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Let's Go Camp Pixie

Scene: Camp Pixie
Amore: Are you sure Camp Pixie is this way, Lockette? Really, sure?
Lockette: Easy, Amore! Ranger Robinson isn't going anywhere!
Amore: The ranger? What about him? Why would I be thinking about him!
Robinson: Amore? What are you doing here?
Amore: Ranger Robinson! See... Lockette wanted to participate in your survival course, so we came to sign up!
Lockette: But you were the one who...
Amore: We can't wait to start this adventure! Just as long as there aren't any spiders!
Robinson: Welcome to Camp Pixie then! Here are your Apprentice Nature Badges. And here are the others!
Galantus: There'll be lots of action, right? I paid for action!
Robinson: Actually, the course is free, Mr. Galantus.
Galantus: What? Well then, I'll ask for a refund!
Zing: Hi! I'm Zing, and this is a cobalt blue spider pup!
Ronny: Hiya, gorgeous. What's up?
Amore: A sp-p-p--
Tundra: There you go! All creatures are our friends, Amore! Raspberry or bramble?
Robinson: And here is the wonderful Pixie of Adventure, Ranger Tundra! Together we will teach you how to live in harmony with the forest.
Lockette: Now I see why you wanted to come so badly! You're jealous!
Tundra: What are you doing? Don't you know that flames can destroy a forest?
Robinson: Great! More participants! What's that saying? The more...
Amore: The worst! Narcissa and Lucilla! Those two bring trouble wherever they go!
Narcissa: Thanks! But today we're off-duty! We're here as a punishment from Ninfea! Sorry!
Lucilla: We must learn to appreciate and experience new emotions, like "kindness and respect"!
Robinson: In that case, welcome! But no magic, Narcissa! That's the number one rule of the course! You'll have to face nature on your own!
Galantus: You should prep your body, like I am! Help! I need a stretcher! A car! A plane!
Tundra: But, we just left!

Scene: Forest
Narcissa: Thanks! But today we're off-duty! We're here as a punishment from Ninfea! I'm bored! When's the danger coming?!
Robinson: There's danger everywhere! This Bullytree, for instance, you must be very careful not to provoke him!
Spider: Its roots are a favorite of the digger bees! They're extremely touchy insects, who don't like to be disturbed. Let me go, you bully! I'm not scared of you. I said, let me go this minute, you big galoot!
Amore: What should we do?!
Robinson: It's part of nature! Don't worry, it gets tired quickly!
Amore: You're so brave, Robinson!
Robinson: Well, I... WATCH OUT! DIGGING BEES!
Spider: Wait! They're our friends! We're friends!
Galantus: Make way! Make way! I'm fine... Can't feel my legs but...

Scene: Camp Pixie
Robinson: Let's start with the first test: Assembling a tent! Find yourselves a good spot and put one up, like we did!
Galantus: Ladies and gentlemen, the instant-tent! Tata! Hey! That's enough! Stop! Noooooooooooo!
Lockette: There! I even have a view of the stars! Where's yours, Amore? Don't you think your being a little too obvious?
Zing: Be careful! You've put it on top of a Screaming Ant's hole!
Amore: What?
Zing: Screaming ants hate tents.
Narcissa & Lucilla: Hahaha! Losers!
Narcissa: Now this, is real comfort!
Robinson: Nice tent! But we said, "No magic," Narcissa!
Tundra: Now, is everybody ready for your second test? This one is a real adventure!
Galantus: What the heck is this?
Robinson: The woods are full of things you can eat, some are dangerous, others tasty. You'll learn how to know which ones are edible, like the Spring Mushroom.
Narcissa: Mushrooms? No way! I'll play it safe!
Lucilla: Pixie Pizza? I'd like two large double cheese!
Narcissa: Okay, okay! "No magic, Narcissa."
Lucilla: Hey! Get me outta here!
Galantus: THERE! I've got the eyesight of a falcon and the agility of a gazelle!
Narcissa: Move it, gnome!
Galantus: My sciatica!
Narcissa: A Bullytree? Where there's a Bullytree, there're bees, and where there're bees, there's honey!
Amore: Look, Lockette! I want to give this one to Robinson and...
Lockette: Get it off, get it off!

