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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 27
Christopher's POV
I couldn't get her out of my mind, it's like she was stuck in there twenty-four seven. She is suck a wondrful person and she sees me for me not my fame or money. I could be my true self around her. It was wondrful. She understood me unlike some people.
It had been two weeks and I couldn't get her out of my mind. Every song I wrote was about her. Even though Iied on tv, I never ment anything what I said.
Christopher what's wrong? Casey asked.
I can't get Lilly out of my head and it has been almost 2 weeks. I said.
You knew her for how many days? He asked.
She's one of the best thing that have ever happened to me! She's beautiful, smart, adeventerous, and honest. I said.
Then why did you let her go? Casey asked.
Because I didn't want her to deal withthe stupid media or poparazzie. I said.
Well she is dealing with it now. He said.
I know. I said.
What are you going to do about? He asked.
I don't know. I bet she has boyfriend back home. I said.
You don't know that. Casey said.
I don't know if she does or not but it would save me a lot hurt feelings. I sighed.
What about her feelings? What do you think she is feeling? He asked.
I shrugged my shoulder.

Lilly's POV
I got up extra early to run before school. It was a huge deal to get up and jog when the sun wasn't even out yet.
I came in and ate an apple pack a some what healthy lunch and went to school. I hate riding the bus, I was sick of people calling me a liar about meeting Christopher. They all thought I wanted to be cool at my new school so I made up a lie except it wasn't lie to me.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about Christopher Bryson. I would give up my skateboard and mountain board to be with him. He was the first guy that I had actually really, really liked.
I got off the bus and was bullied by some punk girls who thought they ruled the school.
You are such a liar. You don't even know what Christopher Bryson looks like. A girl said.
I just kept walking.
You are a liar! Another girl screamed.
I turned around and looked at each one of them.
What's the matter cat got your tounge? She asked.
Maybe she had lied so much that she can't talk. A girl lsaid laughing.
I punch her in the stomach and walked away. Only to be pushed to the ground and punched in gut. She was soon pulled off of me by Kyle.
Thanks. I mumbled in pain.
Come on, let's ditch school. He said.
I looked at him shock, forgetting about the pain for a minute.
Kyle got to drive his car to school while I had to ride the bus.
I followed him to his car, I sat down in the front seat and stat crying my eyes out.
I was in pain. Not from my stomach but from everyone calling me a liar. It wasn't fair, they don't even know me or what happen. Kyle leaned over the center console and wrapped me in a hug.
It's okay, everything should be okay. He said.
It won't be. Christopher won't ever come back and no one will ever believe me. I sobbed.
I believe you. He said.
I know you do but I am sick of everyone calling me a liar. I'm not lieing about anything! I said as I sobbed harder.
Breathe Lilly, just breathe. Kyle said.
I did what he told me to do.
It seems like everything you are keeping in is making you stressed out or something. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? He asked.
I promised him I wouldn't. But I really want to talk to someone about this. I said.
Okay well I am here to listen. Kyel said as he drove down the rode.
Well it all started when you went inside to party for Christopher's old girlfriend. I was sick of waiting and so I went to the back door and he ran into me. His friend Casey was pulling the car around and ran over my skateboard....
Once I started talking everything just flooded out of me. Surprisingly, Kyle listened to every single thing.
So that's where you went when we were at the beach. He said.
I nodded my head continued with the story.
When you said that we could go to another party, I was actually excited becuase I would get to see Christopher. I could hear him and Casey behind me descussing whether or not I was actually me. Christopher thought that he was seeing me. Well he ended of breaking up with me. He gave me money for cab and made me give my camera to him. He thought I would actually tell everyone about this. I said.
Don't you feel much better? Kyle asked.
I guess even though I broke the promise. I mumbled.
I know what can cheer you up! Ice cream! Kyle said ethusatic.
I can't, the Miss Maudie said that I need to go on a diet because I am a little over weight. I said.
So what! I think you're fine. We are eating ice cream. Kyle said.
I smiled and said "Never really picture ld you to he the rule breaker".
There is a first for everyhing!
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
As I walked through the small house to my bedroom. I hated to admit that Sam was right. It would probably be worse if I ran away. At least here I had shelter and a little bit of food. I doubt Sam was going to change at all, I've tried before but it never worked. We were close when Mom left but as time went on we grew a part. It made me mad that he spent more time with friends than he did with me. It hurt me, it was like I wasn't good enough or if I am not one of the guys I can't hang out with him.
Mattie, I'm really sorry about everything. Sam said as he came into my room.
Oh. I said.
I don't...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Nineteen
Carter's POV
I woke up in a tent all alone, no one around. It frighten me a little bit. I didn't know where I was. Had Hook found me in the woods?
Hook! He scared be really, really bad now. I hated Hook. How could he have done that to me? It was all so strange.
I got out of the cot I was on and headed for the tent door. I was really sore and stiff. I leg was hurting and my stomach. I looked down and saw huge lines where my skin had been cut. I walked out side and I was at Indian Hill.
