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Chatta's Chatting Rival

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Guzman: Welcome to the Pixie Plaza!
Traveler: Excuse me! I'm first! Out of my way!
Lockette: Pixie Plaza. Reception. Yes, I'll send the bellboy up right away!
Lockette: I'll call a Taxi for you.
Lockette: This is Lockette, how may I help you? Do you need a porter, Miss?
Lockette: I'll put you through to room service!
Lockette: You'd like air-conditioning?
Guzman brings the bags.*
Lockette: After he's unloaded the luggage he'll be up in a flash!
Rollo: Guzman! What are you doing? I don't pay a pixiecoin a day to sleep! Go get the Math-mad Rat's bags!
Lockette: Yes! Sorry he'll be there soon!
Rollo: I'm so glad to have you "Number's Geniuses" for customers!
Rats: Thirteen million divided by four percent. Ssshhh! Twenty six times three billion.
Rollo: Don't worry, these are the quietest rooms in the whole...
Rats: Twelwe million times four trillion.
Rollo: Lockette! You have to find the three quietest rooms for the Math-Mad rats!
Lockette: Let's see, on the third floor? No... There are guests on that floor that are louder than a brass band! Not above the restaurant! They're having the Annual Cracker Maniacs meeting.
Rats: Three gazillion minus two...
Lockette: My magic arrow will find them rooms!
Rats: Three thousand times two point four... ...one quarter of five tenths times four to the power of one,
Lockette: There doesn't seem to be anyone to disturb them here!
Rollo: You saved me! You deserve a promotion!
Lockette: You mean, a raise!?
Rollo: WHAT? What do you mean, raise?
Rats: Shhhhhhh! Ninety-five thousand divided by three
Rollo: A raise in duties, of course! From now on you'll be in charge of special guests!

Scene: Villa Ollivander
Chatta: Welcome to Lockette's Party! I'm sure Lockette would rather have had more holidays than more work, but we're still very happy for her and her new promotion! Right, guys? Come on show her some warmth!
Fixit: This is for you! You can use it to record all your important appointments!
Chatta: You're so sweet, Fixit! Lockette loves it! Actually I really love it too! Lockette, would you lend it to me sometime? I know I want one!
Chatta: My throat is so dry! Gulp, gulp, gulp! All this talking makes me thirsty! Thanks, Martino! I would have had to leave to get a glass of water. Sometimes I talk so much that I forgot to breathe!
Chatta: Thanks, Caramel! You're such a great friend! I love your cakes, you're so creative in their presentation and they're so delicious!
Chatta: Tell us, Lockette, how are you feeling? Are you too emotional to speak? Come on you can do it, just take a deep breath and tell us. How do you feel at this moment?
Lockette: That's enough, Chatta! This is my party and you keep on talking and making yourself the center of attention!

Scene: Pixieville
Driver: Hey, watch it!
Blabla: Hey, Chatta, let's go to the park, there's a place there where you can talk all you want.
Chatta: Thanks, Blah-blah! At least I have on friend left!
Blabla: C'mon!

Scene: Chatty Cave
Blabla: This is the Chatty Cave! My grandmother used to say that frogs came here to gossip with a strange being. The legend says that...
Chatta: Wow! Let's go in! It's wonderful, Blah-Blah! It seems to be made for people to speak their minds!
Blabla: That's right! You can let yourself go here!
Chatta: I don't understand why Lockette dosen't want me to liven up her party! Nobody really understands me! Everytime I open my mouth, everybody tells me to be quiet!
Chatta: From now on, I won't speak till I'm spoken to. I also realized that I owe Lockette an apology! Let's go!
Monster Head #1: Lockette?
Monster Head #2: Don't know her!
Monster Head #3: That's fresh gossip! We've been trapped here for ages!

