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Yin Jian
Yin Jian
Ming Yue woke up one bright and sunny morning to the sound of birds chirping. Feeling cheery and energetic today was the day he would officially begin his training under the Taisho and would learn the bases of Inuyoukai style and technique for battle, namely the Wind Scar.

After observing his abilities The Taisho made the decision to train Ming Yue in the arts of Inuyoukai warfare. At first figuring the child needed a better way to spend his time, instead of dancing and this was it. If Ming Yue could learn to be like a Fang then maybe could be a Fang and so he would teach him. The child was strong and had power, which was unheard of for Lunar Hound, at least not the exceptional level of power he has demonstrated. He had never been more surprised and delighted at any discovery.

From then on he yearned to test his abilities and know his limits and to know the potential of Ming Yue’s skills. With the suspicion that his father was reborn as his one son only growing, he eagerly persuaded the small boy to prepare for rigorous training.

That evening Ming Yue ate his first full course meal in moths, and then some. His parent’s especially his mother was astounded, though she didn’t approve of the thought of Ming Yue being trained to live like a Fang, in her position in life as a second to her spouse she was at a loss with little influence on the matter—you must separate Ming Yue from his father… he will turn him into a rock.

From then on Ming Yue’s health returned rapidly, and observing this White Moon could not complain. The boy was healthy, and to her he seemed happy. So for the first few months of training she said nothing. Yet the premonition remained. Ming Yue’s skill was definitely superb, she had to admit. Almost too superb, almost to the point where even she began to believe that Ming Yue could become a Fang and take on the role in life as his father’s successor, and that their lineage could be preserved through him without the need for her to bear a second. She couldn’t help but think to herself when something seems too good to be true, then that means it usually is.

He will become a rock.

Ming Yue never danced again and spent more time in the courtyard training then he did in the garden. He was still reclusive though, and would get mad whenever anyone would try to watch him practice, or even shower him with praise. He would run out of the room or out of view or snarl at them, so they would know they were invading his space and weren’t welcome. The Taisho over looked this, continuously saying the he will learn… he will learn, he’s only a child, but he will grow to learn proper manners soon enough. What was more he seemed to forget all about the capture and the moment he spent struggling with that unknown demon, Yomi.

For a year the training went well, Ming Yue and the Taisho were never closer, bonding as father and son through the arts of warfare and swords and swordsmanship. The Taisho even became so zealous over the child’s abilities that he would cart him around with him to visit with friends and neighbors, great demons of the higher ranks just so he could show him off.

Just a year before the Taisho kept the boy bottled up with his mother at the main castle embarrassed at his odd behavior and stubborn constitution. But now that he was suddenly such a proper little boy it was as if all of a sudden he had a new son, and couldn’t have been happier.

The child was beautiful—that is what everyone would say. Such an attractive young man—you’ll have to chase away the ladies with a stick and they would laugh and muse, and all in good humor. Then marvel at his skill, his refine swordsmanship and respond astoundingly at the fact that his blows and strikes generate more force and power then the nation’s top leading guards and even that of the minor lords.

Conversations over the praise would ensue and issue all sorts of various accounts from the Taisho and he reminisced in fine detail of all the most notable points that he could bring up about Ming Yue. Such as in one conversation the Taisho indulged his company in the tale of his first day of training with Ming Yue, the day he taught him the Scar of the Wind.

As the Taisho spoke Ming Yue sat quietly by and listened. His father’s words resurfacing memories of his own. When Ming Yue was first told that he would be learning the Taisho’s famous technique, the famed Scare of the wind he was delighted. To him it was like his entire life was about to change. He would learn the arts of Inuyoukai warfare, battle, fighting and ways to power and become a warrior. He will live in the footsteps of his father and become a great lord. He would be famed throughout the demon’s world as one of the Daiyoukai, the great rulers of the Demon’s plains. He saw it as if his entire life flashed before his eyes, and it was a vision of glory.

His eyes sparkled at the very thought, and so it was.

