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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 1
Jesse all my clothes are dirty. What am I suppose to do? I asked while trying to find something clean.
Here, you can borrow some shorts and a t-shirt of mine. Jackson said.
It's okay, I don't have to go since I don't have any clothes. I said.
Put them on. Jackson said really mad.
What about a bra? I asked.
Do I look like I would own one? Jackson asked sarcasticly.
He threw the clothes at me and I went to go change.
I look like a boy. I said as I came out of the bathroom.
Nah, your girly in every way and besides you a boobs. Jackson said laughing.
Grow up. Do you really laugh at the word boobs? I asked.
No, I thought it was funny. Jackson said as he started to change.
Gosh, warn a girl before you start changing. I said.
Cassidy, your in high school. Boys will be after you. Jackson said.
Doubt it, no one wants to date a person like me. I said.
Look your free to do want you when you want to except when someone come to adopt one of us here. Jackson said.
Jackson no one is going to come here and adopt me. I am a 15 year old girl, no one wants me. I said.
Some one at some time is going to come here and adopt you. You just have to have hope. Jackson said.
I lost hope after I turn 8. I can't help it. I said.
You are still young, don't give up. I have hope. Jackson said.
You also have a place to go to when you turn 18. I said.
Yes I do and so do you. Jackson said.
You are going to adopt me when you turn 18? I asked excitedly.
Maybe, if they will let me. Jackson said.
I ran over and hugged him.
We need a cover story for school. Just in case someone asked. I said.
They will accept for who you are. Jackson said.
We need a cover story. I said.
Okay fine. Got any ideas? Jackson asked.
You are my brother and we just moved here. I said.
Where did we move from? Jackson asked.
We could say Cananda or whatever you want. I said.
Cananda it is. Let get to school. Jackson said.
Okayyy. I groaned.
Jackson grabbed the two backpacks and handed me mine.
These are huge backpacks. Does that mean we will have a lot of books and stuff? I asked.
Maybe or maybe not. Jackson said.
Uh oh. I said.
Jackson just shook his head and smiled.
Are we riding the bus? I asked.
No we are going to walk, we don't live far from it. Jackson said.
Joy. I said.
Be happy, you will meet people and have fun. Jackson said.
I'll try. I said.
Jackson went to the living room and stuck his hand down in the vase to get some money. No one really knew that we were up. If I had my own
room I would be asleep right now instead of walking to school.
Here is your lunch money. Jackson said as he handed it to me.
Thanks. Are you are your suppose to take the money? I asked.
We have to eat lunch. Jackson said.
Right. I said as we went ot the door.
What are you going to do when you have to grow up? I asked.
I don't know, probably stick around here and get a job at the pizza place. Jackson said.
You don't want to go off and go to college like other people? I asked.
I don't know. Jackson said.
What is your dream job? I asked.
On time I thought about opening a mancanic shop. You know fix cars. Jackson said.
Oh right. You should do it! I said.
What is with all the the questions this morning? Jackson asked.
Well, I don't want to keep you here and stop you from what you are wanting to do. I said hestatite.
Cassidy, you will never keep me from doing what I want. Jackson said.
Just making sure. I said.
We didn't talk much after that. We mostly just walked in silence.
I looked at Jackson when we got to school.
Your going to do fine. Jackson said.
How do you know? I asked.
Because I know and they will like you for who you are. Jackson said.
They look like a bunch of snobby rich kids. I said.
I know, they probably are. Let's go get your books. Jackson said.
I sighed and said okay. I followed him to the office.
How do you know your way around so much? I asked.
Cass, I have been going to a school that looks pretty much the same for 2 years. Jackson said.
Oh, I didn't know that. I said.
Of course, you slepted in till 3 every day when I got back. Jackson said laughing.
Oh, well that would make since. I said.
Kids stared as we walked passed. It was weird.
Why are they staring? I asked.
Because we are new. Jackson said.
Okay, I don't like this! I said.
It's new and something different. You are out of you comfort zone. Jackson said.
Please let's go before the princple sees us. I pleaded.
Too late, I see you! Princple said.
Jackson turned around and I just kept my back to him. He sounded scary!
Call me Mr Hagan. Mr princple Hangan said.
