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posted by PopPixie----
PopPixie Cherie
PopPixie Cherie
Cherie is a bizarre, capricious and unpredictable but likable Pixie, whose main interest in life is going on wild shopping sprees. Though very vain, she can also be generous with her friends, sharing everything she has with them. Cherie gets bored very easily so she needs to be kept constantly entertained with something different and amusing.

Since she can only change the weather through her emotions, her MagicPop gives her greater control of the weather, dominating the elements and using them as she likes. With it, she can summon storm clouds, twisters and ice bolts. Also, she could conjure lightning bolts and even rainbows. She can also use this to turn bad weathers into a sunny one.
posted by PopPixie----
The Silent Curse

Scene: Pixieville
Livy: Good morning, Pixieville! Today is the big Yodelfest Contest! Warm up those pipes, everyone!
Livy puts out a Yodelfest poster. Tune is sick and she conjures up a handkerchief to blow her nose.*
Livy: Don't forget to sign up for the big Yodelfest. It'll be great!
Tune: Wow, the Yodelfest! I've always wanted to sing in that!
Tune fantasizes herself yodeling*
Livy: Good luck!

Scene: Molly Moo
Martino: Watch this, girls.
He does some drink tricks to two female pixies*
Tina: Hi, Tune! What can I get you?
Tune lets out a big sneeze, making a big mess in the shop.*
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posted by PopPixie----
Lenny & Yucca at War

Scene: Pixieville
Chatta: Welcome back to "A Day with Chatta"! Today, our Pixie is Amore, the expert of solving problems of the heart. Isn't that true?
Mother Bear: Absolutely.
She kisses his son.*
Chatta: So let's go in and meet her.

Scene: Love Shop
Two squirrels are fighting. A female one is affected by a love spell.*
Female Squirrel: I love you, my sweet apple pie!
She kisses his boyfriend.*
Chatta: Another successful mission!
Amore clears smoke with potion.*
Chatta: What's your secret?
Amore: The Sighphone Alarm!
Chatta: What?
Otis: Must be a couple in trouble.
Chatta: So, thanks...
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posted by PopPixie----
Gnomes Gone Mad

Scene: Pixieville Chronicle
Chatta: They're awfully mistaken if they think they can get rid of me! I'll show them I was born to be a great reporter!
Chatta's phone starts ringing and the bellhops notice it. She then hides in the box*
Chatta: Lockette, I can't talk now.
She pops out of the box and accidentally spills coffee on Flower's shirt*
Chatta: Yay! Air! Air! Oops, sorry about that.
Flower: Is that all have to say? Look what you did!
Chatta: No need to make a big fuss about it. It's just coffee, it cleans up easy. Look!
She uses soap to clean Flower's shirt with a brush*
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posted by PopPixie----
An Elf in School

Scene: School
Mom: We know this is unusual.
Dad: We know children can be spirited.
Mom: We expect the rebellious phase... But Damian is completely out of control!
Dad: Pushing friends into tar pits...
Mom: Rewiring all the appliances...
Dad: We don't know what to do. Can you help us?
Tune: I'm sorry... you're elves, right?
Parents: Yes?
Tune: Don't you have schools for elves?
Mom: "Schools?"
Dad: What's this... "school"?
Tune: A place where your young can learn how to behave, develop a talent and proper manners.
Dad: "Manners"?
Mom: "Talent"?
Tune: There's a proper way to behave in every social...
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posted by PopPixie----
Techno MagicPop

Scene: Forrest
Gnome: Nothin'! Dag nabbit! Nobody seems to be losing Pixiecoins anymore! Hnn? A paperclip? I thought it was gold! Just a measly Pixiecoin! Is that too much to ask? Hnn? Hello... A thumbtack? What the heck? Hehe. Where there's big dragons, there's big treasure! Treasure! This must be one heck of a treasure!
He fails to find any real treasure but bothers the dragon and fellow pixie tourists around the waterfall. The annoyed dragon attacks him and crashes the machine by accident*
Scene: Digit's House
Chatta: Good morning, Pixieville! It's 10 a.m. on this beautiful warm,...
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posted by PopPixie----
Super Toy

Scene: Toy Shop
Animal: My poor baby! It was his favorite toy, and look what happened to it! Help us please, Mister Augustus!
Augustus: Don't worry. My assistant will fix it in no time, won't you, Fixit? Unfortunately, it's going to cost you a little, hehe.
Fixit: Not really, Augustus! It's still under warranty!
Augustus: It's... it's... still under warranty?! We have to fix it... for FREE??? I'll do it!
Fixit: But I thought...?
He tries to fix the toy*
Augustus: Oh, no! We're losing him!
Animal: What?
Augustus: I did all I could, kid! But sorry, it's a cruel world! He's gone for good!
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posted by PopPixie----
Amore's Love Potion

Scene: Love Shop
Amore: I need to pack a my herb pouch and my titanium stamen extractor!
Otis: Is it just me, or are you in a hurry, Amore?
Amore: I have to find the most powerful counter-magic blossom! It blooms only once a year and it grows at the very top of Mount Pixie. Oh, I have to get one!
Otis: Relax, take it easy!
Amore: That should do it! Otis, I need you to go to the Golden Wardrobe and pick up my new dress. Just ask Penny for it.
Otis: Okay, no problem, you can depend on me.
Amore: Thanks! Bye!

