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Yay!! Chapter Six!!! Well anyways, this chapter is called "First Day Disasters", so this should be really, really, REALLY interesting! Well, I'll shut up now and move on, please read, enjoy and comment telling me what you think of the story so far!

Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater or it's characters!


Cleo's P.O.V:

Today is Monday, another school day....Totally uncool and boring. I. Freaking. Hate. School. Both of my parents hated it too, but they say that I have to go because they had to suffer through school for thirteen years so I do too. Totally uncool.... Well, I guess that's parents for you. Mine are actually pretty cool, their only, like, seventeen years older than me. They were still young when I was born, well my mom was, my dad was, like, two years older than my mom. They were in the same grade, but he was older. Why the hell am I talking about my parents?

Anyways. Today, I heard, that their were gonna be three new students! A boy and two girls! The boy is in a higher grade than me though... Bummer! But the girls are both younger than me. My friend named Shooting Star's parents met them. She's Uncle Black star and Aunt Tsubaki's daughter, she also has a little brother. She has long light blue hair, pale tan skin, dark violet eyes, a large star tattoo on her left shoulder that she got on her fourteenth birthday and one, huge ass moth that never seems to shut the heck up!

Anyways, moving on to me! Today I have my hair tied back in a high ponytail. I'm wearing a ruffled ht pink skirt that stops mid-thigh, a black short sleeved shirt with a light blue peace sign on the front, fire red high tops and blue-green knee socks. I also had a silver heart shaped locket around my neck, a glass beaded bracelet on my right wrist and a head band, one like my dad used to have, it's black with a pin with her name on it and another pin of a blood red heart with snow white wings.

I walked out of my room to the kitchen where my dad was drinking a mug of coffee and looking like shit. "Good mornin' pops!" I said smiling at him. "Yeah, yeah. Good morning Cleo." He said with a yawn. "Hey pops, I gotta get to school early today, okay?" I asked looking at him. "Hmm? And why are we so happy and excited and eager to get to school this morning?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. "I wanna meet the new kids. So can you give me a ride on the motorcycle?" I said smiling. He sighed, "Yeah okay. Let's go." I looked around the kitchen, "Hey pops, where's mom?" "She already left to work at the D.W.M.A." He said looking at me. My mom is the nurse at the D.W.M.A, she has been for a couple years now. "Okay, let's go!" I yelled running to the door, flinging it open and running to the motorcycle. My dad followed me, climbed onto the front of it and started it. I wrapped my arms around him and we sped down the road going 70 miles an hours in a 30 zone..... My dad, a terrible influence.....

Alex P.O.V:

I sat on the steps of the D.W.M.A. It's 6:36 in the morning. This is WAY too fucking early for me to be awake. I walked into the school and into the boys bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My dusty white hair is spiky, but the bangs drooped and covers my right eye. My light tan skin is showed off in the outfit I'm wearing. I'm wearing a simple, dull orange t-shirt, faded, old, ripped skinny jeans, black high tops and a dog tags necklace with my name on them. I cupped cold water in my hands and splashed it on my face in an attempt to wake myself up a bit. It didn't work.

>>>Time Skip!!! 15 Minutes lata!!!>>>

I sat there on the steps again. Nicki and Stacey sitting on the third and fourth steps talking about girl stuff. Ya know, like, weapons, sports, video games, horror movies, t.v, ya know, the usual stuff for girls to talk about. Stacey had her blonde hair tied into pigtails and wore a light yellow tank-top, lime green jean shorts and a pair of pale yellow flip-flops. Nicki was wearing her long red hair down, a dark black t-shirt with a band logo on it, a pair of dark purple skinny jeans and a pair of dark grey high-tops.

Nicki smiled at me. "What? What're you looking at you little demon?" I asked feeling uncomfortable. "Hey bro, if someone is mean to us, will you go all big brother on their ass and beat them up?" Nicki asked with a small giggle. "Probably, yeah. Why?" I said shrugging. "No reason. We just wanted to know. " Stacey said with a evil grin. "Eww. Now Stacey's got the evil smile, what the hell." I said with a chuckle. "Yeah, I taught her well." Nicki said smirking. "Yay! I get an A!" Stacey yelled throwing her arms in the air.

