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posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Rainbow Lake
Lockette: To our holiday, Chatta!
Chatta: Wish you could have come too, Amore! We're gonna spend two days on Cherie's yacht at Rainbow lake relaxing and sunbathing...
Cherie: Don't let me go!!! Don't you dare let me go!
Lockette: What? What- what's going on? Fixit?
Fixit: Nothing. Martino's just trying to teach Cherie how to swim, that's all! But even with my latest invention, he's having a tough time.
Cherie: I'm scared! I'm scared of water! Hold onto me, Martino!
Martino: Okay! But watch the hair Cherie, you're messing it all up!
Lockette and Chatta: Cherie!
Martino: See, nothing happened!
Cherie: My necklace? Ahhh! I Lost my necklace!! My Flux necklace! It was one of a kind! Ahhhhhh!
Lockette: Cherie, calm down, or you'll cause a flood!
Cherie: I am calm! I'm Very Calm!
Chatta: But your power isn't!
Cherie: I lost my necklace!
Lockette: I want my necklace!
Chatta: Darn! I should have taken a video of you... Hey! Look around guys!
Martino: Where did Pixieville Park go?
Cherie: I have no idea, but I don't care! That's flux over there! Hoohoo! There's tons of it!
Cherie: It's rare y'know! I'll have the best necklace in Pixieville! I'll make a whole dress out of it!
Martino: Thought she was afraid of water!
Fixit: I think her fashion sense is stronger than her fear!
Chatta: Uh, guys? This isn't good! I can't get any reception!
Lockette: Well, this is certainly not Rainbow Lake! Don't worry, my arrows will point us in the right direction!
Fixit: Ahh! Watch it, Lockette!
Lockette: I'm sorry, Fixit! They can't find their way home, they don't know where to go! Until we find out where we are, we better not go anywhere! It could be dangerous! Hey, Guys! Where's Cherie? I don't see her!
Pixies: Look out! There's a monster!
Cherie: Monster? What monster?
Fixit: I've got to start this yacht!
Martino: I can't get to you, Cherie! Drop the Flux!
Fixit: Great! All I did was turn the stereo on!
Cherie: It's gonna catch me! It's gonna catch me!
Cherie: It's not after me anymore!
Martino: Is it, dancing? It is!
Fixit: Yes! I did it!
Martino: Forget it, dude! My friend is not gonna be your dinner!
Cherie: Thanks, Martino! You made me drop my Flux! I had enough to make a stunning dress!
Lockette: Are you all right, Cherie?
Cherie: No, I lost my...
Redne: Thanks, strangers! You chased away the Flux-eating monster!
Martino: Wow! A Mermaid! She's beautiful!
Li-ban: Welcome, strangers! I'm Li-Ban, a collector Mermaid.
Cherie: You collect Flux, right?!
Ayca (singing): Lalala! Welcome to this peaceful lake! You're new friends we're glad to make! Nice to meet you, I'm Ayca!
Redne and Li-ban: Ooooooh, you're an inventor!
Fixit: Yes!
Lockette: We're Pixies from Pixieville! We ended up here through some kind of vortex. Do you know how we can get back home?
Li-ban: Yes, you need to go through our undersea city.
Cherie: Undersea?! You mean, underwater? That means I have to swim! I can't!
Ayca: What a shame. Our city is a very beautiful place, built with the Flux we collect!
Cherie: Did you say, "Flux"? She said "Flux"! Okay, show us the way!
Redne: To help you guys breathe underwater, here are some magic-seaweed candies!
Cherie: Okay, what are we waiting for?

