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posted by Rubyrings
My turn for the popular tag questions! I love answering questions, so I might end up doing quite a few of these. Let's begin:

How many countries have you been to?
Just Canada and the U.S. so far, but I have a whole wishlist!
What song most describes your love life right now?
“Holding Out For a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler. I refuse to be with anyone who's anything less than exactly what I wanted. Otherwise being perpetually single is better.
Is your father bald?
Actually, he's over sixty and still has a nice, thick head of hair. I had to answer this one just because he is so far from being bald!
How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
Not as many as I'd like! Although I'm more of a tops, pants, skirts, and dresses girl than a shoes girl. I tend to focus on the main parts of the outfit and not the little details. Actually, I don't tend to focus on details when it comes to anything.
How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
My parents never told me Santa was real. And I'm not sure I could have come back from it if they had - I just know I'd have seen it as a breach of trust!
What’s your eye colour?
What would be on your perfect slice of pizza?
Banana peppers, olives, and feta cheese. Yummm....
What would you eat every day if you could?
One thing with cheese (mac & cheese, lasagna, cheese & tomato sandwich, pizza); either one chicken dish (chicken leg, chicken fingers, etc), some sort of meat sandwich, or a hamburger; and something chocolate and/or cake-like.
What was the last book that you read?
I'm in the middle of an abridged version of “The Three Musketeers”, and also working my way through the complete Arabian Nights.
What is your zodiac sign?
What is the worst movie that you have ever seen?
Unpopular opinion maybe, but I hated “Singin' In the Rain”. They made a big joke out of a woman losing her whole life's career due to a circumstance beyond her control. Not to mention the woman in question had a very high voice, and I have a very high voice, so I related to that character for the very reason they were mocking her and basically saying she deserved to lose her career for.
Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
I don't care, so long as I can be certain the boy in question isn't looking for anything more, because then that would get awkward. I am a firm believer in not eliminating half the world's population as potential friends, but also don't think friendship and romantic feelings, requited or not, past or present, can coexist.
How often do you listen to music?
Every day. Can humans survive without it??
Are you a social or an antisocial person?
Am I comfortable? Do I like you?
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Wouldn't want to be, really. I don't think it's healthy.
If you could change your eye colour? What colour will you pick?
If I could change my eye colour, I'd just want the ability to make my eyes any colour at any given time. Otherwise I'd just get bored and wish I'd picked something else.
Do I prefer to cook in or eat out?
I would eat out almost every day if I could.
How many languages can I speak?
I speak fluent English (obviously) and can read a book or maybe hold a simple conversation in French. (I still need a dictionary sometimes!)
How many siblings do I have?
I have one sister.
What is my favourite fashion accessory?
Either hair bows or earrings. Preferably big, fun earrings!
When is my birthday?
July 22
Which do I prefer? Action or comedy?
The genre doesn't matter to me. Either one could be really great or just stupid. It depends entirely on plot, characters, and theme, and how the story is handled. Genre has nothing to do with it.
Which would I pick? A million dollars or true love?
Which would I pick? The perfect job or the perfect relationship?
How about if I pick a world where you don't have to sacrifice one life category in order to be fulfilled in another? Honestly. Since when is life about choosing where you want to be unfulfilled?!
Would I prefer a big wedding or a small wedding?
Ooh, a big, fancy party. A whole event, like a princess getting married.
How important are children to you?
Interesting wording. Of course children are important; humanity couldn't continue without them, and they deserve all the love and attention and care in the world. That still doesn't mean I want to have any!
What is my shoe size?
5 1/2, so pretty much the smallest you can get unless I were a full size 5!
Would you rather live in a rural area or the suburbs?
Why isn't "big city" an option? Neither of these sound appealing to me! Too quiet.
Vanilla or chocolate?
You know I'm all about the chocolate. Vanilla actually tastes amazing, don't get me wrong, but when chocolate is an option?? How can you even make this a choice!
Steak or Burger?
I love burgers. I think beef tastes best when it's ground!
Meat or fish?
Meat, absolutely. I am actually not a big fan of fish – apart from sushi, or fish n' chips, or tuna spread, which is actually one of my favourite foods.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee. Mostly because it feels more – well, forbidden than tea does. But also because it has more body, it feels like more of a comfort drink.
Texting or phone calls?
Talking on the phone makes me really uncomfortable, so, texting it is.
What is my middle name?
What kind of books do I like?
What kind of movies do I love?
Exciting, adventurous, with characters you can really root for and see why they're the good guys, along with villains it's equally obvious why they're the bad guys. A theme I can believe in, and an ending that leaves you with a wonderful good feeling and a sense that goodness will always prevail. Incidentally, I don't find many books which fit the bill.
If I had to enter a competition for the “Most Uselessly Unique Talent,” what would that talent be?
I would recite whole passages from favourite movies and from Calvin and Hobbes comic strips, from memory. And I would not allow anyone to call this talent useless.
Would you consider yourself romantic?
Looks or Personality?
Most of these either-or questions make no sense to me. I don't see how a romance can possibly work if either one is missing. You're going to hold and kiss someone you don't consider incredibly attractive?? You're going to spend your whole life with someone you can't see eye-to-eye with?? I can only imagine this question refers only to one-night stands... in which case you have to start by asking whether we would even want that.
How do you take your coffee?
Generally with a couple of sugars; otherwise it's too bitter for me. I also like flavoured lattes.
Would you appreciate an ability to read people’s mind?
Probably not! I think, most of the time, I wouldn't want to know.
Would you date your best friend?
If I had a male best friend, and he was my type, I hope I would have noticed that before our relationship developed into anything other than a romantic one. See my previous answer about guys and friendships.

So, there we are! My answers. I hope I answered every question I wanted to - there were a lot of these! (Part 2, anyone???) Well, enjoy!
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