere*
Chatta: Hi Piff, any luck?
Piff: No, nothing!
Chatta: Well, stick with us. We're gonna get a MagicPop today, no matter what, right?
Camilla: If you say so...
Chatta: Come on, Camilla. Be positive. Everyone has a talent that's helpful!
Ronf: Why can't I sleep? I need to sleep!
Piff: Someone needs help!
Chatta knocks the door*
Gnome #3: Ronf! Get the door!
Ronf: Hello. Can I help you?
Chatta: No. But we can help you! We heard you're having trouble sleeping.
Ronf: I haven't been able to sleep for three days. Normally I can sleep anywhere, anytime!
Piff: I can fix that!
Ronf: A pixie can't help me. I'll get on all right by myself.
Gnome #3: Ronf! You left the toilet seat up again!
Ronf: Then again, I'm desperate. I'll try anything.
Piff: Let's get started.

Scene: Ronf's House
Piff: This is a hard one...
Chatta: Maybe you can try the special magic - milk! It works every time!
Damien puts bad things in the milk. Piff pours a glass and uses her magic on the spoiled milk*
Ronf: Warm milk. Why didn't I think of that!
Piff: How about... a lullaby? Sleep, my child. Sleep, honey. Sleep, my little one...
Damien makes loud nonsense noises and Ronf is up again*
Chatta: That little elf is ruining Talent Day!
Piff: Yeah!
Chatta: And Ronf's sleep!
Damien continues to torture Ronf with noises*
Chatta: How would he feel if someone hounded him all night so he couldn't sleep?
Piff: Ah!
Chatta: That's it! We'll teach him the golden rule! And you're the perfect Pixie for the job!
Camilla: Me?
Damien pulls another trick again. But the bed sheet becomes a ghost*
Camilla: Damian... Damian... You have been a very bad little elf, and have mistreated many people... Now you'll see what it feels like...
Many objects attack him*
Camilla: Now, Damian, are you EVER going to bother anyone again?
Camilla blows the whistle and the volcanic fire ants get him. Camilla shows herself and everyone hugs her in joy. Ronf is asleep and his wife waves them goodbye*
Narrator: When a Pixie uses her talent for good, the Tree of Life gives her a MagicPop, a magical sphere that turns a Pixie into a PopPixie.

Scene: School
Tune: Congratulations, Camilla! You used your talent well!
Chatta: You should all learn from Camilla. Look!
Her MagicPop appears and she transforms*
Narrator: Camilla, the PopPixie of Illusions!
Everyone cheers while Damien's parents walk him to the school*
Dad: Mrs. Tune!
Chatta: Oh no, look who's coming!
Tune: Oh boy! Everybody, hold hands with Camilla!
Camilla: What? Why?
Tune: Use your MagicPop and make us all invisible.
Camilla makes everyone invisible*
Mom: Hey! Lady?
Dad: I thought you said you could get those Pixies to babysit again! I want to go to a movie!
Mom: They've got to be here somewhere!
Camilla: Boo!
Damien freaks out and runs away*
Mom: What's gotten into that boy?
They all leave and the pixies show up*
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added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-