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'Attack,' I heard an angelic, sharp voice speak.

I gasped as Aro's guards launched themselves on my family. I couldn't let this happen... But what could I do? I couldn't fight. I was weak, I had no strength in me. When I saw one of the guards launch on Rosalie I totally lost it.

'STOP!' I screamed as hard as I could. To my surprise everyone stopped fighting and looked at me. Because of my outburst I felt a sharp pain going through my throat and I started to cough. 'Ex,' cough. 'Cuse,' another cough. 'Me,' I finally finished with, of course, a cough. I cleared my throat, trying to win some time. Think Emmett think! 'May I go to the bathroom for a minute?' damnit Emmett! I swear, everyone's jaw dropped to the ground.

'You've got to be kidding me?' Jane said as her eyes widened.

Edward slapped his hand on his face as he shook his head. Jasper hung his head in shame, clearly not happy with my respond. Alice's face went black; she was searching into the future. Bella was looking... scared? I guess she was thinking that this really was the end of us. Carlisle and Esme looked surprised and Rosalie looked... expressionless.

'What is this?' Aro stood up from his throne as he looked angry at us. 'This is not a silly game!' he snarled. 'You!' he pointed at Carlisle. 'You must be punished. The Volturi doesn't give second changes. What are you trying to do Carlisle? You can't win of us.'

'Aro, I understand you and I understand your worries. But why are you punishing my family? They didn't do anything wrong. I was the one that showed them the book,' Carlisle sighed. 'So, I have to be punished. My family is innocent.'

'Carlisle!' Esme elbowed her husband softly, what looked quit painful for human me. 'Don't listen to him, Aro,' she spoke softly as she turned to Aro.

'Esme, stay out of this,' Carlisle warned stern. He spoke each word directly and sharp. Carlisle never spoke to Esme this way, so we were quit shocked at his response to his beloved wife.

'The reason I want to punish all of you is because they know about the book,' Aro said coolly. 'There is no reason to let them live with the information they have now. They know about our experiences, our secrets,' Aro gritted his teeth together.

'Aro, this is the future of my son we're talking about! Do you really think that I would EVER put my son in danger because of a stupid BOOK?' I winced as Carlisle started to yell at Aro. The hard sound was painful for my ears as I placed my hands on my ears.

Aro looked like a fool as he stared at Carlisle with open mouth. Obvious he did not expect that of our honest and polite Carlisle. I wondered what was going through his mind right now. I turned my head to Edward but he stared expressionless at Aro. A moment he frowned, but the frown disappeared quickly again.

'How dare you?' Aro whispered. His voice cold, deadly and low, I almost couldn't hear what he said. 'How dare you speak to me like that?' he whispered at the same tone again. He slowly walked towards Carlisle, his eyes black. His lip curled up, showing his sharp, white teeth. I saw Jasper and Edward moving in front of me and closer to Carlisle.

'Aro, leave my family alone. That's the only thing I'm trying to say,' Carlisle replied as cold as Aro did. 'They have nothing to do with this,' Carlisle sighed. 'You have all the time to punish me, but that's not why we came here, Aro. Please, listen to me for a minute and help us. We need you, Aro. We need your experiences.'

Aro pursed his lips suspicious. 'I don't know,' he finally said.

'Aro,' Caius suddenly spoke. He stood up and walked towards him. He placed his hand on Aro's shoulder as he spoke: 'Maybe we should listen to them. I mean, look at him,' I couldn't see with my vampire eyes what kind of move Caius did, but I swallowed as Aro's cold expression turned towards me. 'That hopeless thing needs our powerful help.' WHAT? I couldn't believe what I just heard. Hopeless thing? I gritted my teeth angrily as Caius smirked. I saw Alec's and Jane's shoulders moving, they were laughing. Stupid, powerful, dumb twins.

'But they know about the book, Caius,' Aro argued stubbornly.

'I know,' Caius said. 'But we'll punish him later,' Caius eyed Carlisle as he snorted. 'We might have the information they need.'

'Please, Aro,' Esme spoke now softly, almost pleading. Maybe she did.

