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Lenny & Yucca at War

Scene: Pixieville
Chatta: Welcome back to "A Day with Chatta"! Today, our Pixie is Amore, the expert of solving problems of the heart. Isn't that true?
Mother Bear: Absolutely.
She kisses his son.*
Chatta: So let's go in and meet her.

Scene: Love Shop
Two squirrels are fighting. A female one is affected by a love spell.*
Female Squirrel: I love you, my sweet apple pie!
She kisses his boyfriend.*
Chatta: Another successful mission!
Amore clears smoke with potion.*
Chatta: What's your secret?
Amore: The Sighphone Alarm!
Chatta: What?
Otis: Must be a couple in trouble.
Chatta: So, thanks to the Sighphone, you're able to locate every couple having problems, right?
The Sighphone locates Lenny and Yucca's home.*
Yucca: That's it, Lenny! I've had it!
Amore: It's Yucca! Her and Lenny are fighting!

Scene: Elves' House
Yucca: You don't support me! It's your job to keep things messy too!
She throws books at Lenny. Lenny is too busy playing a video game.*
Maxine: Yucca's right, Lenny. What's going on?
Yucca: Where's my tough, dirty, daring Lenny, huh?!
Lenny: What? I'm right here.
Yucca gets angrier*
Yucca: Don't come back till you can treat me with the disrespect I deserve!
She uses a dust broom to whack Lenny in the head. Lenny leaves.*
Scene: Elf Town
Lenny is still playing his game while he does not pay attention to the objects that are falling down on him*
Rex: Girls! I'll never understand them! Hey, you having fun with that magic game I gave you?

Scene: Love Shop
Otis: No! Don't tell me we're gonna help the Elves!
Amore: Our duty is to help all those with broken hearts. Besides, Elves have feelings too!
Amore and Otis exit the shop.*
Chatta: How will the story end? Stay tuned and... Wait for me! Hey!
She follows Amore and Otis.*
Scene: Pixieville
Pixie #2: An Elf! Let's get outta here!
Lenny: Here, let me help you out!
Two pixies hide up in a tree. Lenny uses his magic to help them down. However, the spell backfires.*
Scene: Forest
Lenny is at the lake throwing stones at an octopus. Amore and Otis watch behind the bushes.*
Otis: A seriously depressed Elf? This is not going to be easy.
Chatta: But don't worry, folks, Amore and Otis are on the case!
Amore: We need a special potion.

Scene: Pixieville
Tina is throwing out the trash. Yucca walks in and notices the trash can eating garbage. She hallucinates that Lenny is eating trash.*
Yucca: My tough, dirty Lenny!
Yucca hugs Hallucination Lenny. Her hallucination fades as she is hugging the trash can.*
Trash Can: Hey!
Yucca kicks the trash can. She storms off as she gets angrier.*
Scene: Molly Moo
Caramel is making a wedding cake. Yucca arrives.*
Yucca: I need to shop to calm down.
She looks at one of the cakes.*
Yucca: Hmm... Yeah.
Caramel notices Yucca messily eating the cakes.*
Caramel: Hey, stop it!
She accidentally squirts frosting on Martino's head.*
Martino: Can't you pay attention to what you're doing?!
Caramel and Martino do a food fight. Yucca recognizes the decoration, which made her hallucinate about her and Lenny getting married.*
Yucca: Finally, my Lenny has come back!
She is actually being carried by a crane. She turns her into a frog.*
Yucca: Lenny, why have you done this to me?!
She makes the topper figurine disappear and exits.*
Scene: Pixieville
Yucca's hallucination is Lenny riding a motorcycle*
Yucca: Now that's the Lenny I know and love!
She actually saw a gnome riding a motorcycle. She is more enraged and turns the frog back into a crane. The crane and gnome fly out of the vehicle*
Yucca: I need to do more shopping to calm down.

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Chatta (on radio): So Amore, Otis, and I are trying to get them back together. Stay tuned!
Yucca has arrived.*
Plisse: Are you looking for a pretty dress?
Yucca: I hate pretty dresses! Nobody can help me!!!
She casts a spell to make the dresses spin around Plisse*
Yucca: Anyway, I'll take these.

