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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 33 need to publish
So I am not very good at writing weddings and stuff but here it is! lol
Sort for all these type-o I have been having to wrte on my iPod since my computer won't work :(!
Scarlet Malone Chapter 33
Joel and Chaotte enter and came and sat at our table. Soon it was time for the father-daughter dance. Charlotte danced with her father; they were great at dancing. Then all the little girls and their father went out and danced. I was sort of sad that dad wasn't here. Joel came over and asked me to dance.
Scarlet would you like to dance? Joel asked.
I don't know how to dance. I said.
It's okay; I will teach you. Joel said.
I smilied and took his hand.
I was probably going to look like an idiot but oh well.
We got to the dance floor and Joel showed me how to do everything. He was also a great leader.
Thank you so much. I said to Joel as we danced the Waltz.
Happy to fill in. Joel said.
I messed up a couple of times but thankfully they were not huge mistakes.
We got finished dancing and Joel took me to my seat.
Thank you. I said.
Your welcome. Joel said as he went around to his seat.
Next it was time for the first dance.
Joel and Charlotte went out there and dance for a couple of minutes.
Would you like to dance? Jesse asked.
Yes But what about your mom? I asked.
She has someone to dance with. Jesse said as a man walked up to Mrs Bourne.
It was all the close family dancing now. Like the Charlotte's Mom, Dad and than it was Joel's Mom, Jesse, and then me. I was hapy that Jesse had asked me to dance.
I am so happy that you asked me to be in this wedding. I said.
How could you not? You are part of the family. Jesse said smiling.
I am glad that I am part of your family! I said smiling.
The song got slower and we danced slower. I leaned my head on his shoulder. 
The song was over and Jesse took me back to my seat.
Thank you. I siad.
Your welcome.
Do you want to do something after the wedding tonight? I asked.
Sure; do you have anything in praticular that you want to do? Jesse asked.
Nope; what about you? I asked.
Well; we could go over to your house. It looks like my mom has some plans for tonight. JEsse said.
I looked over at his mom; she was kissing someone.
I couldn't help but laugh. 
Yeah; we can go to my house. I said still laughing.
We went over and watched Joel and Charlotte cut there cake. Everyone clapped after they crammed cake into each other mouthes. It was sort of funny.
We ate cake and danced a lot more. We said our goodbyes to Charlotte an Joel. We watched them drive off and than we headed for my house. 
I followed Jesse to my house. I blasted music from ipod that was hooked up to my car.
My phone started ringing so I turned down my music.
Hello? I asked into the phone.
Scarlet you should turn down your bass; this is a small town. Jesse said.
I don't care; let them hear me. I said laughing.
Okay. Jesse said than hung up.
I turned my music back up.
I only got to listen to a couple of songs before I was home.
I got out of my car and unlocked the door for me and Jesse. 
We went up stairs and I took off my shoes while Jesse laid on my bed with hie feet hangin off. He hung the off because he was too lazy to take his shoes off. I went and jumped on my bed beside Jesse.
Woah! JEsse said as he fell off.
Opps Sorry! I said as I helped him up.
Are you okay? I asked. 
Yep; I am fine.
Do you want some pajamas to change into? I asked.
Sure. Jesse said.
I got up and went to dad's room.
Here is his pajama drawer. Dad likes to have eveyrthing seprated. I said.
OKay; thanks. Jesse said as he looked inside.
I went back and to my room and found some pajamas.
Jesse was already changing in my room. 
I turned my back and started changing. I tried to reach my zipper to my dress but couldn't. 
Jesse can you unzip my dress? I asked as I turned around.
Yeah. Jesse said as he walked over to me shirtless and in his boxer.
Thanks. I said as I he unzipped it.
No problem. By the way nice thong. Jesse said.
Thank you. I said as I blushed.
I slipped on my short shorts and 2 tank tops. 
Where are your pajamas? I asked.
These are my pajamas. Jesse said smiling.
Right. I am going to go take my make-up off. I said.