'I don't know,' Aro sighed. It was quiet for a moment. Deadly quiet. Maybe the vampires did make sounds, I couldn't hear them. 'Fine,' Aro finally broke the awkward moment. He turned around and moved towards his throne. 'But Carlisle, you're not going to get away with this.'

'Of course, Aro,' Carlisle whispered. My family looked utterly defeated by Aro's harsh words. Without Carlisle we wouldn't even be here. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. I was not going to cry in front of them. Gosh, the last time I cried was like eighty years ago - with tears I mean. But Carlisle's punishment was not the only thing that bothered me, the other thing was that it all was because of me. If I didn't go that night with Rosalie back to Tennessee it wouldn't have happened.

'On the seventh of March in 1732, page 572, am I right?' it almost didn't sound like a question to me. Aro sighed as Carlisle slowly nodded. Aro made a sound what looked like a chuckle. 'I must say, I remember that girl clearly. With her curly red hair and her blue eyes, her freckles and her hoarse voice,' Aro almost smiled at the thought of that girl. 'Her name was Sarah,' he said, the melancholy in his voice was gone. 'I was quite impressed when she came in her human form to us. I always thought that it was impossible to change back to your human form,' Aro said.

Rosalie's eyes grew wide. 'Isn't it impossible?' she asked, almost hopefully.

Aro shook his head. 'It's quit complicated,' he answered. 'Even I don't understand it completely,' he referred himself like he was a king. Gosh. 'It's not like you can turn back right now. What I could understand is that when you go back to the place where you've been changed, exactly on the same spot, when you're hundredth years old, something happens with you. Also the position of the moon is very important,' Aro stood up from his throne and walked slowly towards me. Well, what seemed slow to me. 'What I can understand is that Emmett was exactly on the same spot where he was attacked, when he was hundredth, with the light from the moon shining on him,' he said.

'Incredible,' Carlisle breathed.

Aro frowned. 'It seems incredible and magical, but it isn't.' Carlisle opened his mouth to replied but Aro beat him. 'Let me explain first,' he said. 'The transformation is exactly the same as your transformation from human to vampire. You feel an awful pain and...'

'But the Sarah's transformation was two days, Emmett's was three days,' Rosalie said, obvious not caring that she just interrupted "king" Aro.

'That's true,' Aro nodded. 'But how long the transformation takes depends on how long you're a vampire.' Rosalie frowned. 'Like I said before, it's really complicated. But back to the story, when you weak up you feel awful. You're weak and feel a lot of pain. Not as bad as your transformation, though. You have to recover of your transformation. In vampire state you rarely feel pain, in your human body otherwise you can feel with a little touch pain. That's why you're feeling pain and it explains your weakness.' Aro explained.

'But after recovering and everything, you're all right, right?' Esme asked.

Aro shook his head. 'That's what I wanted to explain you. You will die.' Everyone in the room, excluding the Volturi vampires and me gasped. My family turned to me with horror filling their golden eyes. 'You only have bad luck. But that's not the only thing, you're very sensitive too. Like falling from a bike can kill you in many ways. You're more sensitive than other humans. Normal humans.'

'That's horrible,' Esme whispered.

'Yes, it is,' Aro agreed. 'But the main point is, bad luck will follow you anywhere you are.'

'What do you mean?' Carlisle immediately asked extremely concerned.

'You only have bad luck,' Aro answered. Aro sighed when everyone frowned. 'I'll give you an example. It's like walking past a bookcase. Coincidentally a thick book falls straight on your sensitive head and kills you. Can you call that coincidence? Or you trip over an object and break your neck, is that coincidence too? Or you're walking through a forest and suddenly a tree falls right on you, this example might seem unbelievable, but it can. Believe me.'

My whole family seemed shock by the information. They seemed shocked by Aro's examples. I turned to see Rosalie, she was clutching my hand so tight that it hurt, so tight that I would've a bruise, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore. I am going to die. No matter what. Wherever I go, wherever I will be. There will always be something that will be my end. My fall of the staircase was just the beginning. Gosh, my fall was nothing compared with what I was going to experiences. Even with the whole family guarding me, even with all the vampires in the world guarding me, there will come a moment and that little moment will kill me.

