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Scene: Forest
Amore: We've got to find the Luminex Berryfor my "soul-appeasing potion".
Otis: Don't worry, Amore! I'll find it!
Wiki: No, I'll find it! You're too slow!
Amore: Slow down, there's no hurry! I should use my potion on the two of you, so you'll calm down once and for all!
Wiki: Come on now! Follow me! I'll get us there in no time!
Amore: It should be around here somewhere... We're so close.
Amore: There it is! That's the berry we've been looking for! Luckily you're here Plasto! We're going to need your talent to get it!
Plasto: That berry? It'll be a piece of cake!
Amore: SPIDER!
Amore: Spiders! Spiders! Ugh! Mph!
Plasto: Leave it to me, Amore! Come here you pesky berry!
Amore: That's why I needed your talent!
Plasto: Here you are, Madame!
Amore: Th-th-thanks, Plasto!
Otis and Wiki: Hey, Amore! Wait for us!

Scene: Station
Pixie in the car: Quick! Check the passengers in the front cars!
Gnome in the car: This stuff looks suspicious! Let's confiscate it!
Pixie in the car: Check the next car, quick!

Scene: Lockette's House
Lockette: Gigaaa! What a surpise!
Giga: Hey, cousin, I was just passing through Pixieville and thought I'd come visit.
Lockette: We haven't seen each other in such a long time!
Lockette: I hope you don't play jokes anymore.
Giga: Don't worry! I've grown up!
Giga: I got a present for you!
Lockette: Thanks, but I perfer Caramel's "Caloric Bomb" cake!
Lockette: What's going on?
Lockette: Quick! Let's go to Molly Moo's!

Scene: Pixieville
Lockette: Make way, people! This is an emergency!
Giga: Hey, cousin, I was just passing through Pixieville and thought I'd come visit.
Lockette: We haven't seen each other in such a long time!
Lockette: I hope you don't play jokes anymore.
Giga: Don't worry! I've grown up!
Giga: I got a present for you!
Lockette: Thanks, but I perfer Caramel's "Caloric Bomb" cake!
Lockette: What's going on?
Lockette: Quick! Let's go to Molly Moo's!
Lockette: Come on! Move it! That's better!
Pixie #1: What the...
Lockette: Oh, no! That schoolbus is going at a snail's place!

Scene: Molly Moo
Lockette: Caramel!! Look at this!
Caramel: Hey, Lockette! Isn't that my "Caloric Bomb" cake?
Lockette: You can say that again!
Giga: Hi!
Pixies and Animals: A monster!
Lockette: Calm down, girls! One at a time!
Chatta: You're on Chatting with Chatta. A gigantic monster has come to town.
Lockette: My cousin is not a monster! Caramel you've got to do something! Giga ate your cake and this is what happened!
Caramel: I don't understand, it looks perfectly normal to me!
Plasto: Bet it tastes good too!
Lockette: Plasto, noooo!
Caramel: See Lockette? The problem's not my cake, there must be another explanation!
Giga: Trick or treat?!
Martino: You mean it was only a trick!
Lockette: One of your jokes again?!
Chatta: Guys, this is big news! A Pixie with a growing talent!
Lockette: So not only can you shrink, but you can also become a giant?!
Giga: Yes, I can. Funny isn't it?
Lockette: I can't believe you were tricking me again! You should use your talent to help other people, not amuse yourself!
Caramel: Shame on you! You scared my customers!
Martino: And my fan club!
Giga: Hey, Martino, wanna play catch?
Amore: Noo! My Luminex Berry! What'll I do?!
Lockette: Come on, Amore, don't cry! It's nothing serious! Giga didn't do it on purpose!
Wiki: It's the berry's power! It works!
Amore: I don't want to go back to the woods! There's monster watching over the Luminex Berries!
Giga: I'll go to the woods and get another berry.
Chatta: Wait! I'll go with you! I promised my listeners a monster, I can't disappoint them!
Plasto: Ha! Here's another one, you don't have to go that far.

Scene: Forest
Giga: Here are the berries!
Chatta: But, where's the monster?
Giga: It wasn't that hard at all and the monster was just an itsy bitsy spider!
Chatta: Why didn't I think of that? Amore has a phobia about spiders! So, there's no real...
Chatta: Help! I'm drowning in a sea of saliva!
Giga: Look, it's a thorn!
Giga: Wow! We've got the same talent! We'll become great friends!
Chatta: What a news story! We've got to take it to Pixieville! I'll call a press conference right away! I'll call all the TV stations in the Magic Universe. I'll be reporter of the century. I can see the headlines now!

Scene: Molly Moo
Giga: Mission accomplished!
Lockette: Good job, Giga! Who's your sweet little friend?
Giga: I'd like introduce... Longtongue! I think the name really suits him. We met him in the woods while we were looking for the berry!
Lockette: How cute!
Chatta: He's an incredibly terrifying monster!
Giga: Haha! Yeah, sure! Tell that to your listeners, they can't see him!
Pig Son: My ice cream! You thief, give it back!
Pig Daugther: Hunh? Mommy, my cone!
Caramel: It looks more like a petty thief than a monster. There you go!
Pixie #2: Cheers! Hey! My cocktail!
Chatta: I'm telling you, it's a gigantic monster! Come on get-bigger, get-bigger!
Amore: Ahhh! Where's my berry!
Giga: No, Longtongue!
Caramel: We've got to do something, fast!
Lockette: What's the hurry? Calm down.
Plasto: I'll handle this! PopPixie Power! PopPixie of Elasticity!
Giga: My turn now!
Amore: You can't do this on your own! Lockette, we've got to find Longtongue! We need your help!
Lockette: Oh, yeah... I think maybe it's that way.
Caramel: Come on!

Scene: Pixieville
Gnome Worker: Let's catch it!

Scene: Tree of Life
Giga: Longtongue! No! Stop it!
Giga: Gotcha!
Narrator: When a Pixie uses his talent for good, the Tree of Life gives him a MagicPop.
Narrator: A magical sphere that can turn a Pixie into a PopPixie! Giga, the PopPixie of Growth!
Giga: I can't believe it! I've got my very own MagicPop!
Giga: I did something good!
Pixies: Hooray! You did it!
Lockette: Well done, Giga!
Giga: You ain't seen nothin' yet!
Pixies: Oh, no! Longtongue's broken free!
Amore: PopPixie Power! PopPixie of Feelings!
Amore: My power's not working! It's not strong enough!
Amore: The berry! The berry!
Caramel: The Luminex Berry's the only thing that might work!
Giga: Plasto, I need a rubber band!
Giga: Bingo!
Giga: Unfortunately, Pixieville's not the right place for you, my friend.

Scene: Molly Moo
Chatta: At least he could have given me an interview before he went back to the woods!
Caramel: Where's Giga? I hope he's not up to his old tricks again!
Lockette: No, he really is a nice guy.
Pixies and Animals: Help! A monster!
Pixies: Oh, no! Longtongue's here again!
Lockette: Calm down, you guys!
Lockette: Mmmmm! Giga!
Giga: Trick or treat!
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added by -_-PopPixie-_-
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added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-