OKay. JEsse said with a smile on his face.
Since when did Jesse get such a hot body? I asked myself. No you can't fall for him! He is just a FRIEND! I said to myself over and over.
Just a friend! Jesse shouted from my bed room.
I open my eyes right as mascra was running over my eyes.
Ouch! I said.
What's wrong? Jesse asked as he came in the bathroom.
I got mascra in my eyes. I said.
Oh. Jesse said laughing. 
It's not funny. It burns. I said. 
I'm sorry. Jesse said.
I finished washing my face and then went down stairs and got something to drink. 
I was in the kitchen when a spider ran across the floor. 
Jesse! I said scaredish. 
What's wrong? Jesse yelled. 
Can you come kill a spider? I asked. 
Sure. Jesse said as he made his way down stairs. 
Where is it? Jesse asked. 
It's by the fridge. I said. 
I can't believe you are scared by such a tiny spider. Jesse said in disbelieveth. 
I didn't want to touch it so I figured you would do it. I said smiling.
I took a sip of water and then put it in the sink. 
It's time for bed. Jesse said as he picked me up and put me on his shoulder.
Your such a party pooper. I said. 
I know. Jesse said as he shifted me to a baby craddle style.
My he's was all ready untucked and Jesse threw me down on my side of the bed. Jesse laid down on his side of the bed and covered up. 
I turned and face Jesse.
Goodnight Scarlet. Love you. Jesse said as he smiled. 
Goodnight Jesse. Love you too. I said as I returned the smile. 
It didn't take long for Jesse to fall asleep. He started snoring softly. 
I laughed to myself a little bit. 

Scarlet Zahara Malone! Get out of that bed this second! Dad yelled. 
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Story Twilight?N2P
It's Complicated
It's complicated, that's how Jacob would all ways start the story whenever I asked him why I was different. I looked nothing like the Black family, I didn't favor a single one of them. They all had dark hair and dark eyes while I was the complete opposite. White blond hair and blue eyes. I could barley blend in, my hair and eyes gave away but skin was just as tan as it could be. 
I knew the story Jake was going to tell me, I asked about this a lot. But mainly at bedtime.
Every night right before bed I would ask Jacob Black "why am I different?" and every...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Seth's POV
Mattie started breathing really weirdly. She would breath in and hold it for as long as possible and then exhale. Then do it again. It was scaring me.
Mattie are you okay? I asked worried.
She didn't answer me.
Sam came over and nudged her on the knee with his nose.
Mattie! Talk to me, open your eyes! I demanded.
Is she okay? Carisle asked.
I-I-I don't know. I stuttered.
Sam started barking.
Sam, what is it? I asked confused.
It's not like I could translate what he was barking!
Uley go wide! Asher yelled.
What in the world, what the heck if this guy doing here? I heard Mattie gasp right after...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Cambridge Academy Chapter Five
We fought them off and started running away from them. We were running as fast as possible so we could find somewhere to hide. We found a bush to hid in them until they couldn't find us.
Thank you so much Ian! I whispered.
No problem. What were those things? He asked curiously.
I do not know but whatever they are, I do not like them at all! I said.
How long have you been out here? Ian asked.
I am not sure, since dusk. I shrugged.
You have been out here that long? He asked surprised.
Yep, trying to find a way out of the prison. I said.
I have been doing them same for about...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Cambridge Academy Chapter Three
Where are we going? Ian asked.
We are going to go get some proper clothes and then you two are going to go see the Headmaster. She said.
Why? I asked.
Because you have too. She said.
What is your name? Ian asked curious.
It's Madeline. She said.
That's pretty. I said.
Thank you Ivie. She said as she smiled at me.
How do you know my name? I asked shocked.
I know just about all the students here on East side. She said.
East side? I asked confused.
There's a East side and a West side. Madeline said.
Why? Ian asked.
West side are for the student who act up. She said.
What do you...