Everyone was walking around busy. I didn't know what to do....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I Just Might Be Next Chapter Twelve
Okay, I have to go to work so you can chill here or go back home. Jared said.
Gosh, you all always work! Can't you all have any fun? I asked.
We don't always work, we have fun. He said.
That's not fair! You all go out and have fun while I'm stuck by myself. I said.
Sorry Mattie, it's 18 to party. He said.
What? That's lame. I said.
Hey your brother made the rules. Jared said as he held his hands up in front of him.
Well than I should be the exception to the rules. I said.
You talk to him about that. He laughed.
I can't, I never know where he is. I said.
Oh well. But...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Fifteen
It was afternoon when Hook came over to me. I had been in the same spot since he told them to tie me up. Which was yesterday.
Hook, 9 other pirates, and I hopped on a tiny boat; to who knows where.
Where are we going? I asked.
You'll see. Smee smiled.
I rolled my eyes.
I never really liked Smee, he was weird. A happy pirate, never seen one till I met Smee.
We got off the tiny boat and walked. Today was a really hot day. Why would Hook want to walk through the forest on a hot day like this? Hook was, Hook. No one ever knew what he was going to do....
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Thirteen
I didn't know what to do. I couldn't go to Nadan for help. Who knows what would happen. I was ridiculous what Tink did! I couldn't believe she would do something like that! The only girl I was friends with told Peter that I liked him!
Back so soon? Braden asked.
Yes. I grumbled.
Someone needs a nap! Reid said.
I'm not tired. I said.
Sounds like it to me! Kyle said.
I sighed.
Why am I even fighting this? It happens for a reason. Right?
I wonder if I can hang out with Nadan? He needs to explain some stuff!
It was getting dark outside so I wanted to...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Fifteen
Lacey's POV
Everyone if the Cullens were going hunting except for me. It wasn't fair, I wanted to go but Edward said 'no, it's to dangerous for you'. I didn't care, I just didn't want to go. I don't want to stay in the house for almost 24 hours straight. All alone, no one to talk to. This was going to he boring. I have to no friends here which made me sort of mad. Sure guys have given me their number but icant invite them over. They would wonder why I'm not onthe camping trip. I wasn't allowed to leave the house by any chance, Alice would be watching me.
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Nine
When we got to Indian Hill we watched the sun set in mostly silence.
So does Cheif Red Hand think that Peter is still a good guy? I asked.
I'm not sure what Dad thinks about Peter. I know he is thinkful for Peter saving Tiger Lily. Nadan said.
Ugh but he didn't! I did! I groaned.
That's what I told my father. He said.
You told Cheif Red Hand that I saved his daughter? I asked.
Yep. He smiled.
What did he say? I asked curiously.
He didn't believe me that girl saved Tiger Lily by herself. He said.
Go figure. I sighed.
I'm sorry. He said.
It's okay, I will...
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Carter, Peter Pan, and The Lost Boys Chapter Five
Oliver's POV
Carter was acting even weirder today. She was very jumpy when we were walking through the forest. Everytime she heard the finest sounds, she would spin around and have her arrow pulled back or would have her knife ready to fight. I told her to stop being so jumpy that no one was going to jump out.
Watch this! I heard Peter say.
I watched as he disapeared into the forest.
Boo! Peter screamed.
Before Peter knew what to do Carter had a arrow of the bow pulled back and it was up against his neck.
Peter, I could have killed you! Carter said....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
A Girl Named Lacey Chapter Nine N2P
We are moving across the country again! Lacey groaned.
Yep, this is our life, you should get use to it. Rose said.
I don't care if it's our life, why can't we stay here? Lacey asked.
You know why, don't play stupid. Rose said.
Can I just have the new adress so I can go? She asked.
Yes honey, are you taking your car or motorcycle? Esme said.
The motorcycle. Lacey replied.
Esme wrote down directions so Lacey could get to the new house in Forks.
Lacey zipped her jacket up and out the directions in her backpack.
Call us when you get there. I said.
I watched her put on her...
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In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 20
Damon and Alex was still at our house, they were goig to drop us off at the airport. Of we drove to Hollywood it would have been 5 hour car ride at the most. We were going the cool way "first class" all the way to Hollwood, baby!
Everyone it's time to leave! James yelled.
I had one suitcase. Then I carried my iPod with me on the plane. Mom had three, James had two, and Kyle had one and half suitcases. Kyle carried a "carry on" with him.
Alex and Damon walked us as far as they could go which wasn't far.
Don't cry, don't cry. I mumbled.
I hugged Damon than Alex....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
In The End It Should Be Okay Chapter 5
We got to the beach and Alex gave me my bathing suit.
A bikini? I asked.
You have your noses pierced so why not a bikini? Alex said.
Yeah I have my nosed pieced, Dad took me to do it.
You bought that one yourself didn't you? I asked.
Yeah I did, but hey, it's better than those one peices. Alex said.
What happens when I get thrown into a wave and my top comes off or I start throughing the football and the top comes up? I asked.
I asked the lady at the store for something that would be good for an active girl and she gave me this. I said.
