So You Think You Can Write Club
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The world had always seemed like a normal place to me. Unfair things happened, great things happened, and people were fickle. that is the world we live in. Well, that's what I thought.
My life had been normal. Now its living hell, someone send me a god dam rescue already! I was 17 years old when my vision of the world was rippped away from me in a matter of seconds. In school of all places. And people always told me learning wouldn't kill me. Liars.

Chapter 1

I sat in homeroom,bored out of my mind. My teacher was going on and on about Canada's landscape. I sat in my usual spot in the back of the classroom. My eyes started to flutter, so Chelsea threw a wad of paper at me.
I glared at her and returned my eyes to the board, but the overhead came on. Principal Wilson's voice came onto the speaker.
"Teachers, please close and lock your doors. We are about to begin a lockdown. Students, please be silent and get into your designated area of the classroom." His voice sounded panicked and off key.
Something was wrong. I could just feel it.
The other students trampled their way to the corner of the room. I took my place next to Chelsea and sat in slience, wondering if this was a drill.
The room was so silent, that i heard the footsteps coming closer to our room.
"Is she in this room?"
"Y-yes she is p-please I-" Principal's Wilson's trembling voice pleaded, laced with panic. I looked over at Chelsea, but she rolled her eyes. She still thought it was a drill, while I was sure it wasn't.
"You've out worn your usefulness." I heard the cold voice draw out.
Then there was a loud scream, and the thud of a body hitting the floor. The door flew open, fallling off its hinges.
In the doorway was a a beefy man. In his hands were a gun and a knife. My gaze flickered to Principal Wilson's crumpled body on the floor.
The beefy man's eyes scanned the students. They landed on me with an icy stare. My teacher had stepped in front of us, but with one move of his finger, there was a bullet hole in her chest and she was gone.
His eyes went to me again. His lips quirked into a wicked smile. He strutted across the room slowly, stopping right in front of me.
"Bay Deir Darren. We finally meet. The agency hasn't goy much on you, seeing how your new. I just wanted to get to you first."
I stared up at him, scared and confused."W-what are you talking about?"
Beef man lurched forward, grabbing my hair and dragging me to my feet. Chelsea grabbed for me, but he shot her a glare, freezing her.
He put his knife under my throat. "Don't tell me they haven't come to collect their new play thing," He breathed in my face, his breath smelling like... blood?
"I-I don't"
Beef laughed. "Better for me then."
Before i could even fight, he dragged me out of the room. I thrashed, but it did no good. In the hallway, I tried to skid my feet across the tile, but Beef kept going.
I was starting to lose hope when a girl stepped out from behind the lockers. She looked to be maybe 18. She had platinum blond curls, pink cheekbones, lime green eyes, and a devious smile. She wore black jeans, a black t-shirt, and knee high-converse. In her hands she held two large knives.
What was up with all the people and knives?!
Beef laughed. "Ah, so the agency has come to take you away." He smiled at me, but then turned his icy glare on the blond. "Can't have her. I got to her first."
"Doesn't matter. I'll take her anyway. Let her go, and we'll settle this like civilized people," Blondie says, her right hand twirling her knife.
Beef dropped me, and I scrambled toward the lockers. Beef ran at Blondie, and I was sure she was a goner. But with one knife thrusted into his chest, Beef turned into a rotted corpse on legs, his skin papery like he had been buried for days.
I watched in horror as he dropped, Blondie coming over to me. She knelt down right in front of me, looking right into my face.
"I'm seriously sorry about this." She told me.
The school hallway dissapeared, and I was engulfed in darkness.