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An Electrifying Day

Scene: Pixieville Park
Glim: Pixieville park is fantastic! Thanks for bringing me here, guys! I needed to do something fun!
Amore: Why? Has something been bothering you, Glim?
Glim: Because of my talent, Amore, I can't get a job anywhere!
Movie Gnome: Hunh?! Hey! Elves! A ride just for you!
Amore: That smells like an elf's old pillow! So, what were saying about your talent?
Glim: I don't seem to be using it right!
Chatta: Don't worry! How bad could it be?
Animal in Pixieville Park: Okay, everybody, buckle-up. Keep your amrs, hands, legs, hair, tails, ears and wings in the car at all times.
Chatta: What's happening?! Ahhh!
Glim: Sorry!
Animal in Pixieville Park: For your safety, please do not exit the vehicle until all the cars have come to a complete stop!
Chatta: Let's try something else!

Scene: Power Station
Rex: This is the Park's power station.
Maxine and Narcissa: Hmm?
Narcissa: So?
Rex: We can use it to make all the rides go haywire!
Floxy: Great prank! Will it put the Pixies in danger?
Rex: Yeah! Terrible danger!
Maxine: You're a genius, Rex! We'll also be putting the whole city in danger!
Maxine: Look at this, guys! C'mon!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Chatta: We're at the concert! I got free tickets! Yes, I know, I'm the best!
Glim: But not the best at being quiet!
Pixie #1: And now, put your hands together for... JUSTIN NIMBLE!
Justin: Yo, girls!
Justin: I go to the gym to make me handsome for you, girls! I get a tan and my brain melts down!
Glim: Wow, this is fun!
Amore: You're a great dancer, Glim!
Glim: Thanks! Watch this!
Glim: Not what I wanted!

Scene: Power Station
Body Rhinoceros: Trouble in the park! Let's go!
Body Rhinoceros: C'mon! Hurry!
Rex: Now let's have some real fun!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Fixit: Uh... Glim, maybe it's better if you stay here.
Glim: Okay, okay, okay!
Chatta: What was that?!
Fixit: Glim! Don't touch!
Glim: It's not my fault this time!
Chatta: The Ferris Wheel's going crazy! My belt is stuck! HELP!
Fixit: Chatta's still in there guys we have to save her!
Chatta: H-e-l-p!
Livy: PopPixie Power! PopPixie of Velocity!
Fixit: What did you do, Glim?
Glim: It wasn't my fault! I wanted to help you!
Livy: You did too much!
Amore: Everyone, look!
Amore: Glim! W-a-i-t!
Fixit: Everyone on these rides in danger! We have to help them first!
Glim: Oh... The only talent I have is ruining this!

Scene: Firefly's World
Firefly Grandfather: That is some power you have! Your's is powered by a good heart and lots of energy! It can help your friends! Firefly's world!
Glim: REALLY?! Are you sure?
Firefly Grandfather: Of course, you must learn to control it!

Scene: Power Station
Maxine: The Pixies are going to the Rocket ride!
Rex: Then, let's set a big trap for them!
Narcissa: There won't be any of them left to save the park!
Rex: Quick, let's hide in the bunker!
Rex: Let's enjoy the show!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Fixit: I'll try and fix the engine!
Chatta: Hurry, Fixit!
Chatta: Oh, great! Now it's even more out of control!
Livy: I'll remove the cars and save the people!
Amore: Maybe I can make the ride relax with my Calming Powd--UGH!
Chatta: Amore! You okay?

Scene: Firefly's World
Firefly Grandfather: Feel the energy, flowing through you!
Glim: Master, I think I can control it and I sense what's causing the power surges!
Firefly Grandfather: Then go! Save your friends!
Glim: Thanks, Master!
Firefly Grandfather: Just pay attention and try to control your emotions!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Glim: This is only a temporary solution!
Glim: To solve the problem we must find the source! Let's go!

Scene: Power Station
Fixit: We can't get close!
Glim: I'll try to cancel the electric shield!
Glim: Somebody sabotaged the Power Station!
Fixit: It's totally out of control!
Amore: What do we do?!
Amore: Glim!
Amore: Glim, only you can save us, and the park! That's it, Glim! Keep it up! Keep going!
Fixit: Yes, Glim! You did it!

Scene: Tree of Life
Narrator: When a Pixie uses his talent for good, the Tree of Life gives him a MagicPop!
Narrator: A magical sphere that can turn a Pixie into a PopPixie! Glim, the PopPixie of Energy!

Scene: Power Station
Chatta: Wow, Glim!
Amore: This place is ruined!
Chatta: With no power, there's no Adventure Pixieland! And no lights for Pixieville!
Glim: Guys, you're forgetting my special skill!
Fixit: Wow, Glim! You built a new Power Station!
Pixies: Bye!
Rex: Pixies! As usual, you're the big party poopers!
Glim: Nooooooo!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Justin: Hey, girls, the show goes on! Nothing can stop Justin Nimble!
Chatta: Everything's back to normal!

Scene: Pixieville
Amore: Glim, how's your new job as head of the Pixieville Power Plant?
Glim: I love it! Now that I can control my emotions, I can control everything!
Glim: Ooops!
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