Shane Sullen Club
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Character Chart
Character's full name: H7BITLZ99
Reason or meaning of name: It's his serial code from his project number.
Character's nickname: Light.
Reason for nickname: That was what he was called by the Scientists working on him.
Birth date: 31st Dec.
Theme: Average Man by Obie Trice.

Physical appearance
Age: A little under 7 months.
How old does he/she appear: 15.
Weight: It depends. Generally about 45 pounds.
Height: 3"4.
Body build: Anorexic, but he has a slight, lean muscle on him.
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye colour: Sickly, glowing yellow.
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Light grey.
Distinguishing marks: Dark, insomniac bags under his eyes and longer, forward-pointing ears.
Predominant features: Fluffy tail, very messy hair, slit pupils.
Type of hair: Dark grey, almost black.
Hairstyle: Very messy, hanging over his eye and sticking out in every direction. No-one knows what his hair is like at the back though, due to his never-removed hood.
Voice: It's fairly normal, although he does have an almost maniacal edge to it, when he's yelling, this maniacal tone is much more obvious; it's almost as if the two different voices 'compete' to be more dominant.
Overall attractiveness: Interesting. The kind of person you'd be interested in getting to know but don't out of fear, because he's actually quite repulsive.
Physical disabilities: None.
Usual fashion of dress: Medium-grey oversized hoodie with silver duct-tape on the sleeves, it's unknown as to what he usually wears under that. Black jeans, and black and dark yellow runners.
Jewelry or accessories: He has a small sash attached to his belt, which he can clip small items onto, like keys.

Good personality traits: Frighteningly loyal to those he considers close to him, very determined, persistent, and confident. Very, very rarely, he can show a soft, tender side; the side of him he doesn't show to just anyone because he considers it a weakness.
Bad personality traits: He's a total jerk to just about everyone, cocky and overconfident in the best of times, and he has a very foul mouth. He has the whole, 'I do what I want when I want,' attitude down-pat which often makes him seem like even more of a jerk than he really is. He's rude, apathetic, and generally an asshole.
Mood character is most often in: Sly and sarcastic.
Sense of humour: Sadistic. As said, he's a total jerk. He finds the idea of throwing people off the sides of buildings hysterical. Especially when said people explode. If you took him to see Final Destination he'd laugh the whole way through.
Character's greatest joy in life: Running over the city buildings, hurtling objects in his path, and feeling the adrenaline rush when he does something that most people would consider stupid.
Character's greatest fear: Contained scientific areas.
Why?: He was born in a tube, to specifically be the host of a biological weapon created by the US Defense Force. The project was failed. He was considered a danger, and so several weapons where created to destroy him. He has the feeling that everyone in the science industry is out to get him, hence the intense phobia.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? If one of the few people important to him in life died. of course, that's something everyone fears, but especially because 99% of people want him dead, on the off opportunity that he meets someone who he can genuinely enjoy the company of, he tends to get clingy and overprotective.
Character is most at ease when: He's running through the streets, causing anarchy and destroying things.
Most ill at ease when: He's in a hospital or other medical facility. As said earlier, he hates these sorts of environments.
Enraged when: He's denied something he wants. Due to his somewhat self-involved attitude and abilities, he's used to getting whatever he wants. When he's denied something he wants he can tend to spiral into a rage or hissy-fit.
Depressed or sad when: After he's had a hissy-fit and realised that he still isn't going to get what he wants, he usually then tries the 'cute and sad' act. It doesn't usually work either, though.
Priorities: Yxari is his No. 1. She's who he's dedicated to and who he looks after. Usually, he sees everything as 'his'- Things that are his right to do, his right to hurt. For Yxari, however, he considers himself 'hers' and that it's her right to do whatever she wishes with him or any of his own claimed things/people.
Life philosophy: "All of life's problems can be solved by eating them!"
If granted one wish, it would be: To have total freedom to do whatever he wanted.
Why?: As it is, people don't take kindly to being eaten. He gets in a lot of trouble (as in, the entire US military after him trouble) because of his preferred sports activities. He really just wants to be left to his gore in peace.
Character's soft spot: Yxari.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Somewhat. Yxari herself knows, and when she's brought up in conversation around him, he tends to get a little shy and dreamy.
Greatest strength: His abilities.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: If one were to create a vaccine and was able to get close enough to him, then he could very well die. Also, he doesn't have that much physical stamina and can be worn down.
Biggest regret: When he escaped the labs, he killed a lot of the scientists working there out of rage. He regrets some of those lives he ended, because he knew them, and knew that not all of them where bad people.
Minor regret: Infecting Shane.
Biggest accomplishment: Forming a lasting, good relationship with several people without killing them.
Minor accomplishment: Getting accepted into High School.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: None at this point.
Why?: n/a.
Character's darkest secret: He has to eat people on a regular basis to live.
Does anyone else know? Yes, mainly his close friends and family.