It is nice to meet you Mr Hangan. Jesse said as he shook hands or that is what I am guessing since he stuck his hand put.
It's nice to meet you Jackson. Mr princple Hanga. Said.
Jackson grabbed my shoulder and forced me to turn around to face the man.
It's nice to meet you Cassidy. Mr princple Hangan said.
It's nice to meet you too Mr Princple Hangan. I said quitely.
You can just call me Mr Hangan. Mr Hangan said.
I didn't say anything. I guess you could say that I was shy.
Let me show you around and than we can get your books. Princple Hagan said.
I followed Jackson who was following Hagan. He started speaking but I didn't really pay attion. We walked on this cool little bridge. It was a good ways up in the air. I was not far behind Jackson but far enough where I could here and have fun at the same time. I hopped up on the
railing and started walking. It wasn't that thick but it wasn't thin.
I really want to do a front flip on here. I thought it through a couple of times and than went for it.
I started running a little bit and than I went for it. I landed perfectly and than did a cart wheel.
Miss Cassidy! We do not do that here! That is your first warning.
Princeple Hagan said.
Sorry sir. Can I atleast walk up here? I asked.
No you cannot! If you fall you will get hurt or you might die! Princple Hagan said.
I just frowned and followed then to where ever they where going. It was quite boring, I did not like doing this. Thankfully this was only a one time thing. Or I hoped.
Cassidy! Mr Hagan yelled.
I jumped, I guess I was in my own world and didn't hear them callig my name. We where some where at this school. This place was huge.
Sorry. I said.
I guessing you listen to none of what I just said. Is that right? Mr Hagan asked.
Sorry sir, it was just that my igmagation kept going. I said.
If you could call what I was thinking about.
You need to learn to turn it off from the time you get here from the time you leave. You need to pay attion to everything the teachers say. Mr Hagan said.
Yes sir, I will try. I said.
I don't want you to try, I want you to do it. Mr Hagan said.
Yes sir. I said as I felt my eyes wonder to my shoes.
Man, I love my tennie shoes. They are so cute.
Crap! Stay focus! I yelled at myself.
I tried my best to listen to Mr Hagan but he was so boring and my mind kept going to a different place.
We had finially made it back to the office so we could get our books and to go class.
Jackson, I have know clue to where I am going! I said as soon as I didn't see Mr Hagan.
Yeah, I can tell. You was so spaced out through the whole tour. Jackson said smiling.
I can't help it! I don't know what my problem is with listening but I can't focus that long on something so boring. I said.
Okay, first of all here is a lock to your locker. Remember a code for it. Jackson said.
Okay, but I don't know what to set it as. I said.
Not your birthday, everyone would know your code if it was your birthday. Jackson said.
Okay. I said.
I followed Jackson to our lockers and remembered the way to them. I didn't know what to set as my locker code. I did something that I would never forget. It was 2991. 2 is for Feburary, 9 is for the day, and 91 was the year. Also known as Jackson birthday.
Whisper your code into my ear so I will know it and you won't forget it. Jackson said.
2991. I whispered.
Odd but okay, that will do. Jackson said.
Okay. My first subject is math. Well that's a great way to start out the day. I said.
Yep, see you at lunch. Jackson said.
But. I started to say but Jackson was already going to his class.
I felt like I could puke. There were kids every where bumping into me and just staring at me. I wanted to go some where and hide....forever!
This was not what I wanted. A little kid that looked like he was suppose to he in middle school came up to me.
Do you need help? He asked.
I just nodded my head.
What class do you have first? He asked.
I gave him the scedule.
Math, I have the same one. He said.
I just nodded my head and followed him.
I sat in the very back against the window so I could look out.
It was a beautiful day outside and I was stuck in this place. What a shame. This was stupid, to be at school for 8 hours and than probably go home and have 3 or more hours worth of homework. That is unbelieveible!
There was a cool tree outside with a bunch of picnic tables outside. I wonder if we get to eat out there? I hope, I want to eat in the tree.
I could picture myself taking a picture of Jackson under the tree reading. Jackson liked to keep to himself so he read. I hated reading, how could you sit there and just do that for fun? All the sudden I jumped when I heard the bell ring.
Great time for the next class! I thought sarcasticly.