'Is there a way back?' Carlisle asked, his voice low and emotionless. It scared me for some reason.

Aro seemed to hesitate before he replied. 'You might have tried the normal way; biting.' Carlisle nodded, I almost couldn't see it. 'As you saw, the poison didn't work,' Aro sighed. 'And it won't work. Never. Emmett is immune for the poison. I don't know much about this point, the only thing I know that the venom won't do his work. It won't even spread, it won't even let a mark. It only leaves a bruise.' I moved my hand to my neck. I felt a little bit pain when I pressed at the place where Carlisle bit me. A bruise. 'I don't know if there is a way back,' Aro said quietly. 'There might be no way. I did some research and the only thing I found that you just have one change, but more I don't know.'

'Which change?' Rosalie asked immediately.

Aro pursed his lips. 'There is a day - I don't know what kind of day - that's linked to you. You have to go to the same spot where you've been changed and the position of the moon is very important. More I don't know. I don't know which day they mean. You only have one change. If you screw that change then you won't change back. Ever.'

Rosalie moved her other hand to her mouth in shock as her eyes widened in horror. 'No,' she whispered. 'No!'

'It's okay, Rose,' I tried.

'No!' she yelled. 'This can't be true! This can't!'

'Rose,' Jasper whispered. Even his special ability couldn’t calm my Rose down.

'No!' Rose yelled again. 'This can't! This is impossible!' nobody said anything as Rosalie kept yelling and started to sob lightly. I couldn't look at her without feeling bad for her, I didn't even care that I was going to die. I could only think about Rose who was torn. The lump in my throat was back and I tried to swallow it away. Suddenly she stopped and she turned to look Aro straight in the eye. 'What happened to Sarah?' she asked slowly. 'The page in the book was torn. The vampires launched on her...'

Aro settled himself back on his throne. 'They could stop themselves on time,' he said. 'But it wouldn't have mattered. She would've died anyways. She was twenty-three years old when she was transformed back into her human form. She died when she was thirty-six,' Aro said. 'She was taking a walk outside when she fell in a cave because "coincidentally" the people who worked at the road took their break earlier. Very typically that she didn't saw it, don't you think?' Aro snorted. 'Or it was because she was blind on one eye. Another accident with her bad luck, I won't tell you that story, unless you like bloody stories.'

Everyone of my family turned to me. Horror filled their eyes. Carlisle and Esme looked horrified. Edward looked shocked and defeated. Alice looked like she was about to cry. Bella's face mirrored Alice's. She already let her shield drop when Aro was telling us what he knew, I guess from shock. She couldn't concentrate anymore. Jasper looked emotionless. His face was cold and empty. It looked kind of scary. Rosalie's face was by far the worst to see. She looked broken, horrified, defeated, awful, sad, more broken, shocked. You couldn't compare it with anything in the world, even not with Royce. I never saw anyone that sad and broken before. Ever. As a tear escaped my eye corner all the pieces fell on their place.

I was going to die.
posted by TeamRosalieHale
12: Destination: Unknown

Once upon a time, in Rochester, New York, there lived a simple, silly, disillusioned girl named Rosalie Lillian Hale. For thirteen years, she believed that nothing would ever touch her-that she was invincible to all feeling and thought.
Until one day in mid-April while she was stepping on stones on the Genesee River and she lost her balance. Despite knowing how to swim, the sudden fall caused her to panic and eventually drown. Fortunately, a dark haired, green-eyed angel dove in and pulled her out, then resuscitated her back to life. When she finally came to, she asked...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
11: Never Too Late

“Wha…What?” Alice said, her eyes going from one person in the carriage to another.
“It’s true. I have a way to turn a vampire back into a human-heartbeat, color, blood pumps-whole nine yards.” He smiled. “But none of my boys want it-for different reasons though.”
“Simple and not…See, when you are changed you are poisoned and that travels through the body and eventually stops the heart. I needed a way to extract that poison and alter the body so that it goes back to a prevamp stage. I found a way shortly after Jack was changed, with the help...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
10: Hero

