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The Pixieville Grand Prix

Scene: Pixieville
Chatta: Good morning everyone and welcome to Chatting with Chatta! It's a exciting day here in Pixieville! You know what I'm talking about, friends! The countdown to the Pixieville Grand Prix has begun!

Scene: Glossum's House
Chatta: Don't forget to enter the race!
Glossum: Blast it! I can't NOT go to the Grand Prix, but I can't bear to part with my Pixiemoney!
Chatta: This year there'll be a big surprise!
Livy: Surprise! You've been fined, Mister Glossum!

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Chatta: The big news this year is that the grand prix winner's prize will not be a trophy, but a free trip around the Magic Universe!!
Guzman: Mister Rollo, we have a problem! We're fully booked! Ugh! The Pixie Plaza's packed!
Rollo: That's great news! What's the problem?
Rollo: LOCKETTE! I don't pay you to lie on the floor.
Lockette: A trip around the Magic Universe! I've always dream of it! I... I have to win it! The Pixie Plaza's packed!
Chatta: Oh, I almost forgot! Registration for all entries in the race will close in a couple of minutes!
Lockette: I've gotta go! Mister Rollo, I need one hour off and the Plaza courtesy car.
Rollo: One hour off and the courtesy car, huh? There's no problem. You'll have to find someone exactly like you to replace you and then you can go!
Lockette: Thanks, Mister Rollo!
Rollo (dressed as Lockette): What a pest that Pixie is.
Rollo (dressed as Lockette): Watch where you're going! And don't you dare put a scratch on that car!

Scene: Elves' Neighborhood
Lenny: Wolfgang, hand me that special piston. My Nettle and I are gonna win this Grand Prix!
Wolfgang: You'll be so fast, you'll already be at the finish line before anyone else sees ya! There ya go, boss!
Rex: I wouldn't be so sure! Nothing's faster than my Venom!

Scene: Pixieville
Lockette: What are you doing in the middle lane? Don't you have an accelerator?! STEP ON IT!
Lockette: Oh, no!
Rex: I wouldn't be so sure! Nothing's faster than my Venom!
Lockette: Is that that sleepyhead Ronf?! Why do I always get stuck behind him when I'm in a hurry?
Lockette: I hope they haven't closed the booth yet!
Lockette: Oh, no! The Elves are entering too!
Lockette: I better hurry!
Gnome #1: Hey! You come back here, you!
Rex: Let's see if you can pass me! Piece of cake!
Gnome #1: You rascals! You've got to pay me!
Lockette: I'll take this!
Lockette: There!
Chatta: Just a few hours left before the race. Lockette?! Are you racing too?
Lockette: I sure am! I wouldn't miss a chance to win a dream trip around the magic universe!
Chatta: Well, it seems to me your racing car may have a few problems!
Lockette: Well... I've got plenty of time to fix it!
Chatta: If you need a hand I'd be glad to help!
Lockette: Thanks, Chatta! But I can do it on my own. Ahhh... Maybe not!
Chatta: Hmmmm... We can fix this up in no time, we just need a couple of extra doodads Here's some stuff from my house. Let's see what we can do!
Lockette: I hope it works!
Chatta: Guys, Lockette needs help! Yes, here at Lockette's place! Come right away! Fixit, Lockette needs help! We're here at her place.
Martino: Hey there, need a hand?
Lockette: Yes, please!
Fixit: With a couple of alterations and what remains of Rollo's car, you should have quite a set of wheels!
Lockette: Fixit, you're a genius! I'll win this car, for sure!
Chatta: Yeah, provided Fixit drives! You don't want to spin out on this first turn do you?
Lockette: I wanted to drive, but, you're right, Fixit's more capable of standing up to those conniving elves!
Fixit: You bet! Then your dream of that trip will come true.
Lockette: It has always been my dream... It's a deal, thanks guys!
Cherie: Alright, I'll help! But don't expect me to use my hands. I just filed my nails!
Martino: Now it's my turn! The cocktail wizard of Pixieville has prepared an explosive mixture.
Fixit: Way to go, Martino!
Ninfea: Pixieville friends! Welcome to our Grand Prix! I'm glad to see there are Elves among our competitors! For it will unite all of Pixieville! But remember, the use of magic is strictly forbidden!
Rex: Of course! I'm just here to make you eat some dust!
Fixit: I don't know, Rex! You might be the one eating it!
Glossum: Pompous fool! The Grand Prix ain't for parade floats!
Chatta: For you T.V. viewers, we'll be following the race from up high in the Pixieville sky!
Ninfea: On your marks, get set, go!
Rex: Drop out, Shorty! There's still time!
Fixit: You talk too much, Rex!
Rex: Do I? Let's see how well you do on slippery ground!
Glossum: Out of the way, Grandpa!
Puop: I'll step on the gas, you do the braking!
Plop: Uh-huh!
Puop: But not at the same t-i-i-i-me!
Maxine: Patience planty-poo! That nuisance of a Pixie should be here soon!
Rex: Darn it! I'm gonna have to be even dirtier that normal!
Rico: Hey, you! Gimme my car back!
Rex: Let me go! Stupid kissing plant! You were supposed to stop Fixit!
Maxine: We'll take care of it!
Gnome #2: Um, we're finished!
Rollo: I think I've seen that car before!
Rollo: Hnn!? LOCKETTE!
Rex: Just you and me now, Lenny! Only room for one elf on that podium!
Lenny: Right Rex, and it's gonna be me!
Lockette: Quick, we've got to help Fixit!
Cherie: Don't worry, Lockette!
Lockette: Too bad! The finish line was so close!
Lockette: Fixit, are you alright?
Fixit: Yeah, but I'm afraid the race is over for us!
Lockette: Hold on! The rules say that the winner is the driver who first crosses the finish line! See that? Not the car, the driver! So fly Fixit, fly!
Chatta: Okay, now, how do we land?
Fixit: Nooooooo! Chattaaaaaaaaaaa!
Chatta: Oh, sorry, Fixit! By the way, how do we land this thing?
Lockette: Who would have thought? Only that sleepyheaded Ronf can win now!
Nella: Sleephead?! Ha! He's just been insecure. This victory will be the start of a new life for him.
Nella: Argh! Wake up, Lazybones! We can win this, ahhhh!
Ninfea: Well, I guess nobody wins! But, what's important is that you all took part in the race!
Lockette: Right! Even tough we didn't win, we still had a good time.
Rollo: You had too good a time! The total damage for you today is: On hour's leave plus a destroyed courtesy car, equals one year's salary!
Lockette: What counts more is knowing I can rely on friends like you! That's the best prize!
Martino: From now on, Rex can rely on a very affectionate friend as well!
Rex: Ohh! NO! Ahhh! Leave me alooooooooooone! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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