Scene: Camp Pixie
Robinson: As you see, nature can be a fickle friend. But if you love her and treat her with respect, she just might give you...
Tundra: Some pizza?
Zing: The Mammoth Mosquitoes of the Giant Forest! They're extremely rare, you know! Almost extinct!
Narcissa: Like my pizza! Just wait'll I get my hands on...
Zing: That'll teach you to respect insects, Narcissa!
Tundra: Well said, Zing! And now for your third test: You will face an emergency situation and you'll have to get through it without any tricks.

Scene: Forest
Robinson: It's a piece of cake! Just cross over the Bridge of Fear without flying. That's it!
Tundra: That's how we became rangers, remember, Robinson?
Robinson: How could I forget, Tundra?
Amore: "How could I forget?" How mushy! I'll fix her! Alright!
Galantus: Clear the way, people! My back! I'm afraid of heights!
Narcissa: This course is hilarious!

Scene: Camp Pixie
Galantus: This Camp Pixie is a piece of cake, huh?
Amore: I've got to find a way to separate them, Lockette, but how?
Lockette: I don't think that's such a good idea, Amore! I think...
Amore: Of course! One of my love filters!
Zing: Weird! I thought Colossus Worms were more... colossus!
Tundra: Try it now!
Amore & Robinson: How... How are you?
Amore: Fine, thanks. You? Want some tea?
Robinson: Thanks!
Amore: Nooooooo!
Ronny: Wait for me, honey!
Robinson: Huh? City Pixies! I don't get them!

Scene: Marsh
Narcissa: Yes, damp and depressing! I like this place!
Zing: So do I! Must be full of insects!
Amore: I hate it already!
Tundra: This is the hardest test! Learning how to find your bearings in the Never-ending Marshes!
Robinson: This place has terrifying traps, so don't lose track of us!
Amore: This is my last chance, Lockette! A sprinkle of Horror Powder on Tundra and no one will stand her, especially Robinson!
Lockette: That's not right! That's not the way to capture his heart!
Amore: Okay, maybe you're right...
Narcissa: Yes, but why waste a good prank?
Robinson: Galantus! Watch out for the Carnivorous flower! No!
Galantus: Is it gone? The monster!
Narcissa: Hahaha! I have a knack of annoying people!
Zing: How are we gonna get out of here without the rangers, huh?
Narcissa: It won't open!
Amore: If trying to wrench it open isn't working, let's try my way! PopPixie Power! PopPixie of Feelings!
Lockette: Follow me! I'll use my powers to find the right way! C'mon!
Amore: Quicksand!
Lockette: Quicksand!
Narcissa: I always loved you!
Zing: A Bullytree! If only we could call the Digging Bees... Digging Bees! Please help us! I know you're not evil! We need your help! Call the spiders and mosquitoes! It's time we worked as a team!
Narcissa: You think this is the right time to commune with insects?
Zing: It's okay! My insect friends will get us out of here!
Narrator: When a Pixie is able to use his talent for good, the Tree of Life rewards him with a MagicPop, a magic sphere that can turn a Pixie into a PopPixie! Zing, the PopPixie of Insects!
Lockette: Wow! You got your MagicPop!
Zing: Yeah!

Scene: Camp Pixie
Galantus: I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive! Youch!
Robinson: This was the worst survival course ever!
Tundra: Tell me about it, Robinson!
Amore: I'm so happy that you're okay!
Tundra: Thanks, Zing! You've been wonderful!
Zing: Thank the insects. They are our friends after all, right?
Lockette: It's been an incredible adventure! I love nature now, all of it!
Narcissa: Obviously, what I said in the quicksand was a lie! You're not expecting to be thanked, I hope!
Ronny's Dad: Who make Ronny cry?
Narcissa & Lucilla: Zing! Help us! Zing! Help us!
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