He would learn the Wind Scar just like daddy uses, and it would be just a start. Though he already knew this technique from previous life experiences, but at this tender age memory had yet to resurface such old and buried talents, skills from a life spent and past. And so on the morning of that day, after a quick breakfast of goat’s milk, eggs and cheese he threw on his training robe and beginners armor, and ran to the courtyard where his father awaited.

When Ming Yue arrived his father greeted him graciously and lovingly, “So Ming Yue today you will learn the basis of Inuyoukai fighting, are you prepared?”

The boy nodded, his bright eyes burning with excitement, and it was the right sign the Taisho was looking for.

The Taisho smiled, “that’s good, so you are ready then we will begin.”

Again Ming Yue nodded. This was exciting.

“Alright then, now listen closely for every Inuyoukai the base technique we use is the Wind Scar, but this isn’t a technique that I can simply teach you. You must learn it by discovering it for yourself. You must perceive it only then can it be mastered. Do you understand?”

Nodding was his signal, words simply did not come readily to him, but he was ready.

“Good, now the Wind Scare is a mystical path that forms when the auras of demons collide. By discovering this path, by perceiving it one can seize that combined energy and release it at his enemy, but only you can devise how this is done. Do you understand?”

Once more he nodded.

“Very well, now show me!” The Taisho backed away with his sword, just an ordinary training blade positioned in an offensive stance for an incoming attack. Seeing this Ming Yue did the same, and began to charge up his aura. His power emanated from his tiny form like a glowing blue bubble encircling him perfectly, reaching out to engage with the Taisho’s aura of flaring gold and violet colors.

And then the clash, Ming Yue immediately felt the immensity of his father’s power and just knew deep down that any attempt he would make at an attack would be minimal. That any attempt at cutting through the Wind Scar with his aura at the level it was that it wouldn’t even faze him. Father is strong. He looked at his father’s aura and then he looked at his own, and was sure of it, in his mind after scaling the difference he made his move.

Ming Yue flew directly at his father, but instead of aiming for the Wind Scar he struck head on and hit the Taisho’s breast plate with his claws causing it to crack and break. He broke through the Wind Scar with his body so he took in a good deal of energy when he did, so the damage was more than the Taisho expected.

Catching his father by surprise, the Taisho hesitate taking a moment to assess the damage to his armor, then said, “Ming Yue did you not see it? Had you failed to perceive the scare of the wind? That you attack me directly?”

Ming Yue thought for a minute then just looked perplexed, but then like with every other response he just shook his head.

“Then explain if you can see it why did you not cut at it?”

Ming Yue pondered, and then gave the only answer he could and said, “I don’t want to use the Wind Scar, I want to learn something else.”

“What? Why do you say this? All Inuyoukai must know this the Wind Scar is for basic form. It will focus you.”

But the boy just shook his head and said out, “because my scare isn’t strong enough, hitting straight is better, it’s stronger.”

When the Taisho heard this he was stunned and he stared at Ming Yue. Not sure if this was a good answer or a poor one or was just plain foolish. Wondering, Ming Yue my son, do you have the eyes to gage your own power before displaying it, or are you just playing it safe? Or could it be because of doubt that you say this? Could you truly know what you are capable of before even trying?

As doubtful as this seemed, with demons anything was possible, a thought the Taisho always kept in mind, as it was something his father had also taught to him. “Ming Yue,” he said abruptly, “I want you to come at me with your full force, but this time I want you to use the scare of the wind. Do this and I will judge your rank of power.”

This excited Ming Yue for he nodded more compliantly than before and stood strait up, arms down at his sides like a little soldier. When given the signal he leapt, and obeying the Taisho’s command sliced at the fissure where the power’s collided releasing a blue ray of light at the Taisho.

The Taisho flinched, he had expected to meet with blades, but instead he got a blast of even pressure. It was fairly strong that he needed to brace himself or get pushed back, but it fed him all the information he needed to properly judge Ming Yue power.