Scene: Undersea
Martino: Hey girls, remember me? Martino?
Ayca: You are sooo handsome, I almost feel like singing!
Cherie: Maybe later! Why don't you tell me about Flux? Do you have a lot of it?
Li-ban: Yes we do. It's part of our habitat and we use it in our everyday lives. But unfortunately, it's also what that Monster you scared away eats as food!
Mermaids: How cute is that inventor?!
Shoal: 'scuse us! Outta the way!
Martino: Wow! I want one of those shell-bikes!
Mermaid 1: I can't. I have a scale waxing appointment!
Chatta: And I want one of those shellphones!
Cherie: Flux! Flux! I want it all! Clothes! Jewellery! Everything!
Ayca: Hi. Can I sing you a... serenaade?
Li-ban: First play sea-hide and seek with me!
Redne: No, dance with me!
Lockette: Listen, can we just hurry and go to Pixieville?!
Cherie: My credit cards don't work here, I can't buy anything!
Redne: We exchange these to buy things.
Cherie: Sea-urchins?
Redne: Change-urchins! They must change owners everyday!
Lockette: Well, if... We have to get home, Cherie! We can't waste any more time! C'mon!
Cherie: Here they are! Change-urchins! Aren't they adorable!? Hello! Ouch! It stings! But it's worth it! Ouch! So cute! Ouch!
Chatta: Great! Now, let's go back into town. I don't like it here!
Cherie: What are you afraid of? The Flux-eating monster?
Martino: It's heading towards the Mermaid's City!
Fixit: Let's go warn Ayca, Redne and Li-Ban!
Miss Mermaid: Stop that, you nasty monster! Go away!
Li-ban: Same old story! We rebuild the city, the monster eats it!
Cherie: I've had enough, I'll take care of him!
Fixit: No! If you strike it with lightening in the water, you'll kill us all! Leave it to me and Martino!
Fixit and Martino: PopPixie Power!
Martino: PopPixie of Acrobatics!
Fixit: PopPixie of Techno-magic!
Fixit: Sleep Scales Net! Your turn, Martino!
Mermaids: Oh, my hero!
Martino: Now I'll show them who the real hero is!
Martino: See?? Piece of cake!
Fixit: Stay here, girls! I'll deal with it!
Mermaids: Yes! He's my hero!
Martino: Alright! We knocked the monster out!
Mermaids: Yes! Yes! You saved us! We'll be eternally grateful to you!
Fixit: Umm, actually, I aiee!
Lockette: Hey, guys, look over there! He wants us to dance!
Mermaids: Don't trust it, it could be a trick!
Lockette: Now I remember! The same thing happened when it was chasing Cherie at the lake. It heard the same music and started dancing!
Fixit: Martino! Girls! Get as many radios as you can!
Lockette: Chatta, go tell the rest of the Mermaids to come back! We know how to save the city!
Chatta: Now, for the hundredth time, do you remember everything?! Quick, they're coming!
Martino: Now, how about a little music!

Scene: Rainbow Lake
Redne: Thank you for helping us make friends with the Monster, Pixies! Please come back anytime!
Fixit: Stop it, girls, thanks, but... That's enough!
Chatta: Did you decide what to buy, Cherie?
Cherie: I don't know! I've kinda grown fond of the little guy now. I don't want to give it away! Ouch! It hurt me! Why?
Redne: I told you, they never stay with the same owner for more than one day. It's the way they are!
Cherie: But now I can't buy even the smallest flux!
Ayca: I'd like to give you a present! An inter-dimensional shellphone. So now, you can call us whenever you want! And we can call you!
Chatta: A Shellphone! That's just what I wanted! Thanks, Ayca!
Ayca: You're welcome!
Li-ban: See you soon, Pixies!
Lockette: What a holiday, hunh?
Chatta: It was an adventure, Lockette! And look, I finally have a signal!
Cherie: But I lost my yacht! I can always buy a new one, but what about my Flux necklace! It's still at the bottom of the lake! Oh no! I can't believe what I just said! I can't swim!
posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Love Shop
Owl: You're not using enough elbow grease, Otis! Now, c'mon! One, two, one, two!
Chatta: Amore! Is my perfume ready? Is it? Is it?
Otis: Hello, Chatta! Amore just stepped out for a minute.
Chatta: Hello? Hello! Hello?
Sunny: Booooossss! Where are you? I'm already at the Pixie Plaza! You're late for your interview with Quentin Quake!
Chatta: I know, I know, I know, Sunny! You don't need to remind me! I'll just get my perfume and I'll be there!
Otis: Chatta, I'm not authorized to give you the perfume. Let's wait for Amore.
Owl: Don't do it, Otis!
Chatta: Hand it over!
Otis: No!
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posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Pixieville
Augustus: You again!
Gnome #1: Every morning it's the same story! Wait'll I get my hands on you!
Animal #1: Stop doing that, Maxine!
Maxine: Have a bad day, everyone! Now let's see who else's day I can ruin!