Drives and motivations: Typically he's very lazy, but when he sets his mind to something and motivates himself to do it, he will do it well.
Immediate goals: Don't get expelled from School. Again.
Long term goals: Graduate at current School.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By not killing anyone and getting caught, and by trying his hardest in each class. (Yeah, like THAT'S gonna happen.)
How other characters will be affected: Shane would be very proud of him, as would most people. Most people would then probably run away in fear of being eaten.

Hometown: Grant Island in the Pacific Ocean- A concealed, small Island used in WWII as an airfield, but has since been turned into a DARPA testing field.
Type of childhood: He didn't have much of a childhood, considering his unnatural origin. He was forced to 'grow up' very fast.
Pets: None.
First memory: His first moment of 'life'- When he was released from the comatose state the Scientists had him in and saw those bright lights above his head as he woke.
Most important childhood memory: The day he was released from his metaphorical cell.
Why?: At the time, he was unaware of the significance in that occasion. Later, he discovered that because of the luck involved in that situation, he became someone he never thought he would be able to be. He isn't proud of what happened that day, but he's thankful for it.
Childhood hero: None.
Dream job: When he was young, he didn't have any desire due to lack of emotion. He was fuelled purely on destructive instinct, and as such, destroying things was all he wanted to do.
Education: After being adopted by Shane, he was sent to a local Civilian School. He has the potential to do very well in class, but due to his conflicting personality and aggression he doesn't get much done in class. Other than throwing tables at people who piss him off.
Religion: Atheist. He believes strongly in evolution and science and if you dare tell him otherwise he'll metaphorically bite your head off.
Finances: Good. He has everything he needs and a bit more, but he isn't spoilt.

Current location: Texas.
Currently living with: His adoptive parents, Tenanah and Shane, and his two 'siblings,' Shock and Azuen. And his girlfriend, Yxari.
Pets: None.
Religion: Atheist.
Occupation: He has a part-time job at McDonalds.
Finances: Enough to get him his video games and the occasional gift for Yxari.

Mother: Tenanah Bluefern.
Relationship with her: They get into the occasional fight, and there's a bit of rivalry going on, but they care for each other.
Father: Shane Sullen.
Relationship with him: They get on quite well in conversation and they have a very strong bond, but as with any parental figure, they do get into fights over morals and needs quite often.
Spouse: None. He does have a girlfriend though, Yxari.
Relationship with him/her: Awkward. After Yerra broke up with him, he's very uncertain about where he stands. He'd do anything for her in a heartbeat, he just doesn't know what to do.
Siblings: Azuen Sullen and Shock Sullen.
Relationship with them: Azuen- To be honest, Azuen just kinda annoys Light. Because he's left in charge when Tenanah and Shane are out, he constantly has to stop Azuen from doing the kind of things a two-year-old would do. Shock- Light can be a total asshole to him sometimes, but it's more so a sort of rough sibling relationship than anything else. He's very protective of Shock.
Children: None.
Relationship with them: n/a.
Other important family members: The Scientists at DARPA. But the Sullen clan was a better family than they ever were.

Colour: Dingy-pale yellow.
Least favorite colour: Blue.
Music: Eminem, Obie Trice, and Skrillex.
Food: People.
Literature: Horror.
Form of entertainment: Practising parkour and video games.
Expressions: That face that you pull right before you realise you're about to die.
Mode of transportation: Running and hurtling himself off of buildings, jumping through the city as fast he can.
Most prized possession: His hoodie.