So he doesn’t form blades? Not even from his claws?

“Again,” the Taisho demanded. Ordering Ming Yue to do the same, the child obliged and the attack he released was identical to the last.

“Again!” the Taisho insisted and it was the same, Ming Yue’s power would not form blades, just blasts of great pressure. Now the Wind Scar was a very particular technique and without blades it loses its effect, and so as it turns out Ming Yue was correct, that attacking directly did prove more effective, but at the same time it left him exposed to a direct defense and assault in return, which the Taisho had observed quite keenly.

The child was quick and incredibly agile and his energy was potent and pure, his greatest weakness seemed to be his body which was discovered very easily. When the Taisho used his fist to knock him back the boy went down easier than he should, buckled down and lost consciousness… a Fang would have gotten up and kept fighting.

After wards the Taisho contemplated, so it’s confirmed Ming Yue is a demon with the potential of great power yet he’s a defensive fighter, his power generates to keep his opponents at a distance with incredible force, yet it’s his body concerns me. He doesn’t have the physical resilience of a warrior’s build, born a Lunar Hound he’s physically weaker than a male should be, it’s his nature. I’ll just have to train him to work with range. No more of these strait forward assaults and direct contact. He will master the arts of defense and offence when necessary. Right now with the level of energy he displays he could easy incinerate B level demons with his defensive power, perhaps higher, and without the need for anything, but his raw energy, and at his age, amazing. With the right training there’s no telling how powerful he could become. The Taisho narrowed his eyes, there’s no telling how soon it will be before he surpasses even me.

The Taisho told his story he spoke only of the most notable points, leaving out any reference to weakness and had gone incredibly out of his way to describe Ming Yue’s defensive skills as new and creative. Likewise the boy’s fame quickly grew and even demons of foreign nations began to hear about the tales and wonder of the likely future heir of the West, the son of the Great Taisho, Fang of the Westernlands.

After that first year the Taisho, began to entertain the thought of making Ming Yue his official heir of the nation and of power. However when he brought this up to his wife she seemed less that pleased over the prospect. Later on that night, and with strong words the Lady approached her husband and began what would later lead to the most monumental argument in all the period of their affair, and the most life changing moment for Ming Yue.

“Taisho,” she called out, clearly revealing that she was displeased about something, “a word.”

The Taisho knew this tone, and knew he was in for something. The argument commenced as this, “No, he’s a Lunar Hound you cannot name him Heir of Power! It isn’t right!” she hollered, attempting to reason, but the Taisho’s mind was already set.

“He’s a fine boy; his power grows by the day. He’ll make a fine lord!”

“You only say that now that you’ve discovered he can fight, but just watch I’m sure you’ll be shocked at the lord he does become!”

“You think speak less of him then I would have expected White Moon, he will learn.”

“You are a fool; you cannot alter our son’s nature to suit your whims! Sure your intentions may be seen noble, but in your ambitions you intend to brainwash our son to behave in a way not natural to him. I tell you it will amount to disaster! You will see. Ming Yue will never become a proper Fang Lord. He was born a Lunar Hound he will die one, there’s nothing you can do to change that! It’s his fate!”

“We will see.”

The proper way for am Inuyoukai to inherit the rights of power is simple, he had to become a Great Demon a power in his own right and over throw the current lord. This was the tradition. In doing this the nation is assured a great ruler. It the way of succession for the last ninety thousand years, Great Fang the Taisho was the seventeenth generation ruler destine to be overthrown by the next. As it stood Ming Yue was the only demon in line for that position.

Not much more was said after that, or needed to be. The words were spoken and had remained with them both. Settling on the notion that only time will tell which of them was right, from who was wrong. Still Lady Moon looked for windows of opportunity to reengage the subject, but never found it. However as time went on within the following months the Taisho’s overzealous, enthusiasm of Ming Yue’s potential began to take an unexpected turn and that the Lady was about to see was a step too far.

