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Scene: Movie Screen
Witch Elf: There will come a time when I steal when I will steal your treasure, King Gnome! All the rices gathered but your greedy gnomes through the years!
King Gnome: Hmph! Which you can't earn in one hundred of your Elf years!
Witch Elf: You'll see what I'm capable of!
King Gnome: Silence, Witch! We gnomes would rather work hard, than boast of our capabilities!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Gnome #1: Well said!
Lenny: Tsk, tsk, Gnomes!
Chatta: I don't think she's gonna make it, 'cuz most villains in movies end...
Body Rhinoceros: Where's your ticket?

Scene: Movie Screen
Witch Elf: The time will come when I'll receive the magic talisman. The Orange Comet will come to me!
King Gnome: AWAY! There's no such thing!
Witch Elf: It's time you turned into stone. Now the rest of you will be as hard as your head!
Witch Elf: The Talisman's magic can only be broken by a gnome with a pure heart. Hahaha... The last gnome of your race!
Witch Elf: HAHA!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Ronf: Oh... What a great film!
Plasto: That's the end?
Movie Gnome: The screening of "The Last Gnome" is postponed till tomorrow night. Double the price for a double bill!
Gnomes: I want my Pixiemoney back! Give us our money back!
Gnome #2: Cheat! Rat! Argh! Thief! Argh! Coward!
Chatta: If there really was a Talisman, like the one in the film, it'd be very powerful!
Fixit: Come on, it's just a legend! You don't actually believe in it, do you?
Gnome #3: The Orange Comet!
Chatta: Yes! I knew it! It does exist, it does exist! Just like in "The Last Gnome"! Maybe there's also a Talisman! You wanna go have a look, you guys?!
Plasto and Fixit: We've had enough of Gnomes for one night!
Lockette: I've got to be up early tomorrow.
Chatta: To take me to work! You're night!
Rex: Shall we go have a look?
Lenny: This must be the witch elf's Talisman!
Rex: If the legend is true, it can turn the gnomes into stone!
Rex: I don't think there's a gnome with a pure heart to break the spell!

Scene: Ronf's House
Nella: Ronf? Wake up! RONF! Get over to the Plop Twins Store and buy another fifth hand broom! And don't pay in advance!

Scene: Caramel's House
Rex: Let's try the Talisman out on Glossum! Hahahaha!
Rex: Hey, It works! Look out, Gnomes! Here we come!
Lockette: This time Mr. Rollo's going to fire me, I'm already a minute and a half late! Oh! Mr. Glossum! I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm late!
Chatta: Morning, Lockette!
Lockette: Did you see that nose-parker Glossum? Now he's pretending to be a garden gnome!

Scene: Plop & Puop's House
Plop: One Pixiecoin for that beard curler!
Gnome #4: Ten!
Plop: Nope.
Gnome #4: Seven!
Plop: Two!
Puop: Fine!
Gnome #4: You cheated me!
Puop: I'll take it back for one pixiecoin!
Gnome #4: Ten!
Rex: Stop there!

Scene: Pixieville
Chatta: All the gnomes have been tured to stone!
Lockette: Ronf, get outta my way!
Lockette: Watch where you're going!
Chatta: Watch out, Lockette!
Police #1: I wonder if this fine will wake you guys up?
Lockette: Direction Arrow! I want to find out who did this.

Scene: Plop & Puop's House
Ronf: Hey there, Plop.

Scene: Pixieville
Ronf: Strange that Plop and Puop didn't have that broom today. I'd better go back home.
Lockette: RONF! You again?! You've got to learn how to drive!

Scene: Toy Shop
Fixit: Come back if you've got the guts!
Lockette: Sorry about that! But this is a big emergency!
Fixit: You're telling me! Rex and his gang just surprised us and... robbed Augustus' shop!
Lockette: Hop in, Fixit! My magic arrow will lead us to where they'll attack next!

Scene: Pixieville
Chatta: Turning the gnomes into stone! The Elves are wreaking havoc in Pixieville!
Lockette: Now what?!
Fixit: It's all under control!

Scene: Pixieville Bank
Grind: One million five hundred sixty-eight. One million five hundred sixty-nine.
Rex: I'd like to take some money out, Grind!
Maxine: He really is struck dumb!
Lenny: You want some money? Try and catch this! And that!
Grind's Guards: Stop!
Maxine: I love garden gnomes!
Fixit: We're gonna get you, Elves!
Plasto and Fixit: PopPixie Power!
Plasto: PopPixie of Elasticity!
Fixit: PopPixie of Technomagic!
Maxine: Let's see how much you care about your gnomes!
Gnomes: Pixiemoney! It's mine! Mine!
Rex: Gnome greed is incredible!
Fixit: With that stone, the Elves are more powerful than usual!
Lockette: Nobody can stop us from... Oh! RONF! You are THE LAST GNOME I need to see today!
Chatta: The Last Gnome!
Chatta: If the legend is true, Ronf could be him!
Fixit: Yes! Ronf is the gnome with the pure heart! All he's interested in is sleeping.
Chatta: The city's in chaos, Ronf! Every gnome in town has been turned to stone! Pixieville's fate is in your hands!
Ronf: Oh, okay, if you say so.

Scene: Elves' Neighborhood
Fixit: Here! With these we'll always be in touch. And this gadget's good in any situation.
Ronf: Hunh? I'm ready! Agent Ronf reporting for duty! Heeya! Hoh!

Scene: Elves' House
Rex: Robbing the gnomes was a piece of cake! The hard part will be spending all this money!
Ronf: I found the Talisman. I've got it!

Scene: Elves' Neighborhood
Fixit: Great job, Ronf! Now retrace your steps and come back. Ronf?

Scene: Elves' House
Elves: Hurray for Rex! Hurray!
Ronf: Ptui! I've got the stone! Boy, did I fool those elves!
Rex: A Gnome?! How did he get in? Catch him!
Rex: Venom! Come here!

Scene: Elves' Neighborhood
Chatta: It's Ronf! He did it! Yeah!
Plasto: Yes, but, where's he going?
Rex: Venom, where are you? Hnn? You again!
Lockette: Warn Ronf! Tell him to break the stone!

Scene: Pixieville
Fixit: Break the stone, Ronf! Break the stone!

Scene: Pixieville Bank
Rex: Hah! I'll teach you a lesson, Gnome! Oh, no! The Talisman!
Lockette: Ronf! Pixieville's hero!

Scene: Movie Screen
Witch Elf: No, no, stop! You wouldn't dare! I can't be you! The Last Gnome! Arggg!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Ronf: What a great film! Ideal for a little nap!

Scene: Movie Screen
King Gnome: Finally!! Thank you, thank you, Last Gnome!
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added by -_-PopPixie-_-
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added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
added by -_-PopPixie-_-
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