Scene: Golden Wardrobe
Narcissa: Floxy, does this one make me look ugly?
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posted by PopPixie----
My Best Friend

Scene: Molly Moo
Floxy: Hey, Narcissa, give me some light.
Narcissa: There! Floxy, I'm officially tired of your cheap tricks! Why are we here?
Floxy: Hah! Because of this, Narcissa! Caramel's famous Pistachio Sand. You mix this with a pinch of Elf Berrie's dust and instant Toad maker potion! Cool, huh?
He adds the ingredients in*
Floxy: Hey! Come back here!
Narcissa: I was hoping to go and rob the Pixieville Bank.
Floxy: Got it! Now let's get outta here before the alarm goes off!
Narcissa: There's an Alarm System?!
Two guards appear but Floxy turns them into frogs*
Caramel: Who set off...
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posted by PopPixie----
Save the Bumble Monkeys

Scene: Chatta's House
Caramel: Come on! Let's hurry up doing cleaning! This house is a real mess!
Chatta: My house is NOT a mess! Fixit! You are such a disaster! You broke my computer!
Fixit: It's not my fault! This computer is older than my Grandma! You should get a new one!
Chatta: Well, now I have to! Thanks to you!
Lockette: You'll never guess who's coming to Pixieville!
Fixit: Steven Appleman, the creator of the I-Pixie communications Pod?
Martino: David Peckham, international Pixie ball star?
Amore: Don't tell me David Peckham is coming? When's he gonna be here?
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posted by PopPixie----
Let's Go Camp Pixie

Scene: Camp Pixie
Amore: Are you sure Camp Pixie is this way, Lockette? Really, sure?
Lockette: Easy, Amore! Ranger Robinson isn't going anywhere!
Amore: The ranger? What about him? Why would I be thinking about him!
Robinson: Amore? What are you doing here?
Amore: Ranger Robinson! See... Lockette wanted to participate in your survival course, so we came to sign up!
Lockette: But you were the one who...
Amore: We can't wait to start this adventure! Just as long as there aren't any spiders!
Robinson: Welcome to Camp Pixie then! Here are your Apprentice Nature Badges. And here are...
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posted by PopPixie----
The Mystery of Lost MagicPop

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Rollo: Gentlemen, welcome to the Pixie Plaza! Come back soon ladies, and bring lots of money!
Lockette: Your room is straight down this hall, last door on your right. Breakfast in your room nine o'clock sharp! I'll get someone to take your luggage right away! Guzman!
Poxroy: Thanks!
Chatta: Wow! It looks even bigger up close! Right, Amore? Right? Right?
Amore: Calm down, Chatta!
Rollo: Good morning, ladies! Do you have reservations?
Chatta: Better than that, Mr. Rollo! I'm on assignment for RadioPixie! I'm reviewing all the hotels in the Magic Dimension!...
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posted by PopPixie----
A Robot for Chatta

Scene: Chatta's House
Tune: I'm so excited! It's going to be absolutely wonderful! I just love parties! Do we have everything? Checklist! Food?
Caramel: Check!
Tune: Drinks?
Martino: Check!
Tune: Party favors?
Amore: Check!
Tune: Gifts?
Martino: What if we get her a pet Wunkle?
Caramel: They're cute!
Lockette: Are you crazy? Don't you remember when we gave Fifi a Wunkle for her birthday last year?
Flashback starts*
Amore: Happy birthday, Fifi!
Fifi: Aww!!! Thank you, guys! He's so cute! Hi, there!
The Wunkle grabs Fifi with its tongue, swallows her whole and then burps loudly. Flashback...
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posted by PopPixie----
The Big Interview

Scene: Love Shop
Owl: You're not using enough elbow grease, Otis! Now, c'mon! One, two, one, two!
Chatta: Amore! Is my perfume ready? Is it? Is it?
Otis: Hello, Chatta! Amore just stepped out for a minute.
Chatta: Hello? Hello! Hello?
Sunny: Booooossss! Where are you? I'm already at the Pixie Plaza! You're late for your interview with Quentin Quake!
Chatta: I know, I know, I know, Sunny! You don't need to remind me! I'll just get my perfume and I'll be there!
Otis: Chatta, I'm not authorized to give you the perfume. Let's wait for Amore.
Owl: Don't do it, Otis!
Chatta: Hand it over!...
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posted by PopPixie----
The Mirror Spell

Scene: Pixieville
Augustus: You again!
Gnome #1: Every morning it's the same story! Wait'll I get my hands on you!
Animal #1: Stop doing that, Maxine!
Maxine: Have a bad day, everyone! Now let's see who else's day I can ruin!