I sat there watching my little sisters talk about how excited they were when four people walked over to me. Two boys and two girls. "Hello there albino boy." One of the girls said. "Can I help you?" I said looking at them with lazy eyes. "Yeah you can." The other girl said with a glare. "Well then, the hell you want?" I asked annoyed. "Tell us who the hell you and those two little dorks are." One of the boys growled pointing at me then my sisters. "The names Alex Albarn, and those are my sisters Nicki and Stacey." I said pointing at them when I said their name. I looked at all four of the kids. The first girl had blonde hair, pale tan skin, jagged shark-like teeth and one blood red eye with one light blue eyes. The other girl had pale tan skin, long spiky light blue hair, dark violet eyes and a large star tattoo on her left shoulder. One of the boys had dark black hair with light blue highlights in it, light green eyes, pale tan skin, and a small hollow star tattoo over his right eye. And the last boy had light silver hair with blonde at the tips, large hazel eyes, pale skin, a large line of stitches going the top of his forehead under his hair and going under his left eyes to his right temple and ending under his hair (I'm sure you know who's kid it is now).

"Well, who the hell are the four of you and what do you want?" I asked looking at them. "I'm Cleo." The blonde girl said looking at me. "Okay." I said shrugging. "I'm Shooting Star, and this is my little brother, Falling Star!" The blue headed girl said smiling and leaning on the short black haired boy. "And I'm Taylor." The silver head boy said smirking. "Umm. Okay?" I said looking at them. "ALEX!!!!" Nicki yelled tackling me. "What!?" I said while she sat on top of me. "Hee hee. Who're your friends~?" She said giggling. "They're NOT my friends." I growled. "Yeah that's because you're a loser with no friends..." Nicki said sighing. "OFF" I growled shoving her. "Hee hee" She giggled. "U-uh. S-sorry Alex, I t-told her not to do t-that..." Stacey said walking over to us. "Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

"Soooooo........" Stacey said trying to pull Nicki away. "You two are super cute!" Cleo said hugging my sisters. "Eww. Totally uncool...." I said rolling my eyes. "Huh? Did you just say 'uncool'?" Taylor asked looking at me with a shocked expression. "Yeah, why?" I asked looking at him with a lazy expression. "Hey Cleo, this guy is just freaking like you." Shooting Star said looking over at her friend. "Yeah." Taylor said smirking. "Whatever" I said rolling my eyes. Cleo looked at me. "Wow, we could actually be long lost relatives or something. What did you say your name was again?" She asked walking over and stopping in front of me. I shrugged, "Alex Albarn. Third generation scythe and soon to be Death Scythe. Son of Death Scythe Maka Albarn and grandson of Spirit Albarn." Cleo's face grew pale.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked jabbing her arm. "Y-your her son. M-my dad's o-old partners s-son..." she stuttered. "Your dad? Soul Eater Evans?" I asked looking at her. "And by the looks of you, you'rs too." She said looking at me. "Ugh. Totally uncool. Another sister...." I said sighing. "Whoa, what!? This guy is you brother!?" Taylor said with huge eyes. "Yeah, we're not long lost relatives. We're long lost siblings." Cleo said staring at me. "Why else would he look EXACTLY like my dad?" I sighed, "You can't tell your old man though, my mom has had everyone hide it, hide me, every last shred of evidence, so don't fuck us all over." I said standing up. "Yep, no telling, secret, secret, don't make the mistake and not keep it. And that goes for ALL of you." Nicki said smirking. "Ugh. Mom's gonna really pissed off if we tell her four more people know, only four people knew before..." Stacey said shaking her head. Nicki turned and looked at them, "Not a single one of you will tell anyone! Got it?" She growled. "Umm. Yeah, okay." Shooting Star said with a shrug. "Good, because I really don't wanna go back to Germany." "I do." I said with a smirk. "Well, let's go in." Nicki said grabbing Stacey's sleeve and my hand and dragging us inside.

Well, that was interesting.... Anyways, I hope you like it! Please tell me what you think! :)