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Monster Head #1: My cousin said, though I'm sure it made it up, she's like that..
Monster Head #2: Not what I heard! My aunt's aunt's told me! Do you have three generations of cousins? You're lucky!
Monster Head #3: Don't you think so?
Monster Heads: Don't you understand what we're trying to tell you! Haven't you heard?
Lockette: How's everything going, Fixit?
Fixit: Don't worry, Lockette, as soon as I install this insulator, the Math-Mad rats will have complete silence.
Lockette: Thanks, Fixit!
Chatta: Lockette, I've come to apologize! You're right, I talk too much! I solemmly swear that from now on, I'll only say three words at a time. Only. Three. Words.
Lockette: Apology accepted! Just speak in a low voice, okay!
Amore: Calm down, Lockette! Do like I do, deep breath in, deep breath out.
Blabla: That's the Chatty monster from the Chatty Cave! It's not a legend.
Chatta: The. Chatty. Monster?!
Blabla: The Monster listens to all the gossip in the cave, and then when it's full of chatter, it wakes up! You woke it up with your vent!
Monster Head #1: There's never any rooms available! All te good ones are always taken.
Monster Head #2: Hotels are always packed in the summer! Should we book earlier or should we try for a winter stay?
Monster Head #3: Are you overbooked now? Or can we stay here?!
Rollo: What's going on here, Lockette?
Monster Heads: What's going on! What's happening! What what!
Amore: I don't think it likes being silenced!
Monster Head #1: I always watch T.V. on Sundays, I don't like it, but I watch it!
Monster Head #2: Did you see that show? If you never watch it you can't enjoy it!
Monster Head #3: I don't like silent movies! I like to talk a lot! Does that make sense?
Lockette: We've got to do something. We need to stop the Chatty Monster before it destroys the Pixie Plaza.
Fixit: I think I know how to do it! We could use the Math-Mad rats. Can I borrow that recorder I gave you? HEYYYYY!!
Fixit: Now we just need to prees this button.
Fixit: That's it! You stay here and repair the damages. I'll deal with the monster!

Scene: Pixieville
Recorder shuts up*
Monster Head #1: Hey, nice neighborhood! Huh?
Monster Head #2: Yeah, but it's a city neighborhood! I prefer a place in the country.
Monster Head #3: Winter's better in the city, though. Nothing like winter in the city!
Fixit: Lockette, the Chatty Monster's heading towards Cherie's house! I need some back-up!

Scene: Villa Ollivander
Monster Head #1: I can never find a decent gardener in these parts! Where are they all hiding?
Monster Head #2: I'd love to grow roses but I don't have a green thumb!
Monster Head #3: There's no place to put a gazebo!
Cherie: Who... are you?! I don't speak to boors! Get out of my garden!
Monster Head #1: I can't stand this fast paced lifestyle anymore!
Monster Head #2: Did you see the prices? I blame high interest rates!
Monster Head #3: Some people don't know when to be quiet! If you don't have anyting nice to say, don't say anything!
Cherie: Hey! Get your hands off my friends!
Amore: Maybe if we calm it down, it'll be easier to deal with. PopPixie Power! PopPixie of Feelings!
Fixit: Look! It's listening! Maybe it just needs someone to answer it.
Lockette: Chatta, only you can compete with that monster! Chattering's the only thing that'll stop it!
Chatta: But, my promise!
Lockette: Your talent is more important than a silly promise!
Chatta: Let's go, Chatty Monster! It's just you and me now, Chatty! Get ready!
Amore: Thanks!
Chatta: Leave my friends alone you three headed beast! Do you know what happened to the last person who dared touch my friends? Huh? I should tell you but then you would feel absolutely terrible about it! If you really want my opinion, and I have many, believe you me. I don't see why you have to shout so much! We are peaceful people! You can't shatter our peaceful city with your Loud'loud voices!
Pixies and Blabla: Well done, Chatta! You did it! You beat the monster!
Chatta: What's wrong?
Cherie: This ugly statue does nothing for my garden! It's certainly no conversation piece!

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Rollo: The damage done to the hotel, customers running away, money given back! Then you let that horrible monster in here! From now on, you're no longer in charge of special guests!
Chatta: No, wait, Mister Rollo! It was my fault!
Rollo: Oh, really? Then you'll help your friend here clean up the mess. For free, obviously!
Chatta: Thank goodness, you're not angry anymore! You have to admit though, I was pretty good at chatting up that...
Rats: Shhhhhhhhh!
Chatta: Hey, I was just saying that...
Rats: Shh!
Chatta: Can't I speak?!
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