Hobbies: Any sport, video games on Xbox Live, and dicking around with his friends.
Plays a musical instrument? No, but he does rap.
Plays a sport? Mainly Basketball, but he loves sport and will play just about anything that involves a lot of energy, considering he has boundless amounts.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: He wouldn't care if it was raining. He'd still go out and do whatever the hell he wanted to.
Spending habits: He has the habit of wanting to save up for something, but blowing it all on video games, new phones, or a new hoodie.
Smokes: Yes.
Drinks: Yes, but he isn't an alcoholic. Shane doesn't know about this.
Other drugs: No, but he's not above trying them if he got bored enough.
What does he/she do too much of? Leisure. He's far too relaxed about what he should be doing and is wasting his potential, going nowhere fast.
What does he/she do too little of? Homework and Schoolwork in general.
Extremely skilled at: Parkour and sports.
Extremely unskilled at: Social skills. He isn't shy in the slightest, but he has a knack of saying things that make people want to run away in fear without even noticing he's done something wrong.
Nervous tics: When he's nervous, he'll tap his foot quite fast and fidget.
Usual body posture: Slouched slightly, often leans on walls in the typical teen fashion.
Mannerisms: He's a social dickbag. He always manages to fuck up a conversation and can never seem to keep quiet. That having been said, he always remembers to say 'Thanks.'
Peculiarities: He likes to sit sideways or upside-down in chairs, and he has a liking to be at the highest point of wherever it is he is.

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil.
Logical or emotional? Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy.
Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? Well... He likes EATING them...

How he/she feels about himself/herself: I'm an okay guy. Lotta flaws, but to be honest? I just don't give a flying fuck.
One word the character would use to describe self: Badass.
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: I'm an asshole to just about everyone I meet, and I don't care for other people's perception of me. I am who I am and they can't make me change no matter how hard they try. I know I'm stubborn, but that's good material in a way- It means you can make a choice and stick to it, rather than floating around like a dainty little feather.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? My determination. If I want something done, it will be done. If something has to happen, I will make it happen. It might take some time, but I don't give up on stuff like that. Ever.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? I don't care about other's enough. It's kinda hard to care when they're all dicks to you, but others manage... Sometimes that makes me concerned about my own perception of people.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? My claws. I love them. So helpful...
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? My ears. They're ugly as fuck with the little darker thing inside them...
How does the character think others perceive him/her: I think a lot of people see me as a heartless monster. Sure, they're probably half right, but it's still only half. It'd be nice to at least be considered a living being every now and then.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: I'd like to be less impulsive and more patient.

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: If they aren't in his life then they aren't that important to him. Unless he knows them personally, he doesn't give a shit about them.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes, he'd rather come across as a jerk and cool than an emotional mess.
Person character most hates: No-one really.
Best friend(s): Mother, Shock, Yxari, Napster, and Evan.
Love interest(s): Yxari.
Person character goes to for advice: Shane or Tenanah.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Yxari, he sees her as fragile and is very protective of her.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Yxari.
Person character openly admires: Mother.
Person character secretly admires: Shane.
Most important person in character's life before story starts: No-one.
After story starts: Yxari.

Assuming they're strong emotions, how does this character deal with or react to:

-Anger: He'll growl, and take up a fighting stance. He won't hesitate to attack you when angered and he has a very short temper.

-Sadness: He'll hide away from everyone and keep to himself. He won't talk to any one for days on end and he may weep a bit.

-Conflict/Danger: He'll grin and laugh maniacally, form his claws and blindly swipe until the danger presents itself to him.

-Rejection: If it's by Yxari, he'll go into depression and probably go off to hurt himself, but if it's anyone else, then not a shit shall be given.

-Fear: He'll try and hide his fear, as he seems to think that having fear makes him not manly. That said, he'll be a lot more hesitant when he's scared and not as reckless as usual.

-Change: He adapts to change very well. He can make on-the-spot choices, so he'd just adapt and kept going with whatever his goal was.

-Loss: He'll figuratively curl up onto himself, and try to defend himself the best he can.

-Flirting: He'll playfully flirt back to most girls, but if it's Yxari he'll blush, turn away, and get all shy. Anyone else, he'll hit on to his hearts content.

-Pain: He will endure it the best he can, but if 'broken' he'll go back to basic instinct- Killing when he feels he has to, and overly defensive of everything.

-Stress: He'll find a way to worm out of any responsibility he doesn't want to take care of.

-Peer pressure: Generally, he ignores it, but if someone important to him pressures him enough he'll 'crack' and probably end up killing you.