She first learned of it, of this big change, when a servant came up to her and asked how she should address the new young lord of the castle. Naturally this was viewed as an odd question, but when she inquired the maid said something to her that as it turned out was more of a revelation then an inquiry on her part, “My lady, of course I speak of the young Lord Yin Jia̅n, or Silver Fang of the Inuyoukai.”

Silver Fang, of the Inuyoukai—what…. who is she speaking of? Then it occurred to her.

Great Fang you didn’t!

Lady Moon was shocked, and at first had thought the maid was speaking of some child she had never heard of, a child possibly a bastard brought in from one of his mistresses, of which he had a few and had the nerve to grant a proper title. Then after a moment her senses returned, and as sharp as ever realized the maid was speaking of Ming Yue. Yin Jia ̅n… Silver Fang! The Taisho, she exclaimed in silent furry now he has done it!

How dare he! How dare he change Ming Yue’s name like that!

Now nothing withheld her and she stormed the castle like she had never done and when she found him, laid into him like never before. Fortunately for her, yet hardly for the Taisho, he was not alone. His ministers and other company, minor lords of state among other nobles were there when she arrived. Her eyes flaring viciously—“how dare you!” she said out right. “How dare you change our son’s name without informing me?”

That Taisho was shocked at this but kept his composure.

“White Moon contain yourself we have guests…”

She stormed into the room, “I don’t give a damn about YOUR guests, yet another thing you failed to lay by me before engaging in your little party!”

“No because I have respected your wish for privacy.” The Taisho countered, when she struck him a hard slap across the cheek. “I’ll say it again; how dare you think you can just sweep him out from under me! You think you can just do as you please because you are Lord! You believe you can make anything happen because you have all the power. You put me aside, take our son and mold him like putty in your hands, is that what he is? You think you can just change his name, a name that has proper meaning for which he is… a name I gave him not you!”

“I have given our son a fit for his position in life—a position he had proven worthy of…”

“Little more than a year ago you won’t even look at him, you were embarrassed because he liked flowers and dancing more than socializing with others or even caring about how they lived. Never once did he look at a sword. And you know why he didn’t Ming Yue is a Lunar Hound!” she shouted. “Yet what is this, Yin Jia ̅n nonsense I’ve been hearing about? Who in Hell is Yin Jia ̅n? I know of no Inuyoukai by that name that’s lived in centuries. The name of a proper Fang! WE don’t have a proper Fang son, and by the looks of it my dear husband you’re not likely to get one, because I am beginning to lose my passion with you.” And she showed her neck, the marks that were placed upon her on their wedding day, her mating mark was faded.

The mating mark was a mystical scar that showed up on the flesh of the chosen mate of a dominate Inuyoukai, and or canine lord, or simply the dominate male and bound them together. The mark the Taisho left with Lady Moon was small like everything else about her, a petite, but bright purple line, much like the scars on her cheeks, but was easily hidden beneath the collar of her robe at the base of her neck. But now it could barely be seen, and once gone the marriage would be broken, her ties to the Taisho severed.

Should this happen, the Taisho would lose access to the only remaining ‘proper mate’ of their race and linage. Thus the chance for a son, or any further children of pure descent he could have looked forward to would be lost. Should Ming Yue fail, there would be no one to take his place. Ming Yue would be an only child.

The Taisho hadn’t considered this.

“White Moon you are saying you would sacrifice the future of our…”

“Not me, YOU! You unbelievable fool! Why do you think this is happening? This mark was fine this morning! It’s because of you! Fawning over Ming Yue like he’s chameleon of possibilities and can be just anything you want. I told you once before continue down this path and nothing good will come of it. I’m about to leave you and our son will one day discover that his entire life has been a lie!”

“Is this true Taisho?” one of the guests inquired.

The Taisho felt a chill slip up his spine, as the realization of his company, demons he had invited that evening for the sole purpose of celebrating Ming Yue’s promotion in stature, thus the changing of his name having bore witness to this outburst came crashing down. He turned to the guests. The room was silent and everyone was staring, dozens of eyes glaring at him waiting for an answer.

