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A Treasure under the Rainbow

Scene: Pixieville
Ronf: Mph! Hunh?! What is it? Is it lunchtime already?
Nella: Ronf! Wake up!
Nella: Ronf! Wake up! Come on! We have to go get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Hurry, let's go before someone else gets it! Just look at that, Ronf!
Augustus: Employees to be paid! Bills! It's criminal I tell you! Hunh? What's going on? A Rainbow!! Treasure! Happiness! Ma-a-a-ake way! Where is it?
Augustus: Plop! Sorry, I'm in a hurry, alright?
Augustus: Gnn! What the? You again?
Plop: Scram! The pot of gold's mine!
Galantus: What's all the excitement? What are you all looking at?
Augustus: Put your glasses on, Galantus! Rainbow plus pot of gold coins equals rich gnome! Now, if you'll let me pass...
Glossum: OUTTA my way! That treasure's mine! Mine! Mine! All MINE!

Scene: Tree of Life
Ninfea: See how powerful the rainbow is? Take a good look at it, everyone! It's a rare sight!
Lockette: It's fantastic!
Ninfea: Rainbows fuel the Tree of Life with magic energy for its MagicPops!
Chatta: The Pixieville gnomes are going crazy! They're trying to climb the rainbow!
Ninfea: Oh, no! You've got to stop them! They're trying to reach the treasure at the end of the rainbow! Without the treasure, there'll be no more rainbows in Pixieville!
Fixit: You can count on us, Ninfea!

Scene: Elves' Neighborhood
Maxine: Look, Rex, a rainbow!
Maxine: According to legend, the treasure at the end of the rainbow can give you magic powers! Wouldn't that be nice?
Maxine: Yeah, Maxine! We've gotta get our hands on it! Let's go!
Narcissa: Hey! Don't cheat!
Floxy: Hahaha! You like my new trick? It's called the "Blinding Effect"!
Rex: Forget about your tricks, Floxy! We've got to get on that rainbow! Follow me!
Narcissa and Yucca: Wait for us! Ugh!

Scene: Pixieville
Livy: The gnomes are trying to find the best way to get on the rainbow!
Martino: Quick, follow them!
Glossum: Yes! Yes! Haha! I did it! I'm the first one!
Plop: Me first!
Puop: Argh! No me!
Plop: Argh! I said me!
Puop: I said it too!
Plop: You bought cheap rope didn't you? You stingy fool!
Galantus: I... made... it! Yes! Hurray! Happy day!
Galantus: Ouch! My back! What the?
Lockette: Stop climbing! There is no treasure at the end of the rainbow!
Livy: It's no use, they've only got thing on their minds! Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Martino: Stop! Go back!
Puop: You just want the gold for yourself!
Martino: I don't think so, boys!
Augustus: Fixit! I know you did this! No holidays for you for a century! Do you hear me!? A century!
Chatta: Nella, get down! I've got some great gossip for you! Don't waste your time with this! There is no gold!
Cherie: Climbing gnome! Someone better stop him!
Cherie: Hey, you? Who do you think you are?
Gnome #1: Look!
Gnomes: Oh, no!
Maxine: The rainbow's disappearing!
Rex: Let's go before it's too late!
Lenny: Catch me if you can!
Yucca: Gooooooo!
Fixit: Operation Gnome is over! Nobody got to the pot of gold and the rainbow's vanishing!
Livy: This is the last rope I got from up there! We did it! We stopped the gnomes!
Lockette: Oh, no! I think we've got a problem!
Narcissa: Stop! Stop! Incompetent fool!
Livy: We've got to stop the elves! PopPixie Power! PopPixie of Velocity!
Livy: Hold onto this rope! With my power we'll be able to get to the elves faster!
Nella: Climb on each other's shoulders and we'll get to the rainbow!
Galantus: Yup! Excuse me!
Galantus: Oof, oof! This is hard! I probably shouldn't have brought my backpack! But, wait a minute! I don't have a backpack! Glossum?
Glossum: Come on, buddy, stop slacking!
Galantus: Pot of Gold, here I come! Ahahaah!
Glossum: Wait for me, buddy!
Nella: Okay, Ronf, time to make yourself useful! Make wa-a-a-y!
Puop and Plop: Last one there, pays!
Puop and Plop: You bought cheap skates didn't you! You stingy fool!
Augustus: Oh, no, the rainbow is vanishing! I've got to hurry! With Fixit's rocket skates, I'll be able to pass everyone in no time!
Narcissa: They're going towards the forest! We'll lose them! Take us up, now!
Floxy: Remember, you asked for it, Narcissa!
Narcissa: Oh, no! That's disgusting, Floxy, they're gonna think I did that! Are you trying to make me sick?
Fixit: Look out!
Floxy: Wait, will you see this! Time to use my "blinding trick"!
Pixies: I can't see anything!
Rex: You're a real genius, Floxy!
Augustus: With the Pixies out of the way, all I have to worry about are the other gnomes! My chocolate coinsll take care of that! Heeheehahah!
Glossum: Pixiemoney!
Gnomes: Mine! Mine! Mine! Ugh! Agh! Mine!
Puop: You can't fool us, Augustus! We know those chocolate coins well! You got them from us!
Plop: You still owe us for them!
Cherie: What a day! I'll need a month of intense shopping to recover!
Lockette: Look! the rainbow's vanishing! We've got to hurry!
Maxine: Look! The treasure at the end of the rainbow!
Rex: With those stones, we'll be more powerful than the Pixies!
Lenny: Let's go! Last one there is a Pixie!
Yucca: Darn! There must be a spell on them!
Puop: I see no gold coins here, only lots of water!
Augustus: Well I'll be! Jewels!
Rex: The gems belong to us! You're too late, Gnomes!
Puop It's ours! No!
Martino: Those stones must be the source of the rainbow. We've got to stop the Elves and the Gnomes from stealing them!
Livy: You're right, Martino, and we'd better hurry! If they take the stones before the rainbow vanishes, there'll be no more rainbows in Pixieville!
Chatta: Hold it right there, Rex! Hands off the stones!
Rex: Chatta, you talk too much!
Cherie: Bit of fresh air will do you good, Yucca! Wind!
Livy: You're not fooling me with that trick again!
Fixit: Hey!
Floxy: Hey! Haha! I found a way to move them! It's the light!
Lockette: The rainbow's almost gone! We've got to hurry!
Martino: Use your speed, Livy! You're the only one fast enough to get the stones back in their place before the rainbow vanishes!
Livy: Made it! Just in time! The rainbow is saved!
Augustus: Where's the Pot of gold coins?
Rex: We'll never know! Thanks to those meddling Pixies! Let's teach them a lesson!
Cherie: You know what? I'm getting tired of this! You want a pot of gold? Then here you are! Now that was money well spent!
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