By then, the two had stopped fighting, though Alice was still fuming, not that Rosalie could really blame her. Once again, Alice was unsure what came next: half of her wanted to just run and run until she had left it all behind and the other wanted to stay though this was mostly to see what Rosalie meant by Jack meaning so much to her.
Tristan, Jack, Michael and David waited inside the carriage. Tristan was in no hurry and Jack would have jumped off and followed Rosalie in a second. That kiss had sealed the deal and answered the question that had plagued him so many years: had she...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
9: You and Me

“So Tristan, how do you fit into all this?” Alice asked him. He was sitting on a chair closest to the front of the carriage. He looked up from his book and sighed.
“Well, I was created in 1408, by two warlocks known as Magna and Dejan. They took me and molded me into the perfect creature-a creature with the ability to change into anything at will-human, animal, whatever-telepathy, soothsayer, I was the perfect creature. But there are some limits even the could not look past though they are few: I can’t grant wishes, not the way a genie can, I can’t kill anyone at all,...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
8: Sickness

IT was having a great time, trampling through Mexico, killing more undead creatures, then up-wards through Arizona where they were much harder to find. Nevada was not much better so IT turned to California and had so much success there IT considered never leaving.
Until the master spoke to him again. “That’s enough.” IT looked up and growled, having just finished off two IT was craving more. “I need the girl. You must not lose her.” IT rolled IT’s eyes and grunted, sprinting off to show master how fast it could go. “I’m well aware of your talents-I created you....
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
6: Uninvited

Three tall men, dressed in dark cloaks, stopped upon seeing the girls and simply stared. “Why have we stopped?” called a male voice from behind them. Suddenly, a man appeared from behind them, though they followed him like a shadow. “Ah. Company.” Rosalie and Alice looked at each other then back to the men. “No need to fear” the man that had come from behind the three much larger ones said. “We come in peace.”
“All of you?” Rosalie asked wearily, eyeing the three men suspiciously.
The man smiled and turned to the trio. “Stand down” he said firmly, though...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
4: Cast It Out

IT was beyond satisfied with the amount of vampires IT had found and killed in such a short time. IT would never have guessed that so many lived down south. Yet already IT had made IT’s way through more vampires than IT could count.
IT stopped and stood still-listening to the sounds around. IT could still sense the ones IT had left behind in Washington-the two female and the slightly larger group that was all male. IT took in a breath and considered for a minute.
IT decided to head back north-work IT’s way through Mexico, finishing off the ones IT had not been able to find,...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
2: The Hunter

The nightmare started on January 13, 2009 and did not end for nearly twenty years. In those twenty years, it is estimated that the extinction of vampires became the closest in nearly three centuries. The first year alone over 2,000 of them were reported as M.I.A. or deceased.
No one is quite sure what IT was or where IT came from or if IT will come back again. The physical characteristics of IT also changed though those that saw and lived to tell the tale keep their lips closed for fear of starting an unnecessary rouse. Despite the different circumstances in which IT was seen,...
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'Emmett? Emmett please!' I cried. 'CARLISLE!' I screamed. 'Help! Carlisle please help!'

Carlisle was in a rush downstairs. 'Oh dear,' he murmured shocked. He let himself fall on his knees and placed his hands on Emmett's chest. 'Edward, after me your the one with the most medical experience. Give Emmett mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, now!' he ordered. 'One-two-three-four,' Carlisle counted as he pushed at Emmett's chest. 'One-two-three-four... One-two-three-four...'

'Emmett, please,' I cried. 'Please, don't leave me,' I squeezed lightly in Emmett's hand. He just laid there, moveless. 'Esme, can...
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Rosalie's POV
I was in Emmett's arms when I noticed the strange feeling again, I lost the control over my own body. That could only mean one thing... Oh no...

With all the power I had in me I tried to stop myself, but I knew I've failed when I heard a loud BANG!