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It had been a long day, but a good one! It had been really fun cheering the guys on even if I didn't get to play all season I could still say "I was on the senior high school team!". I'm really happy Seth decided to tag along with me. It made everything better, I wasn't so nervous when he was by me. If someone ignored me. I could turn to him, and if someone did something funny, I had someone to snicker with. Everything was going good, until it came to homework.
Seth, I don't get it! It's not making any since at all! I said complaining.
Okay, let me think how to explain this. He said.
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Thirty Five
I sat at the table and looked at my somewhat cold food.
Victoria, are you okay? Damon asked.
I think so, my hand hurts. I said.
I looked down and and my knuckles were bleeding and they were kind of swollen.
You must have punched him with your thumb inside your hand. And for the bloody knuckles; that happens when you punch someone. Damon said.
Oh. I said.
I picked up my napkin and gently wiped the blood away.
Victoria, are you, mentally okay? He asked scared.
I, don't know. I said as I stuttered.
Is this the medicine or is this you? He asked slightly more scared.
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I Just Might Be Next Chapter Forty Four
Tryouts had gone good. Or at least I think they did. I won't know how I did until tomorrow.
You'll make the team. Quil said.
I don't know about that. I said as I but my lip nervously.
You did a good job. You only dropped the ball once or twice. Embry said.
Which means, I might not make it. I said.
You did good. Stop thinking so negative! Quil demanded.
I'm sorry I can't be positive all time like a certain somebody. I said.
Good grief you two! Where is Seth? Embry groaned as Quil and I argued.
Right here! What is all the fuss about? He asked.
They're arguing over...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Thirty Three
I got out of class and went to the bathroom.
Look who it is. A girl said.
They started whispering.
Are you going to hang yourself? Someone asked.
Uh no, I was going to wash my hands. I said.
Are you sure you wouldn't rather hang yourself? She asked.
Would you shut the heck up? I asked.
I don't think I can do that. She said.
Well you better learn, quickly. I growled.
Ohh, I'm so scared! What are you going to do, cut yourself, emo baby? She asked.
I walked straight out of the bathroom and to my locker. What is her problem? Why was she being so mean? I open my locker and...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Twenty Eight
The next morning I walked to Jeremy's and Elena's house with Stefan. I waited outside on the porch swing.
Hey Elena, is Jeremy coming down? I asked as she closed the door.
No, he is sick. She said.
Oh, I should go see if he needs anything. I said.
Actually he's asleep. Elena said quickly.
Oh okay. Well I should at least check on him. I said.
No, I just did. He needs all the rest he can get. She said.
Jeremy needs his rest. She said a little bit harsh.
Okay. I said.
You can walk to school with us. Stefan said.
It's fine, I hate being the third wheel. I'll just...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Twenty Seven
Victoria's POV
Jeremy, I'm scared. I mumbled as I got back from talking to Damon.
Don't worry, it will never happen again. I promise! He said.
I smiled and hugged him. I've got to start trusting him more.
School wasn't hard today for some reason. Jeremy and I walked everywhere together. We walked to our lockers, to classes, and to his house.
We were joking around when we got to his house. Laughing and having fun.
Jeremy had picked me up and spun me around in his big kitchen. His aunt was sitting at the kitchen island reading the paper.
Victoria, whatever you're doing to...
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It was so boring while it stormed outside. We sat around and watched tv and then ate lunch. The storm wasn't going to pass soon so Seth and I had nothing to do.
Seth let's do something. I smiled.
Like what? It's raining. He said.
I know, that'll be the fun of it. I said.
Okay. He said.
What do you want to do? I asked.
I don't know. He said.
I don't know either! I said.
You wanna make a slip n' slide out of mud? Seth asked.
A slip n' slide of mud? I said.
Do ya? He asked.
Why not. I smiled.
We got up and ran outside.
Where to? I asked.
Behind my house. He said.
I followed him behind his house and into the...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Hi, I thought of this on night and started righting this down on my ipod. Telll me what yall think please!! This might turn into a non-twilight story so I dont really know what is gonna happen??