Scene: Lockette's House
Rollo: Lockette! Open up! I know you're in there!
Lockette: 'Kay, I'm coming! Mr. Rollo? What are you doing here?
Rollo: What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why aren't you at your desk at the Pixie Plaza? Extremely late, plus huge tardiness, times absurd amount of lost time, equals stratospheric cost! You're fired!
Lockette: Wait, my watches say...
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posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Pixie Plaza
Chatta: Fixit, honk to let Lockette know we're here.
Fixit: This is a job for my Howl-phone! Listen, it's awesome! Say goodbye to old Honk! Honk! The future of horns is here!
Chatta: Wow! Thanks, Fixit! It's certainly not boring when you're around!
Cherie: Where is Lockette? I don't want to be late for shopping this afternoon!
Lockette: Well, I'm off! Thanks for the break, Mr. Rollo.
Rollo: Remember, Lockette, just ten minutes. Starting from... now! You come back one second late and I'll deduct your salary! You're not paid to rest!

Scene: Car
Lockette: Fixit, burn rubber! You heard...
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posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Pixieville Chronicle
Editor: I must say, Chatta, you've got a real talent for...
Chatta: Are you serious?! You mean it?! You really like my scoops, my articles? I can work here at the Pixieville Chronicle? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Whoohooo! Yes! Yes!
Editor: Are you finished?
Chatta: Do you want to discuss my contract? Okay! Where do I sign?
Editor: I was trying to say, you have a real talent for digging up USELESS information!
Chatta: U-useless? Could you please be more specific?
Editor: Useless! Stupid! Vapid! Ridiculous! Banal! Phony!
Chatta: Okay, I get it! But what about...
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posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Pixie Plaza
Rollo: Welcome to the Pixie Plaza!
Lockette: Don't worry, I'll take care of it right away! Good morning. How can I help you?
Pixie: I need ice in my room!
Lockette: Guzman!
Rollo: The elevator's for guests only. Use the stairs.
Lockette: What a day! I need some rest!
More guests enter*
Lockette: Guzman!
Rollo: The elevator is for guests only. Use the stairs.
Lockette: Hello?
Lockette's Mom: Hi, Lockette, it's your mom!
Lockette's Dad: And it's me, your loving daddy!
Lockette: Mom? Dad?
Lockette's Mom: We're here in Pixieville! Remember, we promised to come visit you. So here we are!
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posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Pixieville
Lockette: I don't know about you guys, but I'm really curious to see this Pixie Cherie's place! The invitation was so cool!
Cherie: Friends! Get out of your doldrums and come to the super mega party of the year! Cherie's VIP's party! See you at Villa Ollivander!
Lockette: Nice, huh? And quite modest!

Scene: Villa Ollivander
Martino: But most of all wealthy, Lockette! Very, very, very wealthy!
Amore: Cherie, huh? She reminds me of someone.
Lulu: Good morning! Welcome everyone! Please come in! Don't make yourselves at home! I'm Lulu, Madame Cherie's personal assistant! Your bandana,...
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posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Pixiville
Livy: Gooooood morning, Pixieville!

Scene: Love Shop
Livy: Morning everyone! Here's the mail, Otis! Have you got anything for me today, Amore?
Amore: Well, I do have this letter for Ranger Robinson. But I think I'll wait and send it tomorrow.
Livy: You say the same thing everyday! Sooner or later you're gonna make up your mind and send them. You like him! He likes you! It's time to get together already!
Amore: Oh, no! No, no, no!
Robinson: Hello, everybody!
Otis: Ranger Robinson!
Livy: Would you excuse us for a second, Robinson? Do ya feel better now?
Amore: No! What should I do now,...
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posted by -_-PopPixie-_-
Scene: Tree of Life
Ninfea: My dear Pixieville Pixies, welcome to the celebration! Once again the protection spell will defend us from all outside dangers throughout the year! At this time we'd like to celebrate The Tree of Life! Let's all give thanks to it! An energy flows inside the tree and a sparkle of that power shines in each of its MagicPops! This year more pixies will earn their MagicPop by discovering their talent and using it for good. Caramel, Martino and Amore were the last Pixies to earn a MagicPop!
Pam: And I will be the next one, Ninfea!
Ninfea: Pam?
Pam: I have a special talent!...
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