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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 23
Stephan calm down, Eric is just trying to push your buttons. I said.
Well it's working. Stephan gritted.
Stephan glared at Eric.
Oh please don't get into a fight! I begged.
It's a free country. I can say whatever I want. Eric said as they ignored me.
 Not about my girlfriend. Stephan said.
I didn't see that in a constation or whatever. Eric said.
You want me to ingrave it in your face? Stephan asked as he held his fist up.
Eric walk away! I demanded.
I didn't want a fight. I already had two fights with Eric and xe didn't need to kill him.
I stepped between them. Guys stop it. I demanded.
Cassidy, it's mine turn to have fun. Stephan said.
I don't think we should kill....just yet. I said smiling.
Your right Dailey would be mad and there is no where to hide his body. Stephan said.
I can fight. I beat Cassidy's butt once. Eric said.
But she's a girl. Stephan said.
Stephan! That makes no difference!!! I am just as tuff and just as strong as you. I said.
Sorry but your not as strong as me. I work out everyday. Stephan said.
I shook my head as Stephan stuffed his foot into his mouth.
Okay.. Look at it from my point of view for a minute. Look at all the trees I climb, I climb at least 3 everyday. Doyou know how hard it is to climb a tree? I asked.
So I was mad! Just because I ak a girl doesn't meant that I'm not strong.
Stephan just stood there.
I'm leaving find me later, wait, never mind don't. I said.
Cassidy, please don't be mad. Stephan said.
To late. I said.
Smooth. Eric said.
How could Stephan say that? It hurt me, sure I wasn't strong like a body builder but I was strong. Maybe it's all in my head. No it couldn't be, I am strong, look at everything I do. I climb trees to live. I risk my life everyday to get food for these people, people that I don't really like. But I do it put of kindness. Since when did I become so kind?
Cass, wait up. Stephan called out.
A part of me wanted to stop but the other half was wanting to keep walking.
Come on Cassidy. Stephan said.
I kept walking.
Stephan you better be quit before you get your other foot stuck in your mouth. I said.
Cassidy I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking. Stephan said.
I wanted to forgive him but there was something in the back of my mind telling me not. Was that my old self? Was I becoming someone different?
Cassidy please forgive me. Stephan said.
I turned around to face him.
Stephan what you said sort of hurt me but I really like you. I don't want to ruin our relationship over a stupid mistake. I said.
I'm so sorry! I know are strong, you can climb a 20 foot tree in an hour. Stephan said.
We hugged and made our way back to camp.
Before we go back to camp, we need to go get your clothes. Stephan said.
You got my clothes? I asked in disbleif.
I sure did. Stephan said.
We cut through some deep grass.
What are you waiting for? Stephan asked.
I wonder what hides in deep grass. Something that will eat my toes. I said mostly to myself.
There is nothing that will get your toes. It's a deserted island. Stephan said nicely.
Okay whatever you say. I said.
I walked slowly throughthe grass. As I did I thought as a plan. 
Ouch! I half scream.
What's wrong? Stephan asked.
Nothing. Thought it would be funny to scare you. I said laughing.
You and your pranks! Was it funny? Stephan asked.
He held my hand pulled me through the grass.
It was very funny. I said.
How does Jackson live with your pranks? Stephan asked.
Before we came here we didn't talk a lot. I mean we did talk, I rarely played pranks. I was always scared I would get in trouble or something so I didn't pull any. I said.
I see. I never really thought that you was immature buecuase you never pulled any pranks until you got comfortable around everybody. Your like the class clown, almost. Stephan said.
You could call me a clown, I was in a circus. I said.
Yeah your right but I wouldn't because your too cute to be a clown. Stephan said.
Awe thanks. I said.
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
OKay so this might be like the book or movie a little bit! Sorry! Rate and comment!
I knew what was happening, I just wanted to stale as long as possible!
Do you want to take a walk? I asked.
Okay. Edward said painfully.
We went behind my house and started walking. We walked in silence until Edward stopped walking.
Edward please no! You know I cannot live without you all! Yall are like my family! Please! I begged.
Tears were forming and running down my cheeks.
You saw what happen last night. Edward said.
It wasn't your fault nor Jasper's! I said as sob broke my words.
Where is Jasper? I have to see...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 46
Edward's POV
Thanks Edward. Scarlet mumble as she got out of the car.
Your welcome, call me if you need a ride tonight. I said.
She looked at me and than just walked slowly towards the house. It sadden me to see Scarlet this sad. We use to be boyfriend and girlfriend so we were really close but now she seems so far away. I wanted so bad to tell her that Jesse was still alive. If I did that she would beg me to let her see him but it was simply to dangerous. What would happen when she broke drown tonight when she sees Jesse laying there in a coffin? Scarlet would be crushed!...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Edward's POV
I knocked on Bella's door. It was after 3pm so she had to be home from school.
Edward! Bella said as she opened the door and hugged me.