Fortunately he was glad Ming Yue; the newly renamed Yin Jia ̅n wasn’t there. It was late so he was already in bed, which was the only good fortune that evening had to offer.

“Is it true what the Lady says, about your son… he is Lunar Hound?”

“Is it also true you never discussed this with the Lady?”

It was well known throughout the higher standing demons that the Lunar Hound was mate of the Ruler. However rather or not this understanding was to the extent that it is simply what the mate of the lord was called as from the actual understanding of the difference between a Lunar Hound and a Fang was remains up to debate.

Still the point of this event’s affairs was to celebrate the reckoning of a new potential Fang Lord, and yet the lady in protest addressed this potential lord as a Lunar Hound, the intended mate of the future lord? Confusion arose amongst the guest as they all at once began to utter and murmur amongst themselves, the mentioning of Lunar Hounds seeming to come up with every other sentence.

The Taisho was speechless, and could not bring himself to admit it was true. That Ming Yue was indeed born a Lunar Hound and at first he did reject him because of it. But now it was different, Ming Yue was… a demons fate that can’t be changed, and yet here he was doing all he could in his power to turn Ming Yue into a Fang and was damn proud of the progress and result he was seeing… and yet, as the saying went was it too good to be true? Was Lady Moon right? Is what he is trying to do wrong… wrong for Ming Yue, and wrong for the nation?

He shook himself out of it, but before he could open his mouth, Lady Moon cut him off. And what she had to say shook his foundations. From which he never fully recovered the same level of confidence he had felt towards Ming Yue. “Let me just say this mister Great Demon,” she began, “so you are… and should you fail to produce a second heir one day our son will meet a man and when he does THAT demon will become lord of these lands NOT him. Mark my words, Great Fang for that is the right and power of the Lunar Hound. We are the ones with the power to make kings not you!” And then she turned around and left, but before vanishing from sight she concluded the conversation by saying this, “Oh I wanted to inform you that I am leaving. I’ve decide to have a holiday in the east and I’m taking Ming Yue. I will be visiting with Hamot, and have already sent out and informant letter to announce our arrival so it’s expected. There’s nothing you can say.” then she vanished.

It was a lie of course, and one that had just sprung off the top of her mind, to serve as a final moment of defiance, but the thought of getting away from there and from him certainly more than appealed to her. Not to mention to separate him from Ming Yue now having become her top priority. Just hopefully it wasn’t already too late… he will become a rock.

It was true; this was the power of the Lunar Hound, for whoever they marry becomes the rightful lord and ruler of the nation. The Fang can marry from outside the clan, but their bride is always referred to as mistress, not Lady or Queen. Something the Taisho had also not considered—that Ming Yue did in fact possess the power to crown another demon Lord of the Nation, and he had the power to do this for any demon, nothing could discredit it.

It was the fang’s duty to province a proper heir for succession, a Fang prodigy fit for rule, fir for the nation and fit for the Lunar Hound.

One day Ming Yue will meet a man, and that Demon will become the Lord, not Ming Yue.

Should you fail to produce a second heir.

Meet a man.

What man?

Far beyond troubled the Taisho stood there in silence and watched her go, knowing that if he did or said anything it would only have served to attribute more to the scene. The thought if he were lesser of a man he would have struck, but held back his fists—the nerve of her! He was outraged, but under these conditions and with the situation being what it was he couldn’t. The guests were all standing around him still waiting for answers.

When he had little to say, but to confirm what Lady Moon had addressed the guests were less than amused and left. Once alone the Taisho burned with the desire to lay into Lady Moon as a punishment for her outburst but again thought better of it—could she be right?

One day our son will meet a man and when he does THAT demon will become lord of these lands NOT him!’ the words ran through his mind, ‘We are what make you not the other way around…. Mark my words.’ The Lunar Hounds have the power to create kings?