I want to go home and sleep! I am so tired; it's not even funny!
I found my next class, it was history. The only part I like about history is learning about wars and stuff like that. I sat in the back by the window in history.
Cassidy! Someone said as they hit my desk.
I jumped. What? I asked.
Pay attion. The teacher said.
I sank down into the my seat while some of the kids laughed.
The teacher was talking about something but I didn't really know what it was since I didn't pay attion the first of the class. What could I do after school and after I get my homework done. Hopefully something fun. The bell rang again. I wonder how many classes I had before lunch. I was starting to get hungry. I went to my locker and didn't see Jackson. I wonder where he is? I got out my scedule and went to my next class.
It passed by quickly and than it was time for lunch.
I got in line and Jackson came up behind.
How has your day been? Jackson asked.
Horrible! I hate it here. What about you? I asked.
Same here. Jackson said.
So we can ditch tomorrow? I asked.
Cassidy! You can't go around saying your going to ditch; a teacher or someone will here you. Jackson said.
Opps my bad. I said.
Is this even eatable? I asked.
Of course, don't be so picky. Jackson said.
Well, I might back my lunch tomorrow. I said.
Yeah good luck with that. Jackson said smiling.
Can I borrow your cd player? I asked when we go to the tree.
Yeah. Jackson said.
Okay can you hand to me once it get in the tree? I asked.
The tree? You are going to eat your lunch in the tree? Jackson asked.
Yeah why not? It will be fun. I said.
Okay. Do you want help? Jackson asked.
No if I hop up on the branch I can just swing myself into the tree. I said.
Okay monkey girl. Jackson said laughing.
I jumped up to the limb and grabbed onto the branch with my hands. I started swing back and forth and than went into the tree.
Nicely done. Jackson said as he handed me tray of food with his cd player on there.
Thanks. I said a I grabbed the tray.
I put on the headphones and played the cd that was in there. I could feel kids staring at Jackson and I could feel them trying to stare at me but they couldn't find me in the tree.

The next part will be Chapter 2!
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Twenty Six
I was trying to stay out of the house as much as possible. But I had to invite Jasper over to be nice. Although Jake and his crew were there it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. But than again I had to tell them not to be so loud. I guess they were watching football or something and decided to be extra loud. Along with extra annoying.
"I am really sorry about the noise," I said as I apologized to Jasper yet again, "Jake just hates me or something."
"It is okay," he laughed, "it is easy to ignore!"
"Are you sure," I asked, "I could get Billy to make...
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A Strange Way of Falling in Love Chapter OneN2P?
Kyle's POV
I did not understand why I was being sent away from my mom. She was the only family I have and will ever have. All I knew is that I was being sent to some foster care place. I was going to live with other kids; but some how that did not help the situation. It all sounded dumb to me anyways. I did not want to be here. Not at all.
"Hi Kyle," someone said as they came up to me, "I am taking you to your foster home. Everything is going to be fine, there is nothing to worry about."
I gave him the dumbest look and followed him. I had already...
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I Just Might Be Next Chapter Seventy Eight 
Seth's POV
I found my dream house with my dream about-to-be-wife. The wedding was just in a few hours. Jake, Sam, Quill, Paul, Jared, Embry, and the rest of the gang and I went out for my bachelor party. Sam had all ready told Jared and Paul that is was going to be as clean as possible because he is the sister of the bride. Quill and Embry were really disappointed. So instead we went to the local diner and ate.
"Hey Sam, you remember those time when Mattie got drunk," Jared laughed, "that was so funny!"
"Whoa, hold up," I said, "Mattie got drunk?"
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I Just Might Be Next Chapter Seventy Seven
In just a couple of days I will be getting married! I could not believe in just a matter of hours that I would be Mrs. Seth Clearwater. It seemed as if it would never come and now it is here. 
"Mattie, I cannot believe you are getting married tomorrow afternoon," Sam exclaimed, "my little girl is growing up!"
Sam seemed to be somewhat upset.
"Awe Sam, I have been grown up," I joked.
"It is just, you are getting married," he said stunned.
"Before you," I stated.
