Roleplay: Alfea! (AKA tamdizc.) Club
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Hello, vibbibrinnia dolittle here, pleased to meet your service! :)

In 14 years of work i have worked with many of my masters children, tucking them in, feeding them, making them toys, but most of all reading them bed-times stories, particullary on halloween. I msde the below all up especially for october the thirty first, but please bare in mind these stories dont always turn out as "Scary" as the children had in mind. Enjoy!-

Halloween story one- A great one to tell round a campfire or halloween party with lots of people! :)

(Wait untill everyones settled and sitting, listening too, and begin your halloween story simply sitting)
You: I never really had a problem with dogs, until halloween when i was seven. I was at a sleepover at (Insert friend who isnt at this party here)'s, and i had this dream, their was a dog, and he looked particullary cute, so i went up to stroak him. (Stand up, and stroak toy dog you brought along with you.) but then, his eye started to glow red! And he grew massive fangs, And started to chase me. I ran, and ran, and ran, but it was know use, he got to be and bit into my neck, and wouldnt stop, it just kept sinking depper, and deeper and deeper, untill suddenly, i woke up! I suspected it was just a dream, untill the morning, when, as i was brushing my hair to find their was a bite mark on my neck....(touch the back of your neck) And you know what....(walk slowly towards guests in the middle) I still have it now, (get close enough for the guestws to see your neck clearly) right here- (quickly and without warning) BOO! (Scare the living daylights out of your friends! :D)
(Warning- please dont say "Boo" too loud, as you are quite close up to their face- and ears.

I hope you enjoyed my services, thank you,

Hey tavettes! V-gurl here for a segment telemira made me call "Veevee's top 5 weird and wonderful halloween costumes" instead of "Halloween costumes veevee has worn" :D

5. Were-Chiwawa. we've heard of werewolves....and, ur were tigers, but come on! Were-chiwawa????? Imagine if pyshimar went and saved embers life......but ended up transforming into a chiwawa, it'll be cute, but only paris hilton could truthfully say- "Step aside jacob black"!
4. Me??!?!?!?
After a tav concert in earth, a group of screaming girls came up to me and my friends dressed The costume of me- Frilly pink sparkly, shiny heart dressed with fake tan dripping from her skin. Flattered- 0 percent. death-stare-tempted-99 percent plus 1 percent.
3. Punkin. WARNING- this may result in your disabled use of a doorway.
2. Yourself. Unless you just so happen to be a cloudtower witch, i wouldnt bet on getting much candy with that lazy, unimaginative "Idea".
1. Justin bieber.
OMG, super scary! Just remember not to start singing "Baby" by justin bieber when the neighbours open the door, or you may make them deaf for life with the pain and horror of it all.

Sorry justin bieber fans,

Hi, your speaking to princess tina dicaprio, i hope you enjoyed vibbies stories and veevee- ur, original segment, and now here are my tips for a perfect halloween!:
1. Be original. Everyone will probably be going as a vampire. or a bat. or frankenstein. Or another obvious idea. Make up the most crazy halloween costume you can think of, and then your sure to be the trendsetter! :)
2. Be polite. The neighbours will give you more candy!
3. Take a friend with you- Then its more fun! But pick carefully, you wouldnt wanna pick the friend who tells halloween-stories-so-scary-you-cant-sleep, or the friend who steals your chocolate.
4. save your sweets! To avoid- running out too fast, feeling sick and making a puke stain on your mums carpet....
5. Enjoy yourself and have a happy halloween!
-Telemira. :)