Scarlet Malone ( twilight )
My name is Scarlet Malone, I live in Forks with my father Josh. My mom died at the first of the summer so I had to come here from Texas. It was horrible, I was all alone since my dad was a doctor, and it was always raining. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. I
am 15, I don't consider myself a goth or emo but I like to wear black and listen to punk and metal...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A long time ago there was a family that lived in peace and harmony. In a small town called Mystic Falls. It was a quiet place not many things happen there.
It was a small but rich family. It consisted of a wife and husband, two teenage sons, and some servants.  The husband's younger brother also lived with them. He had no other place to go so his brother was letting him stay with him and his family. The family soon split up over issues. They two men saw more and more things they disagreed on with each other. They were always arguing with each other, telling the other person they were wrong,...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Twenty Choice One
As Lacey got up she went to the kitchen to grab breakfast.
You are going to be late for school. Emmett said to Lace.
I know. Lace smiled.
No, Lacey will never be late with us by her side! Alice chirped.
Rose who was smiling, appeared by Alice holding a make-up bag.
Come on Lace, bring your breakfast with you. Rose said.
Shoot. Lace mumbled.
We will fix her up for you, Edward. Alice said as she winked at me.
I heard Emmett chuckle. I just tuned Emmett's laughing out and continued to watch tv.
We all left for school. Alice wasn't kidding when she said that she...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Eighteen
We got to the boarder. Some of the wolves were racing by. They stopped and howled when they saw us. A couple would go away and would come back in there human form. They knew the reason for us being here.
Sam the biggest of them stood in front of them.
You could have killed her! I said as calmly as possible.
What are you talking about it was a vampire. Sam said.
No, she was no vampire, she was a human! I screamed.
The person on the motorcycle? Jared asked.
Yes, who else? I asked sarcasticly.
It was a vampire, smelled just like you. He said.
No! Lacey is not a vampire,...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Eight
I had been working for hours, this planting a garden thing was tough work. It was aweful! Harry just sat that and watched me which kind of made me mad.
Mato, come wash up and help me with dinner. Sue Clearwater said from the back door.
Okay. I grumbled.
I didn't want to help with dinner, although I hoped it would be good.
I went inside an Harry told me to wash my hands in the bathroom. So I did, of course.
I set the table while Leah helped Sue with dinner. I than put ice in glasses and put various stuff on the table.
How come Seth and Harry aren't in here helping?...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Thirteen
Where did you all go? I asked.
I smell aweful from being outside, I'm gonna take shower so get out. She said.
She went to La Push and she knew that she wasn't suppose to be there. But how did she find out about La Push and the treaty? She had to run into one of the werewolves! No wonder the dog smell is so strong on her!
I ran to Carisle's office.
Carilse, Lacey has been to La Push today! I said.
La Push? He asked confused.
Yes, you know with the wolves and the treaty line? I asked.
Oh I remeber that, I'm just confused on why she would go there. Carisle said.
If they...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Twelve
Hey guys! Got any ideas on what should happen? This is getting hard writing in Edward's POV because I'm not a guy and I don't know what they think!!!!

Guys began to bump into her as she walked the halls so they could see what she looked like up close.
I would like to do her.
I turned around and stared at the guy. I wanted to rip his head off. How could some one think like that? He should respect her and shouldn't talk like that. I took a deep breathe to clam myself. I hated public school, I offered to stay home and teach Lacey myself but Esme and Carisle wouldn't...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 15
Are you going to tell? Jackson asked like 5 minutes had passed.
Yes. I have a crush on Stephan. I blurted out.
I knew that. Jackson said.
Well this is where it gets complicated. I said.
What do you mean complicated? Jackson asked.
Well I think I am starting to like this other boy while I like Stephan. I said.
Oh I see and who is this other boy? Jackson asked curious.
Can I describe him? I asked hoping he would be stupid and not realize it was him.
Sure. Jackson said.
He is taller than me, has the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen and has dirty blonde hair. I said.
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: cw google