"Oh, ouch," he laughed, "hey now, I am being nice. Besides, you should be nice to me; I am walking...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Nineteen
Jasper's POV
I could not get Lila out of my head. Her name was beautiful, her smile was beautiful, and she was beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful. Not to even mention her voice, it is so soft and sweet. She is amazing. I had only talked to her a little bit but I wanted to know everything about her. She amazes me.
I got to school early today. I wanted to see. I wanted to talk to her but I was to shy too. It may seem odd that I am shy. I am usually never shy. But there is something that makes me just look at her and study her. Lila is hard to read. I...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Fifteen
Jake's POV
Lila sat on the couch and listened to dad. Did not say a word just sat there and would either look at the floor or into space. She would not look directly at dad. Lila made it throughout the whole entire conversation without disrupting him or anything.
"Good night." She mumbled once dad had stopped yelling at her.
"Do you not think you were a little harsh?" I asked. 
"No, not at all!" Dad stated. "She does not need to be going off by herself."
"Dad, she is only doing that because I go off on my own. Or well, at least she thinks that I do. But Lola is just...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter ThirteenN2P
My summer vacation was completely over. This sadden me a lot but now I have somewhere to be where Billy will not scold me every minute while I am awake.
School was tomorrow. Just a few hours away. I did not really want to go back. I did not like school, except for kindergarten when we took naps.
"Lila do you have everything ready for school tomorrow?" Hake asked as he interrupted my thoughts.
"Yep." I said sadly. "What about you?"
"Umm, about that." He stumbled with his words. "I am not going to school, I am dropping out."
"What?" I asked as I got up and went...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter ElevenN2P
Lila's POV
Billy is worried, about me? That is a first in a long time. Why is he worried about me? He should be worried about Jacob, sneaking out at night with Jared. What was Jacob even thinking?!
"Jake, you found her!" Billy said as we got onto the porch. "Lila, why would you go off into the middle of the night?!"
"I only went because Jared and Jacob were going somewhere but they left me behind!" I said as I looked over at Jake. "But I am home! There is nothing in La Push that could ever hurt me. This is the safest place it the world!"
"It is not!" Billy said...
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I Just Might Be Next Chapter Sixty NineN2P
Edward's POV
We arrived early at were we going fight the Volturi. It was scary for all of us. Except Mattie, she was just as calm as could be! It was like it was a walk in the park for her; like she does this everyday.
I could not help but notice the huge smiles on Mattie's and Seth's face. Seth had proposed to Mattie. I had to admit they were a adorable couple. Alice, Esme, and Bella was flooding poor Mattie with so many questions. Mattie was doing her beat to answer all of them. Alice was all ready begging to plan their wedding. Mattie just sat there...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter TenN2P
It was midnight and I was still laying bed. My stomach was growling since I had not eaten since lunchtime. I quietly got up and went to the kitchen. Jake's door and Billy's door were both closed. I heard a faint snore from living room. I guess Jared stayed the nigh too. I did not dare turn on a light. I did not want to wake them up, especially Jacob and Jared!
I sat at the kitchen table in the dark, eating my cereal quietly as possible. I heard Jake's bedroom door squeak open. I sat there still eating my cereal.
"Where do you think you are going?" I asked in a...
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I Just Might Be Next Chapter Sixty SevenN2P
Mattie's POV
I woke up to Nessie giggling and Seth tickling her. Nessie loved to be tickled even when she would say stop. If you stopped she would ask "why did you stop? I didn't mean it!". I continued to watch Seth play with Nessie. If we ever got married and had kids, he would be the greatest father ever.
"Hey Nessie, look who is awake!" Seth said as they looked over. "Let's go get her!"
Seth and Nessie ran over to me. I hated being tickled and Seth knew that. I have never liked being tickled. I squealed very loudly as Seth jumped on me. He grabbed...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Seven
I started down the long drive way and had to stop to let several really nice cars in. I let several go by and thought it was the end when the coolest motorcycle I had ever seen came spending in. I watched as he passed me and park his bike up the drive way. He took off his helmet and he was the cutesy guy I'd ever seen. But I was more memorized by his bike then actually him. I realized I had been staring to long because of the look on his face. I decided to sped off because it was embarrassing to sit there and stare at him. New people, they will be the talk of the...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It was a tradition to go and eat at a little restruant in Forks. Billy, Jake, and I all ways went for my birthday. It was my favorite part of the day. Today was my day, my borthday. I was finally sixteen! I woke up early and got ready. Billy had not even gotten up yet. I was excited about today, it felt like today was going to be great.
