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Riley in Bella's Room
Riley in Bella's Room
The large, burly dude stepped forward in an attempt to put more power behind his punch. I watched his slow reflexes in amusment - well, compared to me, that is. His punch seemed to launch towards me in slow motion and, without much effort at all, I moved my head slightly to the right and watched his fist fly by. I rolled my eyes and, with lightning-quick speed, grabbed his throat and threw him against the wall. The other two stared in confounded amazement as their leader hit the brick building with a thud. I turned my gaze on them and, with a fierce glare, dared them to make a move.
The blond one, named Kevin, had his eyes open in fright. I continued to stare them down when I heard the large one, named Raoul, start to get up. I smiled and with my sharp senses, I gauged myself and waited until he was right behind me. Before he could make his next "clever" move, I lifted my fist above my left shoulder so fast, that it hit his face - immediately giving him a bloody nose and causing him to fall to the floor, yelling in pain.
I turned slighty and stared down at him. He gazed up at me in mortal terror. Good. Maybe I actually knocked some sense into his overly-thick skull.
The others didn't dare to make a move, and so the violence was brought to a close. Well, after I knocked them out of course. Carefully, I knocked them all unconscious. There. Now the violence is over. I left them there for a brief moment, and drove a car around into the alley. Easily, I threw them all in the back seat and drove them to Victoria's house.
Victoria hasn't had any reason to move her location. She's lucky. She doesn't have to worry about her house burning down due to some rambunctious newborns every second of every day. Then again, it wasn't her job to. Victoria put me in charge.
I wonder how large the army is so far. It can't be that numerous... After all, they keep killing each other.
I arrived at Victoria's house in record time and, like always, brought the bodies in to her inconspiciously. She must've been expecting me beacause she was standing by the front window when I arrived. Walking into the living room, I dropped the bodies on the floor. They didn't even stir.
She turned and stared at them saying, "I've been waiting for your arrival."
"I hope you weren't waiting for too long," I replied earnestly.
She switched her gaze at me and stepped forward. "No, I wasn't waiting for too long. You always seem to be right on time. Very punctual."
"That's good," I said. "What did you need me for?"
She gave forth a small sigh, "I haven't told you about something..."
My face creased into confusion. "What do you mean?"
She shrugged, "It's nothing, really, but I may have left out that there is another... species... that lives among us."
"Another species?" I said questioningly, "What kind of species?"
"Large dogs," she said bluntly, "Very, very large dogs. I'm not going to go into full detail, but the humans usually conspiracize and call them werewolves."
"Werewolves?" Man... How much weirder can this world get?
"Yes, werewolves. However, you have nothing to fear. Where you'll be going, you won't have to traverse anywhere near them." She said confidently.
That remark kind of made me feel... like she was assuming I was weak or something. But, then again, maybe she knows more about these dogs than I gave her credit for.
"What can you tell me about the wolves?" I said.
She turned her gaze back to the window - the moonlight shining through on her face. "We don't have much time, Riley, but all I can tell you is that they're very dangerous. They have the ability to kill vampires with their strong, sharp teeth. Believe me, you wouldn't want to get anywhere near them unless you were skillfully trained... Not that you aren't," she countered, "but a little more practice wouldn't hurt."
I shrugged, "Okay, well... On with the point, what does this have to do with me?"
"Remember when I told you that the Cullens have a pet human within their midst? Well, I need you to travel to Forks, enter her house, and gain something that the newborns can take a whiff of."
What the...? Now I was starting to question what was really up. Why did Victoria want this girl dead? I voiced my thoughts aloud, "Why is this mandatory?"
"Well," she paused, "The human is sort of... dating... one of the Cullens. That's why they keep her around. Since it's harder to track vampires to their exact location, I was hoping you could find an article of her clothing or something. I have a feeling that where ever the Cullens are, that's where she'll be."
That made sense. If my girlfriend was that fragile, I would want her close, but out of the way of danger as well. Internally, I felt kind of bad for the girl. She was just human... She doesn't have to die like this. But, Victoria needed to get her revenge on the Cullens. They didn't deserve to live.
"I'll do it. When do you want me to head out?" I asked.
"Right now, here," she handed me a GPS navigator. "Use this to get to her house. At all costs, do not go through the Quileute reservation. That's a small area of land that most travellers pass through on their way to Forks. It's the land of the wolves..."
I raised my eyebrows briefly, staring at the GPS in my hands. "I'll make sure to go around it." I was about to leave, when she grabbed onto my arm suddenly and pulled me back more violently than expected. I was standing very close to her now, our faces almost touching. As if to make up for her sudden movement, she loosened her grip on my arm and smiled, "Riley... At all costs, do not kill... the girl. Do you understand me? Don't kill anyone in the household. Not a single one. I don't care how thirsty you are."
I could understand the logic behind this. The Cullen who could see the future definitely would see that coming.
I had to be quick and undecisive until the last moment while I was in the house.
"I won't kill anyone, promise, but what are you going to be doing during my absence?" I asked.
She smiled disarmingly, "Somebody's going to have to keep those silly Cullens distracted, right?"
Concern written on my face, I replied, "What do you mean? Are you going to lead them on a wild goose chase or something?"
"Exactly," she said and kissed me, "Now, get going. We're wasting valuable time."
I hurried out to my car and sped up the winding streets towards Forks. It didn't take too long for me to reach my destination. As a matter of fact, it didn't take long at all. Maybe I gained amazing patience with becoming a vampire.