-Guilt: He'll act all tough as if he doesn't care, but he does. But he's stubborn enough to never admit that.

-Being wrong: He won't give up his case, and when proven wrong he'll just throw whatever it is he's holding at you and not talk to you for the rest of the day.

-Being criticized: He'll try and change for the better, but he won't tell anyone. Most of the time he'll just shrug it off.

-Praise: He'll show off about it, and get all cocky about it.

-Love: When he's in love, he tends to shy away from it quite a bit. He finds the concept quite terrifying and would rather stay to himself.

-Being hated: He won't care.

-Humiliation: He'll shy away from people and hide away from everyone...
added by MephilesTheDark
This is a guy in my glass. He... Has fun at the local shops. xD;
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
 A shrill scream echoed through the dark prison. Demands and threats could be heard, with arguments entwined into the speech. Harsh fighting noises could also be heard if you listened well enough.
 The small woman lie on the floor, blood leaking from her mouth in a steady stream. With her eyes half-lidded, she curled up onto her knees and clutched her stomach in pain. The burly attacker just growled. 
 "For an executioner, you're really weak," he whispered in an emotionless voice. "I'm not surprised, though. You're a damn twig."
 The woman smiled wickedly with some of her last reserves of...
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Source: Sketch- Alex (IRL friend) Lines, colour- Me.
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Source: Me.
posted by MephilesTheDark
Needless to say, the exact same moment Dana saw the bright blue light and heard the yelling from inside, was the exact same moment she got worried.

Not about Alex, of course. He could look after himself. She was more worried about the poor civilians he was probably harassing right about now.

She knew this was something she'd regret seeing. She knew that when Alex got mad, there would be blood. She knew she wasn't adapted to that.

But as someone who had made a career out of being curious, she wanted to see anyway.

Unlike her brother, she didn't have superhuman abilities and as such, had much more...
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This song... I was listening to while drawing the Cover for Freefall. From this song, I think I have a basic idea as to where I might go with the story~
This song was the first song I listened to that made me think of a concept for Freefall. It brought the majority of the (so far) plotline.
He awoke to clanking, which pissed him off. He knew that it was someone coming down the metal staircase. When someone came down, they would face his left. The clanking was softer than usual, meaning it wasn't the ripped guard. All he could see through the iron handrail were two small, leather boots. They stopped on the stairs when he could see the knees. Whoever it was turned on her heels (he could tell it was a woman, since no man could wear that kind of footwear and be that small) and just stood there.
 "What do you want, Sid?" came a soft, feminine voice. Yep, definitely a woman. Light sighed....
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 Such a shame. He actually seemed like a decent man once he was locked up. The small girl flicked her middle finger against the syringe, making a significant 'ping!' sound. She sighed. The metal door to the small room opened with a sickening crrreeeeeak!, and she slowly made her way through. He was staring through the glass a the people who were related to his victims. His eyes were wide, bloodshot, and... scared. 
 The girl almost regretted becoming the Executioner. Almost. Not quite. 
 His eyes darted to her, and they screamed betrayal. His head couldn't move, he was in a tourniquet......
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AN: NOT A COUPLE STORY. This story is about the rogue man who finally got caught... Then meets one of the female guards. They become fast friends... 

 The black wolf was very, very pissed off. He allowed himself to be captured by the cops. He then realized how smart they had gotten. He couldn't snap the handcuff like he normally could. 'Well... That's new,' he thought to himself. He tried to struggle his way out of the cuffs, yet nothing happened. He was sitting in a cold metal chair, alone in the interrogation room. He groaned. 
 The door opened slowly, revealing the man in white. He was...
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added by MephilesTheDark
Yes. I imagine her to sound exactly like this when she speaks. Echo and everything. v_v
posted by MephilesTheDark
The call had been made and information had been exchanged.

Through a quick e-mail, Cole now had a basic idea as to what this Mercer person could do.

And to be frank, he was horrified. He'd thought those "Hunter" things he'd seen on that News report were bad... But that was nothing in comparison to the series of photos and videos Zeke had just sent him.

The first few slides were worrying at the very least, but as he scrolled down over the rest of the little entries, it just got worse, and worse, and worse...

Perhaps the most disturbing thing about his newly acquired Mercer knowledge was the fact...
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added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.