I have missed you so much! I said and than kissed her.
You were gone for so long. Bella said as she closed the front door.
I know, it just that Josh needed my help. I said.
Yeah, he hasn't been doing a good job of parenting. Bella said.
He is just not use to have a daughter. I said as I sat down at the kitchen table.
Didn't you drive your car? Bella asked.
I rode from the hospital to Scarlet's house to help her and Josh. I said.
How is Scarlet? Bella asked...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 11N2P
I want to thank xXJakeloverXx for helping me when I had a severe case of writers block!!! Thank you stalker buddy!!!! ( she is not an actually stalker! Just an inside joke ;)!)
I swam to the surface just in time. I coughed and sputtered as i spit the water out of my mouth. 
"Jackson, don't ever do that again!" I said gasping as I tried to fill my oxygen deprieved lungs.
"You should have gotten up earlier. And what's your deal? You can swim." Jackson said laughing.
"I know but I was barley a wake when you threw me in." I glared at him.
"Yeah, sure. But you have to admit...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I knew it was rude to leave but I was just so imbarrassed about almost falling down the stairs. It was so akward that he caught me. I didn't know who he was or anything. Edward could have caught me and I would have stayed at the Cullens' longer but the guy caught me. I felt akward in these clothes and high heels. Hopefully I was not turning into a Bella! That would be my worst nightmare ever but than again Edward would maybe come back to me...If I was lucky. I was going to have to deal with Edward and Bella sitting together and doing everything together at school. Like I didn't see it enough...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 34need to publish
My head was laying on Jesse's chest but when I jumped it cause me to go flying to the floor. 
Ouch! I said as I rubbed elbow. 
I am guessing that dad wasn't to thrilled to come home and find me laying on Jesse chest. 
Scarlet down stairs! Dad yelled. 
I looked over at Jesse who was sitting on my bed and gave him the I'm sorry look. 
I went down stairs and sat on the couch. 
Dad just hear me out! I said. 
Okay speak. Dad demanded. 
Jesse and I didn't do anything! I promise! He just spent the night! I said calmly as possible. 
I know he spent the night!...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 26
We ended up going to the diner, where I had eat lunch. I order pancakes, Jesse ordered a hamburger, and Bella, once again, ordered a salad.
Are you not going to eat? Bella asked Edward.
No, I ate before I came. Edward answered smoothly.
I sat there quitely and ate my pancakes. We sat around and talked about school.
Bella and Edward loved school while me and Jesse hate it.
Well baseball season is over so I guess I start ditching more. I said.
No you cannot. I will tell. Edward said.
Really? I highly doubt that. I said.
Okay fine I won't but you should quit. Edward said.
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Zoey Cullen Chapter 32
I look strange. I said to Sawyer.
No, you look sexy. Sawyer said as he pulled me into a hug.
You liar. I said as I stood up on my tippy toes.
Sawyer kissed me passionately and I kissed him back.
Zoe, you might get hurt. Sawyer said as he picked me up and took me to
the bed.
I am willing to take chance. I said.
I'm not. Sawyer said.
All the sudden my throat started bruning. It felt like it was on fire.
What's wrong? Sawyer asked worriedly.
My throat burns. I said.
You are hungry. Sawyer said.
Well, do I eat human food or drink animal? I asked.
I don't know. Lets ask Carisle. Sawyer...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lets hope the italics work!!

Scarlet Malone Chapter 23
I ran up the steps to my room. I dropped my keys on the floor and ran and hopped on my bed. I could not wait to go to sleep on my bed.
You really love your bed don'tcha. Jesse said.
Yes! Come lay down and you will know why. I said.
I didn't care, he was strictly my friend and nothing else.
You are right, I love your bed. Can I have it since you rarely stay here? Jesse asked jokingly.
No way! I said laughing.
My head was at the head board and Jesse's head was at tye foot board of the bed. We stared at the ceiling for a few minutes.
Oh I forgot but...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
We got to school and it started misting. I do not know how I was going to make it through the day without seeing Edward and with tis weather. We sat in the car until Jasper, ALice, Rose, and Emmett got here. Emmett had a evil grin on his eyes. What is with the grin? I asked Emmett as I got out of the car. Do not say anything! Edward demanded Emmett. Emmett looked annoy by Edward. Nothing happen so let it go Emmett. Edward said.