Scene: Lockette's House
Rollo: Lockette! Open up! I know you're in there!
Lockette: 'Kay, I'm coming! Mr. Rollo? What are you doing here?
Rollo: What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why aren't you at your desk at the Pixie Plaza? Extremely late, plus huge tardiness, times absurd amount of lost time, equals stratospheric cost! You're fired!
Lockette: Wait,...
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posted by PopPixie----
Caramel's Ice Cream Tree

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Chatta: Fixit, honk to let Lockette know we're here.
Fixit: This is a job for my Howl-phone! Listen, it's awesome! Say goodbye to old Honk! Honk! The future of horns is here!
Chatta: Wow! Thanks, Fixit! It's certainly not boring when you're around!
Cherie: Where is Lockette? I don't want to be late for shopping this afternoon!
Lockette: Well, I'm off! Thanks for the break, Mr. Rollo.
Rollo: Remember, Lockette, just ten minutes. Starting from... now! You come back one second late and I'll deduct your salary! You're not paid to rest!

Scene: Car
Lockette: Fixit,...
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posted by PopPixie----
Flying Money

Scene: Pixieville Chronicle
Editor: I must say, Chatta, you've got a real talent for...
Chatta: Are you serious?! You mean it?! You really like my scoops, my articles? I can work here at the Pixieville Chronicle? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Whoohooo! Yes! Yes!
Editor: Are you finished?
Chatta: Do you want to discuss my contract? Okay! Where do I sign?
Editor: I was trying to say, you have a real talent for digging up USELESS information!
Chatta: U-useless? Could you please be more specific?
Editor: Useless! Stupid! Vapid! Ridiculous! Banal! Phony!
Chatta: Okay, I get it!...
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posted by PopPixie----
Lockette's Secret

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Rollo: Welcome to the Pixie Plaza!
Lockette: Don't worry, I'll take care of it right away! Good morning. How can I help you?
Pixie: I need ice in my room!
Lockette: Guzman!
Rollo: The elevator's for guests only. Use the stairs.
Lockette: What a day! I need some rest!
More guests enter*
Lockette: Guzman!
Rollo: The elevator is for guests only. Use the stairs.
Lockette: Hello?
Lockette's Mom: Hi, Lockette, it's your mom!
Lockette's Dad: And it's me, your loving daddy!
Lockette: Mom? Dad?
Lockette's Mom: We're here in Pixieville! Remember, we promised to come visit you. So...
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posted by PopPixie----
Crazy Weather

Scene: Pixieville
Lockette: I don't know about you guys, but I'm really curious to see this Pixie Cherie's place! The invitation was so cool!
Cherie: Friends! Get out of your doldrums and come to the super mega party of the year! Cherie's VIP's party! See you at Villa Ollivander!
Lockette: Nice, huh? And quite modest!

Scene: Villa Ollivander
Martino: But most of all wealthy, Lockette! Very, very, very wealthy!
Amore: Cherie, huh? She reminds me of someone.
Lulu: Good morning! Welcome everyone! Please come in! Don't make yourselves at home! I'm Lulu, Madame Cherie's personal assistant!...
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posted by PopPixie----
A Pixie Fish

Scene: Love Shop
Livy: Morning everyone! Here's the mail, Otis! Have you got anything for me today, Amore?
Amore: Well, I do have this letter for Ranger Robinson. But I think I'll wait and send it tomorrow.
Livy: You say the same thing everyday! Sooner or later you're gonna make up your mind and send them. You like him! He likes you! It's time to get together already!
Amore: Oh, no! No, no, no!
Robinson: Hello, everybody!
Otis: Ranger Robinson!
Livy: Would you excuse us for a second, Robinson? Do ya feel better now?
Amore: No! What should I do now, huh? What should I do now?
Livy: Why don't...
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posted by PopPixie----
Green Attack

Scene: Tree of Life
Ninfea: My dear Pixieville Pixies, welcome to the celebration! Once again the protection spell will defend us from all outside dangers throughout the year! At this time we'd like to celebrate The Tree of Life! Let's all give thanks to it! An energy flows inside the tree and a sparkle of that power shines in each of its MagicPops! This year more pixies will earn their MagicPop by discovering their talent and using it for good. Caramel, Martino and Amore were the last Pixies to earn a MagicPop!
Pam: And I will be the next one, Ninfea!
Ninfea: Pam?
Pam: I have a special...
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