Scene: Love Shop
Amore is busy making a love potion. She sees a spider.*
Amore: Aah! A spider! Otis?
Otis catches the spider in a jar. Amore turns on the radio.*
Chatta: It has become the talk of Pixieville! Amore is helping the two Elves!
Amore: Alright! Let's do this!
Amore has finished the potion*
Scene: Pixieville
Bear: Look, she's only been driving a couple of months officer! It's her first accident, honest!
The female bear keeps crying. Lenny sits on a fountain playing his video game. Yucca sees him.*
Lenny: You are horrible!
Yucca: Really?
Lenny: And ugly and stupid. And disgustingly vile!
Yucca: Oh, Lenny! Oh!
Lenny: Oh it's you.
Yucca: I'm blushing.
Lenny: I'm sorry.
Yucca: What? "Sorry"?!
Chatta: Amore is about to fix everything.
Amore pours the love potion on Lenny.*
Lenny: Yucca, I-I-I-I-I...
He gets affected*
Yucca: Don't say it!
Lenny: I love you.
Yucca screams. A large geyser of water emerges from the fountain and it floods the streets*
Amore: Don't worry, Lenny. The love potion may not have worked but me and my sidekick will help you.
Otis: Sidekick?
Lenny spits out water*
Amore: Take this magic petunia and give it to Yucca. Flowers usually work too.
Lenny: Thanks. I hope it'll win her heart.
Chatta: Stay tuned!

Scene: Elves' House
Lenny knocks door*
Lenny: Ahem. For you.
The petunias grow bigger. Yucca is shocked and ignores Lenny.*
Otis: Uh-oh.
Amore: Elves have a very complex nature. We need another plan.

Scene: Tree of Life
Maxine: Everything's going according to plan.
Rex: Yeah. Way to deal giving Lenny that "Hypnotizing" game was a great one!
Maxine: Yucca's too selfish to handle Lenny's new hobby. Now we have to pour Yucca's tears under the tree.
Rex: That will make the Pixies lose their powers. Here she is! Right on time for our meeting!
Maxine: Hey, Yucca! Did you hear? Lenny's gone away forever!
Yucca begins to cry.*
Maxine: C'mon, Yucca, don't be upset.
Yucca bursts into tears. Her tears land on the MagicPops.*
Rex: Now the Pixies' MagicPops won't work, and we'll rule the city!
The MagicPops begin to lose their magic. Yucca continues crying, Livy arrives to see what happened*
Livy: Oh no! Yucca's tears are weakening the Tree of Life!
He shoots the message to Amore*
Scene: Love Shop
Chatta: What is it?
Amore: It's an urgent message from Livy.
Chatta: What does it say?
Amore: "Yucca's tears are weakening the MagicPops." Oh no!
She summons her MagicPop.*
Amore: Now all of Pixieville needs us!
Otis: But your spells didn't work before.
Amore: We have to think like an Elf to solve the problem.
The trio tries to find information from books. Amore accidentally makes some books fall on Otis. She sees an Elf book - "Elves Magic & Habits".*
Amore: Ah-ha! Great work, Otis.
Chatta: So?
Amore: If you wanna help me, find Lenny and bring him to the Tree of Life.
Chatta: Okay!

Scene: Pixieville
Lenny: Does Yucca love me? Or love me not? Does she love me? Or love me not? Love me? Or love me not? Love me? Or love me not?
As Lenny says this, cars crash onto each other.*
Gnome #1: Hey watch where you're goin'!
Chatta: I better hurry up. I have to use my PopPixie powers!
Chatta transforms.*
Chatta: Now! PopPixie of Gossip!
She uses her enhanced hearing to find Lenny*
Scene: Tree of Life
Yucca: Stop! Leave me alone!
Amore: You have to stop crying now, Yucca.
Yucca cries even louder.*
Amore: Where's Chatta?
Chatta: Here I am!
Amore: Here.
Amore hands him a bottle*
Lenny: What is it?
Amore, Chatta, and Otis give Lenny a messy makeover.*
Amore: Perfect!
Chatta: Yucca, Lenny's here to see you!
Otis: Hit her with a mud ball.
Yucca: Lenny? You look and smell atrocious.
Yucca starts to fall in love with Lenny.*
Yucca: You are repulsive and smelly!
Lenny hits the mud ball at Yucca*
Yucca: How do you feel about me huh? Well?
Lenny: Uh,... I-I-...
Lenny is about to say something, but Maxine and Rex interrupt.*
Rex: Hey! You're ruining everything!!
Amore: Let's help him pluck up some courage! I'll have to use my PopPixie power!
Amore transforms*
Amore: PopPixie of Feelings!
She defeats Maxine and Rex with her powers.*
Lenny: I-I-hate you, you disgusting bucket of filth!
Yucca: Finally! I've got my rude and classless Lenny back! Yeah!
The Tree of Life and the MagicPops have their magic restored.*
Chatta: At last, Lenny and Yucca are happy! All thanks to the hard work of Amore and Otis!

Scene: Fountain
Chatta: Pixieville is saved with a little help from who? You guessed it! Me! Yes, me!
Citizens: Hip hip hooray!
Lenny creates a water monster from the fountain, terrorizing the citizens.*
Chatta: Here we go again!
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