As I stared at the road, my mind began to drift. I hope Victoria is going to be okay... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to her.
Heck, those werewolves might be strong enough to kill a vamp, but whatever the odds, I'd do my best to ensure her safety if she was in danger. The fact that she had a cell phone kind of eased my distress... But, then again, it's not like she could dial my number and run away from a bunch of wolves and vampires at the same time.
I guess I'm just going to have to trust her and her competency. Not that easy, but I can manage.
I parked the car just outside the human's house. The lights were off, so I assumed that they were either asleep, or not home. I got out of the car and nonchalantly made my way around the side of the house. It was two stories, but there was an old, gnarled tree for me to use to get up to the second level.
I ran and vaulted myself up with ease to one of the windows. Amazingly, one of the humans in the household had left the window unlocked. I guess they didn't ever suspect that someone would actually climb to the second story to break in.
With absolutely no effort, I opened the window and leapt from the branch into the house.
All the lights were off, and there was an awkward silence that made me feel a little out of place... All that could be heard was a ticking clock and the ever-present wind outside - howling its dirge in its naturely way.
I walked around silently, peering into different rooms and searching for what should be a teenage girl's quarters. I eventually found it and entered stealthily. She wasn't in there to my surprise. I had expected to see her asleep in the bed. I guess she must be with the Cullens.
I looked at all the items of normality in the room.
Walking slowly, I skimmed my fingers along the bedspread of her bed and then slowly grabbed a hold of the dream catcher that was hanging on the headboard. No... I needed an article of clothing. Not an item that she immediately will notice is missing.
I kept looking and then found a blouse of hers draped over a chair in the corner. Perfect.
I grabbed a hold on to it, and smelled it to make sure it had her scent.
How... odd... How amazingly odd... Her scent is like nothing I've ever smelled in my life. Damn, if this is how she smells, I wonder how delectable her blood would taste. Venom rushed into my mouth as I pictured drinking the liquid inside her fragile body.
For humans, I could imagine that this scenario would relate to a person, who hasn't had water for days, finally getting slight relief of their parchment, but not completely...
I put the blouse into my pocket as much as I could and went downstairs leisurely. Why go back out the window when I could go out the front door? As I entered the living room, I saw something I honestly didn't expect. There on the couch was a man who I took to be the teenage girl's father. I walked around to the front of the couch and slowly leaned down to get a closer look at him. He looked familiar. Very familiar, but I couldn't place him...
I could so easily kill this guy. I hadn't drunk my fill for awhile... And I was really thirsty... No, I can't... do it. I promised Victoria I wouldn't kill anyone. Besides, if I decided to drink his blood, it would mean more trouble for me. I can't make such a drastic decision. The vampire fortune cookie would definitely see that coming... Damn it.
I stepped away and, without a second thought, went out the door.
I checked the time as soon as I got inside the car and revved the engine. It was 4:33am. I had some time, but the sun was going to rise very soon.
I drove back to Seattle in less time than it took for me to arrive in Forks.
I headed back to Victoria's house to find her laying back on a sofa. She stood up when she noticed my presence. "Welcome back, love," she said with a smile. "Did you get what I needed?"
I smiled back, "But, of course." I handed her the blouse and her smile broadened. "Excellent," she purred.
At this moment, I had to ask the question that's been evading my mind for awhile now. "When are we going to make the attack on the Cullens?"
She averted her gaze from the blouse and looked at me. "When I feel that we have enough numbers."
"Oh?" I replied, "And when might that be? What's the number you want to reach?"
She did some mental thinking and concluded, "Around forty or so... Any less would displease me... And you don't want to displease me... Do you, Riley?" She had her back turned but her head was facing to the right; she gazed at me slightly from the corner of her eye.
"No," I objected, "of course not."
"Good," I could hear the smile in her voice, "then go get me some more newborns."
I nodded curtly and left without another sound. Driving around for awhile, I decided to stop in the parking lot of a local McDonald's.
As I was looking around at my surroundings, I noticed a young teenage girl sitting in her car. She looked frightened and worried. Stress was evident on every inch of her face. Her clothes appeared ragged and it looked like she has been on her own for awhile. Since it was so late, the city was absolutely deserted. Not even the employees within the fast food restaurant couldn't see where I was from their vantage point. I got out of the car and acted like any other early-bird customer. The girl didn't notice me until I approached her window. She glanced at me with surprise but no fear.
"You want a burger, kid?" I asked, tilting my head to see through the open window.
Numerous emotions blipped across her face - confusion, hopefulness, bewilderment, and even a little lust... Ugh, I really don't like to do this... Especially to younger girls, but she was the only teenager out and about right now, so... I grabbed her by the throat and yanked her out of her seat, hauling her out of the window and side-stepping so she could fly out.
She screamed and then hit the floor with such speed, that the impact of the fall made her unconscious. Looking inside, I saw what I thought to be as her wallet. Curious, I grabbed the wallet and took a look at her ID. Might as well learn her name since she will be residing with us for a lifetime, right?
Hmm.. Bree Tanner.. I turned around and walked back to her - putting the wallet gently into her pocket, and picking her up. "Sorry..." I whispered and then put her in the backseat of the car.


Any hurtful comments, opinions, or jests will be reported if necessary. This is my opinion which I write freely.

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