pureawesome15 Club
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This Friday was an awesome Friday. "Twenty monsters!" my pal, Sabrina Cypress yelled, as I parked my car, a faded pink VW Beatle. She fixed her windswept blond hair and rubbed some dust out of her blue eyes. "I know!" I said. "We are awesome!" I pocketed my keys as we walked up to our local abandoned gas station. I held the door for Sabrina and looked around. Still quiet as usual. I skipped to the 'Authorized Personnel Only' door and typed in a passcode. The door slowly opened.
You, the reader of this wonderful story are probably wondering who I am. My name is Trina Brighte. I am twelve years old. Dreamers are special people with powers to create anything we want. We're like the police of the magical world. Keeping the peace and all that. I soon will be the best Dreamer in the world! All I have to do is beat Paris Van-Quince and Miss Ruby, the First Dreamer to exist.
All Dreamers have red hair, gray-ish eyes, and are usually people 10-18 years old. Ruby is the only exception at 108 years old. She doesn't fight anymore, but she still looks 18 years old. She Dreamed to make herself 18 forever, but it drained her of all of her power. Sabrina calls it "A price to pay.", but Dreamers call it what NEVER, EVER to do.
Back to the task at hand (I have OCD and ADD, just thought I should let you know.) We walked into the doorway into the Dreamer Command Center. It was a large room with computers everywhere, a set of stairs on either side of the room leading to the Briefing Room, where Miss Ruby is.
Sabrina, my friend that is allowed to work with me, was always in awe of the Command Center. I just sighed and walked to a chair in front of a computer screen. "Hey Ryan." I said. The chair turned to reveal a boy around my age. Ryan is my Technician, which means he keeps track of my monster records. He's still a Dreamer, he just chooses not to do field work. "You went all out today!" He said, typing some words on a keyboard. "Well, it is Friday." I mumbled. I patted him on the back, gave him a bar of chocolate, and headed for one of the staircases.
"Hello, Miss Ruby!" I sang as I approached the second floor. "Ah, hello, Trina dearie!" A lady sitting on a throne said, smiling brightly. "Do you have any new missions for me?" I asked, a bit eager. "Yes, there is a witch mission that Paris Van Quince denied that I think will be perfect for you!"
The smile faded from my face. "Witches?" I instantly opened a telepathic conversation with Sabrina. "What's wrong with witches?" she asked. "Seb, witches are the strongest monsters in the world, ruthless and controlling." "So, like the king on a chess board?" she asked again. "Yeah, I guess." I said. Sabrina was a chess queen, literally. She beat twins. That's right. Two people at once.
Miss Ruby started to speak again, so I cut off the conversation. "As you know, I have defeated ten witches in my time. Paris Van Quince has beat none. "So, if I defeat one witch, I can become second best?" I asked, slightly suspicious. "Yes." Miss Ruby said, smiling slightly. "Even if you don't defeat the other ten monsters you need."
I smiled and said, "I will gladly take the mission, Miss Ruby!" Miss Ruby took a microphone out of it's holder near her chair. "Attention! Attention! Trina Brighte is about to go on her first witch mission!" A whole boatload of cheering and clapping was heard. I then saw Paris. Her friend Carrie and her Technician, Marie were eyeballing me with malice. I then felt dizzy, and I knew it was Paris. I then felt myself fall back, and things went black.
I heard Paris cackling as I came to. "She's the real witch." Sabrina muttered, helping me up. I swayed, and my head throbbed. I smiled at Paris, sending her thoughts in a mental whirlwind. I smirked and walked out of the room. "The Arsenal?" Sabrina asked, jumping with excitement. "Of course!" I said. Since the Dreamers still kept the place stocked, I grabbed two bottles of Monster and a bag of powdered donuts. I tossed Sabrina one of the bottles, and popped a donut in my mouth. We both swigged our drinks. Sabrina skipped to the car and slid in the passenger's seat. I slid across the hood, hopped into the driver's seat, and turned the keys in the ignition. I cranked up the tunes and drove out of the parking lot. If you weren't listening, and only an idiot wouldn't, I'll give you a recap
My name is Trina Brighte,
I am twelve years old,
my friend, Sabrina and I are going to kick some witch butt!