Thinking about it more he had to admit it was true. Lady Moon his wife, though she was considered his inferior was still a demon of the highest rank, supreme stature and possessed the greatest level of refinement of all demons in the known world. She was indeed a lady fit to be a king’s wife, or that should any man marry her rather of noble rank or not he would instantly inherit the rights of a lord. Naturally a man would have to be viewed as worth in her eye first of course, but… still, should this fate ever truly come before Ming Yue, or rather he newly appointed Silver Fang, in whose hands will the nation fall? What manner of demon would Ming Yue choose?

No, I won’t allow the risk. It is possible that I have been too hasty with Ming Yue, though changing his name was necessary should he fail in his mission we can’t afforded him making a poor choice. Ming Yue is definitely the only hope for the preservation of our rule. For the security of the nation the land must have a Fang. So that is it I will live for as long as I can until a Fang can be born, and I will be certain to father this Fang myself, with or without White Moon.

Ming Yue will prove himself able to succeed me or fail at the hands of his brother should the younger Fang prove the greater demon, as it should be.
Yin Jian
Yin Jian
Sesshomaru age 12 (human years)
Sesshomaru age 12 (human years)
The Taisho
The Taisho
added by sesshyswind
Source: google
Chapter 1 Tested

Beta Reader needed!! Calling a Beta-Readers!!! This is the new rewritten version, seeking reader's appoval. So if you look at this, or read any of it please leave a review, so I know what you think. Is it good, is it better or do you prefer the original? (for those that actually read it) I would greatly appriciate some feed back, kay :)

The angel went up.

Sesshomaru braced himself for attack. He instigated this battle, but he should have known it was a battle he couldn’t win!


How life can change so quickly. Sesshomaru had heard this saying before, but it bore little meaning....
continue reading...
added by sesshyswind
Source: google
added by sesshyswind
Source: google
added by sesshyswind
Source: google
added by sesshyswind
Source: google
Chapter 2

“Stranger explain yourself, why do you barge in unannounced into a person’s home?”

Kagome just froze, and stared back at the familiar face, a face she knew so well. A face she both loathed and perhaps even a little feared, about a face for whom she had also an ilking of sympathy towards believing she was the living dead. And yet, Kikyo stepped forwards her eyes cold and narrow glaring almost threatening at her. “Explain yourself, and why is it you claim to know me?”

A icy chill rose up Kagome’s spine chilling her to the bone. This was Kikyo that was addressing her, she should...
continue reading...
added by sesshyswind
Source: me (moonOfYomi)
added by sesshyswind
This is just a simple thing I put together as a promo for my fanfic mainly using screencaps and images found on google along with a few modified images. The piece I used is the "Moonlight Sontana" by Beethoven. No infringement or profit intended.
fan fiction
moonlight sonata
added by sesshyswind
My second attempt at animation. I made this one with four stills on paint.
This is the complete abridged parody by TeamFourStar, DBZ season 1 movie.
added by sesshyswind
lil something I made :)
silver moon
added by sesshyswind
Kurama AMV
added by sesshyswind
Much watch this, it's fricken wacked. Makes you wander what the writers and animators were on? XD
you tube
betty boop
Cool episode, sometimes hard to find.
you tube
ghost adventures
added by sesshyswind
charlie the unicorn
added by sesshyswind
From Fosters Home of Imaginary Friends on the Cartoon Network :)
cartoon network
posted by sesshyswind
This is an artical I make for myself. It's a collection of every Saharah related thing I've posted here on Fanpop so far. Hoping this will make searching through my work, and knowing what I have posted and what I havent and where much easier :)

The chapters (offical)

Chapter 1 original

Chapter 1 (rewritten-open beta)

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter (Previews)

Chapter 24



chapter 26

Chapter 29 parts 1-8
part 1 link


>part 3 not accounted for :/





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My favorite song from my favorite album, FULLY ORCHESTRATED!!!!!! I swear listing to this I think I died and went to Heaven! hehehe When I first heard this I almost cried, that's how good it is!
cradle of filth
a gothic romance