Rosabell Laurenti Sellers Club
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Santa Monica-born Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, 19, plays Tyene Sand on “Game of Thrones” in season five – and will reprise the role in season six.

She grew up in New York and Rome where her acting career flourished in film and TV, including the lead on tween show “Mia and Me” where she plays a boarding school girl who morphs into a fairy-like elf in a land of dragons and unicorns.

At 16 Laurenti Sellers was featured as an International Star You Need To Know in Variety. She spoke about how playing the youngest of the Sand Snakes marks a transitional time in her life and career. link
added by helot
A neanche vent’anni Rosabell Laurenti Sellers vanta una filmografia che qualsiasi attrice non ancora entrata nell’olimpo delle star vorrebbe avere. Basti citare il recente ruolo nella serie cult “Games of Thrones”, quello in “What about Love” di Klaus Menzel con Sharon Stone e Andy Garcia, o quello in “The Whistleblower” di Larysa Kondracki, al fianco di Rachel Weisz, Monica Bellucci e David Strathairn. Guardando i titoli italiani: “Il meraviglioso Boccaccio” dei fratelli Taviani, “I nostri ragazzi” e “Gli equilibristi” di Ivano de Matteo, “Passione sinistra” di Marco Ponti, “Ex” di Fausto Brizzi, tanto per citare i più noti. link