I sat in my room putting on make up.
"Lila." Jake whispered. "Birthday girl, you are all ready a wake?"
"Yep!" I chirped happily. "I am so excited! I could barley go to bed last night!"
"Why are you putting on make up?" Jake sighed in disappointment. "You know are...
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I Just Might Be Next Chapter Sixty Three

Mattie's POV (she is not counting the days)

Seth and I walked to school in silence. It was really weird, we have not walked to school in silence for a very long time.
My head was clear of fog, pain, and visions of vampires. It was so refreshing! I felt enthusiastic about today and the rest of my life. The. I remember that I would have to go back to the Cullens' after football practice. It made my stomach churn.
"Mattie?" Seth asked after some time passed. "Why are you feeling so much better all the sudden?"
"I am not sure. It felt like a light switch had...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Sixty Two
Hey y'all! Sorry it takes me so long to right this story! I want to show such raw emotion and it is really hard to write that down. Or at least for me. Thank y'all, enjoy!!

Seth's POV
Day 5 - Thursday
By Thurday Mattie was getting exhausted and it was taking a tole on everything. Her school work was going down hill, football was getting to much on her, and her health was getting bad. She had not eaten since Monday afternoon. That is five days without food, it is no telling how many pounds she has lost, and she is only getting weaker.
"Mattie, I have to go talk...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
"So...Will we be going to school together?" Sloan asked.
"Yeah, we will." I said a little disappointed. "Since Forks and La Push are so small they had to combine both high schools."
"Oh, that is neat!" He said
"Yeah, it is cool." Jake said. "As long as you do not skip school!" Jake looked over me smiling.
"Hey, ditching is what I do best." I smiled. "Not many people can get out of school like I can!"
"You ditch school?" Sloan asked in disblief. "You do not seem like the the type to ditch."
"I do ditch sometimes." I said. "Just not that much because Billy's best friend is a cop." I sort of rolled...
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I Just Might Be Next Chapter Fifty Nine
Mattie's POV
It was after football practice and it was time for a nap so I could fight tonight.
Are you taking a nap over here or are going home? I asked Seth.
I can stay here if that's okay with you. He said.
Fine by me. I said as I laid on half the couch.
Bend your legs, the other half of the couch is mine. Seth smiled.
His smile was cute.
I'm trying but I think you are too big to fit on here with me. I said.
Is that a fat joke? He asked serious.
It sure was! I laughed.
I can't believe you called me fat. He said.
It's a joke, so take it like a joke. I was only...
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Seth's POV
I was fully aware of what would be going down at midnight tonight. We only had a month to prepare till they would come. I was sitting inside the Uley's house, waiting on them to get home. Mattie was a football practice and I wanted to apologize. I had been jerk and besides I couldn't stand being mad at her. Even if she does go over the speed limit when she drives. I pushed the feeling down long enough, no matter how much I try to be her friend, I always wanted to be more. I know I should her but I don't think she feels the same way and I don't want to ruin our friendship. That is...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Fifty One
I got home at dusk, jumped into the shower and scavenged for something to eat. I didn't want to go in my wolf form to find something to eat because I didn't really want to run into Seth. It probably would end up that well.
I started on my homework. This was going to be really tough without Seth's help or anyone's help at that fact. I was on my own.

Mato! Wake up, you have to go to football practice! Someone yelled.
I jumped up scared to death. It was Jacob Black.
What in the world. I muttered as I rubbed my eyes.
Get up; you're going to be late. He said.
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AS I laid in bed that, I kept thinking of what Wheels said. Was Seth and I's friendship turn into us dating? Was it Wheels' imagination that he saw more when there might not be? And the big questions; do I like Seth more than a friend. Non of these questions had answer. They were there floating in my mind.
Mattie, are you awake? Seth asked in a whisper.
Wide awake. I said.
Is it true what Jane told me? He asked.
I don't know. What did she tell you? I asked.
She said that you were poping pills nonstop. He said.
It's pain medication, it takes a while to start working so I take a few so I won't have...
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