Okay. I said.
Alex always...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Wow! Chapter 30! Thank you guys!!!
Thanks TwilightSagaLdy for the stuff!!

I laid by the camp fire. It was hard going to sleep on the cold sand. I had a blanket under me it just was nice and soft. I still didn't unstand why he dumped me.
Who is in the tent with Abby? Nathan asked.
Jackson. I said.
It was beyond my mind why he would dumb me for no reason.
Who is in the tent with Abby? Stephan asked.
Jackson, go away. I said.
No more than five minutes Eric asked the same question. So there was three boys and one girl in a small tent. I could go and sleep in a tent by myself. Well Lex would be in there....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This might be boring sorry!

Cassidy's POV
I hated that I was running off from them but it was just so embarrassing! I never was okay with crying in front of people, it made me feel weak like a helpless human.
Cass what's wrong? Stephan asked.
It's just I don't like people seeing me like this. I feel like they will take adventage of me. I said as I stared at the ocean.
They won't. Stephan said.
Who knows, Dailey and Nathan might. I said.
I sat down in the sand and Stephan sat down beside me.
Do you feel like we are growing apart? Stephan asked.
I don't know. What do you think? I asked confused.
I think...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 27
Please! Lex begged.
I guess. I sighed.
Lex just hugged me. It was weird but I hugged him back.
Lex get away from her. Dailey said.
Obey you step-monster. I said to Lex.
I am not a monster. Dailey said.
Yeah because you do a fabulous job of keeping peace here. I said sacasticly.
Whatever, I am not them one who is going to jail. Dailey said.
Well, I am fxing to get a longer sentence if you don't shut up. I said.
Cass calm down, she is trying to push your buttons. Stephan said.
I took a death breath that didn't help. It was taking Dailey a long time to figure out what I ment or...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
These next few chapter will be long because I want to get to 60 or something close so I can start, I guess a book thing sort of! It's that okay? Tell me what ya think! Thanks!

I was freaking out. I was scared to death of my father. I didn't know what he would do. Sam was walking to my left and Jared and Cooper were to my right. All the cops saw us and they were debating weither to draw there guns at Sam, Jared, and Cooper. I took a death breath and looked over at Dad. He had relief and anger on his face. Dad was talking to the some police man and than the cops started living very slowly. I walked...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
OKay so this might be like the book or movie a little bit! Sorry! Rate and comment!
I knew what was happening, I just wanted to stale as long as possible!
Do you want to take a walk? I asked.
Okay. Edward said painfully.
We went behind my house and started walking. We walked in silence until Edward stopped walking.
Edward please no! You know I cannot live without you all! Yall are like my family! Please! I begged.
Tears were forming and running down my cheeks.
You saw what happen last night. Edward said.
It wasn't your fault nor Jasper's! I said as sob broke my words.
Where is Jasper? I have to see...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Scarlet Malone Chapter 46
Edward's POV
Thanks Edward. Scarlet mumble as she got out of the car.
Your welcome, call me if you need a ride tonight. I said.
She looked at me and than just walked slowly towards the house. It sadden me to see Scarlet this sad. We use to be boyfriend and girlfriend so we were really close but now she seems so far away. I wanted so bad to tell her that Jesse was still alive. If I did that she would beg me to let her see him but it was simply to dangerous. What would happen when she broke drown tonight when she sees Jesse laying there in a coffin? Scarlet would be crushed!...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Edward's POV
I knocked on Bella's door. It was after 3pm so she had to be home from school.
Edward! Bella said as she opened the door and hugged me.
I have missed you so much! I said and than kissed her.
You were gone for so long. Bella said as she closed the front door.
I know, it just that Josh needed my help. I said.
Yeah, he hasn't been doing a good job of parenting. Bella said.
He is just not use to have a daughter. I said as I sat down at the kitchen table.
Didn't you drive your car? Bella asked.
I rode from the hospital to Scarlet's house to help her and Josh. I said.
How is Scarlet? Bella asked...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Flight 29 Down Chapter 11N2P
I want to thank xXJakeloverXx for helping me when I had a severe case of writers block!!! Thank you stalker buddy!!!! ( she is not an actually stalker! Just an inside joke ;)!)
I swam to the surface just in time. I coughed and sputtered as i spit the water out of my mouth. 
"Jackson, don't ever do that again!" I said gasping as I tried to fill my oxygen deprieved lungs.
"You should have gotten up earlier. And what's your deal? You can swim." Jackson said laughing.
"I know but I was barley a wake when you threw me in." I glared at him.
"Yeah, sure. But you have to admit...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I knew it was rude to leave but I was just so imbarrassed about almost falling down the stairs. It was so akward that he caught me. I didn't know who he was or anything. Edward could have caught me and I would have stayed at the Cullens' longer but the guy caught me. I felt akward in these clothes and high heels. Hopefully I was not turning into a Bella! That would be my worst nightmare ever but than again Edward would maybe come back to me...If I was lucky. I was going to have to deal with Edward and Bella sitting together and doing everything together at school. Like I didn't see it enough...
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