Edward's POV
I bet they did it. Emmett kept thinking over and over. I wanted punch him with all my strength but the humans around us would know that something is up....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Zoey Cullen Chapter 31
Sawyer's POV
I hated seeing my love like this. I hates that her powers were gone, I knew that she would hate not having powers. All I could do for her was
hold her hand. Carisle had given her medicine but it was not helping her. Zoe was finially able to sleep so I went down stairs to see what everyone was doing. Edward, Bella, Nessie, and Jake walked through the door. How is she doing? Jake asked. She has a massive headache but she is sleeping now. I said to Jake. How did she take to not having power? Jake asked. She was pretty upset about it but she took it a lot better...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
had my hand on the door knob when Nikki asked " where are you going?" oh, I'm just going to the living room. I said. Nope, sorry, you have to stay in here until Jackson gets here. Nikki said. Oh okay, I learn somethig new every 5 minutes. I said I we both laughed. We heard the door bell ring. I couldn't tell what Jesse was saying to
Jackson. Okay, are you ready to go on your first date? Nikki asked. No, how about some pointers?I asked. Okay, when you are on a double date, never go to the bathroom alone, never order off the kids menu unless you reay have to, and that's about it. Nikki said....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sorry it's so short!
Before I knew it, we were heading to the field to fight against the Volturi. We have good fighters, we might acually win. I hope because I don't won't to lose! It's not fair, there the ones who wanted me to become a vampire! I'm greatful for it but I won't have been in this sitution if I was a human. Sawyer this is our battle, I don't won't to lose anyone over, I don't think they need to fight for us. I told him. Well, I'm not going to stand on the side lines and watch my favorite little sister be taken my the Volturi. Emmet said. Thank you but I don't know about this....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
As soon as I woke up I checked my phone. There was nothing, not even a voicemail! I went down stairs and grabbed a Red Bull and Sunny D. I mixed them together and it created my favorite drink. I sat on the couch looking down at my
drink wondering why Collin hadn't called yet. So Collin hasn't calls you, Emmett asked. No he hasn't, I bet Jake has him doing a double shift or something. I don't have him doing anything for me Jake said has he walked through the door.
Do you know why he hadn't called me? I asked Jacob. I can't tell you anything. Please just promise me you will wait and let him...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Picture a blonde hair blue eye model!
Picture a blonde hair blue eye model!
We got all the plans done for the wedding. Alice had gotten my dress made and everything, all I had to do was try it on. The wedding was only a couple of days away. I couldn't believe it! I was having to try on my wedding dress. It wass weird to try ona wedding dress, I felt like I was going to explode with happyness! It was a nice feeling. It was days away, I just couldn't believe it. I was getting so nerves!! The days passed really fast and before I knew it, it was time to get ready for the big day.
I got up extra early to get ready. Alice, Bella were doing my hair, while Rose was doing my...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
girl came to the door that was younger than me. Hi, is this the Oneil house? Sawyer asked. Yes, can I help you? Lilly said. I'm your brother Sawyer. -He said. She stared at him and than spoke " you can't be he has been dead for a couple of years" - Lilly said. Than she scream mom, dad, Jesse yall come here. They came to the door, Lilly who are these people. Well one of them is Sawyer, I don't know the other. Lilly said. I am Zoey, Sawyer's girlfriend. I told them. They just sort of smiled. Is it really you Sawyer? We thought you went missing or got kidnapped! Mrs. Oneil said. I had to do some...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sawyer's POV 14??
I remember going by this house one time in Fork Washington. People like me lived there, there was a human that lived with them, she was quiet beauiful. I went to there house, I needed a place to stay and a family. The Volturi was at the Cullen house, I don't know why. I didn't like being around the Volturi, I have to admit they sort of scare me. I don't know how to describe this family besides they all belong together. Carisle was letting me stay here, if I could obeyed the rules. 1. No drinking human blood, animal blood only that was something I could live with. Zoey was...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Some one came up behind and started to put there arms around me just as I flew into the air. I flew up so fast that I landed behing him and wrapped my arms around him. I started laughing, Emmett started laughing sort of but he was saying oww. Bella was trying to sneek up on but I truned around and said "Hi Bella!" We all started laughing accept me. Emmett your sorta of squeezing to hard. Emmett was now carriering me acroos the stream. I was starting to get sick cause Emmett was squeezing me too hard. Emmeett, if you squeeze me any tighter I puke! I was so full, I over did it with the moutain...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
The next morning I woke up to the birds chirping and a knocking well a banging on the door. I grabbed my gun out of the side table. I cocked the gun and headed down stairs. I looked out of a window that was over looking the drive way. There was no cars, so that means its probably one of the warwolves. I was happy cause it wouldn't be Jacob, he off hunting with the Cullens. Even though I was part of the family, I wasn't a Cullen yet. I have to be a vampire to become a Cullen. I saw Seth, Collin and Brady. Hey guys. Hey, we didn't mean to scare you. Oh its okay, you didn't, you just never know...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Thirty Six
I wasn't sure how to go about this. I had never rode Midnight Moon with saddle. He is use to a blanket sometimes.
Sam had just finished up with the barrels and was going to let her Sal rest a few minutes. Midnight Moon and I entered the arena.
"We will walk around them first," I said to him.
I walked the pattern that Sam had gone in. Midnight Moon was itching to run around.
"We will finish walking and then you can run," I said, "by yourself."
"Are you expecting that horse to talk back," Sam said.
"No, but I have to let him know what I am doing," I said...
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