In my body I gasped, screamed and cried, but in real I was hissing and hitting my husband. I heard Emmett yelling my name and trying to stop me, but I knew he couldn't. He vowed a few decades ago that he would never hurt me the way Royce and his disgusting friends did, and even at this moment, he didn't dare to touch me....
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added by Andressa_Weld
Deep down everybody wants to be her ;)
rosalie hale
rosalie cullen
added by blaise_jez
Do you think this would be a good dong for when Rosalie is getting raped? This would be in her point of view.
rosalie hale
rosalie cullen
added by blaise_jez
Do you guys think this is like a perfect song for Rosalie becoming a vampire and when she was raped?
rosalie hale
rosalie cullen
Emmett's POV
Jasper and I were sitting on the couch in the living room discussing about Rosalie and Alice when Carlisle walked down the stairs.

Automatically I stood up. 'And?' I asked him worried. 'How is she? Can I see her?'

'Yeah, can we see them?' Jasper stood up too as we both waited for a reply from our father.

Carlisle sighed. 'I don't know, guys,' he said quietly. 'I still can't figure out why they're behaving like this. Their physically in a perfect condition!' he exclaimed. 'Their health is more then fine.'

'Who said it's physically?' we all turned our heads at Edward who...
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Chapter seven: the book

'What did you find?' I was immediately in front of him. 'Can you turn him back?' I asked Carlisle hopefully. It would be fantastic if Carlisle found a way to change Emmett back. It would be like before. Emmett would be the same old Emmett again. And I could be with him without the urge to kill him. Unfortunately, my hope faded when Carlisle shook his head.

'No, Rose,' Carlisle answered quietly. Then he looked up at the rest of us. 'Look at this,' suddenly Carlisle pulled his hand away from his back and I saw a book in his hand. I wanted to ask him something but Carlisle...
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'What do you mean you can't change him back?' I stared disbelieved at my father.

'I don't know, Rosalie,' Carlisle brushed his fingers frustrated through his blond hair. 'The only thing I know is that the venom doesn't work,' I gasped. Was Emmett going to stay human forever? Was he going to grow up and die as a old man while I say behind. Stuck and in this frozen body for the rest of forever? Without my Emmett? 'Okay, I will try again,' Carlisle leaned down and his teeth sank into Emmett's skin. Emmett flinched and for a moment I thought that it worked.

'Ouch,' Emmett moaned with a pained face....
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Emmett's POV
'Damn,' I muttered angrily. I turned around and rushed downstairs, with Rosalie behind me. I rushed trough the door and saw everyone outside, even Alice, who was held by Edward; just in case.

'What's going on?' Rosalie asked Carlisle. She walked over to Carlisle who was holding Jasper who was growling towards the wolves.

'We don't know,' Carlisle said while he peeked at the wolves. No one was in his human form so we couldn't figure out what was going on. 'It's up to Edward.'

We all turned to Edward. His eyes narrowed when he looked at one of the wolves. It was Sam Uley....
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Emmett's POV
After the "accident" Alice went with Carlisle and Esme to his offish. I really started to get worried about her because she never acted like that. Sure, Alice and Jasper sometimes did fight, but not like that.

Edward took Jasper on a hunt. I offered to go with them but Edward said it's better if he does it alone. He thougt that I would get confused if he talked with Jasper while using his gift.

Bella took Renesmee to their cottage and Jacob was there too. I guess Bella was explaining what happened and that kind of stuff.

And so, Rose and I were alone on this awkward...
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posted by TwilightLovarr
Emmett's POV
Everyone rushed upstairs to see Alice screaming at Jasper and trying to bite him. Carlisle was holding Alice back but it took him a lot force. Since I'm the strongest vampire I decided to help him and I pinned her on the ground.

My beautiful wife walked over to Jasper who was shaking and looking with wide eyes at Alice. So much emotions scrolled over his face. Fear. Anger. Worry. Concern. Fear again. Confusion. It was so sad to see him like that. So... broken?
'Jasper?' my Angel whispered to him. 'Jasper it's okay,' she wrapped her arm around him. 'It's okay, you...
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